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Viewing resin's Ratings (25 General: 4.0 | 5 Trade: 5.0 ) Display: [ All | General | Trade ]  Sort: [ Rating | User | Date ]
[ See Ratings by resin ] [ Rating Stats ] Pages: 1

Registered: 11/11/06
Posts: 1,099
Loc: North-East
Last seen: 11 years, 2 months
how crule!
05/06/07 03:08 PM

You gave me a ZERO!!! Huh!
Well, here's a five and I hope it bugs you that I'm being decent to someone who dissed me.
At least you got the gender right using a female insult instead of a male one as may other did, assuming I was a guy. My inner child is male BTW so maybe they're not so far off....hmmmm? Anyway, the point is, look how you have more neg.s than pos.s and look in the mirror and try to figure out why. Is this the persona you wish to show to the world? Just a suggestion, it's up to you.
Lost In The Trip
I'm a teapot

Registered: 05/07/03
Posts: 3,001
09/26/03 06:14 PM

This guy traded bad ass. bad ass like a whales wang in the ass. or maybe juan valdezes wang in a whales ass.... as he picks coffee beans int he early spring mornings dew waterfall thing...dont ask. as for the trading hes quick like a snake. i big snake a snake with two heads. and and and big teeth1 hes crazy this guy is crazy fast! would trade with fast nutz here anytime!  :smirk:
Male User Gallery

Registered: 10/17/02
Posts: 599
Loc: South Flag
Last seen: 12 years, 1 month
Great trader
08/11/03 07:37 PM

Had my shit here quicker than hell. Truly a kick ass trader, from my experience. :grin:

Registered: 12/06/02
Posts: 2,017
Loc: PNW
grateful sex
07/31/03 09:59 PM

dancing bear arrived today .
my g/f eyes got big as saucers .
i had to give it up, but that was the plan all along  :grin:
i am definitely getting laid tonight .
thanx man . :cool:
I Eat Children

Registered: 02/04/03
Posts: 233
Loc: Florida
Last seen: 21 years, 6 months
Good guy
04/14/03 02:14 PM

I won one of his contests and recieved my award in under a week.  :grin:
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