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Registered: 07/26/02
Posts: 26
Re: DESKTOP Hydrapod with Alien Tek Grow Log **PICS** [Re: logical]
#813192 - 08/12/02 02:05 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Grow Log Update:
26 wet grams of Indian have been harvested since the last post and before the following pictures were taken. No mushrooms have been harvested since. The cakes seem to be regenerating in a way, and though many are not putting forth pins - they do seem to be "fluffing" up and recovering from the last flush. Logical will not dunk, and has not washed off or done anything extra to the cakes (besides cleaning off abhorts as noted in the last post). He does want to see the pod performing as to re-hydrating the cakes, and thinks that by not dunking he will be able to fully gauge the "action" of the pod.
Running tally:
Gulf Coast=228+18=246 wet grams from 3 cakes, approx. 82 wet grams per cake *NO CHANGE* Indian=300+26=326 wet grams from 4 cakes, approx. 81 wet grams per cake Total=246+326=572 wet grams from 7 cakes, approx. 82 wet grams per cake
1st flush: 228+250=478 wet grams from 7 cakes, approx. 68 wet grams per cake, see above posts for details and strain break-downs
2nd flush (in progress!):
Gulf Coast: 18 wet grams from 3 cakes, spprox. 6 grams wet per cake Indian: 76 wet grams from 4 cakes, approx. 19 grams wet per cake
 Top view of pod. Few large pins, but many smaller ones seem to be appearing first at the bottoms of the cakes. Hopefully they will begin to appear all over the cake.
 Macro shot of Indian pins. The Indians have seemed to first pin from the bottom of cakes and work their ways up. Hopefully this will be the case again in the 2nd flush, and more will arrive soon. (Though the Indians seem to now be the "front-runner" between the 2 strains.)
 Larger Gulf Coast pins, macro. Note the sporulation on tops of cakes from last flush. As well as slight bluing in the middle portion of some cakes. This is being "grown over" by fluffier mycelia, ostensibly because Logical increased the rh to promote new mycelial growth.
 Macro again. Unfortunately, this picture was supposed to illustrate the mycelia becoming more fluffy as well as a group of potential pins, however - the new growth Logical was trying to illustrate isn?t well pictured here. As well, mycelia can be seen growing on the rocks of the hydrapod, not even attached to the cakes (they once were.)
a) Logical would not recommend waiting so long between flushes to clean the cakes, as he did. He allowed too many abhorts to form, where the strength of the mycelial mass should have been applied to producing viable pins/mushrooms. Once the major flush is over, next time he will leave all larger/viable pins and just cut off any abhorts which form. He is dissapointed in the weight and number of the abhorts he removed - he did not think they were so many.
b) Though the cakes are still producing mushrooms, it is Logical?s guess that most of the efficiency of the cakes has been spent. He could very well be wrong, and will let this log/experiment show one way or another. It mush also be stressed Logical has never had luck with 2nd flushes on cakes in his experience, so he may also have bad luck or not know what to look for in subsequent flushing.
c) More pics and updates to come soon. Logical can see much potential in the new pins, but only time will tell if they abhort as well. (Or become more numerous!)
ganja ghanstah

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Re: DESKTOP Hydrapod with Alien Tek Grow Log **PICS** [Re: logical]
#815127 - 08/13/02 12:42 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
damn your.. err logical's cakes are like the energy bunny with better results. keeps going and going and going, then logical can keep tripping and tripping.
Registered: 07/26/02
Posts: 26
Re: DESKTOP Hydrapod with Alien Tek Grow Log **PICS** [Re: logical]
#815186 - 08/13/02 01:14 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Grow Log Update:
37 wet grams of Gulf Coast and 3 wet grams of Indian (one little baby!) harvested. Pics to follow of harvest soon; Logical wanted to add the notes before the pictures. The Gulf Coasts are shifting into larger mushrooms, and look similar in stature to the Indians of the 1st flush. The Gulf Coasts are also pinning less than the 1st flush. The Indians are likely going to be large mushrooms again, judging from pins on cakes. But time will tell. It doesn't matter to Logical the size of the mushrooms, but he did want to choose 2 very different strains (large fruiters vs. smaller fruiters) to see if one type does better than another in the hydra-pod. It seems that the strain type does not matter - approximating wet weights and assuming dry weights, it seems that each strain is "competitive" with the other. This goes against what Logical thought would happen: Logical thought that the smaller mushroom strains would not do as well, since there would be less space for pinning on cakes. But, as far as this experiment/log is concerned - it does not seem that the choice of strain should only be a personal/aesthetic one for pod owners.
Logical prefers smaller and more mushrooms, generally - but this is only because he likes the uniform way they look rather than large, far-spaced mushrooms do. But is happy to report that it seems any strain as far as size-typing goes will likely perform as optimally as any other in the hydrapod. Also, it should be noted that the spores Logical used were quite a bit older - the ages and info can be found in the very 1st post in this log. It is unusual that Logical has had quite a bit of success with this log when considering the "age" of the spores - as far as Logical can remember, "age" of spores has something to do with how well a strain will perform (according to many posts Logical has read in the past). Perhaps the optimal conditions of this hydrapod has shown that the "age" of spores has less to do with the prolificness of a strain than previously reported to the community in posts and observations. Any input or comments on this observation welcomed and expected!
Running tally:
Gulf Coast=246+37=283 wet grams from 3 cakes, approx. 94 wet grams per cake Indian=326+3=326 wet grams from 4 cakes, approx. 82 wet grams per cake Total=283+326=609 wet grams from 7 cakes, approx. 87 wet grams per cake
2nd flush (in progress!):
Gulf Coast: 18+37=55 wet grams from 3 cakes, approx. 18 grams wet per cake Indian: 76+3=79 wet grams from 4 cakes, approx. 20 grams wet per cake
Pics already taken, will be added later.
Registered: 07/26/02
Posts: 26
Re: DESKTOP Hydrapod with Alien Tek Grow Log **PICS** [Re: logical]
#818376 - 08/15/02 03:03 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Grow Log Update: 30 wet grams of Indian and no Gulf Coast harvested after these pictures were taken. Harvest pic below.
Running tally:
Gulf Coast=246+37=283 wet grams from 3 cakes, approx. 94 wet grams per cake *NO CHANGE* Indian=326+30=356 wet grams from 4 cakes, approx. 89 wet grams per cake Total=283+356=639 wet grams from 7 cakes, approx. 91 wet grams per cake
2nd flush (in progress!):
Gulf Coast: 18+37=55 wet grams from 3 cakes, approx. 18 grams wet per cake *NO CHANGE* Indian: 79+30=109 wet grams from 4 cakes, approx. 28 grams wet per cake Total: 55+109=164 wet grams from 7 cakes, approx. 23 wet grams per cake
PLEASE NOTE: Please DO NOT pm Logical asking for drugs, or a drug hookup, or for him to sent you anything. He will not, and considers such pm?s to be insulting and also dangerous. Logical is presenting this log for educational purposes only, and do not risk those purposes by asking or referencing drug sales, trades, give aways, or transport in any pm?s. If Logical continues to receive such pm?s, he will refuse to answer any questions except those posted in public in this log. Thanks to those who understand.
 Harvest from post above, 37 wet Gulf Coast.
 Top view of pod- cakes recovering
 Mature Indians, cakes slowly recovering from 1st flush
 Macro shot of Indians. Note the veil is attached, unlike previous flush.
 Another macro of Indian caps.
 Blair witch picture
 30 gram wet Indian harvest after pics were taken
Spore Collector
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Re: DESKTOP Hydrapod with Alien Tek Grow Log **PICS** [Re: logical]
#819352 - 08/16/02 03:52 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
with every post you convince me more and more to get a pod. Very Nice Job. how long have you been cultivating?
-------------------- Note: This post is a work of fiction and for entertainment only.
I smoke weed to ease my mind,
I eat every tab i find,
I drink shroom tea by the jugs,
Can't you see that I love drugs?
Registered: 07/26/02
Posts: 26
Re: DESKTOP Hydrapod with Alien Tek Grow Log **PICS** [Re: logical]
#830405 - 08/20/02 11:58 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Grow Log Update
18 wet grams of Indian (1 large mushroom) and 13 grams wet of Gulf Coast were harvested. Some of the Indians have large pins that will likely turn into large mushrooms, yet the cakes are not pinning as much as before (the 1st flush). More pictures to be added soon.
Running tally:
Gulf Coast=283+13=296 wet grams from 3 cakes, approx. 99 wet grams per cake Indian=356+18=374 wet grams from 4 cakes, approx. 93 wet grams per cake
Total=296+374=670 wet grams from 7 cakes, approx. 96 wet grams per cake
2nd flush (in progress!):
Gulf Coast: 55+13=68 wet grams from 3 cakes, approx. 22 grams wet per cake
Indian: 109+18=127 wet grams from 4 cakes, approx. 31 grams wet per cake
Total: 127+68=195 wet grams from 7 cakes, approx. 28 wet grams per cake
Edited by logical (08/20/02 12:10 PM)

Registered: 06/18/02
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Re: DESKTOP Hydrapod- 670 wet grams & counting! *PICS! [Re: logical]
#831387 - 08/20/02 07:57 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
you did this with Hydra Pod ? Nice gramz
-------------------- Cuba Libre
Registered: 07/26/02
Posts: 26
Re: DESKTOP Hydrapod with Alien Tek Grow Log **PICS** [Re: logical]
#839010 - 08/23/02 06:27 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Grow Log Update
26 wet grams of Indian harvested - 2 single mushroom ("the twins"). Both weighed 13 grams, both look the same. Few pins on Gulf Coast cakes. Sporulation accidentally occured over some cakes from the last harvest. Spores have left their image on top of several cakes.
Running tally: Gulf Coast=283+13=296 wet grams from 3 cakes, approx. 99 wet grams per cake *NO CHANGE* Indian=374+26=400 wet grams from 4 cakes, approx. 100 wet grams per cake Total=296+400=696 wet grams from 7 cakes, approx. 99 wet grams per cake
2nd flush (in progress!):
Gulf Coast: 55+13=68 wet grams from 3 cakes, approx. 22 grams wet per cake *NO CHANGE* Indian: 127+26=153 wet grams from 4 cakes, approx. 38 grams wet per cake Total: 153+68=221 wet grams from 7 cakes, approx. 31 wet grams per cake
 Top view of cakes. Mushrooms too mature, caps have begun to "wave".
 Macro of caps. Note attached veil, as well as "wave" shape of too-mature mushroom.
 Harvest pic.
Registered: 07/26/02
Posts: 26
Re: DESKTOP Hydrapod with Alien Tek Grow Log **PICS** [Re: logical]
#839148 - 08/23/02 07:00 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Grow Log Update
16 wet grams of Gulf Coasts were harvested a few days after Indians above were. Gulf Coasts are showing to become inconsistent within the strain as to the size of the mushrooms produced - previous to this flush, the Gulf Coast was evenly smallish and heavy pinning. Current to this log, they have been both large and small mushrooms, and have pinned much less heavily.
Running tally: Gulf Coast=296+16=312 wet grams from 3 cakes, approx. 104 wet grams per cake Indian=374+26=400 wet grams from 4 cakes, approx. 100 wet grams per cake *NO CHANGE* Total=312+400=712 wet grams from 7 cakes, approx. 101 wet grams per cake
2nd flush (in progress!):
Gulf Coast: 68+16=84 wet grams from 3 cakes, approx. 28 grams wet per cake Indian: 127+26=153 wet grams from 4 cakes, approx. 38 grams wet per cake *NO CHANGE* Total: 84+153=237 wet grams from 7 cakes, approx. 33 wet grams per cake
 Top view of cakes. Note heavy sporulation on tops of all cakes, and where one mushroom from previous harvest has left a "reverse-shadow" in spores. In middle of picture.
 Macro shot of large cap. The mushrooms this size of Gulf Coast have not been successive with this flush - they have been randomly appearing among the smaller sized mushrooms that are similar to the previous flush.
 Macro shot of 2 smaller mushrooms (Gulf Coast). Note the bunching of mushrooms in right corner/middle - thesse dark caps signal a possible abhorting. Many cakes this flush produced abhorts, while the 1st flush provided almost none.
 Harvest picture.
1st flush = 475 wet grams; current 2nd flush - 237 wet grams. 475/2=237.5.
Log sees the cakes noticibly slowing down, but this "second flush" has already produced almost exactly 1/2 of the wet weight of the 1st flush. As much for Logical complaining about this flush, it has produced a great deal of weight and has actually recovered according to the numbers. Yet the cakes are also producing abhorts as well as pins which never mature (many post-primordia, yet not attaining maturity or even "real" pins). So, as the numbers may be impressive, Logical still feels that they haven?t recovered enough, to their full potential. Time will tell with the future harvests.
Log was considering breaking the cakes into casings, and leaving them in the pod to see how/if they recover and produce. Yet, casings are not suited for the pod. And the reverse is true - the hydrapod is not suited for casings. (Neither would like the other, Logical supposes). So, Logical will let the cakes keep producing. He may think to dunk soon, if the cakes show to slow down to no growth. The most likely course of action will be that Logical does nothing and leaves the cakes and the hydra-pod to its own devices. Time will tell, again.
Also, please note - if you pm Log, please be sure you?re accepting pms yourself. Thanks, more updates when necessary.
Registered: 07/26/02
Posts: 26
Re: DESKTOP Hydrapod with Alien Tek Grow Log **PICS** [Re: logical]
#845041 - 08/26/02 05:07 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
12 grams wet of Gulf Coast and 26 wet of Indian were harvested.
Log thinks he may cut the experiment short, in order to work with gourmets in the pod. The cakes aren't producing as much as they had been - but, at over 100 wet grams per cake, Logical thinks the hydrapod has done quite well for the cake culture. (Keep in mind, the cakes are a little less than 1 pint each of substrate material).
So, the log will likely be closed soon. It was fun-
Running tally:
Gulf Coast=312+12=324 wet grams from 3 cakes, approx. 108 wet grams per cake
Indian=400+26=426 wet grams from 4 cakes, approx. 106 wet grams per cake
Total=324+426=750 wet grams from 7 cakes, approx. 107 wet grams per cake
2nd flush (in progress!):
Gulf Coast: 84+12=96 wet grams from 3 cakes, approx. 32 grams wet per cake
Indian: 153+26=179 wet grams from 4 cakes, approx. 44 grams wet per cake
Total: 96+179=275 wet grams from 7 cakes, approx. 39 wet grams per cake
Edited by logical (08/26/02 05:09 PM)
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Re: DESKTOP Hydrapod with Alien Tek Grow Log **PICS** [Re: logical]
#845176 - 08/26/02 06:03 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
good grow log man.... Oh and you got some nice looking mushrooms in there too!!!
-------------------- RAIN^^^RAIN^^^RAIN^^^RAIN^^^RAIN
Registered: 07/26/02
Posts: 26
Re: DESKTOP Hydrapod with Alien Tek Grow Log **PICS** [Re: logical]
#849363 - 08/28/02 01:16 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Log harvested 44 grams wet of Indian, and no Gulf Coasts. Many Gulf Coast cakes are not pinning at all now. The Indians produce large (10-15 wet grams each) yet sporadic individual mushrooms, and not the clusters of the earlier flush.
Running tally:
Gulf Coast=312+12=324 wet grams from 3 cakes, approx. 108 wet grams per cake Indian=426+44=470 wet grams from 4 cakes, approx. 118 wet grams per cake Total=324+470=794 wet grams from 7 cakes, approx. 113 wet grams per cake
2nd flush (in progress!):
Gulf Coast: 84+12=96 wet grams from 3 cakes, approx. 32 grams wet per cake Indian: 179+44=223 wet grams from 4 cakes, approx. 56 grams wet per cake Total: 96+223=319 wet grams from 7 cakes, approx. 46 wet grams per cake
Registered: 07/26/02
Posts: 26
Re: DESKTOP Hydrapod with Alien Tek Grow Log **PICS** [Re: logical]
#859786 - 09/02/02 07:16 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Final update:
Running tally:
Gulf Coast=324+12=336 wet grams from 3 cakes, approx. 112 wet grams per cake Indian=426+44=470 wet grams from 4 cakes, approx. 118 wet grams per cake Total=336+470=806 wet grams from 7 cakes, approx. 115 wet grams per cake
2nd flush, final numbers:
Gulf Coast: 96+12=108 wet grams from 3 cakes, approx. 36 grams wet per cake Indian: 179+44=223 wet grams from 4 cakes, approx. 56 grams wet per cake Total: 108+223=331 wet grams from 7 cakes, approx. 47 wet grams per cake
The hydrapod was stopped running with psilocybe cakes. Final harvest was 3 Gulf Coasts at 12 wet grams. The total for this grow log turned out to be 812 wet grams from 7 pint-sized cakes, alien tek recipe. A final post on Logical's observations and experiences with the pod will be added in a few days, then marked "completed" as requested by the moderators. Please do not lock the post until Log has had a chance to post a final review. Thanks.

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Re: DESKTOP Hydrapod- +800gr. wet; +110gr./cake *PICS! [Re: logical]
#865010 - 09/05/02 06:49 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
That macro shot of the GC is one of the best cubensis pictures I have seen.
-------------------- pleezr
"Tell me about the fucking golf shoes!!"

Registered: 09/07/02
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Re: DESKTOP Hydrapod- +800gr. wet; +110gr./cake *PICS! [Re: logical]
#869308 - 09/07/02 04:51 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
>> Logical used the updated Alien tek. He got it by searching google's cached >>webpages for alientek.iwarp.com cached pages, and printed the recipe from >>there. Unfortunately, after the cakes were pressure cooked, Logical threw the >>recipe away- and google no longer has a cached page for alientek.iwarp.com
I was able to find the page using the archive.org page.. here's the address:
Registered: 07/26/02
Posts: 26
Re: DESKTOP Hydrapod- +800gr. wet; +110gr./cake *PICS! [Re: logical]
#870782 - 09/08/02 10:45 PM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Logical's notes and overview of the Hydrapod Log:
Hello everyone. Log just wanted to make some observations about the grow in general, as well as reiterate certain points Logical wanted to emphasize about the grow and grows in general. First he'd like to thank the posters and viewers of the thread, and hopes that something was learned by someone in reading it.
1) The substrate seems to have really supported the action/hydration of the pod. Two of the major influeneces in mushroom production, food and hydration, have been symbiotically and healthily represented in this log. The whole grains of rice really created an airy substrate, as well as made a patchy feel to the outside of the cakes. Since the cakes were effectively "bumpy," they seemed to encourage hypheal knots (tiny mycelia "puffs" that are the beginnings of pins) to form in the valleys and uneven surface. This surface mimicks effective casing layers, which also have an airy and bumpy surfaces which encourage similar growth. Log thinks that the substrate encouraged the numbers of pins on the cakes in the same way.
However, it was not the only factor. The Indians in the log were consistently fewer in number than the Gulf Coasts. Logical believes that the type characteristics of each strain also influence the number of pins on a substrate. But, the excellent texture helps to allow a strain to perform its best. (Log will touch on strain choices and the log as well, later.)
The texture is not the only desirability of alien's substrate recipe, the nutrition and variety of the substrate can be readily seen when making it side by side the traditional pf tek. Logical really thinks he can see the difference that adding a variety of foods can offer, and it just is more fun to make in general. The experience overall is that the cultivator ends up feeling like he cooked something wonderful as his substrate, not just ground and pound.
Logical notes he is biased in favor of whole grain teks in general over one-ingredient flour recipes, so the nutrition aspect should be taken with a grain of salt. However, the observations of the bumpy texture of the cakes can readily be seen in the photos accompanying the log, and how the knots tend towards these places.
2) Colonization of jars. Logical made no record of colonization, since it was normal in almost all respects from general colonization of jars. There were 2 major differences, one being the use of filter disk lids, the other being colonization occuring within the running hydrapod.
2a) Filter disk lids. Log had stopped using filter disk lids prior to this log's run. He had a difficult time in maintaining moisture within the jars when using them to replace the whole lid, and in making half-lid/half-disk "lids". (He previously did not have a colonization chamber for jars, he simply let them colonize in the boxes the jars are packed in.) But, in using the hydrapod as a colonization chamber, Logical figured that the moisture of the substrate could be maintained. And, the jars did not dry out towards the open end as he had previously experienced, but grew at a very rapid rate. The jars varied in colonization times of 3-4 weeks, and these are the wide mouth (thicker) pint jars, double the size of the usual 1/2 pints. Log thinks colonization was definitely sped up by use of the lids, as long as they are kept in an optimal atmosphere where the moisture is minimally lost.
2b) Colonization in hydrapod. The hydrapod's ambient moisture levels were enough to not allow the colonizing substrate to dry out in using filter disk lids. Though, Log doesn't think he should condone the use of the pod as a colonization chamber, since it would be inefficient except for the 1st batch of cakes in the pod. After that, the grower would have to "tack-on" the extra colinzation time to the time spent overall by cakes in the pod. For efficiency's sake, Log would reccomend that people NOT rely on the pod for a colonization chamber. For the grower not interested in efficiency, it is a convenient and optimal home for colonizing cakes. Provided the correct temperatures are provided it. The light that reaches the substrate is a non-issue, it does not harm them (as far as Log's own observations go).
It must also be noted that Logical's cakes were waterlogged in the end of the colonization period, when they were not in the preparation of the substrate nor after pressure cooking. The cakes were kept at a too-high humidity setting within the pod, and took in too much moisture too easily thru the filter disks. If colonizing within the pod, it is important to watch that the cakes do not become too wet. This happened to Log, and he had to cut off parts of wet uncolonized substrate when birthing the cakes. This is another negative factor to colonizing within the pod, aside from the effective use of the purpose of the pod for fruiting.
3) Pints v. 1/2-pints. Earlier in the log, Log had mentioned that he would have preferred to have used 1/2-pints to the pints he used. However, he now feels that it is best to use 1 pints, not 1/2's. If the colonization does not end up in waterlogged parts, it takes about 1 more week for colonization of twice the substrate. Log also thinks the mass of the substrate lends to the size of the mushrooms, from earlier experiences. As long as the cakes fully colonize in optimal time, they are the better choice. The pod would likely be horizontally challenged with smaller, more cakes. The mushrooms would have less horizontal space if there were more cakes: If one would like to have more substrate, it would likely be advisable to "stack" cakes (perhaps aiding in it by use of a cleverly-placed toothpick) to take advantage of the vertical space.
4) Air exchange and humidity concerns. Earlier in the log, Logical was concerned with the air exchange and humidity of the pod. (AE based on the smallish caps of the mushrooms early in the 1st flush, and rh based on the excessive mycelium on the stems of the mushrooms.) However, the AE was easily rectified by maintaining the water level of the pod - which allowed for more fresh air to flow across the cakes. Earlier on, Log had had the water level about 1/2-3/4" below the rocks, and raising it to 1/4-1/2" helped the size of the caps to increase. The problem also likely rectified itself - the size of the caps could have just been because they were the 1st mushrooms of the 1st flush, early mutants/etc. The humidity was lessened by the increased air exchange, but the stems were still consistently growing mycelium, almost 1/2 way up on some. But, this is not a problem - the mycelium is harmless, and no real effect otherwise was found from the high humidity levels. In fact, as cakes require up to the high 90's in rh, the pod is working with cake substrates effectively.
Logical will add more comments on the following in a few days:
1) Spore strain choices. 2) Post-1st flush, dunking? Dehydration after flush pickings. 3) Rosecombs. 4) Even flush of 1st, uneven production of 2nd. 5) Drying method. 6) Spore age issues. 7) Weight and production, comments overall.
If anyone has other questions about the grow in general, please post & Log will address them. Thanks.
Registered: 07/26/02
Posts: 26
Re: DESKTOP Hydrapod- +800gr. wet; +110gr./cake *PICS! [Re: logical]
#871076 - 09/09/02 01:40 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
5) Spore strain choices. Log thought that the selection of the spore strain would be predicated on the action of the pod - would the pod do better with heavy, large mushrooms such as Indians, or do better with numerous, smaller mushrooms like Gulf Coasts? However, the choice of strain apparently did not matter as much as Logical thought. Both the Indian and the Gulf Coast produced the approximate weight of each other, about 115 wet grams over the life of each cake (112 for Gulf Coast, 118 for Indian). To Log, the choice in strains is more of a preference when it comes to the new hydrapod.
There is one consideration, that the grower should choose a strain which produces 2nd flushes reliably. A strain which is not induced to produce more than once is not going to use the pod effectively. (Log will discuss the breakdowns of weight later, and his general observations on them.) Since the hydrapod could hypothetically support continuous flushes, the grower should use a multi-flushing strain which exploits this feature. Again, Log will try to address multiple flushing later as well.
6) Spore age issues. Log made an interesting observation during this grow log. Namely, that "old" spores do not necessarily perform at a lower par than "fresh" spores do. Log used spores that were from 6 months to over a year old, stored in vendor syringes at room temperature. Though the oldest spores, the Gulf Coasts, took longer to fully colonize than the Indians, they fully colonized a pint cake in approximately 3-4 weeks, in too humid conditions. And the subsequent mushrooms produced could not be said to be of a lower quality based on the age of the spores, nor the vigor of the mycelia. When compared to the end result.
A side note: The Gulf Coast syringe was an original "print in a syringe" from 3Mshroom, who is no longer a vendor due to personal issues. His dark syringes are a thing of legend among older growers such as Logical. 3Mshroom's Gulf Coast is a very impressive fruiter, whose quantities are commendable. For growers interested in numerous, reliable flushes, 3M's Gulf Coasts would be a good choice for those who can still find them.
7) Rosecombs. Logical found that the occurance of one rosecomb on an Indian mushroom to be a strange anomaly, since he does not have any contact with petroleum products. Log also found that another pod user has reported a rosecomb while growing, as well. Log only had one, and does not think that the occurance was more than a freak occurance. But he also thinks it is important to note the occurance to potential and current pod owners, in order for others to watch for the abnormal appearances.
8) Post-1st flush, dunking? As noted above, after the 1st flush was fully harvested, the cakes went thru substantial shrinkage and bluing due to water loss. They were still heavy with compacted substrate, but it was dry. Logical relied on the action of the pod to rehydrate the cakes, but they did not recover as fully as Log would have expected, and would likely recommend to other growers that the cakes be dunked after the 1st flush. The reasoning for this is as follows:
The 1st flush of each cake was 475 wet grams, approx. 68 grams per cake. Assuming 90-92% water, each cake "lost" about 60 grams of water in producing the 1st flush. This is over 2 oz. of water per cake, that should be resupplemented with each flushing. This is over 14 oz. of water - almost a pint needed to return the cakes to their optimal production. Log feels that the large amount of substrate could not be supplemented enough, even with the full action of the hydrapod. This is not a "knock" at the production of the pod, but a reality - there is no way to resupplement that much water into a substrate without doing it manually.
Logical decided not to rehydrate the shrunken cakes, and still had a very very respectable 2nd flush from it. He also stopped the log early; there is no way to determine how many more mushrooms would have been produced had the log not been stopped early. The 2nd flush is comparable to that of the 1st. However, though the numbers are impressive, they do not reflect the fact that the cakes were not producing with the vigor of the 1st flush. This loss of vigor is the reason Logical would reccomend dunking, or should have dunked himself.
Dunking is not for every case, and not for every pod user. Log's cakes were just very shrunken. Not everyone will have such a change in their cakes, and they should therefore not dunk. And rely on the pod's action. But those who's 1st flush robs the substrate of its weight and power, seriously consider to dunk.
Log believes that the even-ness of the 1st flush as compared to the overall sporadic production of the 2nd is the result of the cakes not being optimally hydrated. The 1st flush was the cakes at optimum, and the 2nd cakes were suboptimal performance. All things were equal at the 2nd flush (pod, etc.) except for the water loss.
9) Drying method. Logical would like to cut & paste this note on drying that he posted above. He oftens notes novice growers using high-tech, and high-energy use methods of drying. Logical believes that the low-tech way is more responsible - that the extra use of ecological and natural resources in using electricity for fan drying, etc. is superfluous and wasteful. His method is able to easily dry the hydrapod's output with no excessive space or contraptions needed, and as non-intrusive as possible.
"Logical has followed a drying method for quite a while. He lays the harvest ON paper sacks (the heavy kind from supermarkets), and cleans them thoroughly of vermiculite or casing material. Do not place mushrooms in the bag to dry from both sides, this encourages rot. He usually does not have to cut or open the stems due to "fat asses", and doesn't cut up the mushrooms unless they are truly waterlogged. He then takes the paper sacks and lays them up high (dresser, wardrobe, bookcase) to dry. The mushrooms will get fairly dry, but not cracker dry. The heavier the paper sacks from the supermarket, the more water they will help carry away from the mushroom. In other words, the lunch sacks you pack an apple in aren't any good - Logical tried but never had much luck with them. When they get fairly dry (1 - 2 weeks), Logical places them on a wire rack in a drying chamber, full of damp-rid. He leaves them in the drying chamber for as long as possible, and at least a week or so. The mushrooms will easily become cracker dry in a few days- you have to test if they are dry for yourself, it is no good to gauge in days. Then, store as usual."
Logical also would like to note that no extra wire is necessary. A grower could line a low-rise sealing rubbermaid with similar paper sacks from the supermarket. One layer of cut-up paper is fine. Then, set up a "Damp Rid" container system - the one that comes with its own drip system. Not the "refill", but the container. Set the prepared container in the centre of the low plastic bin, and place the semi-dry mushrooms around the container in as close to a single layer as possible. Seal bin, let sit for at least a day before checking on it. The damp rid container will seal the water from the mushrooms. One container is enough (the small package with the drip system) for more than the harvest of the hydrapod, when dried using the supermarket bag system described above. Stems will snap within 2-10 days, and neither the bottom of the container nor the mushrooms will be "destroyed" if the container system is used.
Logical will address the last comment, "Weight and production, comments overall," in another post in a day or so. Thanks.
Registered: 07/26/02
Posts: 26
Re: DESKTOP Hydrapod- +800gr. wet; +110gr./cake *PICS! [Re: f8L]
#871112 - 09/09/02 02:06 AM (22 years, 5 months ago) |
Thank you, f8L - this really completes the log nicely. Many thanks!
"Alien Substrate Formula
2/3 cup of quinoa (health food store) 2/3 cup long grain brown rice (grocery store) 2 1/4 cups spring water 1 1/4 cups vermiculite (Wal-Mart) 1/8 cup flax seed (measured before grinding) 1/4 cup finch seed (measured before grinding)
1) Cook the quinoa and rice (use the whole grains, not ground) by bringing it to a boil with 2 1/4 cups of spring water, then turn the heat down to a simmer, cover the pot with lid and set a timer for 20 mins.
2) Important!! -- Be sure to cover the pot with the lid, otherwise water will be lost from evaporation.
3) While this is cooking, measure out your flax and finch seed and then grind them up in a coffee grinder or similar.
4) Mix the ground flax and finch seed with the other dry ingredients, stir the cooking grains occasionally so as not to burn them.
5) When the grains are all done, turn off the heat and allow them to cool for a minute or so.
6) Now dump them and the water that is still in the pot (do not strain) all in with the dry mix previously prepared.
7) Mix this carefully with a fork (no hands) so it remains light and fluffy. Small amounts of water can be added at this point to improve fruiting, just don't overdo it. I know that anything over 1/4 cup would be overkill, I sometimes add around an 1/8 cup to mine, but sometimes I don't. Its best to wait 5-10 minutes before adding any water, this makes it mix better.
8) Cover and let it cool for about 15 minutes before spooning into jars. I use the vermiculite topping like PF and this has helped alot to eliminate contams. Don't pack the substrate when loading, try to keep it fluffy and pressure cook at 15 p.s.i. for 45 minutes.
9) If you use the PF style jars with the holes in the lids, then cap the jars with aluminum foil. This substrate is very airy and makes any good cubensis grow very rizmorphic. "