Space Travellin

Registered: 02/13/00
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#980801 - 10/21/02 07:47 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
I have not been around much as of late, what with all the alien meetings and many human associates which need attention, but I have not forgotten you all. I am feeling spontaneous, which is why I created this thread.
Spontaneousness... to me is a magical state. I can't exactly explain it, but it makes me feel connected. Like I could just run up to any person on the street all crazy like, run around them in circles while singing a song about how swell they are and then quickly run away. Hopefully that person would think "What the fuck?" and then laugh hysterically. You'd be surprised how many people are walking around in a trance, a daze... just mindlessly zoned into the air... we can kick each other back into reality every now and then just by being spontaneous and fun. I feel like a little elf running around planting magic shoe trees in everyone's backyard while they sleep yaknowwhatimeen?
What does spontaneity mean to you?
Edited by Shroomism (10/21/02 07:49 PM)
It's the psychedelic movement!

Registered: 04/20/01
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Spontaneity, to me, means not letting your brain get in the way. Sometimes it's good to not think, so you don't talk yourself out of things. Knowing when and when not to think is one of the most important keys in life.
I also like to do goofy stuff to make people laugh sometimes. They appriciate it, I know.
-------------------- --------------------------------
Mp3 of the month: The Sole Society - Psychedelic Cycle

Registered: 09/02/02
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When I'm spontaneous is when I feel the most *myself*. When my brain gets in the way it feels like my essence is being blocked by this silly concern for what others think about me. Being spontaneous is being 100% you at all times.
teardrop on the fire

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to me it is acting with out thinking of what others will think after the fact, to be completely yourself.
Freedom from the ego? or maybe the id? something like that.
-------------------- RIP Acidic_Sloth
Sunset_Mission said:
"larry the scary rex
verily scary when thoroughly vexed
invoke the shadows and dust, cast a hex
mercifully massacring memories masterfully
relocate from Ur to 8th density and become a cosmic bully
mulder and scully couldn't decipher his glyphs
invoke the shadows and dust, smoke infernal spliffs"
April 24th 2011

Registered: 06/01/99
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Sounds like that crazy homeless dude I always happen to encounter in the streets of NYC...
People of the sun.

Registered: 10/29/00
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Loc: Cologne, Germany
spontaneousness is bliss... if you feel like doing something, then do it... don't let second thoughts and doubts about the subject get in your way... when you are able to express what you feel without judging it yourself or fearing to be judged, then you are spontaneous... btw shroomism, did you get my message... nice tune on your answering machine!

Registered: 07/12/99
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Loc: On the Brink of Madness
Spontaneity... I have this one friend who is UNPARALLELED at coming up with spontaneous comments/ideas/word combinations/etc.
If there were ever a spontaneity game show and he were a contestant, he'd make it seem rigged.
-------------------- Note: In desperate need of a cure...
Space Travellin

Registered: 02/13/00
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Re: HI Ho [Re: In(di)go]
#983604 - 10/22/02 03:40 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
I got yer message Back in Gerrrrrmany eh? heh love the way you say that Too bad I missed you, maybe next time..
I'm going to spontaneously take some bong hits, be back later
People of the sun.

Registered: 10/29/00
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hahahaha.... yea man... but theres always a second chance... who knows, we might end up working together

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Re: HI Ho [Re: In(di)go]
#983929 - 10/22/02 04:55 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
We could picture it like this:
In a normal situation, the brain sends a signal to your hands, telling them to do whatever has to be done.
However, when spontaneity kicks in, the hands do whatever they think has to be done, and then send a signal to the brain. It's only then that we know if we've done the right thing or not.
Acting without consciously thinking can yeild very interesting results, because it helps us, in a more or less abstract way, to discover whatever lies in our subconscious.
-------------------- I'm a bipedal carbon-based pseudo-random number generator.
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Registered: 01/14/02
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Good post man! Your situation made me laugh just thinking abou it. An example of the brain getting in the way: My roomate is a big guy, and i am......well lets just say slim. I wanted to dress up in a 70's style leisure suit spike my hair and wear aviator sunglasses and follow behind him for a whole day like I was his associate or bodyguard. If he ever talked to anyone, He would then break from conversation with that person, step of to the side with me and have a mock conference with whispers and various gestures. All the while i would never say a word, and just stare out from behind the glasses. It would have been fucking fantastic, but I thought through it and have never done it. I know, no fuckin balls huh?
Your post is going to make me do this dumbest of tasks, and I will have fun with it. Thanks for the inspiration, and I will get back to you with results soon. That is if I can just not think between now and then

Registered: 09/01/02
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Lol, alright. Send a private message my way and lemme know how it goes.
Made me laugh ...
-------------------- I'm a bipedal carbon-based pseudo-random number generator.
Demonstration: 152.
human alien

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Yah, that pykee wearing the light blue jacket in Snatch is my hero.
-------------------- "It's not until we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything." TDFC
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-------------------- Insert an "I think" mentally in front of eveything I say that seems sketchy, because I certainly don't KNOW much. Also; feel free to yell at me.
In addition: SHPONGLE

Registered: 08/04/01
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...what with all the alien meetings..
Do we have a date set for first contact yet?
Space Travellin

Registered: 02/13/00
Posts: 66,015
Loc: 9th Dimension
There are no dates for first contact, except soon. It is when all the prerequisites are properly in place including government, individual, and societal. I will be as vague as possible to avoid persecution. Liason teams working on every level are insuring success in this project.
World Spirit

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Space Travellin

Registered: 02/13/00
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Loc: 9th Dimension
You would but I'm sure other members of this board would not, how about I send you some emails.
Edited by Shroomism (10/23/02 10:48 AM)
World Spirit

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me too?.... i'm very confused
-------------------- Insert an "I think" mentally in front of eveything I say that seems sketchy, because I certainly don't KNOW much. Also; feel free to yell at me.
In addition: SHPONGLE
The one stuck inthe middle ofthis hopelessmess.

Registered: 03/03/02
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Yeah, really... what's the deal with all this alien stuff man? Fuck those who don't wanna hear about it. I DO!! but i'm confused..... damn aliens...wish they'd talk to me too...
-------------------- Stand up for your freedoms, join the fight against the War on Drugs!
Space Travellin

Registered: 02/13/00
Posts: 66,015
Loc: 9th Dimension
Re: HI Ho [Re: psilo25]
#987522 - 10/23/02 07:06 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
Fuck it... here's one /me puts a bright red bullseye on
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 13 Muluc, 7 Tzotz, 11 Ik --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Greetings! We return, dear Hearts! As your world shifts into her final transitional stages, we remain poised to initiate the next phase of our first contact mission. The events now surrounding you are an indication of the speed at which this reality of yours is altering. New governments are coming into being. A new and radically different financial system is being born. These developments are portents of many others that lie ahead of you. They are ushering in a new world. Their final proclamation will mark the end of the many cover-ups that long have kept from you a colossal Truth: that you are undergoing a transformation and becoming a new Being - a fully conscious, physical Angel. This Being has suffered through a protracted succession of millennia that have been filled with darkness, lies and deceit. Now, during a last great scenario engulfed in global chaos, you are impressively emerging and joyfully asking to learn more about yourselves and the tasks given you by the divine. It is our privilege, now, to tell you and, through this message, to give you a better idea of what will be expected of you.
The first part of your duties has two phases. The first concerns your role as an information conduit and a supporter of the growing global web of Light. What does this mean? It means that you will need to gather correct information regarding the true nature of the ascension/integration process. To assist you, let us give you some basic information. Primarily, each Being on your planet is now transforming - shifting to a higher degree of consciousness. Spirit is filling you with the divine essence of who you truly are. In the process, you are increasing the number of chakras (major energy centers) in your physical body from 7 to 13. Your integrating spiritual bodies are, moreover, altering the nature of your mental and emotional bodies. Briefly, you are re-creating the ability to form your immortal Light Body. Once finished, you will communicate freely with Spirit and the veil between your physical and spiritual aspects will dissipate. You will develop a full array of psychic abilities that will unite you with all sentient life throughout Creation, and permit you to accomplish your mission.
Your education concerning the ascension/integration process will also encompass guardianship and your connection to all of life on Mother Earth. You will learn about the Cetaceans and about how and why all life is precious, and develop a better understanding of Mother Earth as a sacred, living Being of Light. You are here to help shape a galactic society that acknowledges that sacredness and supports the need to reconnect with Mother Earth by sustaining, not despoiling, her. The groundwork for this society is being laid in the many changes that are occurring, now, upon your world. You must support this process and use it to educate your community in the best way you see fit. It demands a great deal of personal commitment and will not be easy. We salute all of you, and, as the basis for your actions, ask you to join with the many other courageous individuals in your community. At this time, we suggest that you form and maintain planetary activation groups (PAGs), whose main underlying principles you may use as a starting point for your local and global undertakings.
The second phase of your initial duties will be to learn more about first contact and to more fully understand the program that the divine has set in motion upon your world. In fact, first contact concerns the massive expansion of your reality. Your existing concepts of what you can do, and the technology by which you can do it, will expand exponentially. This process will open you up to a new science; with it will come a new series of Truths concerning your origins and your relationship to physicality. First contact, therefore, is merely the instrument by which the divine prepares you to assume your role as physical Angels. This role will end your long isolation from the cosmos and will transform your concept of religion from dogma to a philosophy that is based upon Truth. It will end your tendency to be easily manipulated by those who now control you. It will enable you to converse directly with the Ascended Masters and, indeed, with all of Heaven. You will become one with the divine and a true instrument of Divine Will.
As part of first contact, Heaven intends to visit you directly. This moment in your history is the long-prophesied 'End Times', when the Ascended Masters will manifest before you and the power of the dark ones will end. Their long tyranny will transform into extended governance of this world, shared between Heaven and you. We refer to this operation as the 'Welcoming Home' of our earthly kin. We call upon you to learn more about this process and the incalculable effect it will have upon you. We especially need your help in eradicating any negativity that exists about us. The abduction scenarios and general propaganda fostered by your media and entertainment industries must be drastically changed. A major part of this process will come about with the complete and full disclosure of individuals who took part in your world's governmental cover-up of our benevolent existence.
Another is a 'grass roots' campaign to give Earth's population a full comprehension of who we really are and why we are here. We ask you, dear Ones, to form groups and interact with those in your community who are dedicated to discovering the Truth, and with those who are working to empower individuals. This expanding Light is all about standing up for positive change. It is about taking a stand for a new perspective on your existing realities. It is also a recognition that the world's seemingly growing chaos signals not more darkness to come, but rather the end of a long era of manipulation in which the minions of the dark denied you the Truth. Now, this Truth will emerge and be the instrument by which you will become the magnificent Beings that you really are. See yourselves as divine catalysts who carry out the duties that will succeed in transforming your world.
The second part of your duties is to help the Light conclude its transformation of this reality. Be open to ritual and to using your vast potential in combination with Heaven's to transform the grids that function as the superstructure for your present reality. Here, dear Hearts, remember that Heaven has greatly reworked the grids of this reality. The remaining aspects of this procedure concern you. You need to greatly revise your basic concepts about this reality. For that reason, many on this world have stepped forward to teach you the best way to transform the vast collective that surrounds you. Moreover, during the last two decades, a huge throng of magnificent souls have incarnated upon your world. These 'young ones' (in body only) are here, dear Hearts, to anchor in the Light and help you to complete the tasks that the divine has joyfully bestowed upon you.
These 'indigo' or 'crystal' children have appeared to be the citizens of a new galactic society. They have come here to give you hope and to show you how easy it is to make a difference. Always remember, dear Ones, that the process of change does not solely demand highly dramatic actions. Some of the most important shifts occur in silence, and are strengthened by constant repetition. Your role is to remain focused, committed and in full awareness of the Truth. This process signifies that you will need time to devote to these pursuits. We applaud and thank you all, for you have made possible this victory for the Light. This process has proven how truly powerful you really are. It has allowed you, at last, to choose the path that will return you to your natural state of full consciousness. In all things, know that together, we shall be victorious!
Today, we have briefly reviewed our shared divine mission. Its various parts, dear Hearts, confirm our kinship with each other. It is also a sign of the positive transformation of conditions that long have kept us apart. We eagerly look forward to our reunion and to assisting you in building your galactic society. We now take our leave. Blessings! Know, in your heart of Hearts, that the countless Abundance and Prosperity of Heaven is yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! Be in Joy!)
Edited by Shroomism (10/23/02 07:10 PM)
the cloudsshould know meby now...

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All greeted! There we come again with further interesting things, which we have to report to you. At present the magic instant expects you, after which we longed ourselves. Therefore it is important that we give you a more detailed overview on what we intend to do. Of you ' first contact ' was for us a long, unusual process, which the sky of us demands, in order to prepare you and your global society for our coming. While the last years was this ' first contact ' strongly to the many changes bound, which have to announce your global governments. These newscasts will expose your world to an extraordinary re-organization possible and will make us to complete the last stages of the ' first contact '. Therefore we arranged it in such a way for our connecting teams, which they follow about or two days after the government communiques with a series of our own proclamations. A component of these programs becomes its that a ' first direct contact ' with the governing advice of the former ' Anunnaki ' (today the Annunaki of the light) will have it. In addition the governing advice of the internal earth you with a message up-to-date regarding your true history and your great future to make familiar. Then our spaceships will dance finally freely in your beautiful blue skies.
If this is done, the spaceship Nibiru can its present course change and gradually with its transformation in the outermost planets of your solar system begin. The solar Elohim will affectionately accomplish this task. Jupiter will accept a new light, in the same way Venus and Mars. Venus will begin with it, its current will be called themselves to get rid of of corrosive atmosphere and to form in their place again that atmosphere, which loved it intimately. It is in the meantime more than one million years ago that a frevelhafter war act made the Venus a dried up and almost liveless wasteland. The sky this most senseless and terrible act to cancel pleased. Thus gradually a new solar system will go into action, which will finally become your priority responsibility. Common with the Cetacaeen (= whale and dolphin) and the planetary and solar hierarchy will it your service as manager that reality take over. You, dear hearts, are here, in order to bring in the complete potential of this realm. You came, in order to use this wonderful piece of Physikalitaet as your basis and homeland. From here aus it in the cosmos break open and, strengthen through your knowledge and your wisdom, whose great potential transform and unfold. You bring so much also for this effort, and we will glad-lure, if your great abilities are again adapted to the ours.
If these task fulfill be, will it you in a wahrhaft wondrous task fall: The transformation of the present condition of your reality. You technologies will be given to the hand, which different origin is. First there will be those, which suppressed or kept your earlier secret Beherr either. That will extend from devices and formulas, which set an end for the environmental pollution, up to energy generators and new kinds of the transport of goods and materials as well as, most importantly? the transport of your. You will discover new systems of communication and the nourishing production. Next we will show you technologies, which support your efforts and terminate your need to use animal and plant products as source of food. Instead will it a way learn, energy direct in the thing convert, which it eat prefer, and in the clothe, which it to dear carry wish. You will experience also a revolution regarding pollution free living: your partnerships will be converted in such a way, as they are designed ' over night '. You will recognize, how your intentions nut/mother earth are helpful, which enables you, more lebensfaehigere societies and, most important, to create new pleasing places to the life.
The moon and its progressive laboratories will be made accessible for you. We have a most unusual surrounding field create, in which it the true work the physical estimate learn can. We plan to use these places as scenes to attain at those it the knowledge over the function mode of the planets, stars and even galaxies can. These wondrous aspects of the creation are alive and need your assistance, in order to be able to exist in its fullest potential. The entire universe is an alive aspect of the creator. The ' operating instructions of the operator ' must be only explained to you. With this equipment you will find out, how one interacts in symbiotischer way with your homeland worlds and their sun. You will recognize that it really physical angels are and that your great work stands in relationship to the efforts of the sky in the entire physical creation. We set this procedure carefully in scene. By it will it the understanding for attain, how/as empfindungsfaehige physical nature the natural work the creation copy can, and will your own infinite potential aware of become.
A further facet of these events will concern your further realization of the monumental transformations, which take place into you. You mutate to new humans? galactic humans, their loving. This humans broke through the restricting consciousness, which bound you for a long time to a dark world. This humans will expand its focus, in order to include the cosmos with, and his true connection to the creator and indeed to all life will understand. This nature will limit itself not and is able to know what is necessary, in order to bring the creation the Goettlichen plan accordingly to the development. This nature is located at the same time in connection with the sky and with the infinite life currents, which formed its soul strength before Aeonen. This nature understands that it came into this world, in order to learn something over delimitation and darkness. Now it will understand, how it can return with the help of the sky to full consciousness. The veil, which was put before long time by the ' dark ones ' over your world, disappears. This knowledge will finally generally admits to become and you ready make to accept your wonderful future.
You will discover besides the interrelation between your own mutations into a new species and those from nut/mother earth. Your changes are the catalyst, which them need, in order to create a renewed and more beautiful world. It recognizes that it must make the transformation of their surface relief and its electrical, magnetic and gravitational fields synchronously with the speed of your changes. On the other hand also she knows, how your consciousness misalignment will affect its own. Finally then the guard Triumvirat completely to be, it necessarily, in order to be perfect. You will become the managers their ' reason and soil '. Country water and air will feel free to be converted and a new earth will be born! Their surface relief will resemble only few that, which know it now, and also their inside will change. Their crystal core will erglaenzen in joy, their atmosphere its lives receiving crystal Firmamente will complete and their waters will become ice-freely from pole to pole to flow.
Your sun with its hyperactivity is a further indication of what meets you. Your reality implodes on all levels. This collapse brings for his part a new multi-dimensional reality out. Instead of being limited to three dimensions, this covers then realities beyond your knowledge. For it will form a linkage, which you in fifth -, sixth and even eight-dimensional realities will bring. And these will blend themselves with the your. With this immense integration stars, galaxies and even you unknown aspects of the physical creation an integral component of your existence will become. The sky and its great natures and also its multiplicity of great advice will likewise be an important component of your daily life. From this will it a singular, strong galactic society bring out, which the entire creation to their door invite will! Realise you the all this, which it there truthful achieve will!
You are amazing natures of the light, dear hearts, whose potential is infinite to its extent. The coming events will provoke this enormous reservoir and will permit you to achieve your present life goals. These high-rising up goals you stamped by your life contracts and by the goettliche grace and release by the sky and the creator. Your future will unite the physical with the sky. Regard your new resources only as the means, you expand and the implement, for whose reaching it here come be. Therefore the ' first contact ' is simple one of the many events, which enable you to advance on this stage of the galactic center and exercise an important effect. This process reach one point, to which it your collective refusal terminate can, you on true global level interconnect. This approaching time uses to recognize your potential and to establish your galactic society. Welcomes, clasp these exciting things!
We discussed today, what is approaching for you and us. We look forward unrestrainedly to the events, which unfold now. Soon we will take up formally contact with you and will arrange the last stages of your home coming. We, your mirror-image-ritual and cosmic families, ask you simply to remain in the focus and in obligation loyalty in relation to your success. It considers that we will be together victorious! We say good-bye now again. Are Gesegnet! It reminds you in the heart of your hearts that the uncounted wealth and prosperity of the sky your are! Like that is it!
Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirianisch: Seid Eins! Freut Euch!)
-------------------- if you can't find the truth right where you are, where else do you expect to find it?
this is the purpose
Registered: 10/11/02
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Well, I asked for it..
-=- Matt/Strumpling -=- so howbout those spontaneous moments, eh?
-------------------- Insert an "I think" mentally in front of eveything I say that seems sketchy, because I certainly don't KNOW much. Also; feel free to yell at me.
In addition: SHPONGLE