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Re: When will you all understand? There is no god! [Re: Fliquid]
#874527 - 09/10/02 10:25 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
I does take faith to believe that God does not exist, sorry, but it's a fact.
It takes faith to believe that there are no flying elephants on a planet called noonon a trillion lightyears from here.
Also, did you know the Moon is haunted? Thousands of people throughout history believed that the souls of the dead went to the Moon, so if there are such things as ghosts, then there ought to be alot of `em on the Moon.
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Re: When will you all understand? There is no god! [Re: WhiskeyClone]
#874561 - 09/10/02 10:44 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
LOL cyberchump your a funny dude...
btw I like your title
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Re: When will you all understand? There is no god! [Re: In(di)go]
#874762 - 09/10/02 12:06 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Lozt Soul, you are taking the words right out of my mouth! I agree with you %100. I respect your posts a lot and like your input. Are you into eastern religions and philosophies by any chance? Keep the ideas flowing man, Trev
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Re: When will you all understand? There is no god! [Re: Fliquid]
#874763 - 09/10/02 12:06 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
"The fool has said in his heart, there is no GOD." - Psalm 14:1
Your words are puerile. Look it up.
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Re: When will you all understand? There is no god! [Re: Fliquid]
#874788 - 09/10/02 12:20 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Wow, where do I start? Surely the design (and order) of our existence is screaming creationism, yet many people believe otherwise. Now...
At one point in time we enter this world as a child. Often we are raised into the religion of our parents, forced to go to a temple of worship every Sunday and give praise to something we can't even see, touch, feel, or hear. At puberty, the person will think for themselves and make their own personal choice to reject the Word of God or to accept it. Unfortunately, many dismiss faith as ancient fables. What they don't understand though, is their own foolishness and carelessness about their time in the world. They literally reject God (even though everyone has the ability to surrender) so they can enjoy their time in the world - in other words, they choose the reward of this life over the one in the Hereafter. The sad part about disbelief, is that in the end, when the angel of death pays a visit, it will be painfully obvious to the infidel that God existed yet they rejected Him. The reality will dawn on them that they are not going to Heaven, and that Hell is their abode for eternity. At this point, the now dead kufr will be consumed with the most indescribable fear and regret, they will beg God to forgive them for their disbelief and blindness in the world, but God will reject their cries. For the rest of eternity (because time does not exist after death) they will exist in physical and mental torment forever, completely isolated from God, other people, and visual stimuli. The Fire of Hell will be a burning torment, in complete blackness. The only thing heard will be the wailing of every human soul who was damned by the Almighty. This is the punishment for denying the existence of God while you were in the world. Everything in the universe unwillingly surrenders to God (Your dog, your cat, the fish in the sea) - except for human beings, who have free will to choose evil or good. The human will either see the intelligence behind the design of the world and surrender to God and follow one of His prophets, or they will look for every excuse to deny God's existence and do mischief in the world in order to please themselves and others. The God fearing believe because of the world around them; the earth, the heavens, the animals. The non-believers disbelieve because of the opinions and thoughts of those who disbelieved before them:
There is no God, we evolved! Belief is the death of intelligence! Religion has done nothing but evil in the world! God and religion are man made fantasies! I refuse to confine myself to someone else's belief system! Science contradicts religion, therefore it's false! I will not worship a God who damns people to Hell forever! God is a sadist! Why would God allow so much suffering in the world? I don't need religion to find God! Religion is for the weak minded! Religion is the opium for the masses!
Unfortunately, many men and women hold these man made opinions of the Creator to heart to further their own disbelief. When they are completely convinced God does not exist, they begin a life of mischief in the world. They usually develope these beliefs early in life and as they age, their disbelief conditions into a self supporting delusion that they normally never escape, and as a result they die in complete disbelief that God created them, and that God sustains all of existence - they deny the infallible reality of God.
I think it was C.G. Jung who said:
"...when dogma enters the brain, all intellectual activity ceases..."
He made this psychoanalysis under the assumption that God did not exist, and that organized religion was false because it did not meet the demands of science, a man made aspect of our history. To a person who does not believe, the idea of a spiritual monarchy complete with a God, angels, Satan, Heaven and Hell sounds like a fairy tale for those who hate this world. Unfortunately for the disbeliever, they trust their opinions more than they trust the world around them. In a sense, those who reject faith are cursed with the most disturbing ego inflation ever known. They deny the world around them and they deny God. After awhile, like everything else in life, disbelief becomes a cycle that they hardly notice. To them, religion is hardly a passing thought - the only things that matter to them are worldly affairs and elements. They drive casually by the many churches and mosques in their communities, hardly taking notice of the houses of worship. The self supporting delusional cycle of disbelief is a very dangerous thought process and originates in the whispering of Shaitan. Of course, you don't actually hear a voice whispering to you - atheists after all deny the existence of Satan. But in reality, Satan (who is always underestimated in ability) is suggesting deception to the spiritually weak and evil (those who disbelieve). Remember, the ultimate goal of Shaitan is to seperate you from God. For those whose hearts are diseased, the delusion of disbelief advances itself with Shaitan. Even the very pious are aware that the suggestions of Shaitan will present itself every day to them. For those who believe but also do evil, these believers don't take Shaitan seriously enough to avoid his deception. If you believe God does not exist, Shaitan is decieving you with the life of this world. If you believe you can get away with murder, Shaitan is decieving you with the life of this world. And, according to Islamic tradition, those who disbelieve associate partners with God (they associate Shaitan with God because they listened to the deception) and that is why they are cursed. The world is indeed a place of trickery and play. The only way to escape the deception of the world is to seek refuge in God.
Infidels, think! Faith isn't blind! One compelling arguement of the believer is one impossible for the disbeliever to contradict - experience. Unfortunately for the infidel, they don't have the slightest idea what a person experiences when they believe in God, nor can they comprehend the aspect of religious experiences, or religious realities that Christians, Muslims, and Jews experience throughout their lives. One reality why believers are steadfast in faith is because the experience of God is a reminder of His divine existence, and the Scriptures literally have hidden meanings in the versus that only a believer completely comprehends, because the verse indirectly (but directly, in a sense) addressess that compelling reality of experience. Because believers are aware of experience, they see. Because kufr believe that religious experience is nothing more than an element of the 'delusion of religion', they do not completely comprehend the reality of experience. They are literally, deaf, dumb, and blind as the Qur'aan states. They refuse to accept God because they love the reward of this life. While the term love is not used here in its usual sense, the term is used in a way synonymous to attachment. Indeed, a sad reality that the infidels fail to see, yet people of faith see clearly the falsehood in their beliefs. Experience is much more than feeling God's love for you, or God's mercy. Experience in a sense where it becomes indescribable is where the phenomena of religious reality occures. The believers literally see the truth with their inner nature, not just blindly believing in the scriptures. This element of faith is impossible to describe but it magnifies itself tenfold on psychedelic drugs into a full blown divine reality that cannot be questioned nor described. If you don't believe, you will hardly comprehend half of what I am saying.
Indeed, the wisdom of God truly does contradict the logic of man on a constant basis (thank you, enter). The difference between the logic of a believer and the logic of a disbeliever is fairly obvious (to those who believe, of course). The logic of the disbeliever has an attachment to the ego, and thus the logic listens to the opinions of other people (be it a psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud, or the man made miracle of science - their logic lies within the foolishness of humans). Truly, to trust science over reality and experience is a foolish mistake that only those who love the life of this world make. The believer's logic exists in complete liberation from the bias of limited human logic, a logic which disbelievers trust more than anything. Instead, the believer conducts his analysis of reality in such a manner he could have done it if he were the only man on earth. He believes in the existence of his Creator merely by observing the world around him - the rain from the sky, the earth's rotation, night and day, life, intelligence, and complete order in the universe.
Behold! In the creation Of the heavens and the earth; In the alternation Of the Night and the Day; In the sailing of the ships Through the Ocean For the profit of mankind; In the rain which God Sends down from the skies And the life which He gives therewith To an earth that is dead, In the beasts of all kinds That He scatters Through the earth; In the change of the winds, And the clouds which they Trail like their slaves Between the sky and the earth Here indeed are Signs For a people that are wise.
The Holy Qur'an, 2:164
Deaf, dumb, and blind...
And don't take the term infidel to heart, it's just a nice sounding word for unbelievers.
Flame away.
People of the sun.

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Re: When will you all understand? There is no god! [Re: ChubbSubb]
#874821 - 09/10/02 12:32 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
im glad you enjoy my input... i have to say i enjoy yours as well... especially your "a little thought from chubbsubb" thread  actually i am not into religion at all... i think that every person should find his own way to god... but if i had to pick one religion, it would certainly be eastern... no other religion accepts reeincarnation, and for me it is no longer a belief, but a fact... too bad everything jesus said about meditation and reeincarnation was erased from the bible... i definitely would like to take a peak into the vatican's library... sweeeeeeeeet

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Re: When will you all understand? There is no god! [Re: In(di)go]
#875075 - 09/10/02 02:44 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Let me just say, that i was once Fliquid, and now i am Lozt Soul.
It took me a couple of hours, some pretty nasty flesh wounds to my lower back (slid down flight of stairs), a hell of a lot of screaming, a taste of insanity, lots of body fluids inlcuding piss drenched into my pants and clothes, and a nice 6.3 grams of good little fun-guys to achive this transmission.
Lozt Soul: Hello me. how are you. ;]
Fliquid: If i may describe it to you. You stand strong on your opinion. And so did i. Trust me. I argued your point through 3 years of mechanic classes with a muslim dude. We never finished. If i were to continue again, or were asked to start fresh........I could never ever do that again. It feels like those strong standing feet have been knocked out from under me. You just haven't awaken yet. (and heh......believe me. I KNOW how annyoing that must sound to you right now.)
God is not the religious freak the world made him out to be. There is no hell. There is no heaven. There is no need. Heaven and Hell is on earth.
Ignorance is bliss ppl. And here's the fun part. You WILL die. And you will get to re-experience EVERYTHING all over again. Its recycling. In the most beautiful way ever. =]
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Re: When will you all understand? There is no god! [Re: Fliquid]
#875083 - 09/10/02 02:49 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
This is amusing. You trying to prove there is no God is equivalent to someone trying to prove there is! Hahaha...
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Zen Lunatic

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Re: When will you all understand? There is no god! [Re: In(di)go]
#875457 - 09/10/02 05:36 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Lozt Soul I think you should read this book: Living Buddha, Living Christ by Thich Nhat Hanh. It is very good.
I feel honored that you enjoy my thoughts as well, thank you very much.  ONE love, peace, Trev
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Re: When will you all understand? There is no god! [Re: Zahid]
#875670 - 09/10/02 07:27 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Surely the design (and order) of our existence is screaming creationism...
I love it when a post starts with the fallacious "self-evident" argument. If it actually "screamed" then we would not be having this conversation.
Other common varieties of this tactic include the word or phrase "obviously" or "to any rational mind" or "any thinking person can see". These types of statements say absolutely NOTHING.
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Re: When will you all understand? There is no god! [Re: In(di)go]
#875683 - 09/10/02 07:31 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
ok... and this evolution just took place... just like that... wow boom a conscious race was created... thank happenstance... that is mathematically not possible...
Ah, here is a more subtle form of the self-evident argument mixed with the argument through ignorance, but just as nefarious. This variation is of the "I can't see how something works, therefore God did it." Another statement saying nothing about the nature of the world, only the mindset of the poster.
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Re: When will you all understand? There is no god! [Re: LOBO]
#875766 - 09/10/02 08:22 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
At this moment i'm 25 but 15-09-76 i'll be 26...
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Re: When will you all understand? There is no god! [Re: Revelation]
#875768 - 09/10/02 08:24 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Thats not open mindedness, to me thats ignorance... Is mindedness even a word?
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Re: When will you all understand? There is no god! [Re: Fliquid]
#875770 - 09/10/02 08:28 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Main Entry: mind?ed Pronunciation: 'mIn-d&d Function: adjective Date: 15th century 1 : INCLINED, DISPOSED 2 : having a mind especially of a specified kind or concerned with a specified thing -- usually used in combination - mind?ed?ness /-d&d-n&s/ noun
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Re: When will you all understand? There is no god! [Re: Adamist]
#875772 - 09/10/02 08:29 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
I shall not judge your point of view.
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Re: When will you all understand? There is no god! [Re: Baby_Hitler]
#875776 - 09/10/02 08:31 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Its not a matter of faith, its a matter of perception.
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Re: When will you all understand? There is no god! [Re: MarkostheGnostic]
#875786 - 09/10/02 08:38 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Another one of christianity's ways, to work around the truth. As somebody else said in this thread... Not in these exact words, but with the same meaning...
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Re: When will you all understand? There is no god! [Re: Zahid]
#875798 - 09/10/02 08:54 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
There is no God, we evolved! Belief is the death of intelligence! Religion has done nothing but evil in the world! God and religion are man made fantasies! I refuse to confine myself to someone else's belief system! Science contradicts religion, therefore it's false! I will not worship a God who damns people to Hell forever! God is a sadist! Why would God allow so much suffering in the world? I don't need religion to find God! Religion is for the weak minded! Religion is the opium for the masses!
I agree.
The logic of the disbeliever has an attachment to the ego, and thus the logic listens to the opinions of other people (be it a psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud, or the man made miracle of science - their logic lies within the foolishness of humans). Truly, to trust science over reality and experience is a foolish mistake that only those who love the life of this world make. The believer's logic exists in complete liberation from the bias of limited human logic, a logic which disbelievers trust more than anything. Instead, the believer conducts his analysis of reality in such a manner he could have done it if he were the only man on earth. He believes in the existence of his Creator merely by observing the world around him - the rain from the sky, the earth's rotation, night and day, life, intelligence, and complete order in the universe.
Wrong, the logic of the nonbeliever does not have an attachment to the ego. Its the other way around. All you are saying here is:
- Nonbeliever = Moron - Believer = Intelligent
Its just a lot of talk around claiming that believers in a god (in any version) are more intelligent, more loving, have no ego. And we all know that that is a load of bull. So next time, if you want to fill some space....
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Re: When will you all understand? There is no god! [Re: mickey_rourke]
#875800 - 09/10/02 08:56 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
As i said before, i'm not trying to do that. I'm just stating my point of view.
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Re: When will you all understand? There is no god! [Re: Smack31]
#875809 - 09/10/02 09:10 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Thank you for illustrating that.
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