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Re: Pan trops cultivation in one step TEK great succeed... euronymus read this 2
#91380 - 12/28/99 07:42 AM (25 years, 1 month ago) |
Cool tek nacho. I believe this would work for Pan Cyans also, for all those interested. I will try it.Later tweedy.

Registered: 06/03/01
Posts: 118
Re: Pan trops cultivation in one step TEK great succeed... euronymus read this
#91382 - 12/28/99 06:38 PM (25 years, 1 month ago) |
Nacho, You must have read my mind,because that is exactly how I grow Pan. Cyans and Pan. Trop. One little exception though, I use tupperware for flats. The aluminum trays are probably cheaper, and will work just as good. Also after casing I cover it with plastic wrap and poke holes in it with a tooth pick. The holes allow air exchange and hold in the humidity. You can control the humidity by the number of holes. The less holes, the more humidity. The more holes, the less humidity. Remove the wrap after pinning.

Registered: 10/28/99
Posts: 22
Re: Pan trops cultivation in one step TEK great succeed... euronymus read this
#91383 - 12/29/99 01:45 AM (25 years, 1 month ago) |
o.k.But after pinning how do you create an suitable environment for them.I got problems with caps.They don t fully open so I can t take a spore print.They also turn blue.Is it too low air exchange and too much humidify?
Re: Pan trops cultivation in one step TEK great succeed... euronymus read this
#91384 - 12/29/99 06:06 AM (25 years, 1 month ago) |
thank s for the plastic and holes idea... i have an ultrasonic device used to raise humidity in iguanas terrarium and a digital timer... an aquarium pump to change the air... well by the moment more pins are developing i have count 10 more in the first cake... and the matures are right know expanding its caps... probably in one or two days i will try to make sporeprints... anyway its a hard worw with tha strain... its a little mushie you know..... ill keep you informed... i think the key fruiting these mushies is prevent contams!!! and make a very narrow casing layer....
Re: Pan trops cultivation in one step TEK great succeed... euronymus read this
#91385 - 12/29/99 06:11 AM (25 years, 1 month ago) |
more info in my humidity control system the humidity device works one minute every 3 hours and the air pump works at similar times... i have not open the chamber during the process... and all works as a clock... Nacho
Registered: 04/14/01
Posts: 351
Last seen: 23 years, 9 months
Re: Pan trops cultivation in one step TEK great succeed... euronymus read this
#91386 - 12/29/99 07:15 AM (25 years, 1 month ago) |
Hi Everyone. About Ryches Pan Trops. I had a few words with workman the other day in the chat room about his pan cyans. Workam says that the pan cyans he sells are actually Ryches Pan Trops. He also said that Pan Trops are suppose to be smaller then pan cyan. Ryches pan cyans look different from his pan trops. If the pan trops Ryche sells are not pan trops what are they?

Registered: 06/03/01
Posts: 118
Re: Pan trops cultivation in one step TEK great succeed... euronymus read this
#91387 - 12/29/99 04:49 PM (25 years, 1 month ago) |
Nacho, Your setup sounds excellent. My setup for my cubensis is good,but I can't grow Pans. with them.(humidity to high) So I just use a normal aquarium. After the Pans are pinning I remove the plastic wrap and place in the aquarium. The aquarium has a plexi-glass lid that sits on top. I crack the lid aboout a quarter inch to allow air exchange. Also I have used two tupperware. One for the flat and the other for the lid.(turn it upside down) The tupperware has to be a matching pair, so it fits as a lid. Then just place it in bright light. The tupperware lid holds in humidty,allows light in, and holds in moisture. To air it out, simply raise it. It's like having individual mini-greenhouses. Also helps stop the spread of contams, because they are seperated from each other. Also your idea of fruitng them straight through the jars works good, but is less yielding. anandam, hope some of this info helps. They do need a good light source to pin. Also thinner casing, more air exchanges, and less humidty compared to cubensis.
Re: Pan trops cultivation in one step TEK great succeed... euronymus read this
#91388 - 12/30/99 06:28 AM (25 years, 1 month ago) |
we should consider this little species as a gift for the cultivator... of course the little wihite pan trops are hard to grow and much less yielding than cubies.... and the making an sporeprint is difficult due to the size of the cap... well people interested can grow only the mycelium... according to gartz pan cyans -similar to trops- have a 0.5% psilocybin about 1 quart of the complete alkaloid potency of the mushies... but the mycelium is very quick growing in this species...of course i love more to see the nice white caps growing.....