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injecting shroom extract
    #645431 - 05/26/02 02:20 AM (22 years, 8 months ago)

some way of extracting psylocybin-psylocin and making it injectable?
if i do an alcohol based extract, would it be injectable?
any ideas \ refrences?

a growin origianal

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Divine Hermit of the Everything
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Re: injecting shroom extract [Re: growin]
    #645440 - 05/26/02 02:37 AM (22 years, 8 months ago)

The question I want to know is: Why?

Even if it were possible, it would go against so many thing I believe in. This isn't heroine, this is a spiritual drug. Putting a needle in ones arm would ruine the magik... at least for me.

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Registered: 07/21/99
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Re: injecting shroom extract [Re: growin]
    #645515 - 05/26/02 04:47 AM (22 years, 8 months ago)

This is actually disgusting.

First off, a fresh Psilocybe cubensis mushroom weighing one ounce (=28,000 mgs) , based on Psilocybe cubensis weight, contains only 15-25 mgs of psilocine and/or psilocybine.

You could not extract that amount to begin with.

Malcomb Hall of the Austrailan Narcotics Division asked this same quetion back in 1973 as he was concerned that Australian Surfer/Bikers might attempt this. This is stupidity at its worst.


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Re: injecting shroom extract [Re: mjshroomer]
    #645876 - 05/26/02 08:53 AM (22 years, 8 months ago)

I would have to agree w/ MJ & ShroomHermit.....Why inject the shit???

The only thing I would do is inject it in a fruit drink or something and give it to a drug-free friend...would that even work?

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Re: injecting shroom extract [Re: growin]
    #645893 - 05/26/02 09:07 AM (22 years, 8 months ago)

Injecting is a stupid route to go. It's a very good way to introduce infections or bad chemicals into your system and O.D. At least if you eat something bad your body can reject it by vomiting. I've always considered hypes to be the most moronic class of drug users.

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it's a jungle inhere
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Re: injecting shroom extract [Re: TrAnCyNuGz]
    #647383 - 05/27/02 07:07 AM (22 years, 8 months ago)

you would give psilocybin to an unknowing, non drug using friend without consent?
that's sick

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Re: injecting shroom extract [Re: too_many_weirdos]
    #647505 - 05/27/02 08:41 AM (22 years, 8 months ago)

Well, I would tell him about it after he drank it , prob. wouldnt be just anyone, their is one friend that is around all us trippers, and said he wouldnt trip w/ us unless he didnt know he was taking it.
ex. putting it in his drink.....I guess that is where I got the idea, and I KNOW I wouldnt do it to just anyone.

Sorry for the confushion , I relize that would not be a good thing either, and that it is a hardcore drug.....and probaly wouldnt mix well with a drug-free kid, not knowing what was going on.

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it's a jungle inhere
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Re: injecting shroom extract [Re: TrAnCyNuGz]
    #648170 - 05/27/02 02:56 PM (22 years, 8 months ago)

it's okay. i still love you.

anyway, i was originally going to post these experiences of injected psilocybin as told in TiHKAL:

(with 12 mg phosphate ester, intramuscularly) "This is strong. There were a lot of wild images in about two
hours, and I thought that the day would never end. At about six hours I knew it would, but in fact in the evening I
took 100 milligrams of seconal which allowed me to drift into a fine sleep. The next day I was fine."

(with 3 mg phosphate ester, intravenously) "The effects are immediate (in 30 seconds) and I did not have the
time to build up any worry -- it was simply too fast. In about an hour I was back where I started from."

(with 12 mg phosphate ester, intravenously) "I had had eight milligrams earlier, with a very good reaction. Here,
today, I feel that everything has disintegrated, and I am extremely anxious. I am very confused."

These do not seem to be very rewarding experiences as compared to oral ingestion:

(with 15 mg, orally) "As soon as I felt the chill and the alert, I lay down and closed my eyes. Indian motif.
Abundant fruits, vegetables, leaves, straw, wood, vines. Very responsive sexually. Beautiful, stern, rich encounter with livingness and Indian Gods and serenity. Color and peacefulness. A couple of hours, then
elaborateness dropped slightly. At this point top of temple easy, but it was a South American temple, with earth floor, straw, vines full of fruit. Familiar feeling. We are naked and we are children-adults, daring to be there, regarded benignly (stern, amused) (rising through the floor). This is one of the true ones, this plant experience."

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Registered: 07/21/99
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Re: injecting shroom extract [Re: too_many_weirdos]
    #648185 - 05/27/02 03:06 PM (22 years, 8 months ago)

Thisis the actual chemical created in a registered government schedule one approved laboratory in Lafayette, California, home of Sasha and Ann Shulgin, not extracted at home form fresh or dried mushrooms.


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Registered: 03/11/02
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Re: injecting shroom extract [Re: mjshroomer]
    #649144 - 05/28/02 06:29 AM (22 years, 8 months ago)

not everyone takes shrooms for spiritual reasons.
although i do.
never the less i dont find shroom in any way holy, and i dont see how injecting it is discusting.
as for 'why'. well, i am realy courious of how will a psychedelic feel comeing to you all in once. i realy enjoy salvia and would like to know how shrooms will feel effecting you in a "boom".
this dosnt come from 'lets bang our heads' approach but from an educational and growin(g) aproach.

besides - i like needels

a growin original

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Re: injecting shroom extract [Re: growin]
    #649157 - 05/28/02 06:36 AM (22 years, 8 months ago)

can anyone refrence me to a good extract method, enough to extract for my means. i have a good friend who knows chemistry, enough to make a good extract, but a recipe will be more easy for him to work with...

a growin origianl

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it's a jungle inhere
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Re: injecting shroom extract [Re: growin]
    #649543 - 05/28/02 10:45 AM (22 years, 8 months ago)

yeah i know its the pure compound, but i figured it was worth posting.

and grower, you would need to do a very very very very good extraction to make it injectable. you need liquid chromatography stuff and need to isolate the purest psilocybin you can. i'm not sure how feasable this is for you, and i don't even think it would be worth it. smoke some dmt instead if you want instant.

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Re: injecting shroom extract [Re: too_many_weirdos]
    #654624 - 05/30/02 09:10 PM (22 years, 8 months ago)

are you sure it needs to be that complicated. people inject H and its not that difficulet to make outa opium. im sure the purity of the stuff on the streets is very low but people do it and nothing happens to them.
im not going to make a habit of injecting a reletevly rough shroom extract, i just wanna know the feel. is that such a bad idea?

a growin original

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it's a jungle inhere
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Re: injecting shroom extract [Re: growin]
    #656045 - 05/31/02 02:27 PM (22 years, 8 months ago)

id have to disagree with the statement that nothing happens to the people that inject very impure heroin.
hey it's your body, i recommend against it but i think it would be sorta interesting. its up to you.

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OfflineKrash X
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Re: injecting shroom extract [Re: too_many_weirdos]
    #656350 - 05/31/02 05:35 PM (22 years, 8 months ago)

Trying to make it injectable would probably be a waist of your time and your chemicals. Why not just blend the mushrooms up and be patient over the next 30 minutes?


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Re: injecting shroom extract [Re: Krash X]
    #656363 - 05/31/02 05:43 PM (22 years, 8 months ago)

I think waiting is the best part, thinking that within the next 30-45 minutes I will be tripping ballz...."How hard will it hit me?" "What am I Going to be thinking about?", etc, etc.

Waiting is kinda like meditating before my trip.

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Re: injecting shroom extract [Re: too_many_weirdos]
    #656796 - 06/01/02 01:36 AM (22 years, 8 months ago)

i didnt say nothing happens to people injecting un-pure heroin into their vains un- sterelized and even dirty. but if a person wouldn't make a habit outa it like what i wanna do with the shroom extract, i think it wont be that bad.
im just saying that the shrom tert effects arnt realy noticble (if any) and no long term effects since it isnt a habit.

a growin origianl

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Re: injecting shroom extract [Re: growin]
    #14427271 - 05/09/11 10:11 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)

i find the injecting idea interesting. they are two kinds of people, those that have fixed and those that aint. if u aint ever done it u probably will look at the idea negatively.
          if i were to try to extract the goods from mushies i would dry them, grind them to powder, weight out a gram dose, put it in a sterile glass vial, put 20 units of sterile water in the vial, give the water time to absorb the goods, i would think 24 hours would work, draw back up through cotton, and try half of what drew back out. maybe less, just go slow and see.
        variations would be fresh mushies ground up, more mushies in water, more time to absorb goods, alcohol might be better than water, might be able to add pure caffeine to the alcohol and low temp vamp off. if the goodies bond to the caffeine u would come back with a crystalline powder with a small rush.
        i have never tried this....yet. but u would just have to play around with it and see what u can do. also i would think that the acids in your stomach, food content, can hinder the possible  potency of the shrooms. injecting it is likely to have very fast results with the most potency out of your mushies.
  its not a dirty thing. doctors use needles all the time. just be clean like they are. little alcohol on cotton, and use clean needles. u can get a hundred for 12 bucks.

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Registered: 05/20/09
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Re: injecting shroom extract [Re: vbug66]
    #14427387 - 05/09/11 10:32 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)

This thread's 8 years old yo!

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Re: injecting shroom extract [Re: drr]
    #14427563 - 05/09/11 11:24 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)


"This day is a lover..."


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Lil bit older

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Re: injecting shroom extract [Re: drr]
    #14443229 - 05/13/11 12:15 AM (13 years, 8 months ago)

i seen it was 8 years old but wondered why it was left to die without someone coming up with a simple way to do what the post was created for. its something i have considered experimenting with. might be fun might not be so fun. only time will tell. lol

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InvisibleGerman Kahuna
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Re: injecting shroom extract [Re: growin] * 1
    #14443381 - 05/13/11 12:15 AM (13 years, 8 months ago)

This thread has been closed.


vbug66 said:
might be fun

No it's not, it's extremely retarded.
Anyways, being retarded can be a personal choice that you are free to make, but don't necro year-old retarded threads to further promote retardation.

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