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Day careobserver
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Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation?
    #970656 - 10/17/02 08:59 PM (22 years, 4 months ago)

Well if you can't grasp the concept of faith, isn't that a form of spiritual retardation?Or perhaps they were just born with a missing organ or brain chemical which keeps them locked in a material existance.Any Input from those afflicted? :grin:

This post is intended to entertain not offend :wink: It is purely a playful needle and in no way reflects my personal veiws :cool: So any input from the spiritualy autistic?
:grin: :grin: :grin: Peace and laughter WR

To old for this place

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: whiterasta]
    #971266 - 10/18/02 01:17 AM (22 years, 4 months ago)

Atheists don't lack the ability to have faith, they simply beleive that the concept of God is beyond the scope of a human beings understanding. I don't consider myself an atheist, but I think their premise is a lot less retarded than a lot of other schools of spiritual thought. God being completely beyond our understanding makes a lot more sense to me than God thinking like a human being which a lot of people seem to think.

Edited by Fiend (10/18/02 01:20 AM)

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PsiLLy BiLLy
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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: whiterasta]
    #971352 - 10/18/02 01:53 AM (22 years, 4 months ago)

well.....i believe that athiests have just as much "faith" as the religous do....see, god gave us no hard physical proof, of either his existence or non existence for that matter, so believing in him requires as much faith as not.....am i making any sense? its just the fact that they put their faith somewhere else...

how's your WOW?

  Edited by yageman (04/20/06 4:20 PM) 

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altered statesman

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: whiterasta]
    #971370 - 10/18/02 01:59 AM (22 years, 4 months ago)

The athiest may be on the Path, but not yet realize it.
As long as he is interested in the evolution of his own soul (although he may not call it that) and others, he is not "spiritually retarded". Sooner or later, his spiritual awareness will catch up with his development and he will begin to see the big picture.

I am what Willis was talkin' bout.

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: whiterasta]
    #971546 - 10/18/02 04:36 AM (22 years, 4 months ago)

Atheist don't exist, becaused at the moment I don't see, hear, smell, taste, or feel any....

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Viral Agent

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: whiterasta]
    #971548 - 10/18/02 04:37 AM (22 years, 4 months ago)

Athiests are closer to God, then any christian ever could be...

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: whiterasta]
    #971731 - 10/18/02 06:41 AM (22 years, 4 months ago)

I think many atheists 'grasp' or understand the concept of faith but do not see a reason to exercise it. For them there isn't any evidence of a Supreme Being so what would there be to believe in or exercise towards?


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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: ]
    #971923 - 10/18/02 09:21 AM (22 years, 4 months ago)

That's just like you Mr_Mushrooms, to give a rational response.

To call humans 'rational beings' does injustice to the term, 'rational.'  Humans are capable of rational thought, but it is not their essence.  Humans are animals, beasts with complex brains.  Humans, more often than not, utilize their cerebrum to rationalize what their primal instincts, their preconceived notions, and their emotional desires have presented as goals - humans are rationalizing beings.

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: whiterasta]
    #971955 - 10/18/02 09:47 AM (22 years, 4 months ago)

i think you've got it backwards - organized religion is spiritual retardation.

Insert an "I think" mentally in front of eveything I say that seems sketchy, because I certainly don't KNOW much. Also; feel free to yell at me.
In addition: SHPONGLE

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Day careobserver
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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: Strumpling]
    #971984 - 10/18/02 10:11 AM (22 years, 4 months ago)

Sorry,my personal belief is "organized religion is the tool of evil" What I am talking about is (A-without,Theism-belief or faith in a "GOD").Point; name any significant atheistic society that has stood for any significant length of time.My point; Recognition of a" Greater force of Intelligence" is essential to the health of the human organism even though as stated "organized religion" is evil,pure spiritual faith is what has kept us alive despite overwhelming environmental,social and physical challenges.One may argue it is "self faith" but then is that not a form of worship of the "higher" forms of self?IMHO the act of faith is itself an externalisation of theism (whether manifesting as "faith in self" or in an external intelligence) and this is the true motivation and energy source which drives societies and individuals.As such there truly is no such thing as an
A-theist as to exist one excercises faith constantly.Faith in the laws of physics and biology,Faith in ones own capabilities......do you see where this leads? Even if you simply believe in your own inate abilities, having "self-faith",just another form of mono-theism,eh?So to sum up my premise; Faith is essential to confronting the challenges of existance.Faith is the externalization of will.Faith in self is just another form of mono-theism.A-theism is impossible without losing the abilities which allow us to compensate for the vast uncertainties of existance there fore creating a retarded state of existance with no compensatory abilities to deal with uncertainty. :wink: :grin:Peace on ya'll WR

To old for this place

Edited by whiterasta (10/18/02 10:14 AM)

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: whiterasta]
    #972019 - 10/18/02 10:34 AM (22 years, 4 months ago)

ahem....sorry, the whole name of this thread there....kinda cracked me up.
i don't think it's retardation dude. it's rebellionism. it's, "i don't have to believe in this because i don't wanna, so neener neener!"
it's religion shown to a person very very poorly at a younger age, so it causes them to reject it....like if you had never seen an apple, and you hear all this good about apples, so you go looking for one. and you find a rotten one! so you try again, and you find another rotten one! well since every apple you've found is rotten, you might as well chalk them off as all being rotten and start thinking up arguements against why any apples are ever good. because since all the apple YOU found were bad, they must all be bad.
just an allegory...i'm not saying all atheists walk around looking for apples all day.
although there was this one guy..... :grin: 

Peace and Love to all!

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Day careobserver
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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: whiterastahippie]
    #972036 - 10/18/02 10:43 AM (22 years, 4 months ago)

Aren't words cool? retardation/rebellion which would make ya look? It's just in fun but I am trying to make a point that faith is not optional and to have it is a form of theism.Like I said it's all good  :grin:WR

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: ]
    #972037 - 10/18/02 10:43 AM (22 years, 4 months ago)

I think many atheists 'grasp' or understand the concept of faith but do not see a reason to exercise it. For them there isn't any evidence of a Supreme Being so what would there be to believe in or exercise towards?

You hit it on the head there.

Here's my lame attempt at a metaphor for atheists.

I live in IN. There is a very low possiblity that I have oil under my house. So instead of digging up my yard searching in vain for oil, I simply plant a garden so I can enjoy the beauty of my yard. A flower garden is much more beautiful than a yard full of holes and dirt from my digging for something that isn't there. And the flower garden is here now.

"You people voted for Hubert Humphrey, and you killed Jesus." F and L in L.V.

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Day careobserver
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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: postalboy]
    #972077 - 10/18/02 11:04 AM (22 years, 4 months ago)

Faith in Nature and biology or why plant the seeds? Faith externalizes will.Externalized will becomes theistic.WRhippie is right it is rebellion/? Denial of faith is as absurd as denial of reality.For one thing reality cannot exist without faith that our senses are percieving it.Denial of the theistic modality of consciousness is absurd, we naturaly externalize our relationship with reality rather than embrace our oneness with it,however to deny that we all must use faith(and all it implies) therefore A-theism is not truly and purely possible.The best and closest is as WRhippie states a form of rebelliousness against a percieved uncaring universe which is not truly A-theism but rather denial of the role faith MUST play(and perhaps resentment) in the daily functionality of existance.
So the atheist arises knowing the sun will rise because of faith yet resents the implications of acknowleging that faith.Just some stray thoughts all you Atheists,please have faith I mean no disrespect :grin:WR

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: Evolving]
    #972128 - 10/18/02 11:34 AM (22 years, 4 months ago)

Onre philosophicaree as once wise Chinese student say.

At other times I jest, a lot.


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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: whiterasta]
    #972139 - 10/18/02 11:44 AM (22 years, 4 months ago)

In reply to:

Faith in the laws of physics and biology,Faith in ones own capabilities......do you see where this leads?

Of course not, I'm spiritually retarded.

But I seem to understand the concept of faith much better than you do. No, I do not have faith in the laws of physics or biology, or my own capabilities.
The laws of physics and biology do not NEED me to have faith in them to operate [like your God does]. I don't have to take the Mendelian inheritance charts in my high school Life Science test book as infallible gospel Truth, I can grow my own pea plants and demonstrate it myself. If I question the acceleration of gravity, I can get a strobe and a stopwatch and start dropping weights. Nothing is sacred in science. It is doubt that drives its advance. The laws you're thinking of are not laws- they are just ideas that have not once been disproven after test after test.

As a rule I don't believe in anything that requires belief.

And as for my own capabilities- Not sure what capabilities you're talking about, but no- I do not have faith that I will succeed in life, that everything will be ok. Maybe just low self esteem. But I guess some people need to believe that- I don't. Right now launching a successful career in my chosen field and ever finding true love both seem to have a probability less than 50%. From past experience, I know I'm not *that* capable, and my future success depends on factors beyond my control. And I certainly don't have faith God's going to see to it that things work out. So should I drop out of school and kill myself? No, I keep going- not because I have faith, but because it is all I am able to do.
To have faith in myself- "I trust myself, I can do anything," yes, as you said that's a form of monotheism. I have no pretensions of being a God.

I see faith as a security blanket for the spiritually infantile; a motorized wheelchair for the intellectually lazy.

In reply to:

A-theism is impossible without losing the abilities which allow us to compensate for the vast uncertainties of existance

By "us" you must mean believers, not all humanity.
You admit you need faith to "compensate". It's a coping mechanism.
If someone can "confront the challenges of existence" without resorting to faith, doesn't that make them a stronger, more mature person? Have you even read any existentialism? Nietzsche?

You say there's never been a lasting atheistic society. And your point? There's also never been a society with no murder. But it's a goal worth working toward, isn't it?

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Burning withCircles!
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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: ]
    #972142 - 10/18/02 11:44 AM (22 years, 4 months ago)

I think its like they lose hope, for god, and theres been so much negative bullshit out there about who is god.

And the gameshow host rings the buzzer (brrnnntt) oh and now you get a face full of face!

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Day careobserver
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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: Xibalba]
    #972161 - 10/18/02 12:02 PM (22 years, 4 months ago)

My God does not need faith to operate, I do.Am I weak? perhaps some might think so but I am far less threatened by the concept of Atheism that an Atheist is with the concept of God.As for existentialism,nihlism,etc all are empty concepts which cannot be successfully integrated into a cohesive society (and Nietchze was such a happy man!)Please DO NOT CONFUSE MY SPIRITUALISM WITH RELIGION! If all I had to judge spirituality by was religion I too would be an "atheist" As for you not needing faith in self or physics or science you then put much faith in your senses to tell you what is true(what more self faith :blush: ).If you believe that an unyet occurring event will in the future ocurr you are using faith.If you trust your senses to interpret these events you have faith in your own senses.If you turn on a light switch and expect light you are showing faith in technology.Continued denial of faith shows faith that your arguement is valid :grin:PEACE and big :grin:WR

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: whiterasta]
    #972234 - 10/18/02 12:42 PM (22 years, 4 months ago)

As for existentialism,nihlism,etc all are empty concepts which cannot be successfully integrated into a cohesive society

And you've read everything by Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Kafka, Kierkegaard (who I'm fucking SURE all theists would love if they understood him...), Jaspers, Heidegger, Sartre, Rilke, and Camus. As long as you've know what all these guys are about... I can totally trust your informed opinion.

(and Nietzsche was such a happy man!)

If you only understood him... this statement would not be laced with sarcasm.

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: whiterasta]
    #972253 - 10/18/02 12:48 PM (22 years, 4 months ago)

In reply to:

empty concepts which cannot be successfully integrated into a cohesive society (and Nietchze was such a happy man!)

I see, you are calling for spiritual belief on the grounds that it is useful not that it is correct. No one can argue with that. I actually wish I could believe: ignorance is bliss. Don't think I don't believe in God because the idea threatens me. I believe things based on how probable they are of being true, not on how happy that belief makes me feel. A universe overseen by an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent being would probably be a great place to live in, but I have seen -absolutely nothing- to convince me that I inhabit such a universe.

Don't give me this "faith the sun will rise the next day" silliness.
If I could conclusively demonstrate a divine presence and influence every day at will, sure I'd believe. But I have a feeling that if the test for God were as simple as flicking a lightswitch, there would be a lot more atheists...

So what is the test, I ask you? What can God do? Really. I want to know.

Take prayer. I pray to God. What happens? Well, maybe something, maybe nothing- depends on what God wants to happen. Of course God works in mysterious ways- so mysterious, in fact, that his influence looks just like random chance.

Who made everything? God did, of course. He just took great care to make it in such as way as to be indistingishable from the effects of gravity and natural selection.

What happens when you die? You go to a better place. No, not your body, your soul. What's a soul? Ok, it's this... thing people have, that has no mass, no charge, but contains information. What does it do? It functions in exactly the same way a living human brain would be expected to. Except it can't die. It leaves your body when you die, but there's no way to tell when it has left. But we know it goes somewhere, because people who 'almost' died report going temporarily to heaven, which just -happens- to look like the effects of a combination of oxygen deprivation and endogenous DMT release filtered through one's cultural preconceptions.

See what I'm getting at? I think God, if God exists, is irrelevant, because he intervenes only in these vague untestable ways that look identical to the non-God explanation of the same thing. Like someone altering a sequence of random coin flips by flipping their own coin.

So, I can't disprove their God, but that's not faith to me, it's schizophrenia. Have you ever read a really good paranoid schizophrenic rant? It's airtight, bulletproof.

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: Xibalba]
    #972276 - 10/18/02 12:56 PM (22 years, 4 months ago)

Of course God works in mysterious ways- so mysterious, in fact, that his influence looks just like random chance.

This is probably why many theists are determinists.... so now you know why I get so much flak from theists about the existence of randomness. If randomness exists, it casts doubt on God's "mysterious ways".

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: Sclorch]
    #972281 - 10/18/02 12:58 PM (22 years, 4 months ago)

Your faith in what you've read IS touching :grin: but having read most of what you are listing I have to say that even these men had great faith in their own ability to reason.Some to the point of egoism.Sartre and Nietchze were in particular some of my favorite reading ,their nihilism and and existential viewpoint reminds me of the void the denial of faith can bring.And yes most of the men you mention Slcorch were not happy ,socialy adjusted people(probably due to their brlliance more than theology)Hence the admonishment of retardation(even the most brilliant CAN be retarded,ie;slowed)As for totaly trusting my opinion.....Treading a bit close to faith eh? :grin: Again it's all in fun, :wink: Yours in faith WR

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: whiterasta]
    #972282 - 10/18/02 12:59 PM (22 years, 4 months ago)

In reply to:

Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation?

No, are the religious afflicted with spiritual elitism?

To call humans 'rational beings' does injustice to the term, 'rational.'  Humans are capable of rational thought, but it is not their essence.  Humans are animals, beasts with complex brains.  Humans, more often than not, utilize their cerebrum to rationalize what their primal instincts, their preconceived notions, and their emotional desires have presented as goals - humans are rationalizing beings.

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: Evolving]
    #972285 - 10/18/02 01:00 PM (22 years, 4 months ago)

No, are the religious afflicted with spiritual elitism?

In my experience, yes.  :frown: 

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: Sclorch]
    #972304 - 10/18/02 01:08 PM (22 years, 4 months ago)

No, are the religious afflicted with spiritual elitism?

In my experience, yes.

You bet your ass we are, and proud of it

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Day careobserver
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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: Evolving]
    #972319 - 10/18/02 01:14 PM (22 years, 4 months ago)

The pattern emerges most of you do not recognize the fundamental difference between religion and spirituality.As for proof of God ask any leading edge quantum physicist what started the big bang and most will hem and haw but most are having to face evidence of intelligence in creation(except Hawking,who is incorrect on many levels anyway) BTW an atheist MUST have faith there is no God.So aside from God even, Faith is an immutable fact of existance,You make light of the examples used but seriously tell me that you do not have faith that when you hit a light switch that light will follow and that you are not suprised for a moment when it does not?Does this make you disbelieve in technology?Most people are really searching for a charlton heston/moses/God/movie and the wheel of creation does not spin like that.God has already answered my prayer to word a post to raise questions.Pretty cool huh? Sadly some of you may never know the power and peace associated with the dedication of a portion of ones psyche to something greater and beyond mundanity.This alone is all the "proof" I need of the "existance" of the Intelligence which spawned us. WR :grin:

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: whiterasta]
    #972335 - 10/18/02 01:23 PM (22 years, 4 months ago)

Religious... spiritual... who fucking cares what you identify yourself as?
You're still fucking elitists.

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Day careobserver
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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: Sclorch]
    #972350 - 10/18/02 01:30 PM (22 years, 4 months ago)

Sclorch,Chaos theory is quickly ordering the illusion of randomness.We live in a fractal reality so perspective will determine conclusion.So science one day wraps it all up and says this is what ,how ,and why and randomness is just another form of mathmatics.Faith will remain one of the immutable forces of creation,and the aspect of humanity which has caused more progress and pain than any other trait we posess.You cannot logicaly deny Faith, or deny that you must posess it to make assumptions regarding your actions.Lack of faith is inaction,desolution and despair.Think spiritualy not religiously and it makes sense,think egotistcly and it will not. :confused:Any way God luvs ya Sclorch you do more to make folks think about him than an army of mormon missionaries :grin: ROTFALMAO peace,WR :wink:

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: whiterasta]
    #972384 - 10/18/02 01:43 PM (22 years, 4 months ago)

Funny that You would call me elitist. I have no elite friends or travel to elite places.I don't eat elite food,and dont have an elite home.My spiritual beliefs accomidate ANY perspective(including yours my friend :grin:) and I have often felt that the blessing of spiritual awareness to be a burden And if I believed in an anthropomorphic "GOD" I too would be inclined to denial of faith. As for elitism....Feh! I am less than nothing but more than something and trying to be more that way :wink: every day :grin:WR
PS don't be so serious folks I wasn't really calling anyone retarded,just havin' some word fun :wink: 

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: whiterasta]
    #972518 - 10/18/02 02:29 PM (22 years, 4 months ago)

I have a few things to say about chaos theory...

Why don't you visit the "Law and Chaos" thread...

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: Xibalba]
    #972549 - 10/18/02 02:42 PM (22 years, 4 months ago)

In reply to:

It leaves your body when you die, but there's no way to tell when it has left.

I don't know what it really means, but, I do remember reading that experiments have concluded that when a person dies their weight drops a small amount at the very moment they go.

As for the belief in a creator a few point I would like to make. I know I'm probably just repeating something thats allready been said but who really cares anyway.

First off I have a hard time believing that matter is going to do anything on it's own without something behind it. To me that's some pretty far-fetched shit to believe. Why would life even want to exist without some driving force behind it?

Also, as for the world being imperfect(seems to be an atheist favorite), to me the world is in every way perfect because that which we find imperfect about it is what gives our lives meaning. The yin-yang of it all, we need bad to know good, unhappiness to know happiness, ect..

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: Cosmic_Monkey]
    #972598 - 10/18/02 03:05 PM (22 years, 4 months ago)

I don't know what it really means, but, I do remember reading that experiments have concluded that when a person dies their weight drops a small amount at the very moment they go.

(Where's Swami when stuff like this pops up?)
Ahem... coughBullshit!cough...

Also, as for the world being imperfect(seems to be an atheist favorite), to me the world is in every way perfect because that which we find imperfect about it is what gives our lives meaning.

I've always thought that the world is perfectly imperfect...

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: whiterasta]
    #973486 - 10/18/02 10:18 PM (22 years, 4 months ago)

My Lady and I are very interested in learning different kinds of personality or typology theories. For example, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the Enneagram, Astrology, Color Types, Scheldon's Constitutional Psychology, etc.

I've been making a long study of various schools of religious thought, that were rivals for what eventually became Christianity. Those schools are collectively referred to as Gnostic, and Gnosticism (hence my tag). I have come to realize that I am not a Gnostic, but I have retained certain Gnostic ideas. The main one concerns three types of human beings, typed with regard to their capacity for spirituality. Although I have not agreed with the metaphysics behind the Gnostic definition of the spiritual type, or 'Pneumatic,' it seems evident that there are Pneumatic individuals whose lives are taken up in a greater degree than the other types, by what we call spiritual or transpersonal dimensions of life. Pneumatics can be found in all the world religious traditions, and outside of them (pagan gnostics). Pneuma is Greek for spirit (or air, for that matter: pneumatic, pneumonia).

The intermediate type person was called 'Psychic,' one whose life was characterized by the psyche, which is Greek for soul. This was the life of mind, and all that mind entails. Christians who insisted upon hammering out their salvation with faith and good works, were considered by Pneumatic Christian Gnostics to be of a lesser degree of understanding, yet salvation could be attained by the Christian of 'faith' while the Christian of Gnosis had been privy to spiritual experiences that left a sense of 'assurance' and one of an intrinsic spiritual identity. Psyche is of a different order of being than Spirit, yet everyone has both of these components, though spirit predominates in the Pneumatic, while Psyche predominates in the psychic.

The Sarkic is the third type, sarx meaning 'flesh' in Greek. Such people are almost wholly identified with their bodies, bodily functions and activities, and conceed the psychic or mental dimension only as an extension of their bodies. Today's materialists who consider consciousness to be produced by neural tissue, in conjunction with the rest of the bodily systems, would be considered Sarkic. Spiritual reality is not apparent to the Sarkic person. Descriptions of spiritual dimensions, or the implication for human morality and conduct based on spiritual reality is simply not experienced by the Sarkic, and hence denied as fiction. They do not know, and say as much, making them 'agnostics,' not knowing, as opposed to Gnostics - those who Know [i.e., God].

This is a very old system of psychological theory, and the one which C. G. Jung delved into, brought to the awareness of moderns, and based his own school of psychology on. The ego difficulties are tremendous. Everyone is at odds with each other: Pneumatics accused of elitism and arrogance, Sarkics for being dumb brutes, Psychics for different reasons from the other two camps... Even the perspective which stands back and sees these distinctions falls into the Pneumatic typology. We are what we are, and the relationships that form between the types of people are doomed to a kind of sectarianism. I do not get along with very materialistic people, or very mechanical born-again types. I DO have relationships with other people, but I get closest with those people who have had certain life-changing spiritual experiences, and who chose not to sell-out and forget them, but to spend their lives clarifying and explaining to themselves and others who want to listen and know.

γνῶθι σαὐτόν - Gnothi Seauton - Know Thyself

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: whiterasta]
    #973564 - 10/18/02 10:57 PM (22 years, 4 months ago)

perhaps you simply cannot grasp the concept of reason?

All refrences to and statements concerning mushrooms, mushroom cultivation, and mushroom related paraphrenalia refer specifically to the cultivation of legal species.

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Invisiblesir tripsalot

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: Cosmic_Monkey]
    #974150 - 10/19/02 04:05 AM (22 years, 4 months ago)

That comment about about losing weight made me think of a joke:
Teacher: O.K children I want to know what your dad does for a living.
Susy: My dads a carpenter:
Teacher: very nice suzy.
Teacher: what about you Johnny?
Johnny: my dads dead!
Teacher: Oh I'm sorry, what did he do before he died?
Johnny: he turned blue and shit on the rug.

Maybe your thinking of the air and feces that leaves your body when you die, did you know that before they kiil someone on death row they put a diaper on them?
Again science returns an obsurd volley dealt form a "follower"


"Little racoons and old possums 'n' stuff all live up in here. They've got to have a little place to sit." Bob Ross.

Edited by sir tripsalot (10/19/02 04:06 AM)

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: wrestler_az] * 1
    #28615379 - 01/09/24 03:00 PM (1 year, 1 month ago)

First off, I just want to say... Wow. This post was made 1 month after I was born and now I'm old enough to have conversations like this and reply. Wild.

Anyways, you can't have proof of something not existing. So the only thing this "god" has provided us is nothing whatsoever. We are left twiddling our thumbs. You can't prove non-existence of something only the existence of something.

"It's silly to try to escape other people's faults. They are inescapable. Just try to escape your own."

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: Peopleschoice]
    #28615401 - 01/09/24 03:17 PM (1 year, 1 month ago)

I've had some non-psychedelic experiences of infinity, and what I noticed was that my mind would overlay different creative images and understandings and thoughts on top of that unimaginable whatever you call it. For example I had an experience where it was an infinite universe flowing into itself through everything. That was a more subtle overlay, and that overlay connected with the idea of Avalokiteshvara. My mind then kept refereing to the experience through the image of Avalokiteshvara.

Another overlay was the image of a spiral galaxy. I say this as the minds attempt to remember something or give an image or symbol for something that was too big to be contained in a memory.

I think it might be really easy to mistake that overlay for what was perceived, and then use the normal thinking mind later to elaborate on it endlessly. I think also that most people have an intuitive sense of that, and the thinking elaborations could resonate and feel deeply true.

So the idea of god may point to an experience that we all have some sense of or intuition of.

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: Freedom]
    #28615467 - 01/09/24 04:31 PM (1 year, 1 month ago)

Wow, that's awesome man.

Yeah I think us humans have a way of trying to make sense of everything we see in our dream or trips. So even when I trip, I may see a galaxy but I only see that galaxy because I already had an image of a galaxy in my brain from the internet and think it looks similar to it so I make that illogical leap feel logical.

I just think we may be able to explain the feeling but science can explain why it happens, not god. I can see why some people may believe in god after an experience like that, but its based on feelings and feelings alone. Feelings and emotions dissipate while science and truth is forever.

"It's silly to try to escape other people's faults. They are inescapable. Just try to escape your own."

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: Peopleschoice]
    #28615501 - 01/09/24 05:01 PM (1 year, 1 month ago)

are all those members in heaven now?

:brainfart: _ :finger:

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: Peopleschoice]
    #28615520 - 01/09/24 05:15 PM (1 year, 1 month ago)

Is there absolute truth?

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: cubedryeguy]
    #28615527 - 01/09/24 05:21 PM (1 year, 1 month ago)


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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: redgreenvines]
    #28615531 - 01/09/24 05:24 PM (1 year, 1 month ago)


redgreenvines said:
are all those members in heaven now?

I guess sclorch is around cause the future is now now:


OrgoneConclusion said:
Sclorch was a long time poster who left The Shroomery for The Future. Smart move.

Actual photo

Where will you go if/when you leave this hellhole?

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: cubedryeguy]
    #28615533 - 01/09/24 05:27 PM (1 year, 1 month ago)


cubedryeguy said:

Also time and existence could be infinitely old, never created

which is another inexplicable theory

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Alive Again

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: Peopleschoice] * 1
    #28615632 - 01/09/24 07:03 PM (1 year, 1 month ago)


Peopleschoice said:
you can't have proof of something not existing. So the only thing this "god" has provided us is nothing whatsoever. We are left twiddling our thumbs. You can't prove non-existence of something only the existence of something.

I'm not a theist but there is a spot in the hierarchy of existence that could be named God. Everything exists therefore God exists.

This is still a very minimalist definition, cloaked in darkness. It sets the stage for all the craziness that comes from it so perhaps it's best not to invoke the word God. Buddhism is neither monotheistic or polytheistic. Buddhism is essentially atheistic yet still spiritual, depending on what one considers spiritual.

"Tantric meditational deities should not be confused with what different mythologies and religions might mean when they speak of gods and goddesses. Here, the deity we choose to identify with represents the essential qualities of the fully awakened experience latent within us. To use the language of psychology, such a deity is an archetype of our own deepest nature, our most profound level of consciousness. In tantra we focus our attention on such an archetypal image and identify with it in order to arouse the deepest, most profound aspects of our being and bring them into our present reality." (Introduction to Tantra: A Vision of Totality [1987], p. 42)

While I can't say all of Buddhism is thus, the Buddha himself said he was not a god and would not say there was a God.

It was the nature of belief he was avoiding. Better to say I do not know. But then knowing one doesn't know, one wants to know. One might search. When it comes to twiddling thumbs, one is waiting for an answer.

But the question itself is no different than the belief, the searching, the waiting. Made up. We have our own heads. We don't need to know if God has one or if there is a God. But if one is curious and supposes there's more to life than the mundane this could be discovered (revealed) without sacrificing one's logical integrity for belief and theism. The idea of revelation is not simply a matter of prophesy as the paragraph I quoted earlier will attest to in it's last sentence.

Consciousness and potential of the mind. No time for twiddling thumbs!


comfort pleasure power love     truth awareness peace I am      I feel      I do     I love  I speak    I see    I know

'The dragon told you that the knight was the bad guy and you believed him.'

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: Rahz] * 1
    #28615664 - 01/09/24 07:40 PM (1 year, 1 month ago)

I love how you put everything.

But I would still disagree that the first sentence doesn't make logical sense. There is no relationship between both of those sentences. God could just be another word for nature in that sense. But nature is not omnipotent which is a common argument, or all loving, etc.

Buddhism is a lot cooler than I thought. I never knew the buddha didn't believe in a god. I love duncan trussel but have only recently been diving into buddhism and spirituality.

I am no longer twiddling my thumbs! Thank you!

"It's silly to try to escape other people's faults. They are inescapable. Just try to escape your own."

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consecrated woman ✝️
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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: Peopleschoice]
    #28615828 - 01/09/24 10:50 PM (1 year, 1 month ago)

Ignore divine revelation at your own potentially eternal peril!

I'm Alyssa.
I'm consecrated to the Immaculate Heart.
I don't want her to have to look at adultery to save my privileged living cells, so please keep it PG-13.

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: Alyssa] * 1
    #28615858 - 01/09/24 11:34 PM (1 year, 1 month ago)

I do not think the Buddha would be that impressed with tantric practice.
The Tibetan approach to wisdom combined Buddhism with local superstitions, monasticism, and politics.
It is probably the most successful right wing totalitarian institution that has ever existed, and also possibly the gentle-est of that ilk.

:brainfart: _ :finger:

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: redgreenvines]
    #28615865 - 01/09/24 11:42 PM (1 year, 1 month ago)

What can you say to a person who hasn't had the gift of God showing themselves to that person?

I have such a dark shadow..

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: BrendanFlock]
    #28615881 - 01/10/24 12:01 AM (1 year, 1 month ago)

you have to ask them questions.
maybe they saw something similar but called it something else.

:brainfart: _ :finger:

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: whiterasta]
    #28616044 - 01/10/24 07:05 AM (1 year, 1 month ago)


redgreenvines said:
are all those members in heaven now?

That's rather optimistic!

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: Nillion]
    #28616051 - 01/10/24 07:12 AM (1 year, 1 month ago)

many RIP's then
dead, smitten, ungefucked, deceased

:brainfart: _ :finger:

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: whiterasta]
    #28616074 - 01/10/24 07:31 AM (1 year, 1 month ago)

Pretty good chance, yeah.


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I'm a teapot User Gallery

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Re: Is atheism a form of spiritual retardation? [Re: wrestler_az]
    #28622877 - 01/16/24 02:21 AM (1 year, 1 month ago)

Look in the mirror you are the proof!

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