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Runs withscissors

Registered: 08/10/99
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Re: Morels
#66548 - 10/10/99 01:34 AM (25 years, 4 months ago) |
da Kronic KiDD - http://www.fungi.com/kits.html Workman - Morels do grow in my area in abundance. I'll keep you posted as to whether I have luck or not. Thanks! Peace Buzz
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where did u here about this at dude
1999 Spore War Veteran

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I tried it and failed. Morels don't naturally grow in my area so the kit was a long shot. FP claims only a 50% success rate anyway.
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Im sorry whats a morel and how do they benefit mushroom cultivation? Thanks,
Runs withscissors

Registered: 08/10/99
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Morels are a mushroom mrselfdestruct. They grow plentiful (if you know where to look) at least in the midwest. They are usually sliced, then soaked in salt water if not eaten right away. I dip them in egg then flour and fry in butter. Here's some pics of a few large morels.
-------------------- Is the glass half-full or half-empty? I say it is both.
The best morals i've had cane fron kansas
Runs withscissors

Registered: 08/10/99
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I've seen some HUGE morels before. I'm talking 10-12 inches high and several inches in circumfrence (sp?). It's almost a ritual in the midwest to go morel hunting in the spring after a good rain then lots of sunlight. Personally, I never see the damn things. I like to eat them, I just never find them. That's why I want to grow morels. I was always told that you can't invoke morels to grow. They just do, on their own. Well I'll find out and post it here. Peace Buzz
-------------------- Is the glass half-full or half-empty? I say it is both.
They are yummy. Just fry 'em in butter I say.
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I know of people that use to bury a big pile of old newspapers where they think there may be morel- mycelia present in the soil. Often they get a little morel patch in a couple of years. But these semi-wild paperwaste grown ones usually is a bit pale and not as healthy looking.
Runs withscissors

Registered: 08/10/99
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Well, I finally got off my lazy ass and planted the morel spawn on Christmas Day. Stamets did his as late as Jan 1 in Washington state and had mushrooms appear by May. I'll let you all know how this goes.Buzz
-------------------- Is the glass half-full or half-empty? I say it is both.
Are these morels hallucinogenic?------------------ My mind is corrosive...
night train

Registered: 11/14/99
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I bought some morel spawn from stamets last summer and have been messing around w/ indoor cultivation. I have gotten scherotia formation, but no success in fruiting. I followed the guidelines found on mushroom peoples web site. I plan on starting an outside patch this spring. Instead of buying stamets morel matrix, mix your own. It's outlined in his ggmm book under the morel section. Lot's of good info in this on morels. Being from the midwest, morels are found quite abundently here. I've seen them as large as 12" also.
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Don't order from PF...check out www.sporetradingpost.com/cultureroom.htm You can get the mycelium for free! If you don't have a culture to trade then it is the cost of the test tube and s/h ($6.00).
Shane67, i am now out of patience. STOP FUCKING ADVERTISING BEFORE I FIND AND BEAT YOU.It takes a fucking lot to actually get me literally pissed over something in cyberspace, but you are a tool. I know I shouldn't flame, but your posts only ever advertise for this sporetradingpost place, and never help anyone out. Not to mention the simple fact that morel mushrooms aren't even mentioned on your link, and to my knowledge neither does PF sell these. So, if you have nothing to contribute except your *very easy to see through* advertisements then FOR THE LOVE OF GOD FUCKING LEAVE!
Runs withscissors

Registered: 08/10/99
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HayabusaXT - Not halluc. but mighty tasty!nighttrain - It was my understanding that stamets couldn't even get morels to fruit indoors. Yeah, I really need to get that book too. Buzz
-------------------- Is the glass half-full or half-empty? I say it is both.
Make sure that you place the scloria in a place that has a high dead wood content, or maby mix one your self. The scloria will produce one flush for sure but after that? I tryed the patch and put it in high hummus soil where lots of leaves and other garden debris and 1-2 dead trees are kept but only got that first flush. Also, I read that they will wonder quite a bit from where they are initaly put after the first flush, and do not plan to dig up the patch and move it as the mycelium is very very fine. Good Luck...
Registered: 01/05/99
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The best trick I ever heard to encourage Morels was to have a small trash fire with old newspapers and spread the ashes around the growing area, they do seem to pop up where this has occurred

Registered: 12/14/99
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I sympathize with you another_dimension... shanes starting the piss the fuck out of me too . All these shameless advertisements belong on something unorganized like ADM, not something like the shroomery. Stick to the plant exchange shane, your not practicing good business by pissing everyone off. I have never read a post where you actually helped somone out. Get your act together or take it elsewhere. Sorry to clog this thread up with my rantings. GOod luck with your morels, I'm interested in how they turn out.
Runs withscissors

Registered: 08/10/99
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Nothing ever happened with my Morel patch, supposedly it can take 2 years before results. Strangely enough my cat was fond of the area and used it pretty regularly as his litter box from the looks of his turds lying around it. I suppose this topic should be moved to Gourmet/Edible mushrooms now tho.Buzz
-------------------- Is the glass half-full or half-empty? I say it is both.
Sorry to drag this thread out even longer, but..... I've been growing morels for a few years so I thought I'd put my two cents in. I have found that using apple casts (the left overs of apples from making cider) is an excellent source for morel growth. If you can find rotting wood from an old elm tree this also seems to be an excellent morel media. I have also used ashes as mentioned before with good to moderate success. Good luck man.------------------ I get by with a little help from my friends....
younger now
old hand
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Poor, lonely, "Gourmet and Edible" forum longs for a topic this long...
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old hand

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