Day Tripper
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just a thought
#744928 - 07/14/02 06:44 AM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
Had these pills once which were somewhat trippy. While sitting at the bottom of my friends stairs with time seeming like an etirnity I had this thought:
If I belive something then for me that is the truth. If my friend belives something than that is true for him. If we both belive 2 contradictory ideas then there are two truths. Those 2 ideas exsist together with no conflict.
-------------------- Crash a cig guvnor?
Son of Uncle Meat

Registered: 06/06/02
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Ah yes.......relative realities.....with neither one obscuring or conflicting the truth of the other....I know them well.........I do that within mysELF all the time
-------------------- "Being crazier than a shithouse rat is not sufficient grounds for banishment"

Registered: 06/22/02
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You are completely right. I feel the same way and believe that having our own truths it was makes us all unique. Just think about how boring life would be if we all thought the same exact truths and never had those differences to truly open our minds and relize how truly great each one of us is. I cannot condem anyone for beleiving what they believe i can only except that and love that person for being an independent and free minded person.
-------------------- The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.
~Confucius (551-479 B.C.) Confucian Analects
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Re: just a thought [Re: ReeferMan]
#745145 - 07/14/02 09:13 AM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
interesting how many people in modern history have been killed because of having a different belief system than a set of people with a certain "group-think" mentality. killing seemingly is justified then, when we are at war ect. profound negative energy that continues to rear its ugly head. The world tarde center event really does worry me. It is not the terrorist that worry me. It is the fact that that event will be utilized to further usurp our freedoms in the US. create fear and then make the masses "ask" for more restrictions , have the masses "ask" to have their freedoms taken. Dictators in time past have found that pure use of brut force to compel the masses to a certain way, eventually fails. If situations are created so the masses are manipulated to asking for a "national ID card" an electronic chip to identify oneself as a US citizen, then they dont act negatively to the thought. If th eUS government, without , the world trade center attack , said OK evryone is going to have a chip implanted that will identify you as an american, the would be a revolution. i am using thsi as an extreme example, but astonishingly a poll I recently read had a good percentage of people saying they wouldnt be oppossed to taht if it could identify those that had proper US citizenship.
You may say I'ma dreamer...

Registered: 06/20/02
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I think you should read my post "The Satanic Bible". 
Basically, after reading the Satanic Bible for insight into evil I came to the conclusion that pure evil stems from disrespecting others opinions. IMO, when people make their opinions an extension of their Ego then they are BOUND to that opinion and will refuse to give it up and not only that then they will treat everyone else as though they are wrong, stupid and sometimes evil for believing otherwise.
It seems by two different methods me and you have come to a mutual agreeance!
-------------------- Shroomalicious - I love you and in doing so I love myself, because we ARE all one - "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth leaves the whole world blind and toothless". - Mahatma Ghandi
Registered: 07/04/02
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Who is the author. There are many satanic bibles, leveyian comes to mind. Which on eowuld you recommend. i am interetsed in reading one. Have you heard of the Bohemian Grove. Have you heard of satanic practices occuring by the royal family in England?
Richman Sporeman
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2 rights may make a wrong.
-------------------- Well...Maybe just a little.
Not here

Registered: 06/25/01
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Separate realities for separate conciousnesses. Aldous Huxley wrote about this 40 years ago: The Doors of Perception. It should be mandatory reading for everyone registering at the Shroomery.
Dammit I've recommended that like ten times today. I'm just going to put the link in my sig.
-------------------- Welcome evermore to gods and men is the self-helping man. For him all doors are flung wide: him all tongues greet, all honors crown, all eyes follow with desire. Our love goes out to him and embraces him, because he did not need it.
~ R.W. Emerson, "Self-Reliance"