
Registered: 10/27/12 Posts: 8,423
see you

Registered: 08/10/08 Posts: 258 Loc: marijuanaville Last seen: 16 years, 2 months
because you have an awesome user name
08/12/08 09:31 PM
after an amazing man

Registered: 09/10/05 Posts: 6,008 Loc:  Last seen: 2 years, 10 months
because we miss you
10/24/07 03:44 PM
and you havnt had a rating since 04' from the hunting forum ...we all wish your safe and well ..please come back to us when the time is right ..
badger, badger,badger...

Registered: 12/10/02 Posts: 16,286 Loc: Dancing In the Streets
He is the lizard kiing
12/15/04 05:58 PM
he can do anything 
Lazy Lightning
Registered: 03/18/04 Posts: 299 Last seen: 2 years, 6 months
fucking awesome
08/06/04 09:42 PM
i envy you man. You are always coming up with these rediculous finds and allways have amazings pics to back them up. Im glad we have a fellow shroomer like you in Georgia. Keep doin what you do man.
Exposer of Truth

Registered: 08/13/03 Posts: 13,673 Loc: Smokey Mtns. TN  Last seen: 7 years, 9 months
this guy
08/01/04 03:19 PM
is a major hope for all of us atlanta hunters. Hes the true master of weilii's
Captain Save Em'
Registered: 03/13/04 Posts: 678 Loc: New Orleans!
5 mushrooms....
06/28/04 09:13 PM
to a fellow Doors' fan. not just because you are a door's fan but because you are a very experienced and intelligent mushroom hunter. you always have interesting things to say along with great photos of your finds. 5 shrooms for you.

Registered: 06/13/01 Posts: 26,656
Cool guy
06/23/04 09:04 PM
Great guy. He knows mushrooms like the back of his hand. Great hunting partner and very generous when it comes to splitting up the day's finds. Taught me a TON about mushrooms.

Registered: 07/15/00 Posts: 10,768 Loc: hyperspace  Last seen: 3 years, 1 month
10/15/03 08:54 PM
I love checking out your pictures.
Cow Shit Collector
Patty Poacher
Registered: 02/14/01 Posts: 1,959 Loc: Random Field
Lookin Good
10/12/03 03:01 PM
Your really helpfull and tolerant of newbs who want to know if they should be eating death caps.
shirley knott
not my real name

Registered: 11/11/02 Posts: 9,105 Loc: London Last seen: 8 years, 1 month
nice pics and always very helpful in the hunting forum 
idiots like me would be dead and lost without people like LK
Registered: 04/28/03 Posts: 3,265 Last seen: 18 years, 9 months
A great guy :D
09/19/03 02:51 PM
I swear I left you shroomies before.. but I guess not. You definatly deserve 5! Its people like you that turn newbies into moderatly experienced mushrooms hunters. I have learned so much from your posts, and threads. Im just glad I can be a part of this great community =] thanks so much for everything
Registered: 05/27/03 Posts: 556 Loc: Constantinople
sigh!..... :)
08/17/03 02:27 PM
A great sign!..... Worth 5 shroomzzzzz!!!!!
addict -crazy as a shithouse rat

Registered: 10/17/00 Posts: 604 Loc: Slingshit, China Last seen: 2 years, 7 months
The weilii king of kings
07/27/03 12:05 PM
LK is wise, way beyond his young-ass years.;)I've known him for awhile (at the Shroomery). There are very few people here, at the Shroomery,or anywhere for that matter, that I'm determined to meet in person one day.Lk is at the top of that list.
Registered: 06/27/02 Posts: 170 Loc: South East Last seen: 7 years, 1 month
It's fucking insane the amount of mushrooms this guy finds!

Registered: 05/15/02 Posts: 7,370 Loc: Daylight Slavings
A superb hunter.
06/17/03 05:06 PM
I have been reading your posts for a while. Truely an inspiration.  Another one Id like to meet someday.
Shine on you crazy diamond.

Registered: 12/18/01 Posts: 7,264
Good person
06/17/03 10:31 AM
LK has some great finds and is one of the best hunters here.
Bite me, it's fun!

Registered: 06/28/02 Posts: 6,732 Loc: Aurora, Colorado Last seen: 13 hours, 30 minutes
Yaaaayyyy - first rate!
06/17/03 08:37 AM
LK has been helping people out here for a long time.