How To Breathe
#652263 - 05/29/02 08:48 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
Breathing is an important and often overlooked part of living in the physical world. Many humans in this day and age never give much of a second thought to how they breathe, yet it effects your physical, mental, and emotional health in a major way. Natural respiration can not only increase your overall well-being and spiritual development, but can also help medical conditions such as asthma, panic attacks, heart disease, high blood pressure, stress.. and just about everything else.
We breathe automatically, we don't have to think about it. But still what most people don't know is that a lot of the time, they are not breathing properly. Improper breathing can negatively effect your health, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Have you ever watched a baby breathe? You may notice that they breathe deeply into their bellies. This is where the diaphragm is located - the Solar Plexus, or Third Chakra area. This is how we are intended to breathe, but as we go through life experiences, our breath tends to switch from deep belly breathing to shallow lung/chest breaths.
There are many words associated with breath.. Prana, Mana, Chi, Ki, Anima, Orgone... for these purposes I will use the word Prana.
Prana is sanskrit for life force. It is the universal principle of energy.. the vital force. It is all pervading and exists in every living thing.
The human body derives Prana through breathing. Breath connects to the nervous system, mind, and vital energy. Breath, body, and mind are all energized by Pranic Life Force. Pranic Life Force is that aspect of energy used for incarnation and preservation of the individual self. This energy enables your real self to inhabit a physical vehicle and to allow that self maintain control over the physical body.
Life Force.. Prana... is stored in the Solar Plexus of our 'spiritual bodies'. When we learn to breathe correctly, we are harnessing the power to harmonize our own physical body, as well as increase our capacity to extend healing energy to others.
Prana is an etheric substance. You cannot gain weight from it.. It is not material or physical in nature. Breathe as much of it as you can handle. In fact, Pranic breathing can help you lose weight. When the physical body begins to function properly you will find nourishment requirements change, and craving for lower vibrational foods decreases.
Here is a diagram of the Human Respiratory System, courtesy of the American Lung Association
Your lungs are like bellows, drawing air into your physical form and exhaling it out again. The lungs are elastic and have numerous minute openings to the blood vessels. Air from the lungs is forced into the blood vessels during breathing. When pressure is applied to the lungs through vbreathing exercises and proper breath, the pressure in the lungs increases and forces more air into the blood stream, thereby supplying more oxygen to all the cells of the physical form. Breathing properly improves mind power, will power, and immunity, and increases the oxygen supply to all the tissues of the physical body. Increased blood circulation removes wate products such as carbon dioxide and other toxins from the cells, contributing to the overall health of the physical form.
After the heart, the diaphragm is the most important muscle in the Physical Body.
The diaphragm is a dome-shaped membrane extending across the body below the chest cavity and separating the lungs and heart from the abdomen. Its edge follows the general outlines of the lower ribs.
When the diaphragm straightens out and compresses downward, it sucks air into the lungs. When the air is released through exalation, the diaphragm uncompresses to prepare for the next inflow of air. The lungs are dependent on the diaphragm to do their work. Without the diaphragm, we would not be able to breathe at all.
There are many reasons for breathing correctly, and they are not limited to enhancement of the physical form. Breathing properly helps us expand consciousness, increase intuition, and allows us to do Healing Work more effectively. Correct breathing is the bridge between our Conscious Mind and the Divine. It is our path to Health, Higher Awareness and Enlightenment!
Now that a basic overview of breathing has been covered. I must seek sleep. Tommorow I will post some breathing exercises that are imperative to the vital energy of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.
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Re: How To Breathe [Re: ]
#652331 - 05/29/02 09:59 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
Thanks Shroomism, that's some good info. Unfortunately, my lungs are shot from years of smoking weed. Now, the only time I really breath deep is when I'm toking.
Hopefully in the future, I can learn how to breath like a baby again.
the dancer
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Re: How To Breathe [Re: infidelGOD]
#652388 - 05/29/02 11:27 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
We are supposed to be the only species that gets lazy with our breathing cycles... maybe this is a result of bipedalism, and the increased pressure on our diaphragm?
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Re: How To Breathe [Re: deepr]
#653068 - 05/30/02 08:35 AM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
In Reichian psychology, shortness of breath is said to be a response of the nervous system to depression and emotional trauma. It results in your shoulders hunching forward in a defensive position which restricts the breath. Personally, i like to exhale much slower than i inhale because you can feel the "retention" of energy as the air goes out.
Re: How To Breathe [Re: Catalysis]
#653931 - 05/30/02 03:15 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
Ok.. The following Breath, when practiced properly, will promote balance in the physical body and encourage the storage of Prana. Healers should utilize the Harmonic Breath to restore and regenerate the physical form. Once one becomes accustomed to breathing properly, correct Breath will come naturally. The Healer will then discover that the breath being employed is now Divine Energy, rather than one's own, as Divine Energy, Prana, is carried in the btreath.
The Harmonic Breath is the first basic breath to be learned. This Breath attunes your body just like harmonics are used to tune a musical instrument. It should be practiced at least four times a day to energize your body. The best times are upon awakening, at mid-morning, mid-afternoon and before crashing for the night. The Harmonic Breath may also be practiced any time one feels depleted of energy, or out of balance in general.
The posture to always be adopted when doing any breathing exercise is that of standing or sitting erect, keeping the spine stright and the head up. Any other position will impede the flow of Prana and limit our ability to receive and store this etheric essence.
1. Close your right nostril with your right thumb. Inhale steadily through the left nostril to the count of 4.
2. Hold the breath for a count of 16.
3. Close the left nostril with the ring finger of your right hand and open the right nostril by removing the thumb. Exhale through the right nostril to the count of 8.
4. Keeping the left nostril closed, inhale through the right nostril to the count of 4. Hold for a count of 16, then exhale through the left nostril for a count of 8.
Continue the rhythm through 2 complete cycles of inhalations and exhalations from each nostril.
Re: How To Breathe [Re: ]
#653966 - 05/30/02 03:29 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
The Vitalizing Breath is the next basic breath to be learned and practiced after you have learned the Harmonic Breath, and before going on to other breaths. This breath is very important to the health and Vital Energy of every person. It is the proper way to breathe to receive the most Prana from the air.
In order to accomplish the Vitalizing Breath, all three parts of our lungs...the lower, middle and upper...must be filled. Fill the lungs as in filling a glass of water.... from the bottom up. As water goes to the bottom of the glass first, so must the air go to the bottom of the lungs first. The lungs are then emptied as a glass of water...from the top down.
The Vitalizing Breath
1. Sit or stand erect and relaxed. Keep the spine straight
2. Inhale as much air as possible through the nostrils, drawing it down into the the lower lung just above the diaphragm in a continual flow of incoming air. The entire inhalation should be a smooth, even intake of air into the lungs without any stops or jerks
3. Fill the middle lung, expanding the rib cage as much as possible without straining. At the completion of the inhalation the mid-section should be drawn in a little while holding the breath
4. Fill the upper lung
5. At the end of the breath lift the shoulders a little and take one last gasp of air into the lungs
6. Hold the breath for a few counts but do not become uncomfortable
7. Exhale through the mouth with the lips slightly open like an O. Do not blow the air out forcefully. This step is especially important as it sets up resistance to the exhalation which enables energizing of the physical body and the storage of Prana in the subtle bodies
Re: How To Breathe [Re: ]
#653990 - 05/30/02 03:42 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
InfidelGod... work your way up to this exercise and your lungs will thank you.
The Cleansing Breath is the third basic breath... It ventilates and cleanses the lungs, and stimulates the cells of the physical body. It tones the entire respiratory system and aids in the general well-being and healthy condition of the physical form
As you practice these exercises, feel the rhythm of each breath. Concentrate on the purpose of each breathing exercise and what it will do for you. The attitude of mind as well as body affects the results of any breathing exercise
1. Inhale a Vitalizing Breath
2. Hold the air in the lungs for a few seconds
3. Purse the lips and blow out a little air forcefully through the opening
4. Stop for a moment and hold the air in the lungs, then repeat, blowing a little more air out. Continue this action until all the air in the lungs is expelled
Remember... the diaphragm does the work in this breath
At this point in your practice, you should be breathing the Harmonic Breath and the Vitalizing Breath. Now you will add to those the Cleansing Breath.
Re: How To Breathe [Re: ]
#654021 - 05/30/02 04:01 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
Now it gets fun
The Memory Breath, also called The Pendulum Breath, is a very important breath, especially for practicing Healers. It is essential for Spiritual Development and Higher Awareness.
Man is immortal, meaning there is a continuation or survival of consciousness when we depart our physical form. Some people call this consciousness Soul, or Spirit. Actually, it is both. Spirit and Soul are attributes of Consciousness. Consciousness is a physical manifestation of Spirit and Soul.
Spirit contains that spark within each of us that makes us part of the Divine. Soul is the accumulation of our experiences, good and not so good, through lifetime to lifetime. Consciousness is what enables us to dwell in a physical body in this dense planet...
When we incarnate onto this plane, we lose our connection to the Divine and our awareness of Spirit and Soul. The Memory Breath, when practiced correctly, attunes us to Spirit and Soul, the Divine aspects of Higher Awareness. Thereby helping to awaken the memories of our Spiritual Selves in the non-physical world, and even memories of past lives.
Our physical awareness consists of the five physical senses. Higher Awareness consists of intuition and our ability to see, feel and hear on higher levels. We seem to have lost that ability and our connection to Who we really are... We appear to be land locked into our environment and our every-day experiences. This breath helps us rise above the mundane and tune into the Divine.
When we practice the Memory Developing Breath, we are stimulating Higher Awareness which enables us to remember dreams and our astral experiences, as well as what we do in our waking state. The Memory Developing Breath strengthens the channel to past lives and past memories that have an influence on our lives today.
The practice of the Memory Developing Breath helps one develop and establish access to knowledge of other people's lives, past and present in order to best help them heal.
Since many people suffer from past life influences as well as present ones, the Healer needs to see into these influences and what is troubling the person. It is this sense of knowing that enables the Healer to work with someone to erase the old patterns and create new, healthy ones.
Awareness is the secret to Spiritual progress. In order to become Aware, we must open ourselves up and be receptive to new ideas. We must learn to use our intuitive senses rather than the physical senses of our bodies and hearts, or using our rationale and mind.
It is this Higher Awareness, the connection to the Divine, that enables the Healer to know what the other person requires. It is the Divine Energy that flows from the Healer to that person that allows Healing to take place. Divine Energy is Perception, Intuition and Love... It is Awareness at its highest level.
The Memory Breath:
In the practice of this breath, you will move only your head. The movement of your head corresponds to your breath.
To perform this breath correctly, sit or stand in an erect position. (Remember... spine straight!)
1. Drop your chin down to rest on your upper chest, exhaling forcefully through the mouth
To force the air through your mouth, part your teeth a little and rest your tongue against your upper teeth. Allow your tongue to drop just enough to allow a flow of air. The air must be forced out using the diaphragm
2. Now swing the head back as far as possible while inhaling through the nose. As soon as your head is as far back as possible, begin exhaling through the mouth while moving the head towards the chest. As the chin reaches the chest again, without a pause, begin the backswing, inhaling through the nostrils. The inhalation is even and unbroken, as is the exhalation
3. Without stopping, begin the forward swing of the head, exhaling through the mouth
The action of this breath should be as a pendulum, smooth and steady in its action
Exhale through mouth...head moving down... Inhale through nose.. head moving back.
You should perform 7 breaths, then stop for a few seconds, chin resting on your chest. Do 7 breaths for one week. The following week add another 7 breaths, and so on, until you reach the full breath of 49. Do not attempt to undertake more than 7 breaths the first time you do this exercise, and do not add another 7 Breaths for a full week. It will take 7 weeks to accomplish the full 49 breaths.
One breath is a complete in-breath and one out-breath.
If you neck feels stiff or sore after the first 7 breaths, discontinue the exercise until the next day.
Re: How To Breathe [Re: ]
#654035 - 05/30/02 04:08 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
The Cooling Breath is a handy breath to learn. It is not a basic breath, but it does just as it implies - cools you off when you are overheated or just plain hot. It has no spiritual implication, other than the Healer can use it to cool off after performing healing work.
To use this breath, sit cross-legged on the floor, or seated upright in a chair, spine straight and feet flat on the floor.
The Cooling Breath
1. Inhale deeply through your tongue. Your tongue should protrude slighty past your lips, curled up along its length
2. Exhale through your nose
3. Continue inhaling through your tongue and exhaling through your nose for about 5 minutes
4. Inhale, pull your tongue in and hold your breath briefly
5. Exhale and relax
6. Enjoy
This breath soothes and cools the body and has been used by yogis to reduce fever
When practiced daily, this breath is excellent for rejuvenating and detoxifying the physical body
Isn't breathing fun?
Re: How To Breathe [Re: ]
#654055 - 05/30/02 04:19 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
Now you are a master of breathing and in control of your health and well-being. After running through these exercises, natural breathing will come.. well.. naturally to you. The great thing is.. you can use these exercises at any time if you are ever feeling stressed out, overworked, angry, depressed, and so on. I don't know how many times I have felt a horrible sickness with the flu-like symptons rising up inside of me, and I sit quietly and use the Cleansing Breath and never get sick. I have even been in a house full of sick people, for a week straight.. everyone was horribly sick, and I didn't so much as cough.
You too can be a master of your own health, just breath in... breathe out. It's natural, see? Ahhhhhhhhhh
Now you are not a fish, so breathe like a human.
the dancer
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Re: How To Breathe [Re: ]
#654074 - 05/30/02 04:26 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
thanks for the post... ;]
Registered: 07/11/99
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Re: How To Breathe [Re: ]
#654504 - 05/30/02 07:58 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
(...hooking up the printer...)
if some One were to compile a Spirituality FAQ / Ultimate Directory here, this post should definately be in it...
Where/What/Who is the Source of this particular Pranayama?
Re: How To Breathe [Re: Middleman]
#654656 - 05/30/02 10:36 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
Lady Kadjina my 'teacher'
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Re: How To Breathe [Re: ]
#656391 - 05/31/02 06:00 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
All these instructions on how to breath properly are annoying. Walk down a traffic clogged street and tell me how good you feel after breathing in that breath taking carbon monoxide and other chemicals. People breathe 'shallow' for a reason, you walk through a fresh smelling forest you will breath fully and deeply. People don't need a manual on how to breath ty very much.
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Re: How To Breathe [Re: ]
#656693 - 05/31/02 09:39 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
Thank you for the breathing exercises. It is very helpful. It always bothers me when folks do psychedelics for the shits and giggles. I did my first trips as a teenager back in the 70's and since the beginning I wanted an out of body experience very badly and could not stand to be around those who just wanted to make noise, see a few trails, and fuck. Between 14 and 21 I probably did between 8 to12 thousand hits of acid and never got that out of body experience. In the end I was doing 20 to 30 hits at a time. Now I listen to a lot of subliminal tapes that are supposed to induce lucid dreaming.
-------------------- Let's not confuse truth with reality.
Eggshell Walker
Registered: 01/18/00
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It always bothers me when folks do psychedelics for the shits and giggles. This is a statement about you and not others.
I wanted an out of body experience very badly and could not stand to be around those who just wanted to make noise, see a few trails, and fuck. Wow! What a morally superior stance. (There is no difference between this type of judgemental thinking and that which supports the War on Drugs.)
Between 14 and 21 I probably did between 8 to12 thousand hits of acid... It always bothers me when folks abuse psychedelics just to try for an OBE.
The proof is in the pudding.
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Re: How To Breathe [Re: ]
#656733 - 05/31/02 10:51 PM (22 years, 7 months ago) |
"This is a statement about you and not others." Wow, what a morally superior stance.
-------------------- Let's not confuse truth with reality.
Endo Smoke
Registered: 05/31/02
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I agree, and disagree! I think its good to practise good breathing, but as he said, its not always implementable. Sitting down i can hardly do these and keep cool. If i doing something, would require more oxygen, as opposed to better quality. Quick short breathes forced in and out fast would do the trick.
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Re: How To Breathe [Re: tak_old]
#10766037 - 07/30/09 02:01 AM (15 years, 5 months ago) |
Oh shit. Somebodies tuned in.
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Re: How To Breathe [Re: Poptart]
#10766095 - 07/30/09 02:23 AM (15 years, 5 months ago) |
Thank you poptart. You tend to do amazing things accidentally.. or is it.
Have nothing more to add.. Just want this in 'my threads'
All my posts in this forum are strictly fictional.
They are derived from an acute mental illness , from which i am forced to lie compulsively.
I have never induced any kind of mind altering substance in my life and i have no intentions whatsoever of doing anything illegal.
If I have ever suggested such a thing it would have most likely been , due to my personality disorder and i probably do not remember it at all..
zen buddy
not a buddhist
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Blue Fish Group
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This sage advice from the same man who 'taught' us how to get ready to meet the Grays...
Registered: 07/12/09
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OrgoneConclusion said: This sage advice from the same man who 'taught' us how to get ready to meet the Grays...
They prefer to be called greys.
Blue Fish Group
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The Gheys?
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OrgoneConclusion said: This sage advice from the same man who 'taught' us how to get ready to meet the Grays...
Add Homony attack.