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Registered: 06/13/01
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Gumby finds Ps. weilii(he thinks) PICS!
#917699 - 09/29/02 07:48 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
I went out this evening with one purpose: find some weiliis. After walking around for an hour and finding nothing but some Amanitas, Agaricus, and Lepoitas I was about to say fuck it... But just then a friend in the neighborhood stuck his head out the door and we went to talk with him. We chilled in his yard while he ate a bowl of ice cream. While him and my other friend were talking I walked around. Then I saw some caps growing in bemuda grass near a street light. I picked them, smelled them. I knew it was weilii. The bluing reaction has confirmed this so that I am now 90% sure I've found Ps. weilii. We found about 20-30 total, I brought 4 home for identification purposes(friends have the rest and are waiting for the go ahead ).
Heres the pics(near watch for size comparison):
 A very large pic of the caps of all the mushrooms... Large so that you can see some of the briusing reaction.
 The 2 largest caps I found, arrows point to the bluing.
 And the gills...
 Bluing/greening stem.
 A wavy cap weilii.
 Another shot of the wavy guy.
So what you think, they be Weilii's? I'm taking a print of the 2 largest caps right now.

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Re: Gumby finds Ps. weilii(he thinks) PICS! [Re: Gumby]
#917721 - 09/29/02 07:59 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
Beautiful Mushrooms dude!!!!! Mucho Congrats on your first find, hopefully many more will come!
One of thoseannoying lil'shroom-eatingmaggots
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Re: Gumby finds Ps. weilii(he thinks) PICS! [Re: Gumby]
#917730 - 09/29/02 08:02 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
Congrats ^.^ How long did it take for 'em to bruise? purty mushrooms!

Registered: 06/13/01
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Re: Gumby finds Ps. weilii(he thinks) PICS! [Re: SomeBum]
#917736 - 09/29/02 08:06 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
We noticed the first signs of briusing after about 15 minutes... But after an hour or two there are parts that are almost black they're so blue.
One of thoseannoying lil'shroom-eatingmaggots
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Re: Gumby finds Ps. weilii(he thinks) PICS! [Re: Gumby]
#917742 - 09/29/02 08:12 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
Fifteen minutes!? I've only been giving mine a few seconds!
Man, I bet I threw away some Weilii's today cuz they didn't bruise fast enough to suit me

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Re: Gumby finds Ps. weilii(he thinks) PICS! [Re: SomeBum]
#917759 - 09/29/02 08:25 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
I thought Weilii were susposed to be elusive? what the hell man, seems like they're farking everywhere down there!

Registered: 12/18/01
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Re: Gumby finds Ps. weilii(he thinks) PICS! [Re: Gumby]
#917968 - 09/29/02 10:23 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
This is just amazing...
Props man, that is one amazing find.
Its awsome to see so many people finding them...it must be a wonderful experience.
Lizard King
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Re: Gumby finds Ps. weilii(he thinks) PICS! [Re: Gumby]
#945257 - 10/09/02 09:45 AM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
Those be weilii alright! I knew you'd find them gumby, it was just a matter of time and effort before you did Now if you only knew of the neighborhood I just pulled 1000 weilii out of up around your area in suwanee, you'd be set 
Did you eat any weilii yet? What did your friends think of them?
Bitches Brew

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Re: Gumby finds Ps. weilii(he thinks) PICS! [Re: Gumby]
#945317 - 10/09/02 10:08 AM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
Georgia is becoming a goldmine for psilocybes! Im losing count of how many of these me and my friends have been finding!

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Re: Gumby finds Ps. weilii(he thinks) PICS! [Re: Gumby]
#945467 - 10/09/02 11:06 AM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
Is that a can of beer in the background in the first pic?? Haha, awesome find man!! Wish I had half your luck So far the only thing I've found is an Aminita Muscaria
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Lizard King
King Lizard

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Re: Gumby finds Ps. weilii(he thinks) PICS! [Re: DocPsilocybin]
#945519 - 10/09/02 11:35 AM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
My guess would be a diet Dr. pepper.
Bite me, it's fun!

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Re: Gumby finds Ps. weilii(he thinks) PICS! [Re: Lizard King]
#945614 - 10/09/02 12:19 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
Definitely Diet Dr. Pepper. The bar code is diagnostic on this species. Nice ID.
-------------------- Happy mushrooming!

Registered: 06/13/01
Posts: 26,656
Re: Gumby finds Ps. weilii(he thinks) PICS! [Re: Lizard King]
#945936 - 10/09/02 02:09 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
Haven't tried them yet... but a friend did. He ate 3 1-1.5 inch caps and hit a level 3 trip. This guy isn't very bright, so he ate 6 caps of the same size the next day... Hit a level 5 and blacked out after freaking out and telling his mom. Luckly his parents were cool about it. I told him a thousand times BECAREFUL THESE ARE UNGODLY POTENT... and the idiot eats six of them. I told him not to eat more than 2 or 3... *sigh* I did my part.
I was thinking I'd have to go down to the Alphretta/Duluth area to find these guys and I found them up in Sugar Hill in a friend's subdivision. I've only found/confirmed one patch but my friends little brother said he found some growing in their backyard. These guys aren't really as elusive as I thought, they're everywhere, I was just looking in the wrong places

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Re: Gumby finds Ps. weilii(he thinks) PICS! [Re: Gumby]
#945979 - 10/09/02 02:27 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
i ate 6 and hit a level 5 for about 10 hours-i loved every hour of it 
very potent 
this is one unique mushroom 
-------------------- Cultivation Laws Of America Suck
Dopeless Hopefiend

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Re: Gumby finds Ps. weilii(he thinks) PICS! [Re: GaNjAShRooM]
#945983 - 10/09/02 02:29 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
i think they are just spreading out now after being found each year there are more and more of them
-------------------- This place is gayer than when the balls touch
Re: Gumby finds Ps. weilii(he thinks) PICS! [Re: Dobie]
#946119 - 10/09/02 03:21 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
Anyone seen these in TN?

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Re: Gumby finds Ps. weilii(he thinks) PICS! [Re: Organic]
#1960563 - 09/28/03 06:25 PM (21 years, 4 months ago) |
I live in georiga myself are you guys finding these shrooms in random places such as backyards or what.....peace

Registered: 06/13/01
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Re: Gumby finds Ps. weilii(he thinks) PICS! [Re: Johnathon]
#1960585 - 09/28/03 06:32 PM (21 years, 4 months ago) |
WTF... Way to bring a post back from the dead.
This makes like the 5th post we have floating around the forums on weilii.
Don't reply to year old posts.
God I wish they'd autolock after 6 months.
Ghetto Monster

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Re: Gumby finds Ps. weilii(he thinks) PICS! [Re: Gumby]
#1960778 - 09/28/03 07:25 PM (21 years, 4 months ago) |
For a minute I was like "Whaaattt Ganja Shrooms back?!?!" That a nice knarley weilli, I wish they were out like they were last year, dident moe find a few in tennessee?

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Re: Gumby finds Ps. weilii(he thinks) PICS! [Re: Gumby]
#1960787 - 09/28/03 07:26 PM (21 years, 4 months ago) |
Oh alright man well how is the hunting been going recently in Ga...
Home Sweet Home

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Re: Gumby finds Ps. weilii(he thinks) PICS! [Re: Johnathon]
#1960918 - 09/28/03 08:10 PM (21 years, 4 months ago) |
Dude, its not cool to bring up old posts like this. I was all Excited. Not cool at all.

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Re: Gumby finds Ps. weilii(he thinks) PICS! [Re: joeshitragpicker]
#1961214 - 09/28/03 09:37 PM (21 years, 4 months ago) |
I confirm that id, it is definately a Diet Dr. Pepper. Careful drinking that, it can cause stomach pains on an empty stomach. teehe other then that it is a good edible.