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OfflineLizard King
King Lizard

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Re: armadillo attack! [Re: Lizard King]
    #76305 - 06/26/00 05:45 PM (24 years, 7 months ago)

BTW: that picture is there for a reason. Its a great example of why you steer clear of the bulls.

Sheeit, steer clear of the cows too. I just found out that some have horns! Call me stupid, but I was not aware of that.


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Registered: 12/23/99
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Re: armadillo attack! [Re: Lizard King]
    #76306 - 06/26/00 07:05 PM (24 years, 7 months ago)

lizard, now im gonna do this for your own good, because it is Completely Clear to me that you have no clue what you are talking about when it comes to cattle.

cattle, as a whole, go by different names individually.
when cattle are born, both male and female are called calves.
when a male calf grows up, he is called a bull.
when a bull is neutered, it becomes a steer.
once a female calf has grown, she is called a heifer until she is two years old and has had a calf, or freshens, of her own.
then, cows are female cattle that have had at least one calf.

oh and lizard... (little fella), stop winking at me. there is no winking. especially when shroom hunting is involved.

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OfflineLizard King
King Lizard

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Re: armadillo attack! [Re: Lizard King]
    #76307 - 06/26/00 11:02 PM (24 years, 7 months ago)

Hey, I fully admit not knowing shit about cows, it is pretty sad considering I was a farm boy in minnesota until I was 10yr old. I guess I never really paid attention to the cows.

You still didn't say anything about cows having horns. Some do have horns. I was not aware of that until scoping out a new field the other day that had a field full of horned cows. I guess it doesn't make a difference if they have horns or not, the chance of attack is minimal. It was just an interesting fact I did not know.

The winks weren't intentional, its what happens when I'm too retarded to hold down shift when I hit the semi colon. Although I do wink intentionally on occasions, this was not one of them :smile:

The Lizard


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Registered: 12/23/99
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Re: armadillo attack! [Re: Lizard King]
    #76308 - 06/27/00 11:28 AM (24 years, 7 months ago)

well yeah, some breeds of cows grow horns.
some texas shroomers may have seen the texas longhorns. also, Watusi's are a breed of cattle that grow horns up to three feet long.
i think that cows are incredible creatures and they sense that respect from me. i am not scared of cows or bulls. i do not eat them. ..maybe they just smell those double cheeseburgers on your breath's..

as far as that bull fighter goes, he deserved it. he is wearing all red, a color known to upset bulls (probably natures built in signal to warn them of bloody double cheeseburger eating fools). also, if you look very closely you can see the daggers in the bulls neck. the bull fighter with a horn up his ass was stabbing the bull, attempting to weaken it, piss it off more, and put on a exciting show for the audience. and i am glad that the bull did it. and of course as we all know, all the bulls after those 'bull fights' are killed.

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Re: armadillo attack! [Re: Lizard King]
    #76309 - 06/27/00 01:36 PM (24 years, 7 months ago)

Well shit GG,
if you're gonna trumpet your knowledge of cattle references, then for Gods Sake do you homework on the husbandry of the species!!! --- Lest you should make a mistake like asserting that bulls actually react to RED, when it is almost common knowledge that they do NOT react to the color red, but to random movement, hence the WAVING of the matador's flag.... and apparently his nuts... at which the bull charges. (his nuts are probably red as well... but that is completely beside the point.)
This is why you should never hunt ALONE in a cow pasture where there are known to be agressive cattle, but rather with an accomplice who can gesticulate wildly if he/she sees a bull charging the fellow hunter. sheeshhhh... once again a seattlite SCHOOLING a floridian on the ways of hunting shrooms...


"Humanity is entering into a time of consequences" ---
- Winston Churchill

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Registered: 12/23/99
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Re: armadillo attack! [Re: Lizard King]
    #76310 - 06/27/00 02:29 PM (24 years, 7 months ago)

mattso, quit wastein' space on my topic here..

heheheheh, why dont you go find some papaelous foenisecii's and stare at them all day long wondering if theyre magic or not.

city boy like you aint got nothin of importance to add to my cow talk.

i want you to take you and your washington vs/ florida mushrooms war into your own topic, cause i just dont give a shit.

now, lizard, i forgot to add that bulls are only male. theyre usually only protective of the Female cows :smile: they dont like you to be near their women

also, a little something i have learned along the way...

the field you described as "field full of horned cows" is most likely a dairy farm, most dairy cows have horns. dairy men sometimes cut their horns off to make them more easily handled in groups. and i have personally never found a single mushroom in a dairy farm pasture (that i am aware of at least).

have yerself a snappy good day,

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Re: armadillo attack! [Re: Lizard King]
    #76311 - 06/27/00 06:55 PM (24 years, 7 months ago)

- you just don't give a shit.... yah GG, yah....
boy likes you gots ways too much uuther stuff to mull, like armadillos, 'n bulls(hit) 'n such.

And boy... a cityslicker like yers truly aut only reckon with yer cow talk if yer gett'n it wrong, suuuunnnn. as fer cities.... (and you are correct in realizing Seattle is indeed a city - very good-) as fer cities.. weelllll ,
Ya git sum lerrnin' in them cities.. 'Course, ya'll auttnotta know 'bout that lerrnin' thing... might find yerseff thinking 'bout being a democrat or a musician er some such...

your personal sensei and bitch master extrodinaire,


"Humanity is entering into a time of consequences" ---
- Winston Churchill

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Registered: 12/23/99
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Re: armadillo attack! [Re: Lizard King]
    #76312 - 06/27/00 07:53 PM (24 years, 7 months ago)

heheheh, yeah i think it now is very obvious to most people reading this now that mattso is just incredibly jealous of the magicmushrooms that grace our fine state of sand sun and bikini babes. yeah you know what im talking about... im talking about the Cubies! florida might be a sandtrap, but the finest psilocybe species in the world have chosen this land to grow here... in abundence mattso, in abundence.

your entire reply did nothing but demeaner your own intelligence. its ok mattso, things can only get better for you after you write something like that. its ok mattso, now go take your medicine and things will get 'better' again. ok?

and, i grew up in chicago. seattle is like lollypop land in comparison to a city like that. lollypopland mattso, lollypopland.

so that makes me, not a floridian. and you my good friend, unless your where born in the city of seattle, would make you not a 'seattleite'.

Keep on shroomin,
your good buddy,

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Registered: 03/01/01
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Re: armadillo attack! [Re: Lizard King]
    #76313 - 06/27/00 09:24 PM (24 years, 7 months ago)

Dude, be *careful* with armadillos, they're one of the few animals that can carry leprosy (other than humans) Seriously, it's not a good idea to handle the things at all.

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Re: armadillo attack! [Re: Lizard King]
    #76314 - 06/27/00 11:32 PM (24 years, 7 months ago)

Tis true, great1.... tis true 'nuf.
I herald from a city more useless than chicago even...

Los Angeles.


And your stupid cubies piss me off. yes. tis true. I am reeking of jealousosity of your damn near year-round fruitings and your warm, balmy weather.. yes.
come Autumn... I WILL collect no less than ten pounds of mushrooms from half a dozen active species (twice as gnarly as your warm weather poopshrooms).... and they WILL be ate.
And I will think of you in your armadillo coat and hat, sitting on a beach, eyeing the nectar of the oposite sex (sorry lizaard king) and I will sit in a dark wood, gritting my teeth, fielding wave after extatic wave of psychedelic spirit scouring and wish to fuck it wasn't 43 degrees outside and pouring rain so that I might take off this parka.... AHHHHH here comes the tunnel again.... aaaaaaaaaaaa



"Humanity is entering into a time of consequences" ---
- Winston Churchill

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Registered: 12/23/99
Posts: 8,946
Re: armadillo attack! [Re: Lizard King]
    #76315 - 06/27/00 10:59 PM (24 years, 7 months ago)

hi hatta, thanks for mentioning that about the armadillos. i did not know that.

the thing really did try to bite me!

i see them all the time. usually they are completely oblivious of their surroundings. they just look for bugs in the dirt all day long. 90% of the time they wont even run away from me, they just keep going about their own bug hunting business.

damn armadillo's

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Re: armadillo attack! [Re: Lizard King]
    #76316 - 07/04/00 04:53 PM (24 years, 7 months ago)

GG, maybe we can get together for a visit sometyme. I live in Jupiter. If you know the Shroom Wizard, he can vouch for me. Just tell him that Shroom Leprechaun wants to hook up with you. I was on a field west of Sabastion and stumbled across an entire pasture of Brahman Bulls. I have to admit that I have brass balls and went on the field. I found a shitload of white shrooms but not Cubs. The bulls just stared at me and didn't make any moves toward me. They were just curious. I did make sure that I was within 50 yards from the fence at all times so that I could bolt. Look forward to getting together with you. Feel free to email me. Peace.

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