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dose then the redose
#938804 - 10/07/02 06:30 AM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
I've done shrooms a few times they were trippy and now I got quistions.
If you dosed about 2-3 grams and then noticed you still weren't talking to god should you redose, munch on some shrooms every once in a while throughout the whole day or just take another few grams depending on what the first few did?
I just wanna see the beggining of time so should I go for a big dose at once or extend the shroom intake? What works best for you?
Like after the first dose are you fucked? does your body then have a tolerance?
Registered: 09/09/02
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Re: dose then the redose [Re: user_exists]
#939134 - 10/07/02 08:21 AM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
Well if you really want to trip your face off... you know be put into a whole different reality... then your going to probably need more than 2-3 grams. I dont reccomend upgrading a trip based what your feeling at the time (you never know what lies ahead... and might do a little more than you wanted). This is what i reccomend: First of all before you decide to send yourself into outer space i would first see if you can handle that kind of trip... its not for everyone. Atleast get ready for the experiance. Keep in mind that these things are very probable to happen during a high dose trip:
1. You loose total touch with reality...not knowing where your at...whats happening... or even who you are (lose of ego) 2. A bad trip ( the absolute worst experiance youll ever go through especially at that high of a dose) 3. not be able to move...speak... or pretty much do anything except lie there and marinate.
Now if you can handle all this you will probably experiance euphoria... the best feeling ever. But dont just think that you can handle this experiance if youve never been there... that would be naive and stupid.
Secondly: I would take a gram or so more than you usually do the next time you trip. See how much this enhances your experiance. If you want to trip harder then take another gram more the next time. As you go higher and higher with your dose youll find that a little goes a long way. For example... Lets say that you eat 2 grams to achieve a level 2 trip. One might think that if you eat twice as much youll trip twice as hard. Thats not always true, in fact youll probably trip 3 times as hard. Now if you eat 3 times as much one might also think that youll trip 3 times as hard. needless to say you might trip as hard as 5-6 times harder. This is why eating shrooms every hour or so thoughout the day is a dumb idea. One minute your at level 2 and the next your out of your mind.
Thirdly: Its okay to upgrade a trip if you plan so ahead of time... i do this to make the peak longer. For example, if i plan on eating 6 grams one night. I'll eat 3/4 of that dose to start with. then after an hour or so I'll eat the rest. This way i already know that im eating 6 grams (so i dont do anything stupid and eat more than wanted) and the peak will last longer since i ate the later shrooms.
Forth: my final words of advice... no i dont necessarily reccomend that you do this... but if you just want to skip all this bullshit and go right into outer space... then just eat an extremly high dose. like atleast 7 grams. Maybe 8. But if i were you i would find out what satifies your needs. just keep taking a small amount more each time until you find out what you like.
<--- SOMA

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Re: dose then the redose [Re: 7uptrippsy]
#939339 - 10/07/02 09:43 AM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
It's very hard to do this... I have only had one ego-loss trip. It was the most intense, profound experiance I have ever had in my life. It's something you just don't want to dive into but... it's not my life. I have taken a quater at a time... a half oz at a time... half an 1/8th.. but it seems that you have to take your whole dose within an hours time.
Get yourself a quarter of mushrooms or more...
Spread it out so by the time you are peaking with your first dose you are about to eat your last dose. That seems to work for me. You just keep peaking higher and higher and higher until you explode!
Goodluck sir... It will be fun.

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Re: dose then the redose [Re: nezshoo]
#940438 - 10/07/02 03:43 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
Redosing doesnt do much at all. You gotta do it all in an hours worht of time IMHO.
If anything it just extends the trip and not increase intensity.
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Re: dose then the redose [Re: user_exists]
#942618 - 10/08/02 11:13 AM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
If you dosed about 2-3 grams and then noticed you still weren't talking to god should you redose, munch on some shrooms every once in a while throughout the whole day or just take another few grams depending on what the first few did?
Seems that you have alot of preconceived ideas as to what the "psychedelic" experience should be...Do yourself a favour and forget those. It is my experience that you never get exactly what you expect from the trip, in fact it's almost as if some kind of inverse relationship exsists, the more you want it the less likely it is to happen (possibly leading to a bum trip).
I suggest before you try higher doses (And I don't have a problem with high doses, I actually prefer them) that you give your current position a little more thought. In what environment do you usually trip? Are you normally alone or with friends? Do you spend your trip playing computer games, watching trippy mpegs or mabye listening to music? All of these activities will colour and certainly detract from the experience. I suggest you wait mabye 2 months or more before your next exploration. The day of your trip (assuming you will be tripping at night) should be spent fasting. This doesn't mean you have to get all holy or religious in fact you can go about your daily routine just don't eat anything (but be sure to drink plenty'o'water . Ingest your 3 grams in silent darkness and wait...This is THE most important part...SILENT...DARKNESS. I assure you your trip will be deep and meaningful and full of visions (assuming your shrooms are good ) If you get bored then put some music on, but you should really try this way of tripping first. You may even find that with the silence comes a depth you are just not ready for, believe me it is a great potentiator!
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Re: dose then the redose [Re: baraka]
#943227 - 10/08/02 02:55 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
"Redosing doesnt do much at all. You gotta do it all in an hours worht of time IMHO.
If anything it just extends the trip and not increase intensity. "
yes i fully agree with this...if you eat 2 grams and wait 2 hours and eat 2 more grams, i feel i trip longer, not harder...to get to the level where you want to do be the initial dose is the one to do it
-------------------- Eram quod es; eris quod sum
Registered: 09/09/02
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Re: dose then the redose [Re: user_exists]
#944769 - 10/09/02 06:17 AM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
Roger also has some good advice. DONT JUST DIVE INTO AN EGO LOSS TRIP. experiment with lower doses first. I still reccomend taking higher and higher doses at a slow rate... because youll never know what a high dose is like until you actually get there... but dont just jump right into a level 5 trip. If you really want to talk to god youll get there someday, just take you time. First find out what a mediocer dose will do. You'll be surprised how much there is to experiance on a psychodelic drug such as shrooms.
Registered: 10/05/02
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Re: dose then the redose [Re: 7uptrippsy]
#946085 - 10/09/02 03:09 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
yeah I kinda thought there was a time limit on the dosing part of the trip.
Thanks for all the advise I probably won't be doing shrooms till my friend harvests his grow show in about a month or so, I'll probably get some and take them at least the first time just sittin back by myself.
Registered: 10/30/00
Posts: 204
Re: dose then the redose [Re: 7uptrippsy]
#962858 - 10/15/02 12:02 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
"1. You loose total touch with reality...not knowing where your at...whats happening... or even who you are (lose of ego)"
Just wanted to point out that Ego Loss is not simply identity loss. There is a stage much farther out than identity loss that is ego loss. Ego loss is charactorized by the loss of a self, a loss of a perspective, of a person seperate from reality. In ego loss, you have the absolutely strange experience of being fully part of your surroundings, with no thoughts, ideas, or attachments to anything. You *are* the universe, you aren't seeing the universe form, if that makes sense.