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Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73129 - 01/27/00 03:26 PM (25 years, 27 days ago) |
Well this is my first time growing and I am using the MMGG meathod with the brownrice/verm cakes, and I inogulated on new years, and they still aren't fully colonized, one of them is very close, and the others have a long way to go... =\ I think I may have to start over, cause this is taking forever... =(------------------ -Jim Sh0e-
Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73131 - 01/27/00 05:59 PM (25 years, 27 days ago) |
Give up, its not worth the hassle
Ryche Hawk
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Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73132 - 01/27/00 08:01 PM (25 years, 27 days ago) |
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Edited by Ryche Hawk (06/05/17 06:11 PM)

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Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73133 - 01/28/00 09:52 AM (25 years, 26 days ago) |
Another thing might be that the tempature is too cold Jim Sh0e. I suggest you make an incubator (assuming you don't have one) to keep the jars at a constant 84-86 degrees. Don't through them out... they deserve a chance.
Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73134 - 01/27/00 10:15 PM (25 years, 27 days ago) |
I heard something mentioned on another topic about using organic rye flour. has anyone tried this with success? I have 3 jars innoculated, but haven't had any growth as of yet. I'd like to know if water amounts have to be varied, or any other changes to the substrate recipie.
Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73135 - 01/28/00 11:03 AM (25 years, 26 days ago) |
Well to be honest I had the exact same problem using brown rice flour with the cambodians. I do know what I am doing, and I am sure I was at 85-86 F and I know the substrate was not too dry or too wet... BUT!!! I am starting to wonder if this strain just had a problem on PF mix? Has anyone seen fast growth on it? Ryche I trust you completely, you are amazing... I am sure it does wonderfully on finch seed... I only know what I have seen so far. It seems slow on PF mix.. Unless someone else has results that point the other way I would say, it might be better... let me rephrase that.. If you are fruiting on cakes, it is ALWAYS better to use Ryche' mix.. I only use PF cakes as spawn beacause they seem to resist contamination a little better than birdseed. But if you are going to be fruiting directly off the cake, take the time and do things right... The birdseed mix is much more nutricious. OH!!! Ryche!!! I almost forgot... When did you make your 1000'th post? I guessd the 23rd remember!!! ThE JafF [This message has been edited by ThE JafF (edited January 28, 2000).]
Lizard King
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Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73136 - 01/28/00 12:08 PM (25 years, 26 days ago) |
I'm having no probs at all with this strain. Its extremly fast colonizing 1/2 pints in 11 days from spore. 7 days after germination I had 100% colonization in 3 jars. MadMax, yes organic rye flour works well. I used the regular ole MMGG substrate with the exception of the rye flour in place of BRF. I'm also trying something new I found at the grocery store in my substrate. Its called 'wheat germ', its working awesome. It gives the substrate a very clumpy sticky texture but the cambodia is tearing it UP! I also started some tasmanian cubensis on the 'wheat germ' and its taking to it very well also. Anyway, the Cambodian strain colonizes PF substrate the same any other cubensis does, just faster. If your having problems with it, I'd suspect an improper moisture content in your substrate. Keep trying this strain is definately worth while. I have about 200 small pins in my casing right now so it won't be long its been 1 month from spore to fruit, AWESOME! Thanks again for this superb strain Ryche  The Lizard,
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Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73137 - 01/28/00 12:21 PM (25 years, 26 days ago) |
Now this is what I can't understand... "Your post!!!" You said it works fine with pf substrate.. but then you say I used the mmgg (same as pf basically) but I used rye flour!!! THAT IS NOT THE SAME... the brown rice flour is the only source of nutrient in pf mix.. if you change that, you do not have pf mix, or specifically you do not have a brown rice flour mix. They are not the same.. Whole grain brown rice does not preform the same way whole grain rye berries do. And it isn't just due to the consistancey.. They have different nutrient contents... What I am suggesting is that this cambodian strain may not be adapted well to brown rice flour for some reason, specifically it may not grow fast on it. Why I am not sure. It is just an observation.. Jars prepared from the exact same batch (meaning mixed at the same time in the same bowl) AKA THE SAME MIX.... of perfect moisture content I assure you... were also innoculated with a mysterious strain that should have been slower. It was not slower. It has grown at about the same rate, a few jars were faster. I don't think its a bad strain... It is as good as any other so far in my limited experience with it, but maybe I would see faster growth on a different substrate. If you have tried BROWN RICE FLOUR substrate and got these amazingly fast results, then please CLEARLY say so. If I am wrong about this, then at least I can go on and look for some other mystery variable, which I can assure you is not moisture content or temperature... Your use of wheat germ is interesting.. Have you fully colonized the cambodia on it? If so, how fast was it? ThE JafF [This message has been edited by ThE JafF (edited January 28, 2000).]
Lizard King
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Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73138 - 01/28/00 12:45 PM (25 years, 26 days ago) |
What I meant was I used the MMGG substrate but instead of using Brown Rice Flour I used Rye flour. I still used the same measurements and everything. I just substituted the BRF with Rye Flour. I don't think there was a major difference but I can't tell because I don't have any regular jars using BRF to compare to. The wheat germ seems to be a great discovery. So far both cambodian and tasmanian mycelium seem to love the addition of wheat germ in the substrate. I only have about 30% so far but all seems to be going well. I'm going to try crushed corn next?(who knows?) I love experimenting  The Lizard,
Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73139 - 01/28/00 03:24 PM (25 years, 26 days ago) |
How much wheat germ did you ad?
Lizard King
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Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73140 - 01/28/00 05:06 PM (25 years, 26 days ago) |
Thats my only problem, I didn't document how much I added. I know it was close to equal parts with vermiculite and a pinch of BRF. The reason I tried the wheat germ is because I couldn't find flax meal, only flax seed. So I decided to experiment with something new and picked up wheat germ flakes. I only used the wheat germ flakes in 3 jars because I wasn't sure it would work. To my suprise it did. So I'll continue to experiment with it so I can come up with a recipe. For right now I'll mess around and see what works and what doesn't. I might try a 1 jar of pure wheat germ and see what happens, who knows? The Lizard,
[This message has been edited by Lizard King (edited January 28, 2000).]
Ryche Hawk
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Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73141 - 01/28/00 06:38 PM (25 years, 26 days ago) |
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Edited by Ryche Hawk (06/05/17 06:11 PM)
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Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73142 - 01/29/00 10:52 AM (25 years, 25 days ago) |
2nd CLOSEST!!! AHHWW That sucks!!
Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73143 - 01/29/00 07:33 AM (25 years, 25 days ago) |
2nd does suck. Awww well... 88 minutes is so impressive I can't feel bad. I'm too much in awe...Anyway. I have been thinking about this brown rice thing... And I would have thought it would work out the other way around, BUT.. Maybe BECAUSE this species is so used to rice it grows slowly on it. As if it was tired of it.. I know with clones, you are supposed to vary the substrate to avoid this problem, but I didn't think it would happen even over time, with spore. Maybe it has just had rice so much it says... "Shit, rice again." or when it gets birdseed it says.. "Man I never get birdseed, eat it quick before someone takes it away..." Ok I am way too tired.. I have no business posting right now.. ThE JafF
Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73144 - 01/31/00 01:48 AM (25 years, 24 days ago) |
I prepared some jars this week in advance preperation for a Cambodian syringe I'm expecting from good old Ryche Hawk. I'm experimenting with quinoa. Actually, I have 2 jars with brown rice flour, 2 jars with freshly ground wheat flour and potato water, and then 5 other jars with varying amounts of quinoa, manure and/or flour. I hope to see whether the different nutritional content of the jars makes for different growth patterns. I can hardly wait!  ------------------ Peace and Love, Baby!
Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73145 - 01/31/00 02:33 PM (25 years, 23 days ago) |
Ok.. I just got done cookin'.... I decided to figure out what is going on once and for all... Also I have some news.. When I last tried on Brown Rice Flour, 2 out of 9 Cambodian jars didn't germinate... Of the other 7 that did, right now only 4 have finished colonizing. Today is 5 weeks. BUT on 4 weeks to the day one of the jars that hadn't germinated, did.... It immediatly caught up to the other jars, and is more that 3/4 colonized right now. Strange huh! Anyway, on to the experiment... I cooked 4 jars of brown rice flour, 4 of rye flour.. to compare the growth of the two. Now, I quickly remembered why I don't use rye flour. When you add water it immedatly turns to glue, like soy flour... If I remember correctly I should unload my cooker tomorrow morning to find sever bricks of rye flour... Anyway.. I am also trying 2 experimental substrates just in case.. 4 of each of these. The first is the same kind of mix, but with powdered milk in place of the brown rice flour, the other is rye flour, a spoon of powdered milk, and 1/2tsp of honey added to the water.. Oh did I mention I am trying this with 3 other species as well (only 1 jar of each substrate though). The A strain, Plantasia, and Gulf Coast Alabama... It will be interesting to see how each strain handles each substrate. I will keep everyone updated... ThE JafF [This message has been edited by ThE JafF (edited January 31, 2000).]
Lizard King
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Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73146 - 01/31/00 04:34 PM (25 years, 23 days ago) |
Hello jafF, I noticed that my substrate was kinda sticky when using rye flour, but it didn't slow things down a bit. By day 15 or so after germination, all 12 of my jars were finished, most by day 10, 3 by day 8. I've cased 10 of the 12 jars and the other 2 jars I used as spawn to inoculate 1/2 gallon bags of cow manure collected from a local field. So far the manure bags are around 30% colonized, its hard to tell. One of my peat/verm casing will be ready to harvest in a few days. So trust me rye flour works fine. I didn't start them on BRF until a few days ago, so I can't tell if rye works better for this strain or not, because I have no base for comparison. But theres growth in the jars using BRF, so I know both flours will work. My wheat germ experiment, so far appears to be a failure. The jar of cambodian that I started on wheat germ busted. I dropped it on the floor the 2 day after germination. So now I have the tasmanian strain on wheat germ in 1 jar. At first it bursted out with strong growth. Then it slowed to almost a hault the past day or so. I'm not sure if its the substrate or just slow growing mycelium.I've never grown tasmania mycelia before. Anyway, I hope you get jars full of white stuff good luck to you. [This message has been edited by Lizard King (edited January 31, 2000).]
Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73147 - 02/04/00 06:49 AM (25 years, 19 days ago) |
Well thank you...I do still have faith in the rye... It was long ago that I experimented with rye flour, and perhaps I never gave it a fair chance... I know I had slow growth with it, and then attributed that to its sticky nature... I only did one try... I may have just been inexperienced at the time. I am on day 3 right now.. So far nothing, but we will see. I am sure they will spring to life any day now.. If so I will switch to rye immediatly... It was CHEAP!!! 3 times less expensive than organic brown rice flour!!! I'm also giving that honey water a try now... ThE JafF
Ryche Hawk
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Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73148 - 02/03/00 10:37 PM (25 years, 20 days ago) |
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Edited by Ryche Hawk (06/05/17 06:11 PM)
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Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73149 - 02/05/00 10:11 AM (25 years, 18 days ago) |
I just innoculated 6 jars of BRF/verm and finch seed/verm with this strain. In three days I have seen no signs of germination; although this is my first time growing, and the jars did reach an excess of 100 degrees for about two hours (whoops) so I may have cooked the poor spores. I'll update with my progress though. --Nyar15
Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73150 - 02/05/00 08:15 AM (25 years, 18 days ago) |
I have colonized jars recently with Eqs on Rye Flour and they did fine. If time to full colonization was different from Brown Rice Flour, it was within a few days. I used the same ingredient ratios as I do with BRF.Jaff- what quantities of substrate are you mixing up? How could the price of Brown Rice Flour bother you? I get it for $.66/lb myself! GT
Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73151 - 02/06/00 02:48 AM (25 years, 18 days ago) |
8^) Oh it doesn't bother me that much, but when I think back to how much I have used over time for various slury experiments it makes me wonder... For me its $1.60 lb for brf.. Yes that is one dollar and 60/100 per pound... Rye is .55 per pound... I just couldn't believe how big a difference there is... Ryche.. Yes I did forget to mention that... and now the second ungerminated cambodian has germinted. Just 1 tiny spot, but it did happen... I am very surprised.. At the same time, I did the camb.. 9 plantasia jars were done... They preformed exactly the same with 2 jars failing to germinate.. Neither of those has germinated yet... This is crazy though... a month and a half gemination time.. crazy... thats all I can say. ThE JafF
Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73152 - 02/06/00 09:40 AM (25 years, 17 days ago) |
Ok.. here are the unexpected results so far... For brown rice... The only germination I have is a slight faint growth from the A strain.
No growth in the milk substrate RYE!!!... 1 small spec in the plantasia jar... HUGE GROWTH EVERYWHERE from the A strain again!!!! Super substrate (JafFs Milk n' Honey...n rye) HUGE GROWTH EVERYWHERE AGAIN from the A strain... No other germ to mention.. ThE JafF
Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73153 - 02/06/00 01:41 PM (25 years, 17 days ago) |
I dont know why people are having trouble with rice flour, I innoculated 6 jars with rice flour/vermiculite a while ago and they were colonizing fast until they all got contaminated.
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Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73154 - 02/06/00 07:04 PM (25 years, 17 days ago) |
Basically I'm really disappointed with the Cambodians. I was really excited about this strain when I saw Ryche's posts on it. However, after innoculating a number of jars with Cambodian batch #4 spores, I am greatly disappointed. Basically, in one batch of jars (some on wild bird seed and some on finch seed), one out of seventeen jars has shown any sign of germination after a week. In a smaller sample of jars (prepared in the same batch), 3 out of 4 Ecuadorians showed healthy growth. Results on other batches were similar, with a somewhat smaller percentage of Ecuadors colonizing. At this point, even the Mazatepecs have shown a higher germination percentage than the Cambodians!I might add that I've had considerable success with the Treasure Coast strain on several substrates. (I got the TC's from The Spore Chicks, who have been helpful and overall above-par every time.) I'm really perplexed and annoyed at the crappy growth shown from these spores, particularly when they were purchased under the pretense that they would show speedy germination and colonization.
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Lizard King
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Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73155 - 02/06/00 07:34 PM (25 years, 17 days ago) |
I'm not sure what to think about all this talk about Cambodian's not germinating. The results I witnessed were very fast colonization speeds and average germination times. The cambodian strain IS a very fast strain. I'm not sure why so many are having problems with this strain, but its NOT the strain. I have sucsessfully fruited this strain(still fruiting)and have made 4 syringes from a print I took. The jars I have inoculated with my freshly made syringes are showing the same robust growth. All I'm sayin' is don't start giving this strain a bad rep. If its not germinating, its obviously a problem with the viability of the spores, and not a problem with the strain. The Lizard,
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Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73156 - 02/06/00 08:28 PM (25 years, 17 days ago) |
Maybe I should clarify. What I'm assuming here is that the spores I was sent were non-viable. Maybe if I got spores that actually germinate, I would get the results I expected.
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Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73157 - 02/06/00 08:37 PM (25 years, 17 days ago) |
Has anybody ever heard of or actually used Whole Wheat Chex as a substrate? What substrates usually colonize faster than others? Where are you getting these "unviable" spores from? Can compost bout at the store be substituted for raw dung?
Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73158 - 02/06/00 09:39 PM (25 years, 17 days ago) |
I too am a bit disappointed... I also feel that what you should really be concerned about LK is this. No one is giving these cambodians a bad rap... They are managing that all on their own.. The problem is that a lot has been claimed about them that appears to not be true in SEVERAL cases.. And I can now account for two of those cases... As this current experiment is from batch #3. Also Ryche... My first trial was from batch #1 not batch #2... So I had bad luck (average germ, average growth, not actually bad, just average) with #1, #3, and others with #2 and #4... This don't look so hot... I must say that Ryche's service is MILES above anyone else... He is by far the best... But this strain is at BEST another average cubensis... I am actually quite impressed with the A strain... This is the fastest one I can seen... I just feel that if I had know that I would get the results I am getting I would have gotten something different.. like a trop, or cyan... The whole reason I got the cambodian was for the speedy germ and growth.. something that is essential in my slurry experiments, so I was quite excited.. I am not bashing anyone or anything... I am telling people about my experiences... It would be dishonest for me to keep quiet about it when the whole purpose of this experiment was to find out what is going on.. This is my experience, it certainly doesn't speak for anything else but that... I am just not impressed...It is not like its worse than any other strain.. it just seems to be about even with others (except the A, it is way ahead of everything else) ThE JafF
[This message has been edited by ThE JafF (edited February 06, 2000).]
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Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73159 - 02/06/00 11:45 PM (25 years, 17 days ago) |
Cool, germination on some of the bird seed after 5 days (I raised the temp to about 85 or 86 now). Nothing on the BRF cakes yet; but I'm beginning to realize patience is the key here. I'll post pics if these things actually fully colonize. I'd be really happy to get a fair yield my first time growing. Thanks,--Nyar15
Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73160 - 02/07/00 12:26 AM (25 years, 17 days ago) |
i hade 9 brown rice flower fars and i got them all fully colonized in 4 weeks but the wierd thing is that my house was about 55 to 60 degrees at the time, i dunno maybe that had something to do with it.
Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73161 - 02/07/00 11:46 AM (25 years, 16 days ago) |
Ok, the last A strain jar has germinated (dry milk powder/vermiculite).. That is my only new germination so far... So far none of the cambodians (batch 3) or any of the Gulf Coast Alabama have germinated, but it is still only 6 days.. Now I do have 2 observation of the A strain...First of all... on the Brown rice flour, it is now everywhere (yes in a day or so), but it is very thin... like ghost mycellium or something. On the rye based jars it is much thicker.. (and it is all over the place there also).. I must say that this strain seems amazing.. Oh yeah.. the honey jars... the A strain dominates here as well.. I have never used the stuff before, but the jar looks done to me. Heavy growth for liquid... The other 2 I am not sure of... Looks like some growth in them, not sure... I have been trying to think of some reason the cambodians would not work well for me. Only thing I can do is suggest as other have, maybe its the cold? Maybe they are slow because of it? I don't know... Do the people who have had the amazing growth live in a place where the mail from Ryche would never have frozen? I can't come up with anything else... These reports come from all batches, temp has been ruled out, and substrate seems to be getting ruled out... ThE JafF
Lizard King
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Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73162 - 02/07/00 01:57 PM (25 years, 16 days ago) |
Thats an interesting theory. Maybe the cold killed most spores in the syringes but a few survived. This would explain such a long germination period because it would take longer for 2 spores to meet up since few survived. I dunno. But to add to your theory, I live in Georgia where it doesn't get very cold, which might explain why experianced such awesome results? The Lizard,
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Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73163 - 02/08/00 10:45 AM (25 years, 15 days ago) |
I live in Texas. Granted, it's been cold lately, but from Arizona to Texas, it stays along the same latitude, and it's been above freezing lately. Not to mention I find it hard to believe that the Cambodians would have been hit so hard by cold weather, while the Ecuadorians are perfectly happy.My hypothesis at this point? That Batch #4, or at least some of the syringes from this batch which I receieved, were contaminated with wet spot bacteria. Emptying the jars today, the seed reeked of that characteristic bacterial smell. At best, what I can salvage from this is a few spare germinated jars which will hopefully (I'm not holding my breath) colonize. I had to empty 30 pint jars of bird seed today due to this crap. Less than 23% of jars innoculated with these Cambodian spores have not fallen to wet spot, and I expect more to be non-germinating or end up with the same fate. A complete waste of time and money.
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Ryche Hawk
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Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73164 - 02/10/00 04:18 AM (25 years, 13 days ago) |
Lares...the problems with the cambodians have NOTHING to do with contamination. 1st generations spores, wild to domestication, 1st flush produced some weak spores that are dying out to fast. All other flushes and gererations of the cambodians are showing strong lasting growth. Those will be released soon when all test are finsished.Wet spot bacteria is not transferred in spores anyway...do some homework on this....wet spot has to do with to wet of substrate for starters... Doesnt matter if the cam syringe you got was vialbe and strong or not, if you make your substrate to wet, then your going to get wet spot and you'll have this problem no matter what spore syringe from any strain you inoculated with. BTW... wet spot is very common amongts grains, like rye grain, wheat grain, and even millet from finch/bird seed. Improve your grain tek and the wet spot will go away. I'm sorry your frustrated with the whole thing right now... but no matter what strain or how viable and strong the syringes were, if you made your grain to wet, you would have got wet spot. Just a learning experience my friend. -peace-
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Ryche Hawk
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Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73165 - 02/10/00 04:23 AM (25 years, 13 days ago) |
Man Jaff.. you crack me up...powerderd milk !!! Your always trying some unusual out of the norm substrates... what happend to corn cob ? he he he..Yes.. the A strain is fast... and fruits beautifully, does exceptionally well on straw. Haven't done a whole lot of work with this strain, but its definatly your spring and summer strain, does real well in heat. Dried and matured.. taste like shit...but effective  Jaff... as soon as these new syringes are ready of 2nd gen spores, I'm sending you some free ones to try it out again so you can change your thoughts. But please use it on a typical substrate your use to instead of experimenting on dry milk and other odd substrates your just getting use to.. to get a fair judgement.....dry milk.... you mad scientist  -peace-
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Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73166 - 02/10/00 07:18 AM (25 years, 13 days ago) |
Well as you see I did try several substrates, and the A strain is tearing through the Dry milk as well... Growth on all the jars of the A strain is above 50%, the brown rice jar is funny ad it is about 80% colonized, but the mycelium is so faint, you can barely be sure it is there, except in a few spots where you can compare it to an uncolonized area... I saw this sort of thing once before, with the B+ I believe.. It would quickly glaze over an area then fill it in with thicker growth later... very wierd.. The other jars of A strain show more typical growth (although mighty quick) however... The mycelium looks "funny" to me... I am not sure how to describe it.. It isn't cottony, and it isn't rhizomorphic.. it like it is just coloring things white. That is probably a bad description, but its all I can come up with for now.. I need a camera!!!!ThE JafF
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Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73167 - 02/12/00 04:41 AM (25 years, 11 days ago) |
my pan Trops look like this at the moment...------------------ I am back with a vengeance don`t dare to call me a junior or I`ll kick your virtual ass.....
-------------------- i'm back
Ryche Hawk
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Re: Cambodia cakes?
#73168 - 02/16/00 10:12 AM (25 years, 7 days ago) |
Heya Jaff, I've seen this before as well. Where a quick layer of mycelium covers the substrate, then a second, thicker layer comes back over and covers it again. I've seen this with the B+, B, and A. All from Mr. G. Very strange.None the less, the A is fast and fruits some nice size mushrooms. I have some pics of I'll post when I get caught up ... soon. -peace-
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