Chaos Creations
Pennywise says hi
Registered: 08/29/07 Posts: 143
Bad Karma
Burke Dennings
baby merchant
Registered: 11/29/04 Posts: 81,641
Quality poster.
The ReverendToke DBK
Registered: 09/13/01 Posts: 20,089 Loc: Southern by grace of God Last seen: 6 days, 16 hours
your posts
07/28/12 08:53 AM
make me laugh!
Chairman Meow
Concern Pork
Registered: 04/05/04 Posts: 39,658
Shark bites love.
Last Edited 07/18/12 03:03 PM
Who am I?
Registered: 10/13/07 Posts: 272 Loc: HI Last seen: 2 months, 17 days
youre a horribe person
11/23/11 11:49 AM
Dumb and probably fat
Last Edited 08/09/21 06:53 AM
Spiney ribbed Mooslet
Registered: 03/27/11 Posts: 167 Last seen: 12 years, 22 days
11/22/11 09:40 PM
yeasty kunt.
Doesn't play well with others
Registered: 11/12/06 Posts: 5,976 Loc: 7b Last seen: 7 hours, 45 minutes
12/03/09 11:59 PM
found the P.menace strain i was given one the same time me and mence would pm each other constantly talking about progress. take 5 albinos
trip forever
Registered: 08/21/09 Posts: 5,873
Dopeless Hopefiend
Registered: 08/15/02 Posts: 52,841 Loc: ON DA BLOCK Last seen: 1 year, 5 months
You cant fish worth a shit and you peed in a fat chick in highschool
ps Aaron tippin rocks!
Registered: 05/13/09 Posts: 13,636 Loc:
used car dealer
Registered: 08/21/09 Posts: 536
bruce approves
08/23/09 05:29 PM
Finger' trippin good
Registered: 08/04/09 Posts: 5,276 Loc: suiciety
08/22/09 10:36 PM
fuck you, did you invent the dildo too? so you wouldn't get splinters from shoving sticks up you're ass?
Registered: 02/16/04 Posts: 11,500
a Liar a thief and a FRAUD!!, should be condemed by the community
08/15/09 11:20 PM
Made false accusations that he discovered the Menace strain when it came from my Tx wild Grow and started a whole ordeal on the shroomery. Hes a lying faggot doing it for kicks. I discovered the strain and Menace isolated it. BIGFRAUD is trying to take glory. This was meant as a gift to the community and whores like him abuse it. There is no evidence linking him to menace strain. I have logs and there are many post on the shroomery discussing the Tx wild Prints that came from me. Here are the links to look at.
Once Menace recieved the print i sent him, he worked on isolating the strain and dubbed it the P.Menace. He sent print to Sporeworks which under the description says... "Strain Origin: Original wild collection from a pasture NE of Houston, Texas. Sample supplied by P. Menace."
the strain discussion thread says "The spores which eventually produced the Menace STrain were discovered in Texas by Lostfreddy. After receiving a print form Lostfreddy, P. Menace's first batch looked nothing like the Menace Strain we know today. They were thin stringy mushrooms which hardly looked like cubes. After extensive work, P was able to stabilize a much larger cube then he was originally working with. This is the Menace Strain we know today."
"According to The Shroomery's own P. Menace: "This is the Strain I have been working with for some time to get it Stabilized, The Specimin was first collected from the Mid-Eastern Texas area, Wild Growing in a pasture, Losfreddy Collected a Spore Print.
With little effort, it is easy to see that he is not connected at at!! The truth is in the forums. H-Town baby!
Last Edited 08/16/09 09:07 PM
Registered: 06/07/09 Posts: 6,451 Last seen: 7 months, 19 days
I thought
08/06/09 06:02 PM
it would be funny to leave you a 0 and see if you get a severe case of the butthurtz, and return the favor with a counter-rating.
Always Hardcore
Registered: 08/24/07 Posts: 1,360 Last seen: 14 years, 1 month
Just wanted to say
06/12/09 11:03 PM
Thanks for discovering Oak Ridge.
u the best.
Registered: 09/14/06 Posts: 2,046
So was your daddy in taking it up the ass.
05/31/09 11:00 PM
cross site butthurt,lol
it was too easy
Registered: 09/22/07 Posts: 2,238 Loc: Netherlands
And your
04/05/09 04:56 PM
A fucking Pussy
Last Edited 06/30/09 01:05 AM
Registered: 05/08/03 Posts: 23,285 Loc: oakland
this guy is way cooler than you
04/04/09 09:44 PM
the friendly puppet
Registered: 01/15/09 Posts: 1,539
you rule shit motherfucker
03/28/09 11:17 PM
5 whites for being a total failure.
kiss the ring motherfucker.
Registered: 11/05/08 Posts: 3,138 Loc: West coast