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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93373 - 05/10/00 07:06 PM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
Your damn right Midway, people need to start looking at new stuff (even though I really like Pink Floyd, The Doors, etc.) and get to notice some of the bands that are'nt really discovered yet! A techno song that my cousin has his really trippy, it's called Samaurai by Juno Reactor. ------------------ Take it easy!
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93374 - 05/10/00 07:06 PM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
Your damn right Midway, people need to start looking at new stuff (even though I really like Pink Floyd, The Doors, etc.) and get to notice some of the bands that are'nt really discovered yet! A techno song that my cousin has his really trippy, it's called Samaurai by Juno Reactor. ------------------ Take it easy!
The Oswego Eclipse
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93375 - 05/11/00 10:24 AM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
The Screen Behind the Mirror is an incredible album. Do you have any idea what opera is playing in the background of the first and second songs?
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93376 - 05/11/00 12:11 AM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
One of the most incredable tripping albums i know of is: ESCM by BT its has a techno'esc feel to it, but it incorporates alot more.. its amazing the building and peaking that the music goes through.. and the voices... truly amazing.. definately look for it.. its worth it
-------------------- If I made affront, I apologize.
If I made affirmation, I apologize.
I merely came to listen, came to say.
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93377 - 05/11/00 02:59 PM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
One Word -GOA-. Goa trance is music made to trip out to.
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93378 - 05/11/00 04:08 PM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
any goa or psy trance is the shit. i havnt heard any recent stuff, but the stuff from 94-98 is great.also the orb is prety wikkid, slugdub comes to mind
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93379 - 05/11/00 05:31 PM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
i think that if you ask everyone what the best album to trip to, there answers will be different. each individual likes different music sober so why would it be any different on shrooms? just go with whatever music you like best------------------ the journey continues
the MidWay
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93380 - 05/12/00 02:50 PM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
i can see your point, demon, but i am speaking of a kind of music that is very hard to find, music made by FIERCE trippers, for trippers, about the EXPERIENCE of tripping... the beings that create this kind of Art hold more power than the president or the pope in the worlds created by thier listeners... atmospheric pressure level variations (sounds) have a direct effect on the subtle energy fields (emotions/aura) of the human system... this music is not for entertainment, and it is not always pleasent, but is for the transmutation of the subjective self into the higher nature... for those who are not afraid to let go and wish to GET ON WITH IT.Forest For the Trees "Dream" Tool "Aenima" Amon Tobin "Permutations" ~fictio cedit veritati~ soundmind
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93381 - 05/12/00 05:04 PM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
Most of the new shit that hits the market is so well produced(I mean, even the bands are soooo well produced) that when there music hits your ears, it feels like a f#?%ing sporesyringe is pushed up your ass... The artists of our generation needs to listen to our advice: Turn on, tune in, drop of.. There are some acceptions though: AIR "Moonsafari" All the shit with PORTISHEAD is really wicked They are really soft and tounting when u're all fucked up!! Alice in chains has got a few really trippy tunes(allthough they've stopped the show).. Tori Amos allways gets me in a weird mood.. And the almighty Swedish band ROBOT with their superb album "AUTOMAGIC" is the cream in trippi?n..."I was trippin at home the other day. Left a note to ma it said. don't worry i'm only trippin. nobody cared. cause nobody noticed." written by ME
synthetic rthyme

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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93382 - 05/12/00 09:41 PM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
tool is music made by trippers.. they even have a sound clip of this professor talking about how all the greatest music was made by people who were really fucking high... the AEnema albulm is awesome... and the video for one of the songs with all those people with black grainy skin was the most cracked out think i've ever seen while high... omg
-------------------- "If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite." Huxley
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93383 - 05/13/00 10:26 AM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
check it out...midland...those sound like bands worth taking a look at..do you listen to much Widespread Panic..some people have not heard of them..i went to a show...trust me if you go you will never be the same..i have never smoked crack..but the high could not be any better then sitting at a show about a level 3 listen ing to a 20 min. drums/congos..and synt. tunes and the loudest bass i have ever heard..i forgot my name..
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93384 - 05/13/00 12:11 PM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
I would have to say that there is no best trip album, it all has to do with what your preferences are. If your favorite band is metallica then I can almost garuntee that you will love listening to it while on shrooms. Experimentation with different genre's of music while you trip is so much more original than listening to pink floyd or the other "trip" bands. Check out the cd "The Best of Santana" you wont be dissapointed (Not that I'm trying to promote the cd ) I could of swore I was the drummer last time I tripped. Anyways, the point I'm trying to make is you have to find your own cd to trip off, no one person can tell you what is the BEST to trip off.[This message has been edited by SCshroomer (edited May 13, 2000).]
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93385 - 05/13/00 04:22 PM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
Yo MidWay you are so right music is one of the greatest things ever, wether you are high or not. I try not to judge music because as long as it fills someone with something then it is good, but with all the shit around today it a little scary. what will hapen to music.
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93386 - 05/14/00 04:25 PM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
where have you been? get into the goa-trance, psy-trance, acid-trance.. if you really want to hear someone who can actually CONTROL your brain waves well simply listen to anything by Simon Posford (Hallucinogen, Shpongle) or other artists like Infected Mushroom, The Pleiadians, Astral Projection, MFG.. well, anything from israel really ; )
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93387 - 05/14/00 04:50 PM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
infected mushroom sounds entirely too evil and ...evil for me, im more into the things like Orb and Orbital when tripping. also if you want a real journey song: The Sunshine Underground by Chemical Brothers, niiiiiice song!also good: ravi shankar, ATB, Mr. Oizo, Psychic Deli.
-------------------- Butter the Soul.
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93388 - 05/14/00 08:25 PM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
methinks tori amos is god shroomin music... especially 'from the choirgirl hotel' cause its so liquidy and visual i think tori amos is very femaale music... if you are male you really have to open yuor mind a lot to appreciate her, jethro tull is good shroomin music but he just makes you want to go into the woods and enjoy nature so you are not going to be indoors for long. seemee iam drrrunke and i s lovin it!!! i wish u were as drunk as i yum wine------------------ ~quembel the fox~
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93389 - 05/16/00 03:35 PM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
I am not normally into techno, but while tripping the song "Born Slippy" by Underworld off the Trainspotting soundtrack is amazing. Honestly I can say it blew me away. I'd suggest listening to this song to anyone...
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93390 - 05/17/00 07:34 AM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
The best tripping album is Pharcydes first album - it is an amazing trip album
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93391 - 05/18/00 12:13 AM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
"they even have a sound clip of this professor talking about how all the greatest music was made by people who were really fucking high.."Well he *could've* been a professor! The person talking there was Bill Hicks, a comedian. Tool was friends with him while he was alive. Bill Hicks is my favorite comedian, and Tool is my favorite band. Both are excellent to trip to, although novice trippers should consider the aggressiveness of Tool's music. Cheers, Hush.

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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93392 - 05/18/00 07:01 AM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
I love TOOL, but it is very weird music to trip too, and it can influence you in manners which may not be comfortable. In my experience the best album to listen too while peaking is Radiohead: OK computer. The only way to describe it is epic. The music has such a gentle flow, but with screaching undertones. By the end of the album I am usually lost in a liquid world. ------------------ A crowd will contradict it's own audibility -Mr. Bungle
-------------------- Yeah, she's gonna kill me.
the MidWay
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93393 - 05/23/00 03:24 PM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
yeah LSD, Radiohead is great... Forest For The Trees opened for them on a leg of the OK computer tour, i hear it was a great show... the last album from TOOL, "AENIMA" is anything but comfortable, but comfort is Death! best Groked with DMT or Ketamine, this album is a catalyst for change through the confrontation and acceptance of the false self... M.J.Keenan's eschatonic thoughtforms are an analog to the apocalypse of the ego and the birth of SELF!!! www.deoxy.org/omega.htm aut non tentaris, aut perfice!!! ~soundmind [This message has been edited by the MidWay (edited May 23, 2000).]
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93394 - 05/30/00 04:34 PM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
Tool Aenima is a great album to trip too but i dont understand why everyone only mentions THAT album....i love all three of the albums. when im tripping i like to put them in order in my cd player and blow my mind all the way through the cds. Opiate starts your trip out on this highly energetic ride to the moon then undertow starts and it just changes your whole trip makes it mellow out just a bit but its the perfect mix between trippy and hard then Aenima comes on and it fllors you with its vibe...fuckin amazing shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAYNARD YOU ARE A GOD! wow i think i need to go listen to tool now hehehehehehehehe peace
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93395 - 05/30/00 04:47 PM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
Tool is awesome awesome awesome... every album, every song... especially Third Eye, PuShit, and Disgustipated.. and just to clear things up, Maynard is not the only member of Tool, there is also Adam, Justin, and Danny... and for anyone into Tool that hasn't already, check out Bill Hicks, truly an incredible man...------------------ "...Prying open my third eye..." - Tool
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93396 - 05/30/00 06:58 PM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
i know maynard isnt the only member but his voice and his lyrics just take you into another world.....but to clear it up there all beautifull musicains
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93397 - 05/31/00 04:14 PM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
may i suggest some ice cube. even tho im not a rap fan or anything im listenin to it now and it sounds really cool. i think we all should broaden our musical tastes.peace
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93398 - 06/01/00 06:34 AM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
"Bentley Rhythm Ace - For your ears only" is pretty cool while trippin'!

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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93399 - 06/03/00 08:36 PM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
a good CD which i like is superstision 100. it's a mix between techno and house. it's very chilling and it will let your mind release and go off in thoughts. all you have to do is lose your eyes and your set.
------------------ BeastMaster
-------------------- "The Beast is here and he's going for the cake. Stop him!"
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93400 - 06/05/00 12:58 AM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
i honestly cannot believe that no-one here has mentioned the Future Sound Of London, people!! people!!!! have you not heard of them, esp. those who are into floyd, get dead cities, or lifeforms, NOW!! ------------------ "Occasionally I have dreams where I do nitrous, and just at the point where things go black and you feel like you're falling backwards, I wake up, and then I go back to sleep and its the comedown from the nitrous hit."
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93401 - 06/10/00 12:07 AM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
Uhh... what about NIN? They are the shit. Some of my best/wierdest trips had NIN as the soundtrack... I remember a certain thing I saw or thought because of a cool Nails song that was playing at the time....
------------------ "Life is just a bag of tricks!"....FTC
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93402 - 06/13/00 07:11 PM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
someone said:>>tool is music made by trippers.. they even have a sound clip of this professor talking about how all the greatest music was made by people who were really fucking high... He's not a professor. It's Bill Hicks, the greatest comedian(?), IMO. NIN is pure evil.
[This message has been edited by Neuroglider (edited June 13, 2000).]
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93403 - 06/14/00 10:23 AM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
OK a concise list of some of the best tripping albums: Pink Floyd - dark side of the moon, wish you were here, and the pulse live cdTool: yes all tool albums kick ass without a doubt Future sound of london: dead cities is a great album, its mind blowing. AK 1200: get anything by AK 1200, ESPECIALLY prepare for assult b/c tracks 8-14 are matrix-influenced (obviously, youll know if youve heard it) and trippy as fuck. this is only for fans of drum and bass/jungle. Dieselboy: NOT THE FUCKING punk band. the dj. he makes drum and bass shit. and hes fucking awesome. make sure you get glowsticks with any dieselboy CD, especially high octane or system upgrade. The Doors: anything is great well tahts all that i know of, but im gonna try and check out some of these bands that you guys mantioned. * smoke weed e-V-e-R-y-D-a-Y*
Professional Cereal Box

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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93404 - 06/14/00 11:42 AM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
i just found a band called sparklehorse that sounds like a fun trip.
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93405 - 06/16/00 09:12 PM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
Goatrance/Psytrance is no joke. If you have not heard music from these genres, you may be missing the most seriously kick ass sound the world, dare I say UNIVERSE has to offer. But as with any genre, there is good music and bad music, so do your research before purchasing.

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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93406 - 06/17/00 12:25 PM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
Yes, FSOL: lifeforms is excellent. Very alive, organic, transporting. Also Orbs Adventure's Beyond the Ultraworld, by the Orb is great.Of course every Pink Floyd album ever is excellent, except maybe The Final Cut. I love NIN, Trent is a genius. He's a master of auditory architecture, and moving, though often depressing, lyrics. But most of his music is a little edgy for me when tripping. A Warm Place off of the Downward Spiral shows promise that he could produce a great tripping album. His remix albums are a lot easier on the ears and psyche, particularly Fixed, The Perfect Drug single, and the remixes off of the Fragile. Yeah, Perma, I too spend too much time with music of the past. That music has been tested by time, and so much of today's music is visionless, market oriented, pop. I haven't even heard any Tool. Radiohead either. The signal to noise ratio on radios is just so high, I don't bother to listen to them, so I don't hear when something great is made. But, I'm searching Gnutella now, and will be inducted shortly. Hey, don't forget Phish! Their long jams, and swirling little mind dances are transporting even when sober. Split Open and Melt, indeed! I'd love to hear more suggestions, if this is any sort of guide as to the type of music I like. I usually lean to the more gentle, especially when tripping. -Hatta
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93407 - 06/17/00 03:28 PM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
Grateful Dead Live Dead. That would have to be my favorite. Some days it's hard for me to pick a favorite, somedays I have no problem. Trouble is, my favorite changes often. Ten years ago I would have said Pink Floyd Saucerful of Secrets. I like the old Floyd better than post Darkside, but Animals is awesome and I can't remember if Meddle came out before or after, but I prefer that to the more radio friendly Floyd as well. Sometimes it's fun to listen to the Elevator Music station for kicks.

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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93408 - 06/17/00 05:01 PM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
Bea, Meddle was before Dark Side. I think it was Meddle, Obscured by Clouds, Dark Side. You should chek out the Division Bell. New Floyd in old form. -Hatta
the MidWay
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93409 - 06/17/00 09:56 PM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93410 - 06/18/00 12:45 AM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
White Zombie LaSexorcisto! Made for tripping by trippers. Also everything by Acid Bath. It's a bit hard to find but you'll cause the time you wasted not owning an Acid bath cd.
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93411 - 06/18/00 01:01 AM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
My favorite trip albums (in no particular order) are: Pink Floyd - Meddle, an excellent album that conveys a wide array of musical styles and emotions. The Who - Tommy (ditto what I said above) Radiohead - The Bends. No particular reason, just nice music.I'll definately have to check out some of these dance/ambient/techno groups/dj's. They certainly seem to have a lot of fans here. ------------------ wave upon wave of demented avengers march cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream
Destroying Angel
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93412 - 06/18/00 01:14 AM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
Holy shoot Midway..."Dream" was a hit on the pop radio station a few years back...is that honestly tripping music? I always liked that song, kind of paradoxical  -Angel
the MidWay
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93413 - 06/18/00 11:13 PM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
Have you not heard???There's this new kind of Muse~, That attempts to unite many different forms into one cohesive concept Through the devices of the modern with an ancient method of rhythm.. ANALOG IS DIGITAL!!!  Our computers are not even close to the bit-depth of our percieved reality, But they are growing ever closer... I have heard this music refered to as: Trip~Hop Experimental Progressive Progressive World Beat(?) This will not do. The boundaries are bleeding... So many combinations are becoming harder to define... GIVE IT A NAME!!! What shall we call it??? [This message has been edited by the MidWay (edited September 22, 2000).]
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93414 - 06/20/00 11:33 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Radiohead- OK computer is a great album, and i'd have to suggest any portishead, and andy smith's solo stuff is good too.------------------
-------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
[green] my sister's name is maryjane [/green]
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93415 - 06/21/00 05:45 AM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
try listening to walter carlos' _sonic seasonings_
-------------------- old enough to know better
not old enough to care
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93416 - 06/21/00 09:31 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
sublime, any sublime you cant get any better than sublime

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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93417 - 06/23/00 12:29 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Shroomite, try the Orb. They're lots of fun. Lots of little undercurrents to their music, very well made. -Hatta
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93418 - 06/23/00 01:14 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Bob Marley's Songs of Freedom compilation set is great on a good trip...and helps take people of bad ones...just listen to the lyrics
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93419 - 06/23/00 02:02 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
he he he...I forgot about sublime....Also any -early- carlos santana, And an album I just picked up- A perfect circle's new one, it's a lot like tool's stuff, but a bit more "industrialized"...it could get a bit freaky I imagine though... ------------------ Soak it up, it will end in time.
-------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
[green] my sister's name is maryjane [/green]
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93420 - 06/25/00 02:34 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
I have to agree with the sentiment that whatever you listen to regularly is going to be extra special whilst tripping.However, just to jump on the bandwagon, here's a few suggestions: Medicine Drum - The Talking Stick : nice relaxing Goa/Psychedelic trance Koxbox - The Great Unknown : more Goa! Platipus Records - The Ultimate Dream Collection : progressive trance to take you away... Elementary Records - London Acid City : acid techno and trance; this one's pretty hard, but *very* groovy. check out disc 1 track 3 "Brain Medicine". too funny!!  fluidity
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93421 - 06/26/00 10:45 AM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
the most intense experience i've had was listening to BT-Mercury and Solace while shrooming. Tears literally were streaming down my face. I think personally trance is the best music to trip to because the sound is so parallel with what shrooming is about, going on a journey
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93422 - 06/26/00 12:56 AM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
cheack out my axe wound, you fucking cum sucking hippies....so many hippies are gay. ------------------ just eat the fuckers you stupid hippies.
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93423 - 06/26/00 08:04 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
my best trips have been to "Dark Side Of The Moon" by Pink Floyd..always. Yes is pretty trippy...get their alblum "Classic Yes".
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93424 - 06/27/00 01:16 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Yes's Close to the Edge Album is pretty trippy to listen to. I recently saw them in concert on their Masterworks tour and they blew me away!
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93425 - 06/27/00 01:53 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
well. if you're a fan of electronic types of music (or even if you're not), i might suggest as some already have, goa/psytrance. oh my god. seriously. goa never ceases to blow me away, tripping or sober. there's other music i love too, like hard and/or minimal techno, hardcore, gabber, speedcore, breaks, old skool jungle, some types of trance, acid/hardcore acid, and so on. i don't think i'd want to listen to hardcore a lot when tripping. especially actual HARDcore...not happy hardcore (which, btw, i can't stand very much of anymore) - when tripping, the speed and relentlesness and agressiveness and sometimes darkness of hardcore wouldn't seem like it'd go well with me...especially speedcore or terrorcore...yipes! and even though i'm not normally a fan at all of stuff like korn or NIN or anything like that...i've heard some of their stuff that just makes me say "damn! this 'd be alright tripping!" but i'd have to say GOA/PSYTRANCE baby, yeah! and i'd like to try classical too, i've heard it's excellent. anyway, happy tripping.peace!
the MidWay
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93426 - 07/09/00 04:08 AM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Amon Tobin "Supermodificatio" is the next level of Trip Hop~Amon Tobin "Supermodificatio" is the next level of Trip Hop~Amon Tobin "Supermodificatio" is the next level of Trip Hop~Amon Tobin "Supermodificatio" is the next level of Trip Hop~Amon Tobin "Supermodificatio" is the next level of Trip Hop~Amon Tobin "Supermodificatio" is the next level of Trip Hop~Amon Tobin "Supermodificatio" is the next level of Trip Hop~Amon Tobin "Supermodificatio" is the next level of Trip Hop~Amon Tobin "Supermodificatio" is the next level of Trip Hop~Amon Tobin "Supermodificatio" is the next level of Trip Hop~Amon Tobin "Supermodificatio" is the next level of Trip Hop~Amon Tobin "Supermodificatio" is the next level of Trip Hop~Amon Tobin "Supermodificatio" is the next level of Trip Hop~Amon Tobin "Supermodificatio" is the next level of Trip Hop~Amon Tobin "Supermodificatio" is the next level of Trip Hop~Amon Tobin "Supermodificatio" is the next level of Trip Hop~Amon Tobin "Supermodificatio" is the next level of Trip Hop~Amon Tobin "Supermodificatio" is the next level of Trip Hop~Amon Tobin "Supermodificatio" is the next level of Trip Hop!!!
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93427 - 07/09/00 04:54 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
The Wall, anything by Floyd, Meddle, Ummaguma, Dark Side of the Moon are all great. There are alot of newer bands too which are also great. Pink Floyd rules in my opinion though.
-------------------- ---Its like being stoned in 3-D!
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93428 - 07/09/00 05:06 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
My all time favourite trip album is Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here. I know its already been mentioned, but the album is so good.------------------ see me here: www.geocities.com/vorpal_rd/justapic.html
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93429 - 07/09/00 05:28 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
The Prodigy - Music for the jilted generation, is a quality sound for acid/mushies, esp. the final 3 songs labeled "THE NARCOTIC SUITE".Also 'Death in Vegas' - The cortino sessions, for trippy sounds layered upon more trippy sounds.... ...nice
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93430 - 07/11/00 03:26 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Ozric tentacles is key when you're trippin.....Jurassic shift and Erpland are amazing. Future Sound of London just fucks with your head when you're trippin....like they take control of you.....love it! Also try Plastikman's Consumed......soooooooo entrancing.
Johnny Prophet
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93431 - 07/11/00 03:43 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Skinny Puppy's Last Rights album and Marilyn Manson's Smells Like Children are two that I always enjoy and haven't seen mentioned yet. Although my friends all fear the Skinny Puppy album. Third Eye from Tool has to be the best song though, and for those who agree, you should check out A Perfect Circle which has Maynard on vocals.

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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93432 - 07/12/00 10:29 AM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
A couple of good ones are the Beastie Boys' 'The In Sound From Way Out' and Boingo's self-titled album.
-------------------- I missed the boat once when I was young and stupid, but now I am able to miss the boat repeatedly with great skill and accuracy.
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93433 - 07/12/00 03:33 AM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti.
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93434 - 07/13/00 12:00 PM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
hmm..in no particular orderpink floyd - meddle (holy shit this cd kicks ass. it has gotten my friend out of a bad trip, and it really makes me think a lot and it fucks with my head with makes me think even more) pink floyd - division bell (a nice calm cd that if listened to in a good environment can be the best day of your life) no doubt - return to saturn (believe it or not, this cd will make you happy if you ever feel depressed or are worried about a bad trip. it is just full of happiness) those are pretty much my favorties, altho i like listening to rush, 10,000 maniacs, and those weird techno songs from chemical brothers and orbital and stuff. peace
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93435 - 07/14/00 10:31 AM (24 years, 7 months ago) |
I've gotta chime in with a vote for ORB.Their album "Pomme Fritz" took me to the circus of eternity one night. They shot me out of a cannon, they did. And was there a net? No. Only colours. It was good. ------------------ TheGavinites! ...we chase string!

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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93436 - 08/12/00 09:13 AM (24 years, 6 months ago) |
The Incredible String Band * 5000 Layers of the Onion Grateful Dead * American Beauty Bob Dylan * Time Out of Mind Sorry, I could not limit myself to only one. I also like the Beatles.
[This message has been edited by Heretic (edited August 12, 2000).]
old hand
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93437 - 08/13/00 03:45 AM (24 years, 6 months ago) |
.[This message has been edited by Condi1 (edited October 07, 2000).]
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93438 - 08/13/00 05:01 PM (24 years, 6 months ago) |
Let's see if I can cater to different people's tastes here. Now for something more on the dark and thoughful side...For everyone: - Art Of Noise: The Seducation Of Claude Debussy Ambient/Experimental Techno: - Future Sound Of London: Lifeforms - Bill Laswell: Imaginary Cuba - Black Tape For A Blue Girl: Before The Buildings Fell - Download: Sidewinder (Ambient) Industrial: - Nurse With Wound: A Sucked Orange - Throbbing Gristle: Funk Beyond Jazz - Psychic TV: Towards Thee Infinite Beat - Einst?rzende Neubauten: Tabula Rasa - Coil: Love's Secret Domain Ambient Techno & Drum'n'Bass: - Bogdan Raczynski: Samurai Math Beats - Aphex Twin: I Care Because You Do - Aphex Twin: The Singles Collection - Plaid: Not For Threes - Cornelius: CM (Cornelius Mixes) - Mouse On Mars: Niun Niggung Tell me what you think. More sensitive people will probably appreciate Ambient Techno more than anything else. Pure listening pleasure.
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93439 - 08/14/00 07:21 PM (24 years, 6 months ago) |
A weird cd to trip to is called Chant. It is a bunch of monks chanting in hymns? i am not really sure what it is but i definitly like it.thanks for your time. ------------------ ^Al^
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93440 - 08/14/00 07:35 PM (24 years, 6 months ago) |
There's all this chatter about Forest for the Trees. I saw the Dream album in the record store the other day and was going to pick it up but I didn't know enough about it just to grab and buy. It was in the rock/pop section, is that what it is? What does it sound like? Any groups that are comprable? peace
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93441 - 08/15/00 12:08 AM (24 years, 6 months ago) |
Soundtrack to the movie Hackers.------------------ The truth hurts, doesn't it? Maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle with the seat missing, but it hurts.
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93442 - 08/15/00 12:52 PM (24 years, 6 months ago) |
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93443 - 08/15/00 05:27 PM (24 years, 6 months ago) |
Anything by Enigma.The Oswego Eclipse: The opera in the background of Screen Behind the Mirror is O'Fortuna from the Carmina Burana. Look for recordings by Carl Orf.
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93444 - 08/15/00 11:20 PM (24 years, 6 months ago) |
Okay, this topic is probably getting a little old by now, but I have to say that as music whilst tripping goes, I find absolute silence the very best. Or better yet, birds singing. It allows me to focus inwards more and concentrate on the trip. I guess it's primarily a personal thing.Music whilst coming down off a trip is always good. The very best come-down music for me has got to be "Adore" by Smashing Pumpkins. It's low-key, subtle and relaxing. Also it tends to stop me from getting depressed after a trip and puts me into a postive mindset. Just perfect.  Other good "trippy" albums are Future Soul of London's "Lifeforms" (as mentioned before, organic and mind-expanding), Smashing Pumpkins' "Mellon Collie" (an epic 2-disc album that leads you into the peak of a trip rather nicely), Aphex Twin's "Selected Ambient Works I & II" (best listened to whilst tripping hard - any sooner and I find it tends to mess with me) and Jimi Hendrix's "Axis Bold As Love" is good stuff too. Tori Amos and Alisha's Attic to put you in a weird mood - especially if you're female, like me... the strange lyrics tend to make me go all child-like and happy (something my male tripping friends don't seem to experience). Ah well, that's my 2 cents worth...
the MidWay
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93445 - 08/22/00 04:08 PM (24 years, 5 months ago) |
This topic will never become old!!!If We keep reaching Higher Ground, Through the Power of Creative Genius!!! The Technology is growing exponentially... WHAT'S OVER THE NEXT RIDGE??? ~Forest For The Trees "Dream"  ~The Ananda Shankar Experience "Walking On" ~Ekova "soft breeze & tsunami breaks" ~Dead Can Dance "Spiritchaser" ~Amon Tobin "Supermodification" ~TOOL "Aenima"  These waveforms were Intentionaly Designed to Direct and Focus Energy, Guide Visualization through Rhythmic Geometry, and greatly intensify the Emotions and Intellect. To become a NewBorn and play in the Technicolor Garden, combine FFTT, a HD, and Pranic Yoga breathing techniques. To become a Dying Wish and dance with your Shadow, combine TOOL, a really HD, and Quantum Tantra exercises. There is no thing as Absolute Silence. (even the Universe breathes) Only in the Silence of the Mind, One may Hear the Music of the Spheres... [This message has been edited by the MidWay (edited August 22, 2000).]
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93446 - 08/25/00 05:08 AM (24 years, 5 months ago) |
Basically everything from paul van dyk and paul oakenfold
Carpal Tunnel
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93447 - 08/25/00 07:00 AM (24 years, 5 months ago) |
andreas vollenweider paul horn charles lloyd john coltrane pharoah sanders alice coltrane paul winter oregon miles davis charles mingus ~betta git it in yo soul~
-------------------- old enough to know better
not old enough to care
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93448 - 09/21/00 12:58 AM (24 years, 5 months ago) |
i've read most of the replies, and im surprised just how much techno/rave/trance/whatever music is here... dont get me wrong, this stuff is great to listen to while tripping, but i find the best to be early 90s alt rock, especially if you play in a band yourself... EARLY soundgarden is amazing (loud love, hands all over, etc) as is pearl jam, but if you want to be seriusly tripped out, listen to all of smashing pumpkins: mellon collie and the infinite sadness (even the wuss songs!) i dunno, i mean i apprietate the new 'computer music' trend, but you gotta listen to distored guitars to truely be taken away... oh yea, guns and roses (use your illusion I and II) are great as well: estranged!
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93449 - 09/21/00 03:35 PM (24 years, 5 months ago) |
The original orange covered KMFDM Naive CD is great for a mellow trip. It's oop though =\ due to O Fortuna samples ironically, as the song is mentioned above ^^Too Dark park by Skinny Puppy is great. Insane fucking CD. I always describe it as a horror movie in audio format, it's nuts but great. Anything by sheep on drugs, FSOL, Pink Floyd...
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93450 - 09/21/00 03:44 PM (24 years, 5 months ago) |
Naive? no way! teh kmfdm cd to listen to is adios. i still aven't found anything that detailed and amazing. also the new mdfmk cd is pretty cool. fsol lifeforms ep is great as is most thier stuff. now the orb live '93 cd. all i can say is WOW. it is just genious. now haven't listened to it tripping yet, but les claypool and teh holy mackeral have a cd called highball with teh devil. a little hard to find, but WELL worth it. so many layers and just wacked out primus like music. great cd that always pushes me over teh edge when im just a little gone. i highly sudgest it to everyone.------------------ THE DIARY OF NATHAN ADLER or THE ART-RITUAL MURDER OF BABY GRACE BLUE: a non-linear Gothic Drama Hyper-cycle
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93451 - 09/22/00 02:15 PM (24 years, 4 months ago) |
If anyone here wants some really fucking tripped out jazz with amazing grooves and an acid trip hop feels to it. Just go the the store and pick up Medeski Martin & Wood....their album...combustication. It's amazing for tripping. amazing amazing amazing.. I really hope some of you looking do check this out. it's a complete other world even if you're not tripping when you listen to it. ------------------ "We live together, we act on, and react to, one another; but always and in all circumstances we are by ourselves..."-Aldous Huxley(Doors of Perception)
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93452 - 09/22/00 06:12 PM (24 years, 4 months ago) |
Spacetime Continuum w/ Terrence McKenna "Alien Dreamtime" especially on some combo of LSD, DMT, and THC.
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93453 - 09/25/00 03:41 PM (24 years, 4 months ago) |
I like Japanese Music very much when I am tripping. The "Ghost in the Shell" Soundtrack is just amazing. Also Stuff by Aphex Twin which is very interesting to listen to, cause his music is made for tripping, and Paul van Dyk.Can't go wrong with Grateful Dead of Hendrix
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93454 - 09/25/00 09:06 PM (24 years, 4 months ago) |
I gotta say that my two favorite albums to listen to trippin are:Air- Moon Safari Pink Floyd- Meddle But to be honest good music is good music. It's gonna sound good for the most part. Notice how no one says "yeah I was sitting there tripping balls to the backstreet boys..." that's because they blow when you are sober. Just a thought
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93455 - 09/26/00 10:37 AM (24 years, 4 months ago) |
"An American Prayer"- Jim Morrison, this shit will send you ass into space. I once thought i was an Italian Gangster eating at a resteraunt, while listening to it. I was actually in my room, and I'm not Italian"Mushroom Jazz"-Mark Farina, very good shit "Forbidden Places", "Too High To Die"- Meat Puppets. Listen to the lyrics you'll know why. "The Soft Bulletin"- The Flaming Lips, blow your fucking mind. enough said
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93456 - 09/26/00 02:03 AM (24 years, 4 months ago) |
Frank Black. Absolutely great. Nothing more I can say.
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93457 - 09/26/00 02:08 AM (24 years, 4 months ago) |
u want(well im suggesting..i dunno what u want!!) music thats got a soft undertone that u get used to so u dont think its actually there but if it happened to be tunred off it would be sooo noticable....any music is good tho.....u cant say a specific band is the best or specific genre cause u should listen to anyhting and everyhting and let ppl listento what they want...not everyone will like the music u like...but u shouldnt block it out
------------------ Feel the pain.....Taste the Terror ApAtHy-NaMeSaKe
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93458 - 09/26/00 06:33 PM (24 years, 4 months ago) |
I would suggest a grateful dead show but since they are no more, Dead bootlegs are my favorite thing to listen to.
swollen member
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93459 - 09/29/00 04:26 PM (24 years, 4 months ago) |
Man FunkyBalloon, Frank Black, you hit home with that one. Didn't think ANYONE would mention him. He is all time best in rock.
-------------------- <insert quirky comment here>
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93460 - 09/30/00 02:39 PM (24 years, 4 months ago) |
The trippiest group i found was kid koala now thats trippy download some mp3's from scour (http://www.scour.com) i like listening to them on any drug

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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93461 - 10/01/00 03:04 AM (24 years, 4 months ago) |
Some albums that have fucked with my head in a good way:Black Sabbath - Reunion (on dissociatives, probably not great on LSD/shrooms/etc) Janis Joplin - Cheap Thrills The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour Pink Floyd - The Division Bell The Doors - The Doors Jimi Hendrix - Electric Ladyland Bad Boy Bill - Bangin the Box V4 This isn't a list of my 'favorite' albums, or the ones that I think sound 'the trippiest', but just ones that I have had great tripping experiences with. Others that I love to listen to while tripping, but am always dissapointed when they don't sound much different/better than when I'm stoned: Grateful Dead - Grateful Dead (their first album) Phish - A Live One Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here Bad Boy Bill - Bangin in London Orbital - Orbital The Doors - Strange Days The Doors - The Soft Parade The Beatles - Sgt. Peppers Mr. Oizo - Analog Worms Attack
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93462 - 10/07/00 02:10 PM (24 years, 4 months ago) |
I just picked up Radiohead: Kid A today, and I'd have to say its one of their best, and possibly *the* best cd to trip to.. I mentioned Tangerine Dream in a post on another topic, their stuff is *perfect* acid music, a must try.. Soul Coughing is also really intense stuff while tripping, but pick well - some of their stuff will probably send you tweaking out of the room.. hehe Also try Ghost in the Machine and Aphex Twin (some songs, not 'Come to daddy'.. any aphex fans will know what i mean..hehe)
"12 hours of LSD-25 acid-bath makes you really tired... physically and mentally. But psilocybin, mm-mm, it's juuuuust fiiiine."
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93463 - 10/07/00 03:06 PM (24 years, 4 months ago) |
I rate that nature is the best "music" to listen to. When you can Lie down on the grass and listen to the birds, wind etc..A great trick aswell is the "Imaginary Ball". Pretend that you have a imaginary tennis ball in your hand, throw it from one hand to the other (horizontaly) then throw it up into the air, juggle etc. Formally a weed trick but work's brilliantly when your tripping TRY IT!
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93464 - 10/12/00 10:17 AM (24 years, 4 months ago) |
If you are into technical stuff try Dream Theater. They will bring you to a different world. I can't really even explain it but it certainly makes you feel like your flying around your room. It feels as if you are the music and with each change in pitch or a note your body feels like its moving up or down or side to side and its just crazy shit.------------------ yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93465 - 10/16/00 09:27 AM (24 years, 4 months ago) |
I've liked a lot of suggestions on this thread... here's my top 10 trip albums (in no particular order):1- Tool, Aenima 2- Tribe After Tribe, Love Under Will 3- Coil, The Angelic Conversation 4- Doors, The Doors (their 1st album) 5- Beethoven's 9th Symphony (esp. 4th movement) 6- Gary Neuman, Exile 7- Cruxshadows, Telemetry of a Fallen angel 8- Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon 9- They Might Be Giants, Flood 10- Wolfsheim, Sparrows & Nightengales Note the variety here. There are a lot of different kinds of trips one may wish to have and each of these albums provides something unique. Cruxshadows gives a very techno-egyptian-martian feel while Beethoven gives the kind of awe inspiring unity that I love so much. Coil & TAT have to be experienced to be understood... but the Doors, well... this is a new addition for me. The first trip I ever had i sat back listening to "The End" and bitched at Jim Morrison (even though he wasn't there & is dead) for 20 minutes because I felt he was trying to tell me how to trip... weird.
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93466 - 10/19/00 03:23 PM (24 years, 4 months ago) |
I have a few. in no order.KMFDM "symbols" Cynic "Focus" Godflesh "Pure" Prong "Clensing" -JAH
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93467 - 10/19/00 03:29 PM (24 years, 4 months ago) |
somebody mentioned mark farina above, and i totally concur!  definitely check out san fransisco sessions vol 1. very chill, uplifting, jazzy house music, seamlessly mixed by master farina. "somethin' else" got me hard.  cheers, fluidity
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93468 - 10/19/00 03:37 PM (24 years, 4 months ago) |
Albums come to mind, that I'd love to trip to and probably would be the best ones to hear might be: A Perfect Circle "mer de noms" Gordian Knot "self titled" Aghora "self titled" Death "The sound of perserverance" Nine Inch Nails "the fragile" Nine Inch Nails "things falling apart" (The fragile remixes, that havent even been out yet , hatta) KMFDM "Adios" MDFMK "self titled" -JAH

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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93469 - 10/21/00 07:47 AM (24 years, 4 months ago) |
a lot of mine are on here, but one i noticed that NO one noticed that REALLY suprised me was The Crystal Method - "Vegas"Hands down the best trip music ever, if you don't have this cd go out and get it NOW! What is wrong with you people? ------------------ MacMelphCallio gonna rape you for your life YOUBITCHYOU - me. TEXTURE!!! they feel it. - Ryche Hawk
-------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
MacMelphCallio Gonna Rape You For Your Life YOUBITCHYOU! - me.
I gotsta havit, silly rabbit - me
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93470 - 10/21/00 12:24 PM (24 years, 4 months ago) |
Global Communication- 76:14(Mind expanding album)Worth buying just for track 2.Biosphere - Substrata "The things I tell you will not be wrong" haha Anything by Ozric Tentacles although my faves are Pungent Effulgent(listen to Pharlarn Dawn while watching the sunrise), Become the Other, Erpland, and The Hidden Step. By the way they are starting their Hidden Step tour in a few days........I urge any of you to go see them...they give one tripped out show.
the MidWay
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93471 - 10/28/00 01:52 AM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
SHPONGLE (any album!) Amon Tobin "Permutations" (drum&bass+jazz+breakbeat+orchestral=AT) Blue Man Group "Audio" (progressive retro space~rock) Enigma "Screen Behind the Mirror" (operatic trip~pop) Peter Gabriel "Passion" (soundtrack for The Last Temptation of Christ) Dead Can Dance "Spiritchaser" (tribal~invocational ... for Entheogenics)777~System 7.3 "Fire+Water" (Fantastic Trance!) *FOREST FOR THE TREES* (all of the above) But don't take MY wyrd for it... smile. praying mantis
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93472 - 10/28/00 02:31 AM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
Favourite Trip MusicArtist(Album) Trance : Atmos(anything) Ambient : Tangerine Dream(Best of), Shpongle(Are you Shpongled) 60's 70's : Hendrix(Axis bold as Love), Beatles(Magical Mystery Tour) Classic : Mozart(anything), Bach(anything) Trip gently... "When you get the message, hang up the phone" -Ram Dass
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93473 - 10/29/00 01:41 PM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
i'd have to say the following is absolute mind blowing -->any *live* phish any *live* dead (oxymoron?) john coltrane herbie hancock most trance/techno then again, when yer trippin, most all music is good, eh? i love you all, sven ------------------ "for any art to exist, for any aestically pleasing art form to exist, a certain indespensible precondition must exist: intoxication." -Frederich Nietzsche
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93474 - 10/29/00 08:33 PM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
The female voice is the most moving sound I could imagine. Artists like Bjork (See her movie "Dancer In the Dark"), Sarah Mclachlin, Madonnas Ray of light album. PS- Dave matthews Jams rival all great jammin bands.
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Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93475 - 10/29/00 08:50 PM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
Skinny Puppy: Last Rightsneed I say more? Beware though, SP's Too Dark Park is probably the most horrificly amazing yet terrorizing CD I've ever heard, I only recommend it while tripping to those who are very in touch with reality! (Although recomended to all sober)
Re: Greatest trip album EVER!!!
#93476 - 10/30/00 07:49 AM (24 years, 3 months ago) |
It's 23 A.M. http://www.robert-miles.com/ Just looked through these postings, didn't see "23A.M." mentioned, brilliant tripping music for the dance/trance aficionado's. The Jam "Setting Sons." did it for me on my first major trip. And I suppose anything half decent will sound good when tripping...um errr not forgetting anything by Tangerine Dream!