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Re: Support US war on IRAQ [Re: Rono]
#890923 - 09/18/02 10:23 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
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there ya go, does that make Canada a target now as well, since we DO have all the materials necessary?
Yes!! Kill us! Kill us all before we kill you! It's the only way to ensure your safety!
-------------------- Welcome evermore to gods and men is the self-helping man. For him all doors are flung wide: him all tongues greet, all honors crown, all eyes follow with desire. Our love goes out to him and embraces him, because he did not need it.
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Re: Support US war on IRAQ [Re: ]
#890938 - 09/18/02 10:29 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Well since G.C. decided to bow out graciously I will continue with Morrowind...where to start...
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Who ever taught you that this world was made of absolute certainty? This Universe is not understood- simultaneity of an event between differing points is NOT absolute. The most basic form of this is seen in the general theory of relativity. Agreed, that has to do with speeds near light. Unfortunately, the "laws" of this Universe are not yet found. Agreed, "most" that we have observed to date have been summed up into theoretical physics. Sadly, there is no verifiable way to actually check these laws. We live in this Universe- all measurement, observation and occurance is relative. I have my Universe, you have yours....
Despite the fact I don't have a clue as to how that relates to anything I've said, I will say that maybe you would have better luck in the spirituality forum where opinion is king. I also have views that are not based in science and fact, but this is not the place to discuss them my friend...
-------------------- "Life has never been weird enough for my liking"
Post deleted by Moe Howard [Re: Rono]
#890953 - 09/18/02 10:36 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
DSYSB since '01

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Re: Support US war on IRAQ [Re: ]
#890966 - 09/18/02 10:44 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
For the last time Morrowind...If you seriously want to discuss this, make a post in the spirituality section and I would be more than happy to talk there. But this is a political forum...HENCE THE NAME. I challenged your views, and you accepted..you lost...let it go, or disprove me...that's how it works.
-------------------- "Life has never been weird enough for my liking"
Post deleted by Moe Howard [Re: Rono]
#890982 - 09/18/02 10:53 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
DSYSB since '01

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Re: Support US war on IRAQ [Re: ]
#891009 - 09/18/02 11:05 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Fine...in the interest attempting to satisfy you we'll make a poll.
-------------------- "Life has never been weird enough for my liking"
Two inch dick..but it spins!?

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Re: Support US war on IRAQ [Re: Rono]
#891033 - 09/18/02 11:18 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
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Be prepared to back whatever you are saying or don't say it.
You're actually very good at that even if I don't like your sources and can always find an opposing view. I wish everyone was as diligent. (ie:Alex123)
-------------------- You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity. What one person receives without working for another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for that my dear friend is the beginning of the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it. ~ Adrian Rogers
DSYSB since '01

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... and can always find an opposing view
lol...I will definitely vouch for that.
-------------------- "Life has never been weird enough for my liking"
High Lord @Revelstone
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Re: Support US war on IRAQ [Re: Rono]
#895211 - 09/20/02 06:51 AM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
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First let me say that I am not a fan of Saddam Hussein, (and that I had Pizza for lunch.. ) but let's call a spade a spade here...he is just a pawn being used by the U.S. so that they can gain access to Iraqs oil. In Iraqi War Scenario, Oil Is Key Issue
Perhaps you would like to name for me ONE TIME the US ever took any country's ANYTHING without offering suitable recompense.
This is the same shit people were saying back in '91 and if this were the case why did we not just keep Kuwait? Why don't we take Mexico? We can take Canada in about 15 minutes. Why don't we do that?
This is not about oil.. It is about peace and stability.
But if it were about oil... so what?
Everything you wear, everything you eat, every single thing in your house was either manufactured with petrolium, or contains petrolium.
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Iraq has no nuclear weapons or fissionable materials. This fact has been certified by the UN's nuclear inspection agency.
WHAT? No one has been there in 4 years! The only former inspector to say anything remotely like this is Ritter who is now on Iraq's payroll, compare Ritter's statements from '98 to the his reacent statements. Nothing except the signature on his paycheck.has changed.
Here is an article about what leading scientists who defected from Iraq had to say
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Iraq successfully carried out one nuclear test before the Gulf War, say two senior scientists who worked in Iraq's nuclear program.
The men, Iraqi defectors, further claim Saddam Hussein has carried out further nuclear tests and now has several bombs hidden in a bunker under the Hamin Mountains north of Baghdad.
The scientists' reports challenge American intelligence claims that Saddam Hussein does not have sufficient enriched uranium or plutonium to develop a nuclear program.
This disturbing new evidence about Saddam Hussein's nuclear arsenal could provide an explanation for Iraq's increasingly aggressive behavior.
The primary witness about Iraq's nuclear program is a defector known only as "Leone," who claims he worked for a special scientific department of the Republican Palace in Baghdad.
"Leone's" claim is confirmed by a second defector who worked at another branch of the Iraqi weapons program and by a former personal assistant to Saddam Hussein's son.
The former assistant claims that a nuclear test was carried out in 1988 or 1989 in an underground site near Lake Rezzaza.
Meanwhile, "Leone" contradicts American intelligence reports, which maintain that Saddam Hussein couldn't obtain sufficient amounts of fissionable material. He claims Saddam Hussein emuggled enriched nuclear fuel from South Africa via Brazil.
I think it is impossible to know what is the truth. Do they have enriched plutonium or not? I don't know and neither do you. But it really doesn't matter. He certainly has biological and chemical weapons. What is to prevent him from giving some of these to Al Quaida, or Hezbolla, or any of the other extreme Islamic fundamentalists?
He has drones with spray nozzles.. hmm... I wonder what those could be for?
[quoteDuring the 1991 Gulf war, Iraq's total nuclear and national industrial infrastructure, were pulverized by the massive U.S. bombing...and the subsequent bombing for 10 years after. ]
Much of the things dear to Hussein's heart were hidden in schools, masques, hospitals, and residential areas. These were not targeted. Most of the bombing done since '91 has been to disable the anti-aircraft weapons sites. They fire missles at our aircraft patrolling the "no fly zones" and we take out their radar.
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After the war, Iraq was reduced to a pre-World War I level, with even its water and sewage systems wrecked by America's ruthless air campaign...with no water or sewage systems, many innocents died as a result.
OMG I am so sick of hearing this BS. If Iraq is able to support a standing army of 500k troups, why can't they fix a couple water pipes? And if Iraq is at a "pre-World War 1 level", where does that put Canada with the inability to field more than 2 platoons of 900 soldiers each?
Iraq (it's estimated) is currently spending 65 Billion a year on it's weapons program. Canada spends 7 Billion (US). Yet little children are dieing of starvation.. yeah right
This shit goes on and on... but i'm tired. Maybe later we can talk about your nice little map.
-------------------- "Stone and Sea" - Saltheart
High Lord @Revelstone
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Re: Support US war on IRAQ [Re: LordMorham]
#895627 - 09/20/02 09:56 AM (22 years, 4 months ago) |
I made an error in the above post. Iraq's military expendature is only around 12 billion annualy not 65 billion.
Still a lot of money for a country where everyone is supposed to be starving to death.
-------------------- "Stone and Sea" - Saltheart