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Male User Gallery

Registered: 05/26/11
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Government Propagandist
02/20/17 01:02 PM

And trump automaton.
shoulda died already
I'm a teapot

Registered: 11/03/12
Posts: 36,317
Seems like a straight up dude, doesn't take any shit
02/20/17 08:22 AM

Going on 18 years too. Don't go anywhere.
Strange R
Male User Gallery

Registered: 04/24/03
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Loc: subtropics
02/19/17 02:13 PM

You have some intelligence in your posts. You can be cocky and self righteous though. :grin:
Male User Gallery

Registered: 09/17/15
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Loc: United States
02/01/17 01:32 PM

Fuck Yeah!
Your Local Edgelord

Registered: 11/21/05
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01/04/17 05:28 PM


Registered: 09/30/14
Posts: 321
10/23/14 05:37 PM

Professional Cereal Box

Registered: 03/01/01
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Loc: Nagoon Lagoon
12/08/13 07:45 PM

Anal Destroyer
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Registered: 10/16/12
Posts: 15,536
Made me lol
04/23/13 06:48 PM

You're alright oldman :smilingpuppy:
Alive or Just Breathing
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Registered: 04/05/12
Posts: 978
Last seen: 7 years, 10 months
Spot on haircut wisdom!
12/27/12 02:03 PM

Re: Re: [E]arly [M]orning [C]rew

You said it well. Finding a haircutter who really goes in for the cut and isn't afraid of doing a longer and more accurate haircut. The lady I got today was tatted up and looked like that Kat Von Dee lady. She knew where to thin out my hair and where to leave it more thick. I threw her a 5 dollar tip for a fine job!
fancy cat
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Registered: 11/01/09
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Loc: Nasty Women Get Shit Done
this guy!
12/27/12 11:53 AM

this post: http://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/17606696#17606696

you are awesome!
I always love reading your posts.



Last Edited 01/25/13 09:06 AM
the proverbial mind spread

Registered: 10/18/10
Posts: 2,054
12/12/12 10:23 PM

you're awesome :thumbup:
The Unflushable Stool
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Registered: 06/09/12
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Loc: On Uranus Flag
Last seen: 1 year, 5 months
Here, swallow this
08/08/12 04:59 PM

Here's hoping you get incurable pancreatic cancer :laugh: Merry douche-mas buttnugget.

Last Edited 08/08/12 05:23 PM

Senor_Doobie responded on 08/09/12 07:24 AM:



Registered: 10/06/08
Posts: 3,083
02/11/12 01:43 PM


Registered: 03/12/11
Posts: 1,280
Last seen: 8 days, 12 hours
No idea why you rated me
09/05/11 05:13 PM

Never even seen you post. Heres back at ya you old douche.

Senor_Doobie responded on 01/03/12 05:09 AM:

I rated you because you don't know nothin


Registered: 10/20/06
Posts: 3,557
Loc: Following the water cycle
Your post about trends
07/22/11 01:02 PM

and the constant 'threat'

easily the worst trend of the last decade if not century.
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06/27/11 03:04 PM

OfflineMello KittyS
Beautiful Burnout
Female User Gallery

Registered: 12/04/08
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Loc: Sanriotown, Harmonyland
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thank u
05/27/11 07:18 AM

for posting in my journal :happyheart:

Registered: 06/02/03
Posts: 26,931
I like
05/10/11 07:46 AM


Registered: 04/11/11
Posts: 796
Loc: M6 (Butterfly Cluster)
I agree
04/27/11 07:59 AM

:mushroom2: Likewise...we all  need to stay informed and on top of things :mushroom2:
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Registered: 05/29/10
Posts: 1,889
Loc: the woods
04/26/11 02:12 PM

"Sometimes I feel that way too.  But then other times I don't.
The things that people seem to forget is that species have been going extinct since life began.  I do not weep for panda bears.  From a Darwinian standpoint, these fauna are simply ill-equipped to continue journeying.  People tend to separate themselves too much from nature.  They look at it as something with which we coexist.  This is crap.  We are nature.  We are her children.  And everything we do has an effect.  I try not to get too caught up in judging our effects on the world.  To do so is to presume to understand Nature's intent and I don't think we will ever really understand that, assuming one even exists.

At worst, Man is the ultimate Darwinian catalyst causing the very environmental shifts necessary for evolutionary theory to work.
Bees are disappearing.  We know this.  Is it the first time this has happened?  We don't know that.  Are we the cause?  We don't know that either.  What will happen?  The biosphere will adapt.  Bees who are resilient to whatever is causing the problem might gain a sexual advantage over those who have no such resilience that will save the species.  Maybe the bees will disappear completely and plants that are not reliant on bees for cross-pollination will gain an advantage.  It is the epitome of human arrogance to impose its will over Nature or to assume to understand Nature or even our role within her.
We simply do as we do."

well thought out and intelligent response. always enjoy meeting folks like you around the boards :mushroom2:
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