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Re: what are good movies to see shrooming [Re: Vorpal]
#92864 - 05/08/00 05:40 AM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
this one you had me laughing for an hour and a half while I was sober, but you probably wont be able to find it (I found it in one of those 99 cent stores) its called dreaming of paradise, and its a childrens movie. its about these underground people who sit around all day picking shrooms and digging and getting loaded on mushroom wine, I shit you not. they drink the wine and have hallucinations like the rat man splits in two and starts dancing with himself and morphing. its a cartoon and was made in '87. it was made by Just for Kids home video, good luck finding this treasure.
Re: what are good movies to see shrooming [Re: Vorpal]
#92865 - 05/08/00 07:19 AM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
Hey XStatic - I don't want to devalue your treasure man - But i have also seen this movie and it isnt too hard to find on the ne t- Of course I couldnt find it in a store for the longest time Anyways its at amazon.com - Cool shit though man - good call More Good Movies Anything by, shit I cant remember his name but he is a very famous japanese animator I think his name is Mayao Hiyazkai or some shit anyway My neighbour Totorro was awesome while tripping Reservoir Dogs or Usual Suspects - if you know anyone who couldnt follow these movies put them on shrooms and let htem watch it - it will all make sense Fear of a Black Hat - pure fucking laughs Or rent some Ab Fab collections - that shit makes me laugh hard - it took me awhile to get use to their accebts though
Re: what are good movies to see shrooming [Re: Vorpal]
#92866 - 05/08/00 06:31 PM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
YELLOW SUBMARINE!! there is so much in that movie, it makes you think. those blue meanies bugged me out... also there is this movie called the Point, its a cartoon narrated by Ringo Starr. its about this little boy who gets born into a village where everything has a point on it, even the peoples heads. but he was born with a round head, and when he pisses off the mayor or somebody's kid, he gets banished to the pointless forest where all this trippy shit happens to him and his dog. a black hole, singing fat ladies bouncing around, trees that talk to him.. very cool. also the old sesame street episodes are good, dont watch the new ones though...they are too freakish.
Re: what are good movies to see shrooming [Re: Vorpal]
#92867 - 05/08/00 08:25 PM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
hey thanks u guys!!!
Re: what are good movies to see shrooming [Re: Vorpal]
#92868 - 05/08/00 08:33 PM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
A movie that is definatley good to see on shrooms is one called "Microcosmos". It is ALL about bugs and their ways of getting around. They actually made insect-sized cameras to film them and it's like your a fuckin insect yourself!! It's quite similar to Baraka in the way that its trippier than fuckin fuck!!! Watch it and you'll see what I mean...happy trippin' fellow druggies!!
Re: what are good movies to see shrooming [Re: Vorpal]
#92869 - 05/08/00 08:57 PM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
Watch Being John Malcovich. Its about a guy who finds a doorway into John Malcovich's head and sell people tickets to "be" him for 15 min. ITS A DAMN WEIRD ASS TRIPPY MOVIE!!!
Re: what are good movies to see shrooming [Re: Vorpal]
#92870 - 05/12/00 04:30 AM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
is Naked Luch a porno or comedy?------------------ ~SHELBY~
Re: what are good movies to see shrooming [Re: Vorpal]
#92871 - 05/12/00 05:07 AM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
Baraka must be the best goddamned movie ever...I watched it when "normal" and it almost felt like a bigass mushroom trip... This movie is a must. It beats anything... ...ANYTHING!!! ------------------ //Moomin666 -When madness is an art...
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Re: what are good movies to see shrooming [Re: Vorpal]
#92872 - 05/14/00 12:35 PM (24 years, 9 months ago) |
Dont watch movies when you are tripping. Have you ever been sitting in a room with the whole place morphing and melting, yet the TV still looks normal? Thats what I'm talking about. The best visuals come from realworld 3d objects. Things with texture like grass and carpet and water and people. You will enjoy your trip much more if you go for a walk instead of sitting in front of a TV.
Re: what are good movies to see shrooming [Re: Vorpal]
#92873 - 05/24/00 07:08 PM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
never watched it while trippin but plan to, night at the roxbury. i can watch that movie over and over again and still laugh my ass off, its great------------------ Categorize in your rolidex, whose flow is next?
Re: what are good movies to see shrooming [Re: Vorpal]
#92874 - 05/25/00 08:54 PM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
The Shining stands out in my mind as the most intense movie I ever saw on shrooms the music is so damn creepy! I watched The Mask on four hits of acid in the theater WOW! It was the first time I saw Carrey, those faces he makes, GOD! The Wall made me violent and I kinda liked that. I saw Satan watching Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. In my experience seeing Jesus was a thousand fold times scarier than seeing Satan. Used to always watch those people walking all over chanting "Hail Mary..." on TV and that was real spooky. Yeah, I guess I revel too much in the dark side, don't try this at home.
Re: what are good movies to see shrooming [Re: Vorpal]
#92875 - 05/26/00 11:23 PM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
2001 that's all you need, the ending is a tripw/ optional Pink Floyd Echoes ending matrix is cool, but it can get a little freaky ------------------ What a long, strange trip it's been... -Jerry Garcia
Re: what are good movies to see shrooming [Re: Vorpal]
#92876 - 05/26/00 11:31 PM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
Well its an old one but... "Kentucky fried movie"... If you dont watch it trippin...try any other time..just plain funny shit..
Registered: 01/30/00
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Re: what are good movies to see shrooming [Re: Vorpal]
#92877 - 05/27/00 12:33 AM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
anything by david lynch is a lock.

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Re: what are good movies to see shrooming [Re: Vorpal]
#92878 - 05/28/00 03:58 PM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
go see circ du sole it is an IMAX film and it will Fu*k with you mind.------------------ BeastMaster
-------------------- "The Beast is here and he's going for the cake. Stop him!"
Re: what are good movies to see shrooming [Re: Vorpal]
#92879 - 05/31/00 11:25 PM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
Yellow Submarine, Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas, A Clockwork Orange, and Magical Mystery Tour are all groovy to watch when you trip.
Re: what are good movies to see shrooming [Re: Vorpal]
#92880 - 06/03/00 07:36 PM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
re BARAKA.yeah, this is quite a good flick, Ive seen it straight, stoned and tripping. BUT it is nothing compared to a film in the same genre called KOYANISQUAATSI. I saw this on a big screen in our local botanic park and It is so much better than baraka, which in comparison is rather shallow and meaningless. Also in a similar genre, but with a cool techno soundtrack instead of the ambient stuff is 'Lucky People Centre's' 'international' cheers presym
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Re: what are good movies to see shrooming [Re: Vorpal]
#92881 - 06/04/00 10:52 AM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
8 heads in a duffle bag
Re: what are good movies to see shrooming [Re: Vorpal]
#92882 - 06/04/00 06:39 PM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
Fantastic Planet is a good one... it was a Cannes film festival winner a few years back, it's a cartoon, and there is just so much wierd stuff in it... (Can probably find it in SciFi section)Also, I saw Lost In Space (the newer one) a little while I was tripping out on shrooms, and MAN, you don't have to watch the whole thing (kinda hard to on a level 3/4 anyways), but if you catch just brief glimpses of it, it's awesome. I can't explain what I saw in it...
Re: what are good movies to see shrooming [Re: Vorpal]
#92883 - 06/09/00 08:47 AM (24 years, 8 months ago) |
KOYANISQUAATSI is cool: check out the IMAX feature "Chronos" - it's a similar deal, only longer (and IMAX!)Also, sober or otherwise: Run, Lola, Run. Cool cinematography, action, pounding soundtrack, and it really makes you think. One problem: German subtitles. But the story is so action-based that you almost don't need them ... Tetsuo the Iron Man (first one, B&W) gave me a bad trip while sober. I gotta check out this "Barraka" everyone is talking about. Is that the bizarro 60s sci-fi with Jane Fonda wearing very little? I think I saw the box at the video store ...