
Registered: 08/25/09 Posts: 5,659 Loc: SE USA  Last seen: 4 years, 9 months
This guy
08/05/12 09:04 PM
Hooked me up with a 17 quart presto pc. Then he purchased a new weight for it and sent me that as well. Much much love

Registered: 08/15/09 Posts: 3,433
very awesome guy
01/21/12 06:22 PM
Awesome guy, hooked me up with some free stuff! So very very 
Who has BitCoins?

Registered: 06/29/11 Posts: 6,016 Loc: •FrEsH CoAsT 
Swag master!!!!
12/14/11 06:10 PM
Dude Handles his trades. Took care of my needs to the fullest. Thanks for the help brother.
low life with no life

Registered: 02/02/09 Posts: 7,660 Loc: illinois Last seen: 21 hours, 3 minutes
man of yur word
The AMUiest

Registered: 04/17/11 Posts: 7,146 Loc: I'll be where I'm at
08/16/11 04:47 PM

So many smooth transactions its crazy. Totally legit. Top notch product
Last Edited 01/21/12 04:05 PM

Registered: 10/19/09 Posts: 752 Loc: Riding the spiral Last seen: 4 months, 3 days
+10 if I could.
08/02/11 09:04 PM
Seriously hooked me up! Will trade again any time. Thanks
One grow down, a million to go!!

Registered: 08/18/10 Posts: 8,120 Loc: USA  Last seen: 2 months, 30 days
Great trader!!!
05/13/11 10:21 PM
Thank you very much buddy! Very generous member and just an all around good guy! 

Registered: 03/23/10 Posts: 1,419 Loc: USA West Coast 
04/28/11 08:18 PM
Lightning Shaman

Registered: 01/01/09 Posts: 26,722 Loc: IN ETHERS TORSION FIELD
good trade
02/11/11 01:25 PM
does what he says and says what he does.
Just trying to learn some shit

Registered: 10/12/10 Posts: 1,671 Loc: Up, up and away.  Last seen: 3 years, 7 months
Great guy quick shipping!
01/23/11 05:43 AM
Got my B+ print and didn't even get charged for the postage! You're an awesome guy and I'm glad I'm following your thread and getting to know you better and trust me you will have present sent your way as soon as I get some prints!
Barakanaten responded on 01/23/11 12:05 PM:
trust me its hard to keep up with the kindness here at the shroomery, So I would say to you, you are very welcome and do not worry about sending a print, If you find yourself in a position to do so then cool but, dont stress over it like I always do., Thanks for all the kind words.
Ring Modulator
Registered: 09/27/10 Posts: 150 Last seen: 7 years, 6 months
Analog Hygrometer
11/19/10 02:18 PM
Barakanaten was more than willing to go out of his way to ship his spare analog hygrometer all the way across the country, and he only charged me the cost of shipping. He ships fast, and he seems like an intelligent, logical, and all-around reasonable guy. I hope to continue to trade with him in the future! He even threw in a free print! What a guy. Thank you so much, Barak.

Registered: 12/05/08 Posts: 886 Loc:  Last seen: 12 years, 1 month
Quick and extras
11/04/10 12:55 PM
Threw in a bunch of extras and really fast shipping!! Life long friend and trader