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Registered: 07/24/02
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the ultimate conspiracy
    #773224 - 07/24/02 11:37 AM (22 years, 6 months ago)

what if the real ultimate conspiracyis that there is no conspiracies at all? what if all these conspiracies we hear about were just made to distract us. a quote that best describes this is "if you stare at the skies (reffering to searching for ufos) you wont notice the cracks in the floor"...

I had not expected fear, but terror came with her
and tho I sought a dying moment, she showed me a dying eternity
and tho I sought to bring wisdom into the real, she tore the real from me
and I was no more, and in unbeing, I lost my fear

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Registered: 07/12/99
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Re: the ultimate conspiracy [Re: emex]
    #773454 - 07/24/02 12:47 PM (22 years, 6 months ago)

Feel free to visit my Lord and Savior, J.R. "Bob" Dobbs. He'll tell you everything you ver wanted to know about the Conspiracy. All praise JHVH-1.


Note: In desperate need of a cure...

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Re: the ultimate conspiracy [Re: Sclorch]
    #774420 - 07/24/02 07:06 PM (22 years, 6 months ago)

um...i think that if you're watching the skies while you walk, you'll trip and fall on your face man.

Peace and Love to all!

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Re: the ultimate conspiracy [Re: Sclorch]
    #774858 - 07/25/02 02:30 AM (22 years, 6 months ago)

I just got that book yesterday. I haven't read it yet, or even opened it, but I know that it holds all the answers.


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Registered: 07/12/99
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Re: the ultimate conspiracy [Re: Revelation]
    #775428 - 07/25/02 07:46 AM (22 years, 6 months ago)

It is certain that the writers of that book are geniuses. Pretty much every philosophy that I've ever heard of is in there... in one way or another.

Selling it back to "them" is the only way. Put price tag on it and the normals think it contains some divine truth- that they'll never understand. Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.

Vote Yeti.

Note: In desperate need of a cure...

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Registered: 02/28/02
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Re: the ultimate conspiracy [Re: emex]
    #775980 - 07/25/02 11:38 AM (22 years, 6 months ago)

There are certain conspiracies that were fabricated in order to hide a bigger conspiracy, for example the whole Roswell alien crash in the 50's was made to start this whole alien trend that has turned into a big commercial industry today. The goal is to have people actually believe aliens have and are visiting this earth. Like in the 50's with War of the Worlds, there is going to be another phony alien invasion in the future. That's the only way the entire planet will unite as one and fight a common enemy, and once and for all it will be ridiculously easy for the elite rich to finally have their one world government. The mass media and Hollywood is on it too, why do you think movis like Independance Day were made? To subconciously tell you what you should do when something like that happens. Another example is the new Mel Gibson movie "Signs". It's the story of a family during an alien invasion of the earth. Your reactions to these movies are being studied and when the time comes, there is going to be a fake alien invasion and many will believe it.

Sound crazy? yes definately!!! but what the hell, it's the best conspiracy I have ever heard.

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Registered: 07/18/02
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Re: the ultimate conspiracy [Re: chodamunky]
    #776009 - 07/25/02 11:48 AM (22 years, 6 months ago)

um...i think conspiracies are fake pretty much. i think bad people try to fool stupid people to make money , and smart people are at such a higher stage in evolution that they will never be fooled by such things. i am not a homo faber, i am a homo sapien. so the homo faber can fool around all they want, they are beneath such people as you and i braa.

let the rasta love flow my braa's

Peace and Love to all!

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Registered: 07/24/02
Posts: 90
Re: the ultimate conspiracy [Re: chodamunky]
    #776019 - 07/25/02 11:51 AM (22 years, 6 months ago)

*agrees with munky*
i think the real ultimate conspiracy is the NWO (new world order) or one goverment run by the elite. if you look at most conspiracies such as illuminati, free masonary, mkultra, wacco, roswell, certain assasinations they can all be seen as part of one large conspiracy. i mean cmon theres evidence that certain branches of the military (i forget which one =\) have been training in urban enviroments like your neighborhoods. they justify this as practice future wars. how would learning how to take over civilian homes help in a war? and another example is how they are trying to take away all our weapons with strict gun laws...wouldnt be able to fight back against martial law unless we had guns stronger than theirs. anyways ill shut up now =)

I had not expected fear, but terror came with her
and tho I sought a dying moment, she showed me a dying eternity
and tho I sought to bring wisdom into the real, she tore the real from me
and I was no more, and in unbeing, I lost my fear

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Registered: 07/18/02
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Re: the ultimate conspiracy [Re: emex]
    #776024 - 07/25/02 11:53 AM (22 years, 6 months ago)

i'm a pacifist to the sctrictest degree, but i do think that we should have guns so as to make the government think twice about ruling us like dogs.

Peace and Love to all!

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Registered: 02/28/02
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Re: the ultimate conspiracy [Re: emex]
    #776060 - 07/25/02 12:08 PM (22 years, 6 months ago)

*nods head while reading emex's post*

I totally agree man. Wanna hear another OBVIOUS conspiracy? I know I'll get my ass dissed for this one....the 911 attacks were perpetrated and organized by the NWO not terrorists in caves who hate America! Did yall know that Bin Laden was a CIA agent when Russia attacked Afghanistan? Do you also know that the Bush family has millions of dollars invested in the oil industry? There is an oil deal being sealed with Pakistan where an oil pipeline is going to be built running through Afghanistan. That's why the Taliban needed to be put out of power because there needed to be a stable power in place. The new leader in Afghanistan is actually an ex oil consulstant from Unical (sp?) one of the biggest oil companies in the states. This war on terrorism is slowing eliminating our civil rights in the name of national security. Camera surveillance, wire taps and police raids without warrants, gun control, tighter airport security and harrassment, and pretty soon national ID cards.

Wanna learn more? http://www.whatreallyhappened.com More than 20,000 truth seekers visit this site per day.

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Registered: 07/24/02
Posts: 90
Re: the ultimate conspiracy [Re: chodamunky]
    #776076 - 07/25/02 12:15 PM (22 years, 6 months ago)

actually munky even before 9/11 happened i read a conspiracy about how we would commit terrorist attacks on ourselves then blame it on a country which has something we want..a few years later planes crash into buildings and the people who flew the planes just happen to be from a country that we need oil from. now we have a reason to fight them without seeming mean and with no public outcry, infact the public wants us to. if we just started bombing them for no reason just cuz we wanted oil that wouldnt look to good on tv but after 9/11 we had a reason to do so. didnt know about osama being in the cia but bush is a free mason so not supprised about that (free masons contribute to a large portion of the planning of one gov) and karl marx was in the illuminati. interesting huh?

I had not expected fear, but terror came with her
and tho I sought a dying moment, she showed me a dying eternity
and tho I sought to bring wisdom into the real, she tore the real from me
and I was no more, and in unbeing, I lost my fear

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Re: the ultimate conspiracy [Re: emex]
    #776099 - 07/25/02 12:25 PM (22 years, 6 months ago)

"the ultimate conspiracy is that there is no conspiracies"

wouldn't that be a conspiracy? that statement doesn't sound right.

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Registered: 07/24/02
Posts: 90
Re: the ultimate conspiracy [Re: ]
    #776104 - 07/25/02 12:28 PM (22 years, 6 months ago)

what i ment is the ultimate conspiracy is that there is no conspiracies that you hear about. if it was truely a real conspiracy they woudlnt even allow you to hear about it...they arent stupid. thats why what me and munky are saying prolly seem so outrageous to you...they are true conspiracies which you rarely find.

I had not expected fear, but terror came with her
and tho I sought a dying moment, she showed me a dying eternity
and tho I sought to bring wisdom into the real, she tore the real from me
and I was no more, and in unbeing, I lost my fear

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Registered: 02/28/02
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Loc: sailing the seas of chees...
Re: the ultimate conspiracy [Re: emex]
    #776355 - 07/25/02 02:47 PM (22 years, 6 months ago)

that's very true, rarely you will have someone speak out what they know and think is really going on. In Toronto, there was a radio show discussing the Illuminati and free masons, NWO, 911 attacks frame up, etc. but guess what? the show ain't on no more!!! got kicked off the air for the 4th time this year.

For those who still doubt there is nothing going on here, look at the American $1 bill, see that little pyramid with the eye? That's the Free Masonry symbol, and as Emex said, Bush is a free mason, and so was Abraham Lincoln, and almost all the other presidents. Another thing I understand Free Masons are into when you reach the 33 degree, is Satanism. That would explain the 911 attack as a human sacriface....

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Registered: 06/22/02
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Post deleted by Moe Howard [Re: chodamunky]
    #776372 - 07/25/02 02:59 PM (22 years, 6 months ago)


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Legacy ofBrutality
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Re: the ultimate conspiracy [Re: chodamunky]
    #776375 - 07/25/02 03:01 PM (22 years, 6 months ago)

if you knew anything about satanism you wouldnt say that...

Edited by AcursedRedDragon (07/25/02 03:01 PM)

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Registered: 07/24/02
Posts: 90
Re: the ultimate conspiracy [Re: thaikoh]
    #776377 - 07/25/02 03:01 PM (22 years, 6 months ago)

In reply to:

what i ment is the ultimate conspiracy is that there is no conspiracies that you hear about. if it was truely a real conspiracy they woudlnt even allow you to hear about it...they arent stupid. thats why what me and munky are saying prolly seem so outrageous to you...they are true conspiracies which you rarely find.

I had not expected fear, but terror came with her
and tho I sought a dying moment, she showed me a dying eternity
and tho I sought to bring wisdom into the real, she tore the real from me
and I was no more, and in unbeing, I lost my fear

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Registered: 02/28/02
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Re: the ultimate conspiracy [Re: thaikoh]
    #776379 - 07/25/02 03:02 PM (22 years, 6 months ago)

yea that was my point.

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Re: the ultimate conspiracy [Re: chodamunky]
    #777283 - 07/25/02 10:24 PM (22 years, 6 months ago)

so, what yo are saying, is that there are people who have power and want more? hmmm, sounds like a new phenomenon to me. never had that before at all. and you say these things will affect us? of course. i hate it when bad things happen, but that's life. for me, instead of turning into mel gibson in conspiracy theory, i am a stream going down through my life to my ocean, and when life throws a rock at me, i just flow around it and keep going. giving up not an option braa. but i do what i can to keep the world good. and i leave it at that. getting stressed isn't fun. or worrying.

oh please, don't you rock my boat.---bob marley.

Peace and Love to all!

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Registered: 07/24/02
Posts: 90
Re: the ultimate conspiracy [Re: whiterastahippie]
    #778436 - 07/26/02 11:41 AM (22 years, 6 months ago)

yeah i know what your saying rasta and i agree. i learn about this not to stress over it but to be happy in my mind...i cant be happy without knowing the truth. theres those who are happy knowing and those who are happy living ignorant. of course its gonna be harder knowing the truth and it might not be as nice as just looking at the world with ignorant eyes but its the path i choose...we all choose our own paths. in the end its all the same, kinda like a prism hit by a beam of light. so many diff colors of light and different widths of light formed but they all lead back to the same destination, the prism.

I had not expected fear, but terror came with her
and tho I sought a dying moment, she showed me a dying eternity
and tho I sought to bring wisdom into the real, she tore the real from me
and I was no more, and in unbeing, I lost my fear

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Registered: 07/18/02
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Re: the ultimate conspiracy [Re: emex]
    #778443 - 07/26/02 11:44 AM (22 years, 6 months ago)

or a diamond, so many facets, so many colors. but when you look at the whole it's one diamond. and that diamond is love to me man.

"if you are the big tree, we are a small axe, ready to cut you down, to cut you down."---bob marley.

Peace and Love to all!

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Registered: 07/18/02
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Re: the ultimate conspiracy [Re: whiterastahippie]
    #778458 - 07/26/02 11:55 AM (22 years, 6 months ago)

knowing is good. but in the end, we die and how has our knwoledge served us? i think living better and happier come formost. but then, if that makes you live better and happier. then you're right on braa.

Peace and Love to all!

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