hello i've been using the information on the shroomery for months now, and if everything goes well i'll have my first successful flush this week. so i decided it was probably about time that i tried to contribute to the shroomery. i have a couple of recipes for natural disinfectant and air sprays using essential oils. that way anyone who gets sick of breathing in nasty chemicals has an alternative. or you can add these to your regular cleaning routine.
first, i should warn you that essential oils can be dangerous, especially if you are pregnant or have allergies. please do a little research before you use essential oils. just type "aromatherapy" or "essential oils" into a search engine and you should be able to find all the information you need. you can order essential oils from lots of places online, or find a local store that sells them. they usually have some in head shops too, near the incense.
recipe 1 2 cups water 1/4 cup wodka then use either these three oils: 1/4 teaspoon tea tree oil (also called melaluca oil) 1/4 teaspoon lemon oil 1/4 teaspoon grapefruit oil or these three oils 1/4 teaspoon lavender oil 1/4 teaspoon lemon oil 1/4 teaspoon eucalyptus oil put it into a spray bottle and shake before each use. spray over anything you want disinfected, and spray into the air. (you can also spray these on furniture that you don't want your cats to sit on)
recipe 2 1 cup water 3 cups white vinegar 1 teaspoon dishwashing liquid 8-10 drops essential oil mix together, use to wipe down cupboards etc.
for recipe 1 you'll need to buy at least three bottles of oil, and at about $4 for a teensy bottle, that's a little pricey. recipe 2 only requires you to buy one bottle. i suggest using tea tree oil or lavender oil. tea tree oil is antiseptic, nonirritating, nonoixic, a natural germicide and fungicide. i also put a drop of tea tree oil on my toothbrush under the toothpaste-it will clean the germs out of your mouth so you don't breath contamination all over your sterile area. it is a great oil to have around to use on cuts, burns, and other minor owies. one drop of lavender oil in a cup of water makes an antiseptic lavender water. lavender smells wonderful and is great for cuts and burns. the scent of lavender is really relaxing, so i put a few drops on a tissue before i trip and keep it near me, so if i start to feel stressed i hold the tissue to my face and take a few deep breaths to feel better. i hope these ideas help some of you. best of luck, taya
oh, also i use tea tree oil in my diffuser while i'm innoculating, making syringes, etc. you can make your own diffuser by putting 2 cups of water in the microwave until it steams then adding 5 drops essential oil. the steam will kill germs.