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Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93949 - 06/22/00 08:32 AM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
yeah, I have a friend who has done "Whippets". He said that they fucked him up well nice..
Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93950 - 06/22/00 08:32 AM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
yeah, I have a friend who has done "Whippets". He said that they fucked him up well nice..

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Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93951 - 06/22/00 09:04 AM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
your talking about whiped cream cans that you breath in right.....?????????------------------ The Beast has arrived and he?s going to the fridge, stop him!!!
-------------------- "The Beast is here and he's going for the cake. Stop him!"
Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93952 - 06/23/00 10:58 AM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Nitrios oxide right. Cant i do this from computer cleaner, or whipe cream or something.
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Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93953 - 06/23/00 04:10 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
n2o makes you mad stupid. A case to head in one night? thats pretty fucked up =p
Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93954 - 06/23/00 04:16 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93955 - 06/26/00 04:12 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Allright, motherfuckers. Listen up before you go do something retarded like putting a rag over aerosol air-freshener. If you plan on doing Pure Nitrous (It's not good for you at all...the stuff you get at doctor's offices is a mixture of gasses, not pure Nitrous)you will need the following items:Nitrous Oxide Cannisters (look like the small CO2 cannisters for bb guns) A Cracker or dispenser of some sort. Balloons. The Cannisters themselves may be purchased at head shops, large grocery stores in the freezer aisle, or in Baking supply stores. You can find a cracker (Metal or plastic cylinder which releases the Nitrous gas from the cannister) at a Head Shop and at some Tobacco Supply Stores. A dispenser (Looks like a giant coffee pot with nozzles sticking out) is designed to hold 1-2 cannisters at a time for the purpose of whipping cream. These can be found in baking supply stores, some supermarkets, and headshops. After you've filled a balloon with Nitrous, let a little air into your lungs first (so you don't displace all the air in your lungs with a heavier gas all at once) and take as much from the balloon as you'd like, but do not "Huff" back into the balloon. (ie: repeatedly exhale into and then inhale from the balloon). Pure Nitrous can make you very goofy and you may continue huffing without realizing it and kill yourself. If you can't find balloons. Fuck you -- go throw a rag over some air-freshener and huff.

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Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93956 - 06/28/00 03:59 AM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Is psychodanic possibly talking about amyl nitrate, not nitrous oxide? Amyl can be bought from sex shops and gives a few seconds of intense rush somewhere on that pleasure/pain threshold.
Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93957 - 06/28/00 11:18 AM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Amyl Nitrate????????????????????? What the hell is that?Obviously,you are totally misguided on the subject.I am refering to nitrous oxide,aka: laughing gas, hippie crack,whippets,whip cream chargers, NO2,or whatever you want to call them!!!!! But i havent a clue what this amyl nitrate shit is.Maybe the technical name for "rush"? Anyways,i thought that i would just guide you through your confusion about NO2.....
Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93958 - 06/28/00 11:56 AM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
yep, that's what they're referring to - rush. it's usually found in small bottles in sex shops. it's sold as video head cleaner.it has short-term effects of euphoria and relaxation. it's supposed to be great for sex, altho i've never tried it. remember, it's important to have good tracking! :-) fluidity
Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93959 - 06/28/00 01:03 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
I believe some explaination is required here. Amyl Nitrate is essentially Nitrous Oxide in liquid form. Its most commom pseudo-name is "Boppers" based on how its inhaled. Alike Nitrous Oxide, Amyl Nitrate will give you a similiar high yet lasts a shorter amount of time due to it state. Now, in either case I can't in all honesty recommend their use. True, dental or medical doctors will use it on patients, but the amount in which its given is highly controlled. Inhaling Nitrous Oxide or Amyl Nitrate is terrible for you brain. By replacing the regular Oxygen/Nitrogen mixture your body usually takes in with Nitrous Oxide or Amyl Nitrate, you are inhibiting brain cells from forming as well as destroying them at the same time. Disagree all you want but Nitrous Oxide has been around for decades and the tests based on over-use of it are conclusive. Don't try and give any "...that's just what the government wants you to believe..." crap because this is straight fact. To my mind, both Nitrous Oxide and Amyl Nitrate are fairly inaffective if your objective is to use drugs. Both will last no more than a matter of minutes and with that respect are fairly expensive. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy certain drugs as much as the next person but some you just want to let alone.
Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93960 - 06/28/00 02:20 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
It has became quite clear that many of you have completely managed to miss or understand the point of this topic altogether.The original point of this topic was to experience the enhancement that NO2 has on halucinogenics.It is quite a profound enhancement.But as "psyentists" pointed out, NO2 is not very good for the human anatomy.But this fact seems to be quite irrelavant seeing how this is a discussion board for psychedelic mushrooms.Point being, that no mind altering drug is in turn "good" for you.Thus,we make certain sacrifices to expand our concious minds and to attempt to utilize the other 90% of our brains that are apearently there for no justifiable reason. And i totally disagree with the statement that amly nitrate is the same as NO2.I have personally done both,and amyl nitrate is nothing to fuck with.It is the equivilent to huffing gas.IT IS BY NO MEANS WHAT-SO-EVER THE SAME AS NO2.Thats about as intelligent as saying that smoking Deadly Nightshade is the same as smoking a joint! NO2 is a safe recreational drug,if used in moderation.But as i've already pointed out,it is almost pointless to use NO2 by itself.If used as a halucinogenic enhancement drug,it can be quite a rewarding experience.I should hope that this posting shall clear any confusion that might have arisen as a result of some uneducated guesses that have been posted here.................. ------------------ What ever you do,dont eat tooo many of these...........
Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93961 - 06/28/00 04:26 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
First and foremost, I believe that psychoDANic should look into getting his head checked. At no point did I go against drug use as a whole. I stated and I quote, "...I enjoy certain drugs as much as the next person..." which by psychoDANic's recollection means otherwise. The point that I was trying to emphasize was that Nitrous Oxide specifically is more damaging to the human brain, moreso than a hallucinogen such as mushrooms. With regards to the similarities between Amyl Nitrate and Nitrous Oxide, psychoDANic is wrong once again. If he or anyone else knew basic chemistry, he would know that both substances share similiar molecular composition and are only different by one chemical additive and their different states (Amyl Nitrate is a liquid where Nitrous Oxide is a gas). I also enjoyed reading how psychoDANic finds it a good thing to combine Nitrous Oxide with other drugs. This is by far the dumbest and most immature thing I've ever heard on this board as of yet. Nitrous Oxide alone, if being used by an inexperienced user, can easily cause said user to black out or risk severe disorientation. Combining it with other drugs such as hallucinogens is just escallating the possibility of severe brain damage. Now that that is said and done, I hereby end this discussion.
Sin Bad
Mushroom Man

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Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93962 - 06/29/00 04:37 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
The Psyentist, you are incorrect.Amyl Nitrate is not NO2 in liquid form. And it is referred to as "Poppers" (not "Boppers") something to do with a popping sound that is sometimes made at some point during its use. Amly Nitrate is a pretty crap drug, it produces a very short lived rush, by dilating your blood vessels. [This message has been edited by Sin Bad (edited June 29, 2000).]
Carpal Tunnel
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Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93963 - 06/30/00 06:11 AM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
amyl (& relatives like butyl, etc) are vasodilators, used medicinally to relieve the pangs of angina pectoris by relaxing smooth muscle tissue & allowing the heart muscle to be better exygenated; also used by some groups within the gay community to relax the sphincter muscles & some people like to use it just prior to orgasm... nitrous (N20 gas) is a general anesthetic, osed in dentistry to numb up yr whole body for tooth extractions... the echo effect & tunneling feeling is not just due to oxygen deprivation... in fact dentists can mix pure oxygen with the nitrous and an 80/20 mix will keep you numb for hours... there is something going on at the synaptic level (NO gas is a neuromodulator of some kind, i think)... long term exposure may deplete vitamin B-12 levels, causing neurological damage---take B-12 supplements if you are gonna binge on this stuff... also, between hits of laughing gas, breathe FRESH AIR, not pot or tobacco smoke, and don't take more than 3 hits in a row of nitrous (to avoid hypoxia) (and be sitting or laying down, or you may be falling down)... doing a hit or 2 while tripping allows you to enter the anesthetic realm while very awake... some folks love it and some folks hate it... also be careful around burning things, 'cause nitous oxide "vigorously accelerates combustion" (some race cars use it to go faster, and some metalworkers (silversmiths?) use it to burn hotter) (thats my nickle's worth on this thread!)[This message has been edited by gnrm23 (edited June 30, 2000).]
-------------------- old enough to know better
not old enough to care
Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93964 - 06/29/00 10:39 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
I never said Amyl Nitrate was the same as Nitrous Oxide. I said that they share a similiar molecular composition yet ARE different. As for the high, yes, Amyl Nitrate is fairly ineffective and lasts a very short amount of time in comparrison to Nitrous Oxide. gnrm23, you're very knowledgable and I thank you for your input on this.
Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93965 - 07/06/00 03:11 AM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
This is my first post here and I don't want to sound like I am trying to advertise for these people. But first. I agree with the original post. The stuff is a great addition to your experience. But like anthing, it should be used in moderation. I am not sure about the details, but I've read that nitrous is not to healthy for your system. If anyone knows the particular details they should post them. A regular case of fifteen though has never given anyone I know problems. But back to what I was saying earlier. You can buy the co2 like cartridges of nitrous in alot of local places, but the "cracker" which makes it easy to use is harder to get. If you live in an area like I do that doesn't allow headshops and such, you're limited to the internet mostly. "Alphaware" has a great cracker made out of brass. The nitrous gas coming out of the cartridge will quickly make a plastic cracker brittle and not last very long. (experienced first hand) But anyway, nitrous is relatively harmless if used in moderation. Everyone should try it at least once. Its almost a trip all on its own, too bad it doesn't last longer.T.W.Tribe
Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93966 - 07/06/00 07:23 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
I have shroomed and inhaled nitrous before and it is fantastic. We ate an eighth each, then went to the local porn store (Wildcat's). The shrooms began taking effect so we browsed through the porn, strangely intrigued by video covers of kink. Then we bought the nitrous and got the hell out of there. Anyways, I inhaled mine and in about two seconds I was totally smeared across the universe, my entire body buzzed and tingled and I felt a smile on my face. When I came to I was slumped in the corner. My friends said I had slid down with my eyes closed and proceeded to make pleasurable moaning noises for about two minutes. Try it! peace.------------------ Rational thought is interpretation according to a scheme which we cannot control.
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Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93967 - 07/06/00 07:36 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
I just wanted to point out that nitrous oxide is actually N2O, not NO2. NO2 is a different gas that is more harmfull that nitrous, and doesn't fuck you up. I just wanted to make sure nobody tried inhaling NO2. It wouldn't be a fun experience.------------------ I need a better signature.
old hand
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Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93968 - 07/07/00 01:27 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
no no no! whippets are bad! you get the headache from hell afterwards, they hardly last a minute and they are so bad for you! if you need to boost your trip, smoke a joint!
-------------------- i like poo
Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93969 - 07/09/00 02:50 AM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Yeah, you don't want to do whippets a lot but I think they can be responsibly enjoyed every now and then. I used to have this whip cream making canister that you could take hits from just like a real whip cream bottle, but I gave it away because of the harm they could cause me. Now if I want one I'll just buy a can of cream and be done with it. I've done them tripping alot but it always just sort of felt like a whippet and never gave me anything extra, and I can enjoy them as much when I start out straight.

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Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93970 - 10/21/00 07:16 AM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
Im so glad that psyentists ignorance hasnt rubbed off on anyone else here.It never ceases to amaze me on how fucking dumb some people can be(psyentists).Trying to make people believe that hes intelligent,when hes really a bumbling idiot trying to cope with his own insecurities of being moron!HAHA... So.....get a life psyentists,you stupid piece of shit..........  ------------------ Im not as think as you high i am!!!!!!!!
-------------------- Im not as think as you high I am.......?????
Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93971 - 10/21/00 07:36 AM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
Hey, PsychoDANic, just for your own edification:Nitrous Oxide is N2O, not NO2. That's why it's called Nitrous Oxide, and not Nitric Oxide. And please, friend, don't take so much N2O. It does do brain damage, and it is bad for you.

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Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93972 - 10/21/00 08:28 PM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
Sorry for the confusion.Cerridwen is correct (damn,i hate when im wrong lol)I believe that the peeps reading this post wasnt mislead by it though.Most people know what nitrous oxide is.If they dont,than they shouldnt dabble with it until they have read up on it.I fairly doubt that the general public could obtain no2 from a head shop,which would be confused for n20.So no harm done!And yes,im perfectly aware of the damaging effects of it.But isnt every recreational drug damaging to some extent? Yes,they all are! But so is breathing the air in L.A. And eating the fish from lake Erie,talking on a cell phone,and in some cases.....reading posts on this board!!!!!! (radiation from monitors will give you cancer)My point being is that i dont sit around and do n20 all day.Its pretty useless as a drug by itself.But its great as a psychedelic suppliment! Im flattered by your concern for your fellow "cosmonaught",but my brain still functions quite well.I think that im quite moderate in my recreational drug use.I limit my psychedelic journeys to 2 or 3 times a year.I dont deplete my serotonin supply by smoking pot whenever i get a chance.(actually...i only smoke during harvest season due to the shitty weed where i live)And just to tweak your mellon a lil, i have a bachelors degree in robotic engineering.So....my synapses are firing just fine.All illicit drugs are big gamble, unless you know and trust the source.I think that n20 abuse should be of the last concern to a recreational drug user.Dont worry about me man.......worry about global thermal warming!!!!!!!!! (it affects you alot more directly) Peace.................  ------------------ Im not as think as you high i am!!!!!!!!
-------------------- Im not as think as you high I am.......?????
Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93973 - 10/22/00 12:33 AM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
What do you do for a living with that particular degree?? Wait tables?
Carpal Tunnel
Registered: 07/21/00
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Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93974 - 10/22/00 12:22 PM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
Just a note to Purindica. The mixutre of gasses they give you in dentistry operations is a mixture of N2O (nitrous oxide, a.k.a "laughing gas") and O2 (oxygen, a.k.a what we breath). This is so that you don't suffocate to death while the dentist is pulling out your teeth. BTW, you don't have to worry THAT much about getting brain damage from nitrous. PCP, Ketamine, and DXM are FAR more harmful. Nitrous lasts about 5 minutes, hmm, not say, hours like the above. Also, DO NOT suck the gas directly from the canister. This is very bad for your lungs as expanding gases are cold. Use a balloon at least. And make fucking sure that what you're inhaling is in fact nitrous oxide, and not some weird solvent. PsychoDANic, what the fuck are you talking about using that other 90% of our brains that are there for no justifiable reason? These parts of your brain are part of your Autonomic Central Nervous system. They are involuntary. They are unconscious. They operate you without your conscious awareness. Psychedelic drugs might make SOME of these functions come to your conscious awareness, but psychedelic drugs really just alter the nature of conscious awareness. Don't try and pass off bullshit that taking shrooms will make you use 100% of your brain while tripping. If people could use 100% of their brain, **consciously** while tripping, you'd be able to do phenomenal things, such as alter heart rate, contrict and relax blood vessels, release hormones, put yourself in and out of comas. And so forth... Another thing, to the Psyentists. Amyl Nitrate is not Nitrous Oxide. Nitrous Oxide is a dissociative anaesthetic. It is not a solvent. It is not as hard on your brain as huffing gas or sniffing glue. It's relatively soft on your brain given its short duration. Obviously constant exposure to N2O will be harmful via, NMDA Antagonist Neurotoxicity, but it's mode of action is not that of dissolving brain cells like solvents. And dude, ONE chemical difference between N2O which has a mere 3 atoms in it, is a huge world of difference in chemistry. Especially when it comes to how the human body and brain will utilize or respond to it. And Booger Fingers, anybody with a BA in robotics engineering probably gets his robots to wait tables for him. lol.

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Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93975 - 10/22/00 08:59 PM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
Actually......I design,develope,and initiate robotic processes that manufacture the tables that Booger Fingers places his boogers beneath while on his lunch break at Mcdonalds !!!!!!! Booger fingers......Your excess mucous problem is probably due to the fact that your brain is degenerating into a primordial ooze that is in turn seeping out of your nose.Better save that shit for possible future reference! And Kid......do your homework dude...... Any given person(except Booger Fingers)only utilizes between 7 to 10% of their total brain mass! This includes all voluntary and involuntary bodily processes.Einstein only used like 20% of his brain mass.The other 93 to 90% is unexplained as far as concious and subconcious processes are concerned.And i never said that munching mushies will enable you to use all this extra portion of your gourd! I said,and I quote: "Point being, that no mind altering drug is in turn "good" for you.Thus,we make certain sacrifices to expand our concious minds and to attempt to utilize the other 90% of our brains that are apearently there for no justifiable reason." But i do believe that using psychedelic drugs does enable you to "explore" more of this "wasted space",at least while under the influence.Thats why some people posses paranomal phenomina such as telekenesis,psyhic abilites,premonition, de'ja'vu',moving shit with their mind,and out of the norm shit like that.These people know how to use some/all of that extra brain mass!Everyone has these abilities within their heads.But only certain people can "unlock" and use these paranormal skills.Use some of your brain mass and do some research before you let your mouth overload your ass again.............  ------------------ Im not as think as you high i am!!!!!!!!
[This message has been edited by pychoDANic (edited October 23, 2000).]
-------------------- Im not as think as you high I am.......?????
Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93976 - 10/22/00 10:48 PM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
Your robot gave me crappy service! I told it "No cheese". What do I get?? EXTRA CHEESE!!!!!!!!! Back to the drawing boad psychDanny.
Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93977 - 10/23/00 04:23 PM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
Nitrus Oxide is also called GBH in England and here that stands for Grevious Bodily (Brain) Harm! Need I say more!
Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93978 - 10/23/00 06:10 PM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
yo if you in the u s try this shit... get some shit called endust... it's like this dust remover shit but it ain't made to kill cause it's gotta be used indoors you know... all it is is compressed air and frozen helium... so you get two trips in one... you get high for a short time but then your voice goes super low makin you trip out... and if your already tripping or something it's even better... just take two hits from it then start talking and get ready to laugh your ass of

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Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93979 - 10/24/00 01:02 AM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
hmmm. i don't think i'll be trying that endust thing anytime soon.------------------ MacMelphCallio gonna rape you for your life YOUBITCHYOU - me. TEXTURE!!! they feel it. - Ryche Hawk
-------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
MacMelphCallio Gonna Rape You For Your Life YOUBITCHYOU! - me.
I gotsta havit, silly rabbit - me

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Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93980 - 10/24/00 01:37 AM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
Hey.....i love this shit... How often do you polish your lungs? I bet you have the shineyest lungs here man..  ------------------ Im not as think as you high i am!!!!!!!!
-------------------- Im not as think as you high I am.......?????
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Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93981 - 10/24/00 02:26 AM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
My best friend used to work at a nitrous club. Yes he was the one that filled up the baloons at 9 in the morning to all the fucked up e tards and meth freaks who wouldnt go to bed. Taking this stuff with weed or mushrooms or anything you can think of will blow your mind to another plantet. Trust me I have inhaled many free baloons. Listen to some kind of music, prefably trance. I would analyze every note and break it down into subnotes and then break it down again and it would go on to infinity. This is when I was on weed. Best high I ever had. I want to try it with mushrooms. I herd that everything begins to melt. To bad the cops shut it down :`(
Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93982 - 10/25/00 06:08 PM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
i like nice lungs... what's it to you?? don't be a wuss either tec-9 mushrooms are worse then endust... if you've never tried it then how can you call your self an american?? they all do it
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Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93983 - 10/26/00 04:23 AM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
quote: Originally posted by I_LOVE_THIS_SHIT: mushrooms are worse then endust
That is bullshit.

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Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93984 - 10/26/00 09:36 AM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
[QUOTE]Originally posted by I_LOVE_THIS_SHIT: mushrooms are worse then endust... if you've never tried it then how can you call your self an american??An american fool that is.........  ------------------ Im not as think as you high i am!!!!!!!!
-------------------- Im not as think as you high I am.......?????
Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93985 - 10/26/00 07:24 PM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
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Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93986 - 10/29/00 07:59 PM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
Look. I have inhaled numerous whippets and I can tell everyone that N20 is bomb! The best way to inhale a whippet is to get "cracker" (these are what gets the gas out of the metal container) and hook one end of the cracker to a heavy-duty balloon (the ones that are real bouncy. Not a regular baloon and not a whoppy cushion, but inbetween.) Inflate a balloon with nitrous gas and proceed to breath in-and-out of the balloon. Do this over and over until all the N2O is exhausted. You will feel like your head is floating 10 feet above your body. ***Warning**** Whippets work by replacing O2 (used by lungs and brain) with N2O (fucks your up) take a break from whippets every so often, as to prevent your brain from hemmoraging.------------------
-------------------- ________________
Mushrooms & Herbs
Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93987 - 11/01/00 04:39 PM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
Man, i tried N2O a couple times, first wasn't great, but second i did two in a row and fell over, then stared at a progressing lunar eclipse for what seemed to be hours, i could see the shadow moving across the moon's surface, i wasn't on anything else at the time, either.
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Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93988 - 11/06/00 04:00 PM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
quote: Originally posted by pychoDANic: And Kid......do your homework dude...... Any given person(except Booger Fingers)only utilizes between 7 to 10% of their total brain mass! This includes all voluntary and involuntary bodily processes.Einstein only used like 20% of his brain mass.The other 93 to 90% is unexplained as far as concious and subconcious processes are concerned.And i never said that munching mushies will enable you to use all this extra portion of your gourd!
i think you need to do your homework. you only use 7-10% *at one time*. you can use different parts for different things (not to say you use your whole brain conciously, far from that) and the part that isnt used concisously is used involuntarily. and einstein used 20%??? lololol dood just hush

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Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93989 - 11/06/00 04:16 PM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
[QUOTE]Originally posted by nvksmt: i think you need to do your homework. you only use 7-10% *at one time*. you can use different parts for different things
By the sound of your quote,your far superior in intellect and knowledge by far.NOT!!!!!!!! How long did it take you to come to the conclusion that you can use different parts to do different things?Your a fucking idiot nvksmt,as your screen name reflects!I can see that your brain mass usage falls well below the average.....say ummmm..... .0001% Thats sounds about right.....  ------------------ Im not as think as you high i am!!!!!!!!
-------------------- Im not as think as you high I am.......?????
Re: The secret to an unforgettable trip...
#93990 - 11/09/00 01:45 PM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
A few notes on Nitrous, clearing up some errors (NOT stupidity, ERRORS...), Nitrous CAN be bad for your brain, but is not automatically such. Brain damage is NOT instantaneous (nor are "dead brain cells" the big myth of the anti-drug world).Here's the deal- your brain cells need air to survive. Nitrous is Nitrous, not air. You cannot suck Nitrous and live. Dentists & doctors use 2 tanks, not one. They filter air & nitrous evenly. This keeps braincells from dying. It is HIGHLY improbable that simply doing a nitrous balloon will cause you any permanent damage. You CAN pass out from lack of air & this will kill some brain cells. The best way to do it is to use a balloon and take a normal breath between huffs. This both safe & effective. Also, do not huff more than you can handle (when it feels like you are tripping hard, STOP). I usually set an upper limit of 8. No matter how hard I'm tripping (or not tripping) I will NOT huff more than 8 times. Be careful & be safe & you will be FINE.