mad $cientist, ganjacologist

Registered: 09/18/09 Posts: 3,166 Loc: A fictional tale, in fictional... Last seen: 6 hours, 43 minutes
Almost 20 years and still going strong
09/18/22 11:22 PM
Avatar kind of looks Like my pit..Hell yeah
Re:"The Butcher"
Actual Retard

Registered: 04/01/22 Posts: 15,306 Loc: Hole Last seen: 55 minutes, 10 seconds
Genuinely Awful
08/30/22 11:50 AM
I have never gone out of my way to leave anyone zero shrooms before. But damn, man. You’re not eating enough psilocybin if you’re still racist and think poisoning cats is morally justifiable. Genuinely seek help. Because your life can be better.
Gontish Wizard

Registered: 12/02/13 Posts: 8,947 Loc: Roke Last seen: 3 months, 21 days
fuck you shitbag
07/25/16 02:37 PM
"Honestly if it were not for prison I would serial kill inner city african americans all day every day with no guilt or emotional distress whatsoever."
congratulations, you don't deserve to live
PM me if you game on PC

Registered: 05/11/14 Posts: 1,159 Last seen: 11 months, 18 days
Registered: 05/15/10 Posts: 2,611
Ellis Dee

Registered: 06/29/01 Posts: 13,104 Loc: Fire in the sky Last seen: 5 years, 10 months
3 month ban
07/14/12 09:41 PM
Joins ban lottery first day back!
Registered: 05/15/08 Posts: 5,813
Two can play that game you
04/13/12 10:33 AM
drunk hippie
Registered: 09/17/08 Posts: 10,003
i like you
04/09/12 09:46 PM
plug these
off road unicyclist

Registered: 08/28/08 Posts: 5,328 Loc: vt 
you will NOT
04/08/12 01:23 AM
leave the AIDS ROSTER until i see improvement to your posts.

fattie whale

Registered: 01/27/05 Posts: 3,702 Loc: Texas Last seen: 10 years, 5 months
Flip Horrorshow
Registered: 11/28/04 Posts: 9,230
unsupportive of the
03/14/12 04:45 PM
efforts of stein to clean up otd a massive 6'4" 240 lbs of forgettable poster
robot boxer

Registered: 07/05/09 Posts: 14,958
Poor poster
03/13/12 01:46 PM
Makes up tedious lies in an attempt to impress people he doesn't know on the internet. Also doesn't seem like the sharpest tool in the box.
Money-The root of all evil....

Registered: 01/19/12 Posts: 4,798
for the avatar and letting a girl piss on your face!!!!!!
Good boob day

Registered: 02/27/10 Posts: 14,306 Loc: Nirvana Last seen: 7 years, 11 months
I like your posts.
02/28/12 06:06 PM
TX Horny Bastard

Registered: 06/09/08 Posts: 56,608 Loc: Spicemaster, TX Last seen: 19 seconds
02/17/12 02:33 AM
Yeah somebody sent me that in an email. I almost just trashed it without playing it, but I ended up clicking on it and...

Especially the homeless guy at the end who went back for his blanky.
edit: The MM LP. You're my brotha from anotha motha.
Last Edited 12/17/15 06:13 AM
I loved and lost but I loved-ftw

Registered: 06/06/07 Posts: 32,087 Loc: You get banned for saying that Last seen: 3 days, 22 hours
have one on the house
06/11/11 07:12 PM
"that never happend to me but my sisters friends would drag me in the closet and practice sucking dick on me and then teach me shit. i got straight raped by high school chicks, epic shit."
epic shit

Registered: 05/03/10 Posts: 19,636 Last seen: 1 year, 6 months
i changed it
05/31/11 09:33 PM

Registered: 03/15/09 Posts: 6,335 Loc: USA Last seen: 4 days, 14 hours
i like cow poo
Nature Lover

Registered: 10/20/09 Posts: 4,041 Loc: Mother Nature's Vagina Last seen: 2 years, 3 months
Obvious raciest
05/20/11 07:38 AM
"nigger i was surfing it for the first time ever today because my friend told me people post funny ass shit in there. some of its funny, but most of them bitches are fat, ugly, niggers, or all three plus probably have std's."
Psychoslut said:
niggers will kill you for a bag of food before they grow there own tomato.
Psychoslut said: no explanation required. be prepared to love and stick with your own people, fight side by side, die side by side, trade and fuck. be organized and save yourself to live to kill a nig another day. its just survival of the fittest and the smartest.
Last Edited 06/14/11 02:55 PM
Lover of Earwigs!

Registered: 12/18/05 Posts: 13,458 Loc: Valleys of Willamette Last seen: 4 hours, 10 minutes
You need to learn to post.
04/21/11 10:55 AM
Some people live on what is called well water. Sometimes the well can have lots of sulfer, (smells bad) and be dangerous to drink long term because agricultural waste and shit being in it. These people cannot afford to buy a complex filtration system, so they buy some drinking water at the store.
You dont understand everything about everything just because you have had your ass wiped in a condo all your life.
Because EVERYONE in the world lives on well water. You're an arrogant asshole sometimes in your posts... However I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, sometimes you have useful posts, so here's 2 shrooms.
I'll give you a higher rating, as I thought the comment was directed at me. Though it was a DIY help forum not OTD.
Last Edited 04/21/11 07:11 PM