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tripped andtested

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A little scared to try shrooms
#938109 - 10/06/02 11:14 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
The only thing i have ever done before is weed and usually the day after i feel a little "dull and slow" like i am not as intellegent as i was before, mabey its just my imagination but not sure. After reading alot about shrooms on the internet i want to try them but i read in one thread in here that high doses of shrooms make you, and i quote, "mentally retarded". This sort of made me think twice now, and i was talking to my mother today about her drug days and she said that after she did acid or shrooms the next day she felt stupid as in it fucked up her brain. And i know several people that did acid along time ago and they just aren't all there anymore. I have always sort of known that acid is really bad but will shrooms destroy my brain as well? I don't mean to sound like a pussy but i don't really want to be slow, i like being smart. I want to try them but.... well you see what im getting at. So can someone give me some good honest advice/expirience/wisdom here? I would truely appreciate it.
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Re: A little scared to try shrooms [Re: Leviathon]
#938194 - 10/06/02 11:39 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
If you're just using them as a way of getting high then it probably isn't worth it. Save it for when you have a reason to take them. You'll have a better time that way.
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Re: A little scared to try shrooms [Re: Leviathon]
#938339 - 10/07/02 12:16 AM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
Well it has been proven that smoking weed does make you stupid. It wears off after about 2 weeks according to a Harvard study. As for acid destroying your brain, I've never read it or heard it. I've done both acid and shrooms, and I notice no after effects, and my friends have said there have been no changes. Now, the case could be that the acid/shrooms may have activated a pre-existing brain disorder. They don't create the disorders, they were already there due to genetics and MIGHT awaken them. If that happens, I have only one explanation, you can't handle your drugs. If your so afraid, then don't take any drugs.

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Re: A little scared to try shrooms [Re: Leviathon]
#938471 - 10/07/02 08:26 AM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
Every drug seems to have an after effect/hangover. Shrooms and acid can leave you feeling a wee bit drained, as a trip is quite a tiring thing. It's quite worth the ride though. Permanent damage isn't that likely (although it's possible, but most people won't experience that in epic proportions). What is important to remember is use it in moderation, and dosages that you're comfortable with. Most people (generalisation here) that are burnt out from acid/shroom usage tend to have used it a bit more than they should have. Just know your limits and you can't go wrong.
Edited by Sheepish (10/07/02 08:30 AM)
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Re: A little scared to try shrooms [Re: Leviathon]
#938587 - 10/07/02 04:40 AM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
well in my experiences with mushrooms ive had no bad effects the next day. infact i usually feel more "enlightened" the next day and the day seems to be so much better after my trip. but then again what your describing you get with weed the day after i dont experience either. if you really want to try shrooms i say go for it! its a great new experience and if you low dose im sure you'll have a great time and wont be sorry for trying them!
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Re: A little scared to try shrooms [Re: Sheepish]
#938990 - 10/07/02 07:33 AM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
hhmmmm the effects are different for different people
I always feel good after doing shrooms pot makes me feel "hazy" ... just sort of out of it, not stupid. I got a 98 or something on a spanish exam stoned out of my mind  but if I had tried to hold a conversation with someone I'd have been like
it's just a TEMPORARY short-term memory loss thing. it doesn't make you "stupid" but you may *feel* stupid
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Re: A little scared to try shrooms [Re: Albino_Jesus]
#939454 - 10/07/02 10:16 AM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
I love shrooms they are so goddamn great!
It varys from person to person though.
I don't just do mushrooms for coo super elite visuals or for the extreme high its all a mind expansion and self discovery thing, once you get heavily into tripping youll understand hell I couldnt recgnize a shroom visual until my 3rd trip. Ya visuals are great too but its all about knowing yourself and learning knew things about you also learning things from your trips about your self shrooms and all pyschedelics in general are very touchy on some people thats why theyll only do them with certain others... You just gota be comfortable and know the power of the great mushroom.
tripped andtested

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Re: A little scared to try shrooms [Re: Addict]
#940628 - 10/07/02 04:54 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
I guess i didn't word it properly, i am not so much scared as i am cautious. "Look before you leap" is all im trying to do. Anyway thank you for your input I feel better now having read alot more articles and what not. They all seem to conclude there is no proven permanent risks involved with psilocybin mushrooms. In fact the only real negative thing i could find was this article . Thanks
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Re: A little scared to try shrooms [Re: Leviathon]
#940661 - 10/07/02 05:06 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
Thus, the researchers suggest that psychedelics may in fact "broaden consciousness" by making remote mental associations more available. However, this involves a trade-off. Although remote mental associations are more available, subjects are less able to focus, which slows their reaction times.
that's not a bad thing though. not at all. it's like, looking at things from different angles. and looking at things from different angles is always good. it broadens the mind. i think the trade off this article speaks of is perfectly acceptable, seeing as how when you return to your normal state of mind, you remember how you thought while you were still on the psychedelics.
-------------------- Peace and Love to all!
Re: A little scared to try shrooms [Re: Leviathon]
#941847 - 10/08/02 05:01 AM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
Acid and mushrooms do not destroy your brain. They wont even cause problems if used responsibly. My friend used to tell me acid was horrible on your body because his vision got fucked up and he couldn't smoke weed without feeling crazy. He also did it 2-3x a week for a month.
Treat the drugs right, they'll treat you right. I'd suggest you research the effects of psilocybin more, before you try them.. erowid.org
I used to get that hazy/muffled feeling after smoking pot. It goes away after you smoke for a while, and happens more often with infrequent smoking.
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Re: A little scared to try shrooms [Re: ]
#942241 - 10/08/02 08:23 AM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
I've only done them once so far, and all I have from that experience is that I want to try them again.
The next day though, I was out of it for the majority of the school day. I did it on a wednesday night, and stayed up till 2. I woke up the next day, and felt drained, and un-interested in talkig to people and listening. I got a little scared thinking it wouldn't go away and that I would remain like that for awhile, but about mid way through school everything started going back to normal and I was alright.
I would say from my experience though that there is a bit of a dark sensation with shrooms..kind of drooping and dark near the end of my comedown..but i was laying in my bed tired as a fuck, and wanting to go to sleep. Maybe that effected me a bit.
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Re: A little scared to try shrooms [Re: spliffguru]
#948592 - 10/10/02 06:30 AM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
shroom r the best they dont hurt u at all well at least not me
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Re: A little scared to try shrooms [Re: spliffguru]
#948636 - 10/10/02 06:47 AM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
dark sensation with shrooms..kind of drooping and dark near the end of my comedown.
I notice the same thing... i have only ever had one bad trip and it could have been easily avoided using simple common sense and a better setting. At least you are researching, that's a step up from most newbs.

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Re: A little scared to try shrooms *DELETED* [Re: blink]
#948683 - 10/10/02 07:13 AM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
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Re: A little scared to try shrooms [Re: Galvie_Flu]
#948695 - 10/10/02 07:18 AM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
Edited by Galvie_Flu (05/24/11 05:43 PM)
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Re: A little scared to try shrooms [Re: Galvie_Flu]
#948922 - 10/10/02 08:43 AM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
In reply to:
any mental disorders you have WILL be AMPLIFIED.
um no? I have some moderate to severe anxiety problems at times... and I feel fine on shrooms? whatever.
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Re: A little scared to try shrooms [Re: Albino_Jesus]
#949618 - 10/10/02 12:22 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
haha good point. I used to have anxiety over stupid shit, now i dont even remember what it was over. Shrooms can also help you if you respect it.
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Re: A little scared to try shrooms [Re: Galvie_Flu]
#4600616 - 08/30/05 07:55 PM (19 years, 5 months ago) |
I usually feel greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat after tripping, my body is relaxed and loose. Plus I get to wear sunglasses all day afterwards, if it's bright, and I love wearing sunglasses after tripping for some reason. Everything is golden, maybe that's why. Yea, well, like centrum said...RESPECT the shrooms and you will be fine. Enjoy your journey.
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Re: A little scared to try shrooms [Re: demiu5]
#4600798 - 08/30/05 08:29 PM (19 years, 5 months ago) |
This thread is almost three years old. Leviathon has since gone on to start a Mushroom-based cult that seeks out and destroys Sea monsters.
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Carl G. Jung
"So really, ordinary reality is a kind of chemical habit, sanctioned by culture, which says it's okay to use certain drugs, eat certain foods, and have certain sexual behaviors. However, when you transcend all this pre-conditioning by returning to the original wisdom of the animal body, then you discover this immense dimension of opportunity. For some people, it is a frightening risk. To me, that's the psychedelic experience."
Terence McKenna