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Re: mimosa scabrella [Re: Alexander]
#958649 - 10/13/02 11:49 PM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
high alex my man! sorry, you're right i have missed your seeds. my fault. check your pm, i'll send your seeds and some extra surprise ones as apology...
Edited by felixhigh (10/13/02 11:52 PM)

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Re: mimosa scabrella [Re: felixhigh]
#991518 - 10/24/02 11:16 PM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
near where i work there is a diner and in the window is a 3 foot tall mimosa. i went up to the cook and asked if he would sell me the plant (he was an old man) he said no. i told him it was a very rare plant and id love to have one and asked if he could get me a source or some seeds, he said no. i pointed out its a hard plant to aquire, he said he knows. true story.

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Re: mimosa scabrella [Re: Mitchnast]
#991547 - 10/24/02 11:24 PM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
hahahaha fuck, that was bizarre man! the old man is growing he's own scabrella! lolollollolllol
Carpal Tunnel

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Re: mimosa scabrella [Re: Mitchnast]
#991796 - 10/25/02 01:05 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
"Mimosa" is a really broad term. The overwhelming majority of the trees and shrubs called mimosa have no psychoactive value.

Registered: 05/24/02
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Re: mimosa scabrella [Re: Mitchnast]
#991896 - 10/25/02 02:56 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
Why don't you just ask him for a cutting of it? It's not going to hurt the plant. And as Murple said.. find out if it is psychoactive before you get all excited

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Re: mimosa scabrella [Re: zeta]
#993917 - 10/25/02 11:33 PM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
? don't believe it's easily propagable by cuttings... and murple is right, mimosa is a veeeery broad term. i believe mitchnast is very aware of it also... no? =)
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Re: mimosa scabrella [Re: felixhigh]
#994283 - 10/26/02 03:15 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
hey here in greece we have mimosa scrambela in many places!!! almsot everywhere:-))) is it psychoactive?
Carpal Tunnel

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Re: mimosa scabrella [Re: Hamurabi]
#995783 - 10/26/02 10:48 PM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
M. scrambela? Not familiar with that... do you mean M. scabrella? It contains useful levels of DMT, if you just got the name wrong.
the babylonianleader..

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Re: mimosa scabrella [Re: Murple]
#996559 - 10/27/02 10:27 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
yeah sorry it was my mistake!we are talking for the same plant! man we have this plant everywhere in my town!!!!!! yeahhhh:-) any sites with how to extract dmt? thx

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Re: mimosa scabrella [Re: Hamurabi]
#1002390 - 10/29/02 02:30 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
update, i went byt he old mans store and looked in the window. hes how the plant all chopped up into cuttings which are in water, they are soo droopy and sick it doesnt look like they will make it. even the center plant looks weak, im going to try to get a cutting if he gets any success. then ill make a whole garden. get it while you can i say. maybe one day ill have this DMT thing. that i hear so much about but know nobody who has ever tried it. wa ha ha

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Re: mimosa scabrella [Re: Mitchnast]
#1003244 - 10/29/02 01:08 PM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
if you're going to do so you'd rather look for rooted shoots on the base of the plants... IF they really are scabrellas!

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Re: mimosa scabrella [Re: felixhigh]
#1012765 - 11/01/02 09:25 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
Are those the trees that get the pink poof-balls on them in the summer? There are plenty where I live at. What do you do with it? Could I just eat some particular part of it or do I have to do an extraction?
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yeah we get them also everywhere, but I don't think they are active.. not even sure they are acacias... They have a fun complicated name of some sort.. even if they are commonly called acacias..
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the babylonianleader..

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Re: mimosa scabrella [Re: psylo33o]
#1014854 - 11/02/02 01:19 AM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
can anybody try it to see if it's active?:-))

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Re: mimosa scabrella [Re: Hamurabi]
#1034365 - 11/07/02 11:14 PM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
it is not mimosa scabrella at the diner. ts the sensitive mimosa, ()Mimosa pudica) the one that closes up. it occurs to me that my grandfather had all mimosas in his yard years ago. :P anyway, i went in and talked to the old lady, the stump has new growth and all the clippings are rooting in the cup of water around the thorns, TALK about a strong plant. i told her to be careful not to disturb the roots and try transplanting it into better more airated soil in a bigger pot, and she said i can have a cutting.  SWEET. but is the sensitive mimosa active? it was dying off because some kid was playing with it making it react to touch and all the leaves that got rubbed died. if these WERE any good, id just like to let evryone know you can get seeds for them on EBAY

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Re: mimosa scabrella [Re: Mitchnast]
#1036070 - 11/08/02 12:12 PM (22 years, 3 months ago) |
Mimosa Pudica is not active.

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Re: mimosa scabrella [Re: felixhigh]
#1116247 - 12/06/02 01:47 AM (22 years, 2 months ago) |
and then someone will hand you a little glass pipe...
-------------------- Seril,
Political language -true of all political parties- is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give solidity to pure wind..