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Shroom trance/body electricity
#731911 - 07/08/02 04:02 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
This was a new one for me. I've heard buzzing sounds in my ears and stuff on shrooms before but the other day after eating a handfull of fresh shrooms I suddenly got a powerful 'buzz' sound in my ears that kind of covered my entire body with an electricity of sorts. I could feel it pulling my head down to my chest and I was totally covered in it. I kind of went into a trance or something, some sort of meditation. I could hear a type of music that was of an eastern indian/hindu type. I distinctly felt one, possibly two, maybe three definitely feminine presences, non-sexual around me, kinda dancing around me. After 20 or 30 minutes it was gone and I snapped out of it. I felt refreshed, trip seem diminished at first then came back ok.
Anyone have anything like this before?
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Re: Shroom trance/body electricity [Re: BuzzDoctor]
#732694 - 07/08/02 10:29 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
I feel the energy in my body swril around and within me while meditating a lot of times. I didn't perceive it to be electricity per se but just energy.
Sounds like a positive experience though.
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Re: Shroom trance/body electricity [Re: BuzzDoctor]
#732759 - 07/09/02 12:37 AM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
that sounds terrifically awesome...
..i've experienced something like that, mine was like a heated wave that just blanketed me and i felt as if i was going to pass out.
my computer was in the same room with me at the time, and it was on. the humming that it was making was overwhelming and it's all that filled my ears. it was unpleasant, but not enough to make me want to turn the computer off.
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Re: Shroom trance/body electricity [Re: BuzzDoctor]
#732793 - 07/09/02 02:14 AM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
Interesting, I have never experienced hearing music, but my buddy the last time we tripped told me that he heard a music kind of electronic type, and was making his hole body vibrate, like the music was coming from with in, he was in the middle of the woods.
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Re: Shroom trance/body electricity [Re: LOBO]
#733004 - 07/09/02 06:05 AM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
yea i sometimes get buzzing such as that. My hearing does greatly improve, i think it has somethin to do with the effects of psilocybin. Correct me if iam not right but i think it doubles your sense receptors in your brain, thus over stiumalting your brain, wich brings into account of having greater senses. Like i could hear bugs from far distances, in rooms i never was able to them in.
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Re: Shroom trance/body electricity [Re: Cougheeman]
#733676 - 07/09/02 10:31 AM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
Something I would like to ask everyone who claims to feel an 'energy' while mushroom tripping - at what point in the trip did you experience this?
I have had similar effects but it always happens on the ride up (first couple of hours), when I have reached plateau that kind of thing just cuts out.
when you are coming up, there seems to be a connection between sound and consciousness that can put you into some way out states.
that side of psilocybin has always seemed to be like a labyrinth to me. Something is going on, but what? Is there any benefit to the user in exploring such things?
something worth trying is to chant - just chant any words/sounds that come to you (don't think about it or use a mantra). This may well do nothing, but sometimes...
try it when the 'visionary' effect is kicking in.
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interresting point why [Re: BuzzDoctor]
#733704 - 07/09/02 10:42 AM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
I hear music pretty much every trip I have, and it's always in the comming up or very early plateau stage...and even though it changes slightly from trip to trip it's always the same type of music. The only way I can describe it is as Junkaroo Techno (think Safri Duo) cause it has a real techno-ish rythm to it, but it sounds like it's being made with wind pipes and bongos and shit. Once I hit the full force of the trip though it kinda fades into the background and takes on a real faint metalic kinda sound. (don't ask me what a metalic sound sounds like either, but believe me if you heard it you'd think the same thing)
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Re: Shroom trance/body electricity [Re: why]
#734298 - 07/09/02 02:56 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
yeah i definately feel it while coming up, during this period i always seem to go through a few physiological changes, like i get really relaxed and perhaps because of this my blood circulation improves drastically, so that my hands forearms and feet become quite fat and full of blood - and energy. doing simple things like "opening" or "waking up" my fingers (keeping them relaxed but spreading them out, moving my attention into the palms and fingertips) will have my hands breaking out in a sweat. often during a trip i will forget about this, but i can wake the energy up again at any time, although once i'm coming down it doesn't feel so strong. still, it's here when i'm sober too, not like it's some special mushroom power or anything just when i'm on mushrooms i become much more sensitive to my body and it's energy flows. it's probably my favourite thing about mushrooms.
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Re: Shroom trance/body electricity [Re: Traveller]
#734741 - 07/09/02 06:01 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
I'm going to have to start practicing this some more. I suspect it will be alot easier if I'm alone, no distractions and people asking me wtf I'm doing ...
I'll post my progress and anything else I find out about this. It feels like it might be the tip of the iceberg ...
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Re: Shroom trance/body electricity [Re: BuzzDoctor]
#735330 - 07/09/02 11:07 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
definately, i always end up wandering off by myself during a trip, usually stumble across some park or forest or someplace perfect where there's no one to watch my crazy antics...and then i absorb as much energy as i can from my surroundings! play around moving it through my body, into my abdomen, up and down my spine, breathing in through my feet up my legs up my back and then down my arms into my palms...play around man it all feels really good, try bringing all the energy back into your lower abdomen when you finish playing, should feel really nice and warm and good.
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I know what all these guys are talking about with the body electricity. For me it means that I either feel like I am shaking or trembling or actually am. I have tried to meditate or channel this energy and it is very difficult to do. In terms of hearing music, it is more like every sound I hear arranges itself with all the other sounds in order to make an "ambient soundscape" (urgh!). I like to lay around tripping listening to the noises in the loud and echo-y courtyard of my apartment building, which is the size of a city block; children noises, clinking kitchen noises, music and tv noise, birds and cats. It really makes a great composition, I wish I could record it the way it sounds in my head.
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Re: interresting point why [Re: champ]
#743549 - 07/13/02 10:16 AM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
I wouldn't descrive what I've experienced as trembling or shaking. More like an electric force field moving over my body. The music wasn't something that I was hearing re-arranged into composition but actual music coming from inside my head. I have listened to ordinary sounds and heard a musical arrangement from them tho. A car driving by, bangs of a hammer when the neighbor is working on his house combined with a dirpping faucet and the refrigerator kicking in. I like it at night in the country when it's just nature sounds. That is the most beautiful music of all.
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Re: Shroom trance/body electricity [Re: BuzzDoctor]
#751165 - 07/16/02 02:03 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
It is your mind being freed from the staus quo.
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Re: interresting point why [Re: BuzzDoctor]
#752412 - 07/17/02 02:25 AM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
Wow. Good for you. I've had auditory sensations a few times. It's always been on the higher dose trips. Usually it's techno or ambient stuff my brain cooks up. Cool thing is when I "listen" to it it gets visual. Then it gets spiritual. It's a ride. Nature is the damn coolest though. The sounds of the forest, prairie, desert, swamp, etc. just rock my world. I'm the happiest some-bitch on the planet (smily silly human-being) when I'm in that environment.