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old hand

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Re: Legitimate Vendor Concerns hushed? [Re: Thor]
    #622273 - 04/29/02 01:26 PM (22 years, 9 months ago)

MMagic posted the thread one time concerning some "shady dealings" with a fellow vendor and it got "mysteriously deleted"

Then when he reposted it, it AGAIN was mysteriously deleted...

the thing that gets me is the thread had NO flames or socks in it at all, yet still got deleted for some mysterious reason. And this is not an isolated incident, it HAS happened before (at least a couple dozen times) with similar scenarios (no flames/socks involved)

so when i see these routes-of-action being taken by mods, how can i NOT voice my concerns relating to such "preferential treatment"?

saying that it doesn't exist is a bit ridiculous IMO, as it can be clearly seen on these boards all-too-frequently...

be well

PS: I'll let MM discuss the contents of the mentioned threads that were deleted as he was the original poster. but this "deleting threads for no reason" things really oughta stop IMO

Don't do drugs.

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Anti-Theist OVERLORD
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Re: Legitimate Vendor Concerns hushed? [Re: camel]
    #622282 - 04/29/02 01:49 PM (22 years, 9 months ago)

I don't agree with deleting of threads, unless its a flame and serves no purpose than to attack someone... If there is legitimate concerns in that thread then it should stay of course.

What I have instructed the mods to do is delete replies in posts that started out fine but some morons just decided to add a reply saying "fuck you, you suck" etc.... Those should be deleted, instead of destroying an whole thread...

But let me tell you, vendors attacking other vendors does not look good for either side.. All the negetive shit some people spout does nothing but hurt themselves, I wish they could see that.

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Re: Legitimate Vendor Concerns hushed? [Re: Thor]
    #622289 - 04/29/02 01:59 PM (22 years, 9 months ago)

To be "fair" here, MM has quite a reputation for deleting any posts that he does not agree with over at his forum. This is the main reason I and others don't visit that site. Every post I've ever made over there has been deleted.

MM, if you are gonna delete non-flame posts in your forum, is it really right to start passing judgement on the owners of this site for doing the same thing?


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old hand

Registered: 10/16/01
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Post deleted by users_request [Re: Thor]
    #622341 - 04/29/02 03:16 PM (22 years, 9 months ago)

Post deleted by administrator.

Edited by Thor (04/29/02 04:30 PM)

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Carpal Tunnel
Registered: 04/27/01
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Re: Legitimate Vendor Concerns hushed? [Re: MicronMagick]
    #622384 - 04/29/02 04:21 PM (22 years, 9 months ago)

What all should be aware of is what fate they would suffer if you did not like them or if they made a complaint against your service you have practically give directions to my house.
Customer BEWARE should you disagree with MM he could post on a public boards directions to your house is this what you as a customer want?? I hope not.
As you can see I disagreed with Micron Magic and look at the fate I have suffered he has Thrteatened me with the FBI and now posts direction and clues to my house.
Please note for future reference.

Also it is comin for you to get caught into a corner and lash out as you have done here If a mod deleted your thread it would say post deleted by XXXXXX

Now I tried to be civila and will try for about 1 more post from you you are a pathetic vendor and your attacks will not go unoticed.

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Carpal Tunnel
Registered: 04/27/01
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Re: Legitimate Vendor Concerns hushed? [Re: dimitri211]
    #622391 - 04/29/02 04:32 PM (22 years, 9 months ago)

Personally I've got NO respect for the rip-off king and think rather then copy other he should fill his end of the bargain on the Shroomery Raffle,

We have filled all but the spawnmate ( we are waiting for it to come in) and the hoodies and we have informed other that they would be printed when this order goes in maybe instead of being a sore loser you should stop attacking people and worry about your business.

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Carpal Tunnel
Registered: 04/27/01
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Re: Legitimate Vendor Concerns hushed? [Re: dimitri211]
    #622419 - 04/29/02 05:11 PM (22 years, 9 months ago)

>>I know D is about to start a huge smear campaign against me.

Nope told you I was not going to win that I also asked you to join DrBluethumbs and offered to let help out I am overwhelmed with orders and could use someone closes to me's help.

I have no need to smear you and told you I would not that I felt we could leave this hush so instead of agreeing with me you SMEARED youself.

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old hand

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Re: Legitimate Vendor Concerns hushed? [Re: dimitri211]
    #622492 - 04/29/02 06:25 PM (22 years, 9 months ago)

This is getting a bit off-topic...

the initial topic was about posts being deleted/edited when there is vital information within the posts concerning certain vendors. if the post is void of flaming and abnoxious sock puppets, then why would such a thread be deleted?

i have personally seen threads that match this description get deleted and nobody seems to know where they go...

and these cases (ironically) are always done in what WOULD be the best interests of the vendors that support the shroomery.

this seems quite unfair to me, but i guess things get a lot less "fair" when all this money is floating around and finding its way in peoples' pockets.

$ is very influential, but why should it dictate what posts remain open and which are deleted? the only people who can delete posts are moderators of said forum(s) and the administrators. it's tough to discard such ironic occurences as "being fair" when what is happening behind-the-scenes is so crystal clear...

obviously $ is needed to keep this ship afloat, but certainly preferential treatment shouldnt be given to those who are in a position where they can donate $. Should Joe Shmoe have his post deleted because he has a gripe with "Vendor X" because "Vendor X" contributes $XXX.XX to the shroomery and Joe Shmoe is struggling just to pay his rent?

methinks not

im still trying to get to the bottom of this...


Don't do drugs.

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Re: Legitimate Vendor Concerns hushed? [Re: camel]
    #622552 - 04/29/02 07:16 PM (22 years, 9 months ago)

The mods and admins do seem to hold the vendors interests above the members.

"You censor the truth. Please pull your heads out of the vendors collective ass" - AssHumper10K

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InvisibleCaptain Jack
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Re: Legitimate Vendor Concerns hushed? [Re: camel]
    #622609 - 04/29/02 08:48 PM (22 years, 9 months ago)

i deleted that thread originally, if i recall correctly.
this CAN'T be the one you're referring to as "flame-free"....or is it?
cause that ain't flame-free.

believe me, i'd love to be getting payments from the Shroomery. but i don't. no money goes between me and vendors. the only thing that does go between us is nasty PMs they send me. and i think an email or two back months ago.

i guess nobody has to believe me if they don't want to. but i have no other way of saying it.

Captain Jack has been hailed as a brilliant scholar, discredited as a brilliant fraud, and mistaken for a much taller man on several occasions.

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Re: Legitimate Vendor Concerns hushed? [Re: camel]
    #622616 - 04/29/02 08:57 PM (22 years, 9 months ago)

I've seen some of the same......

Perhaps the favoring of vendors isn't intentional. I'm sure long standing mods and admins have formed friendships with vendors, thus when their friend gets flamed they take it more personally then they should, and see fit to delete/edit a post that perhaps should not be. Maybe its not all because of money, coincidences do ofcourse happen, but it is odd.

Vote Jonnyshaggs in the next election for GOD...Its the responsible choice

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old hand

Registered: 04/02/99
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Re: Legitimate Vendor Concerns hushed? [Re: jonnyshaggs420]
    #622642 - 04/29/02 09:48 PM (22 years, 9 months ago)

I agree johnny, tho preferential treatment (whether intended or not) is wrong, and has an adverse effect on the goals of this board.

CJ: I never claimed you got any money from anybody in this thread, why dont you re-read what i said? "preferential treatment" doesnt always involve money, but is unfair nonetheless...

the mods shouldn't make actions based on their "opinions" of other members or vendors at this board.


Don't do drugs.

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InvisibleCaptain Jack
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Registered: 01/23/00
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Re: Legitimate Vendor Concerns hushed? [Re: camel]
    #622662 - 04/29/02 10:26 PM (22 years, 9 months ago)

why don't you re-read it too? just glancing at your previous post you used the $ symbol four times.
but i digress...

let me give my speech about preferential treatment, then.

the only vendors i like are the ones who don't post in this forum, i think. as for the ones that get in wars with each other in the forum (and i don't have to name names, you all know who they are), they're irritating, but i deal with things on a thread by thread basis.

Captain Jack has been hailed as a brilliant scholar, discredited as a brilliant fraud, and mistaken for a much taller man on several occasions.

Edited by Captain Jack (04/29/02 10:28 PM)

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Re: Legitimate Vendor Concerns hushed? [Re: MicronMagick]
    #622679 - 04/29/02 10:44 PM (22 years, 9 months ago)

I think it's pretty clear, NSP has just shown his true colors.

I have made a habit to NEVER get involved with flame wars, but I must say that NSP has just shown his true colors as we all knew he would.

What vendor would care about identifying where someone lives?

Apparently, It's NSP. What a dick!


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Re: Legitimate Vendor Concerns hushed? [Re: ]
    #622682 - 04/29/02 10:52 PM (22 years, 9 months ago)

Sorry MM, this is The Shroomery, we don't put up with anyone who even resembles a NARC around here. Good bye!

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Carpal Tunnel
Registered: 04/27/01
Posts: 2,248
Re: Legitimate Vendor Concerns hushed? [Re: ]
    #622693 - 04/29/02 11:11 PM (22 years, 9 months ago)

Well put,
I do not really care if people know where we live.
But to go and post directions to our home in the manner that MM posted is wrong and this is a sure way to find yourself at the business end of a shot gun and to do this after repeated threats about law enforcement and telling me to watch my back and make sure my family looks over there shoulder is just wrong.
We welcome most people into our home and are willing to help others out.
Now I guess if this is to off topic O'well I wanted people to understand that I do not have a problem with people coming over in a friendly manner but do not post directions to my house or offer to my family in danger this is wrong I hope that this time MM will learn (although he has not in the past)


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Re: Legitimate Vendor Concerns hushed? [Re: ]
    #622737 - 04/30/02 12:06 AM (22 years, 9 months ago)

Post Deleted a la Obscurity

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Re: Legitimate Vendor Concerns hushed? [Re: ]
    #622739 - 04/30/02 12:07 AM (22 years, 9 months ago)

Post Deleted a la Obscurity

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Re: Legitimate Vendor Concerns hushed? [Re: ]
    #622743 - 04/30/02 12:11 AM (22 years, 9 months ago)

I've dealt with this guy (NSP) and he has been nothing but a backstabber, PERIOD!

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Re: Legitimate Vendor Concerns hushed? [Re: ]
    #622747 - 04/30/02 12:15 AM (22 years, 9 months ago)

I mean, if you would prefer dealing with a NARC, be my guest,


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