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Yoga: not a substance, yet still a drug?
#772630 - 07/24/02 07:38 AM (22 years, 6 months ago) |
i personally do yoga on a daily basis if i can. followed by between 15 minutes to an hour of meditation. after i have finished...i feel like everything is brighter, every sound is clearer, and every sensation is incredible. i've done drugs that do this to me, only with the drugs, you come down. they have side effects. and they change the mind in some way. so i think yoga is the purest form of a love/peace drug. and when you do yoga on shrooms or just after toking a spliff, it is...undescribable. and after yoga every morning, i continue to feel peacful and content for the rest of the day. it is well known that the brain produces certain chemicals...saratonin, melatonin, dmt, adrenachrome...and these are like drugs. does anyone think it possible that doing yoga on a regular basis can produce the perfect mixture of melatonin (which calms you) and saratonin (which makes you euphoric) and adrenaline (which revs you up and makes you feel confident). therefore producing what could be the perfect drug, right inside your brain? what you think of that my braa's?
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Re: Yoga: not a substance, yet still a drug? [Re: whiterastahippie]
#773084 - 07/24/02 10:52 AM (22 years, 6 months ago) |
the perfect drug, right inside your brain?
"The last thing we need are stimulants or blockers. Our bodies are self-governing autonomous narcotics factories already." - Grant Morrison
Nuff said! Consciousness is Chemical, no matter what else you want to call it. Which makes the whole phenomenom even more amazing, when you think about it.
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Re: Yoga: not a substance, yet still a drug? [Re: the_Landotter]
#773126 - 07/24/02 11:04 AM (22 years, 6 months ago) |
so is mr. morrison saying that we shouldn't do drugs because under the right circumstances we can have the effect of every drug come right out of our "autonomous narcotics factories"? i think that yes, that is partially true, but if we weren't meant to use them, why did they evolve so we can, and why did our brains evolve to work with them? but then, like i said, a natural experienced drug like yoga, mixed with a substance drug, can make for some unbelievably great trips or highs. trips or highs you can't even imagine until you've done it.
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Re: Yoga: not a substance, yet still a drug? [Re: whiterastahippie]
#773257 - 07/24/02 11:44 AM (22 years, 6 months ago) |
We do not experience drugs, we experience awareness - consciousnesss - even superconsciousness. We can also experience reductions of consciousness leading to levels of subconsciousness and further, to unconsciousness.
Consciousness is 'tuned in' as it were by our psychophysical mind-body, and this instrument by which consciousness can be reflected into self-consciousness IS effected by drugs. The word Yoga means 'yoke,' in the sense of being yoked or joined to, or in union with Ultimate Reality. The Ultimate Reality - God - is called Sat- Chit-Ananda, or Being-Knowlege-Bliss, and Realization of God is the goal of Yoga.
Therefore, it is really profane to think of Yoga - Union with God - as some banal means for 'getting high.' High, as in 'the Most High God,' does not indicate distance or altitude, but rather Transcendence. Getting 'High,' as it turns out, is really about the ecstasy of God-Realization. It is unfortunate that the expression 'getting high' is usually just a mundane alteration of usual consciousness by almost any substance: alcohol, cannabis, depressants, opiates, stimulants or psychedelics. High in the most accurate sense means a state of Wholeness - of Holiness. 'Believe it, or not.'
-------------------- γνῶθι σαὐτόν - Gnothi Seauton - Know Thyself
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Re: Yoga: not a substance, yet still a drug? [Re: MarkostheGnostic]
#773303 - 07/24/02 12:02 PM (22 years, 6 months ago) |
i disagree with some of what you say. but i was aware of that meaning of getting high. i use substances that way myself. it was the rasta's who first said, "get high". because it does indeed, bring you closer to God or to understanding God. so if i say i am doing yoga to get high, then you can rest assured that i am doing for the right reasons. to feel more as one and at peace with everything in general. and therefore, god, since god is everything. also remember that there are many different beliefs and styles of yoga, just as there is to everything else. so your meanings of yoga may not apply at all to me and what i mean. peace my braa.
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Re: Yoga: not a substance, yet still a drug? [Re: whiterastahippie]
#773462 - 07/24/02 12:51 PM (22 years, 6 months ago) |
Well, the Sanskrit word Yoga always means the same thing, regardless of the type of Yoga: Hatha, Bhakti, Karma, Jnana, Kundalini, etc. It is true that much of Yoga philosophy is pantheistic, which considers everything to be a 'form' that God has assumed. There is also Advaita or Non-Dualist Yoga which doesn't see it that way. Of course, you have your own perceptions/ideas of how-it-all-is, and no doubt you look for existing 'systems' that describe your experience. For us (or anyone) to communicate, we have to try to agree upon 'objective' definitions or else we will all be using words that we all have different ideas of. The best example is the generic word 'God.' BTW, I don't really think that most people know how to abuse Yoga, and so, I think that any ethical constraints, or any psychophysical postures, breathing or meditating that you do is good for you - no judgement here
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Re: Yoga: not a substance, yet still a drug? [Re: MarkostheGnostic]
#773882 - 07/24/02 03:51 PM (22 years, 6 months ago) |
ah me braa, you are my master when it comes to yoga i must admit, and so i step aside so as to let you rule this convo i don't know as much as you obviously. so would you mind answering some questions, man?
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Re: Yoga: not a substance, yet still a drug? [Re: whiterastahippie]
#773944 - 07/24/02 04:20 PM (22 years, 6 months ago) |
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Re: Yoga: not a substance, yet still a drug? [Re: whiterastahippie]
#774094 - 07/24/02 05:07 PM (22 years, 6 months ago) |
No need for dog-puppy, master-chela relationship here mon. I may know a lot about a little, but I know little about a lot. Ask away.
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Re: Yoga: not a substance, yet still a drug? [Re: MarkostheGnostic]
#774335 - 07/24/02 06:33 PM (22 years, 6 months ago) |
pattern: DMT is the most powerful hallucenogenic known to man and it is produced inside our brains. i *THINK* it's it the dopeamine (sp?) gland. but i'm not real sure on that. i read it in an article on the psycedelic library, but i'm to high right now to figure out which one braa, sorry. yeah mark, i've heard people say that you should keep your eyes open when you do yoga and find focule points to concentrate on. i like to keep my eyes closed and meditate on things like an unwavering flame or a glass ball with all the distractions drops dripping down the outside.. does it say anything in what you've read about the difference between the two (eyes open or closed)? i have found that sometimes my balance is a little worse with my eyes closed. but that's the only difference i've noticed. am i bein' a complete dumbass on this braa?
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Re: Yoga: not a substance, yet still a drug? [Re: whiterastahippie]
#775148 - 07/25/02 05:32 AM (22 years, 6 months ago) |
Ther aren't any dumb questions. The act of asking a question indicates intelligence all by itself, as well as a measure of humility, without which one's cannot learn anything.
The practice of Hatha Yoga Asanas - postures - does not require closed eyes. You're correct, balance demands eyes open. Following asanas, strictly speaking, there should be some form of Pranayama - controlled breathing. Eyes open, or closed. The next step, Pratyahara, is sense withdrawal which is a transition into Dharana (concentration). Again, one can focus outwardly, say, at a candle flame (called tatrak) with eyes open, or close the eyes to practice visualization of a mandala of one's choosing or of one's own design. Dhyana, or meditation differs from concentration (with a center) in that it is effortless, and again, can be practiced in some traditions with the eyes half-open, or closed. I prefer closed to aid whatever visualization I am practicing.
Yoga practices begin with Yamas and Niyamas which are ethical and moral prerequisites. Many Americans practice Asanas for merely physical, 'body-beautiful' purposes, not for Yoga - Union. The stages move from one's behaviors in the outer world (Yamas, Niyamas, Asanas) to incresingly inner-directed stages (Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and finally Samadhi [in its various levels]. Focal points are generally the chakras, with the Heart Chakra being the main Center (because below the astral chakras lie the Causal Body, and the Heart Cave [Hridayam] is the most important locus). According to the great Yogi Raman Maharishi, the Heart Center supports the whole Chakra system, and embodies the Light from the Crown [Sahasrara], In Vajrayana Buddhism the Head, Throat and Heart are the highest Centers. One can find this reference during the Catholic Mass prior to the reading of the Gospels when a small cross is made over these centers or focal points.
DMT is produced in the pineal gland, which some people correlate with the Crown Center [Sahasrara]. The pituitary body is likewise identified with the Ajna, or third eye at the forehead (although Vajrayana Buddhists combine the two head centers into one, as well as the two lowest centers).
-------------------- γνῶθι σαὐτόν - Gnothi Seauton - Know Thyself
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Re: Yoga: not a substance, yet still a drug? [Re: MarkostheGnostic]
#775179 - 07/25/02 05:47 AM (22 years, 6 months ago) |
pineal gland, that was it. yeah mark braa, thanks man, do ya have a website with very clear concise information laid out? or maybe a book you can recommend my friend? i didn't do hardly any yoga today, i tried some new things yesterday, and i woke up stiff as a board. i did a little to loosen myself up, but i think i need to give my body a chance to catch up with my enthusiasm. now i have a feeling you probably look down upon trendy things in yoga, but what think ya of brian kest and his "power yoga" that is spreading across the nation. i have the videos, and there are classes that incorporate power yoga at every gym i go to. personally i think that it's a great thing, because i started doing that, then i got into deeper things, but the basics i learned from those classes. i may not have gone further without it. who knows. peace braa
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Re: Yoga: not a substance, yet still a drug? [Re: whiterastahippie]
#777922 - 07/26/02 07:15 AM (22 years, 6 months ago) |
Try to find a book that is probably out of print called 'The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga' by Swami Vishnudevananda. He died a few years ago, but this book is all you'll need (inasmuch as one can learn strictly from a book) about Hatha Yoga and the physical, astral, and causal planes [and sheaths or bodies].
A philosophical but readable book that teaches the classic Yoga philosophy of Patanjali is called 'How to Know God' by Christopher Isherwood.
I do not wish to appear snobbish, I am not a snob, but modern marketing of ancient, sacred knowledge sort of turns my stomach. These two books will impart the real thing to you. A lot of these faddish 'yogas' are more body beautiful bullshit by narcissistic people. They do not grasp or embody the heart of Yoga, but make extravagant claims, by-and-large, to a spiritually starved yet not-really-committed audience...IMHO.
-------------------- γνῶθι σαὐτόν - Gnothi Seauton - Know Thyself
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Re: Yoga: not a substance, yet still a drug? [Re: MarkostheGnostic]
#778412 - 07/26/02 11:24 AM (22 years, 6 months ago) |
thank you mark braa. thank you very much. i mean, i read things here and there, but really, the trendy stuff is everywhere it's hard to shift through it. and like i said, at first (before my life did a 180) image is all i cared about. but the trendy yoga got me thinking deeper. now i thirst for more. so a good came from an evil.
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Re: Yoga: not a substance, yet still a drug? [Re: whiterastahippie]
#778513 - 07/26/02 12:41 PM (22 years, 6 months ago) |
Yoga means Union... Most of what I've found on Yoga has been GarbageNewAgeishCrap, until i found a GREAT series of letures called Yoga for Yahoo's (and YellowBellies). Cut through ALL the crap. Among the Key Great moments of this great series... --What is this reality shit... --Scientific approach to Mysticism --Master the violin in Six easy lessons! --Everything, eveerybody says (including us) is BullShitt and detracts us from the perfectness of True union with the one. --Finding your posture and breathing (pranayama and asana or whatever)..No formula! Just helpful hints to induce that splendid feeling of union! --Become invisible, levitate (or at least jump like jumping beans), and more fun ways to apply your new found mindControlPOwers to amaze your friends! --Learn that you're NOT REALLY lazy! Just harmonized with the Tao of it all!
I just read it about a week ago. Really helped. Yoga For Yahoos
Dig it... Any questions? then you prob just don't get it... ha.... hahahaha...
Thx, the pale e