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Registered: 04/04/02
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Are you paying to much for spore prints or syringe
    #598779 - 04/04/02 03:31 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

Are you paying to much for spore prints or syringes.
Find out Here

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Re: Are you paying to much for spore prints or syringe [Re: Budman9685]
    #598801 - 04/04/02 04:04 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

Your page only compares prices for single syringes. Not many people buy single syringes, they usually go for one of the many package deals available.

Also, when you consider that $10 - $20 will get you a pizza, a case of beer or a few joints that leave you with nothing to show in the morning but ringburn, a hangover or a few roaches, then the same cost for some spores that can lead to a fascinating hobby AND free shrooms, then I don't think anybody is paying anybody too much.
Just as a science project, I think shrooms blow Sea Monkeys away for half the cost!

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Re: Are you paying to much for spore prints or syr [Re: ]
    #598825 - 04/04/02 04:36 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

I would agree with max's post, except that if all of you would only take the time and invest a lot of care & effort to the Sea Monkey cultures, they will mature to full size. I now have an entire army of amphibious primate sidekicks that do my every bidding.
Plus, if anybody is interested in entering them into the commercial food market, they are low in saturated fats and high on crack.

For my special and highly contraband gargantuan-sea-monkey tek, send me $20 and a picture of your kneecap-pits.
Thanks. And sorry mods about this free ad. (I would have put a banner up but my multimedia monkey came down with carpal tunnel syndrome so I decided to cut my losses and hooked 'em up to the milking machine. mmmmm...creamy goodness)

my minister's grandpa recommends these guys from personal experience.

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Re: Are you paying to much for spore prints or syringe [Re: Budman9685]
    #598891 - 04/04/02 05:51 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

The chart is lacking vital information which in turn makes it very misleading. For instance, it lists that my prints are selling for $12 each which is true but fails to mention that in addition to the print my customers also get 3 free syringes. Another case in point, it lists my shipping charge at $5 but fails to mention that this is for Priority shipping and only applies to the entire order and NOT per print. The charge for shipping & handling is $5 TOTAL no matter how many items are ordered. One more thing and I'm not entirely sure about this but there is a listing for a Mexi-cub which if I'm not mistaken is the Palenque variety of Psilocybe. I sell the Palenque but I'm not on the list. This kind of chart also reduces everything down to a number and unfortunately does not take into account overall customer satisfaction, etc., How long does it take the customer before they actually receive their package? What about weekly sales and so forth? The chart is missing quite a bit imo.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Re: Are you paying to much for spore prints or syringe [Re: Budman9685]
    #598910 - 04/04/02 06:11 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

Heres the whole dirty truth. I rag some of the vendors here but i ve done business with many of them. The price comparison is bullshit due to the fact that MOST Shroomery vendors send you alot more than what you ordered. Thats a fact. Go with most of the guys you see here on a daily basis and you ll get done right.


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Registered: 11/11/01
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Re: Are you paying to much for spore prints or syringe [Re: SouthernGent]
    #599247 - 04/05/02 02:34 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

Asses Humped for a reasonable price. Ask about our financing program!
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Re: Are you paying to much for spore prints or syringe [Re: SouthernGent]
    #599299 - 04/05/02 04:01 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

It also fails to mention what kind of service you can expect from the vendor. For instance, some vendors can answer your cultivation or mycological-based questsions because they have years of experience in things mycological. Others, who are only in it for the money and havn't 'paid thier dues', can only tell you thier prices.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Re: Are you paying to much for spore prints or syringe [Re: AssHumper10K]
    #599315 - 04/05/02 04:44 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

ouch.. i m gonna have to stop posting when I have a buzz lol
double juiced in one night... is that a record?


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Re: Are you paying to much for spore prints or syringe [Re: Budman9685]
    #599345 - 04/05/02 05:40 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

thats about a half-ass web page if i ever saw one-it isnt accurate at all-why would you wanna spend all you time *researching vendors* to mislead people about their service?

Cultivation Laws Of America Suck

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Registered: 04/04/02
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Re: Are you paying to much for spore prints or syr [Re: Budman9685]
    #599593 - 04/05/02 11:54 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

Well, well, well,
I have recieved several thank yous about the site(all none vendors).
It's a simple site for the begginer to get an idea of where to get spores nothing more nothing less. Its completly non bias site, no recomendations, no nothing just simple links. IT's free advertisement and the vendors are still bitching. Looks as if the vendors are in it for the money. Well if you dont like it id be glad to remove you site, Sporelab , Little guy
On the other hand it seems as if all the vendors bitch (would you like a medal or a chest to pin it on).
Well welcome to corparate America, the American way if dont like it and can't handle competition then maybe you shouldn't be in buisness. Remember Acording to the vendors beginners need the savings to help them get a start in the mushrooming world.
Im not trying to pedal water in a syringe for $10.00 you are. And yet I get the lock on a thread on a simple site pushing nothing but consumer awareness.
I like how such a crappy site can stire up so much shit.
Why reply or give your 2 cents if its not worth it.
No one held a gun to your head and said go to this site.
Any questions or comments or ideas to add to the page
feel free to pm me.
Spore Vendor price list

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Re: Are you paying to much for spore prints or syr [Re: Budman9685]
    #599616 - 04/05/02 12:27 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

I have no problem with the list but if your gonna act like Consumer Reports then you should make the evaluation more thorough. Your right, the sight is pretty crappy (who am I to talk) but it has real potential to be of value to the community and I applaud your effort. I just hope you eventually decide to do a little more in-depth price comparison.

I don't think Thor was censoring you but rather telling you to put it in the appropriate forum, that's all.


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Registered: 02/09/02
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Re: Are you paying to much for spore prints or syr [Re: Budman9685]
    #599622 - 04/05/02 12:34 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

you all make good points... but some people might not care about extra stuff and just care about low prices... this page is good for them... its not a bad thing just a new idea...

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Re: Are you paying to much for spore prints or syringe [Re: Budman9685]
    #599708 - 04/05/02 02:07 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

Im not but this one dude from england is paying me 30$ for a "spore packed syringe" i'll pack that bitch fat for him but it's still not worth that much.

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Anti-Theist OVERLORD
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Re: Are you paying to much for spore prints or syr [Re: Budman9685]
    #599805 - 04/05/02 04:05 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

Looks like you have a negetive reason to make this site, why else would you say this comment?
In reply to:

Im not trying to pedal water in a syringe for $10.00 you are

Last time I checked consumer reports remains unbiased, yet its obvious you have some negetive feelings towards those you are comparing.

If you want to have a page comparing prices go for it, I see nothing wrong with it and I can guarantee you the vendors that I know have zero problem with it. You do realize that there is like a few dollars difference with most vendors, a lousy few dollars isn't something to get all upset about.

Some vendors offer dirt cheap, some offer top quality and a little higher prices for their spores... Honestly I don't think most newbies don't already know that not all vendors charge the same, but they are all quite similar.
In reply to:

And yet I get the lock on a thread on a simple site pushing nothing but consumer awareness.

Are you not listening? That thread you posted was in the spore exchange forum, WRONG place to put it. Its not censorship, thats why this thread is here and NOT locked.

Try to make this into a censorship issue when it is clearly not. We do not allow cross-posting, except for special circumstances, your not one of those.

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Registered: 10/31/01
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Re: Are you paying to much for spore prints or syr [Re: Thor]
    #599837 - 04/05/02 04:46 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

In reply to:

Looks like you have a negetive reason to make this site, why else would you say this comment?

In reply to:
Im not trying to pedal water in a syringe for $10.00 you are

Could it be because it is true? I see no negativity in the web site. None.

In reply to:

Last time I checked consumer reports remains unbiased, yet its obvious you have some negetive feelings towards those you are comparing.

Obvious? Can you site an example? I do not see it.

In reply to:

Some vendors offer dirt cheap, some offer top quality and a little higher prices for their spores... Honestly I don't think most newbies don't already know that not all vendors charge the same, but they are all quite similar.

I do see implied bias here. If most newbies know the deal how does STP stay in business and pay for high priced High Times adds? What about Spore Chicks? Why are people still sending them money? Honestly.

Budman9685's web site has great consumer awareness potential and more.

You seem to have a negative outlook on his web site. That is a shame.


Edited by JackMehoff (04/05/02 05:30 PM)

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Registered: 11/11/01
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Re: Are you paying to much for spore prints or syr [Re: Thor]
    #599900 - 04/05/02 05:54 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

In reply to:

Some vendors offer dirt cheap, some offer top quality and a little higher prices for their spores

So are you saying the $12 spores are somehow better than the $10 ones? Doesnt sound too impartial to AssHumper. That is the same logic STP uses for charging more and we know you love to dog his ass about that. Are you gonna come out and say to the "dirt cheap" guys that bought banner ads that their spores arent as good? You almost did already, care to retract that statement?

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Anti-Theist OVERLORD
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Re: Are you paying to much for spore prints or syr [Re: AssHumper10K]
    #599934 - 04/05/02 06:25 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

Hey you pay for what you get, I'm not saying anything against any of our new vendors.

They all offer good products, I personally buy from people who run their business with class, integrity. That is my personal taste, honestly I'd buy from any of the vendors here except for STP of course.

Asshumper, are you and JackMeoff twins?

BTW I am not negetive towards this price comparison site this guy is working on, I was just mad that he called it censorship when he posted in the wrong forum... We have rules and guidelines to posting in certain forums, its not difficult to understand why.

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Registered: 10/09/01
Posts: 119
Re: Are you paying to much for spore prints or syringe [Re: Budman9685]
    #599947 - 04/05/02 06:41 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

that guy just wasted alot of fucking time... not only his own but mine as well.

i'd also like to add that if you don't have the money to pay what these vendors are asking for their spores then you are definately trying to get started in the wrong hobby. the price of these spores is minuscule compared to the profit gained, wether it be free shrooms or just the smile that comes to your face when you harvest your first flush. these vendors compete enough between themselves to keep prices down. they don't need anyone's help, but if you wish to become a vendor yourself and compete with them i encourage you to do so. otherwise, i suggest you quit meddling in their business. all this site does is confuse the hell out of a new shroomerite.

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Re: Are you paying to much for spore prints or syringe [Re: SlattMoan]
    #599962 - 04/05/02 06:52 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

The prices posted dont really vary that much among the vendors listed. Fuck. The real problem is with the rare vendor that charges $100 plus for syringies and prints. Of corse they CLAIM to be selling diferent strains..... whatever. :wink:   


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Re: Are you paying to much for spore prints or syringe [Re: Budman9685]
    #600036 - 04/05/02 08:33 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

Your page is useless until you include everything such as 3 strains of cubensis that are carried by the SporeLab but are not included in your list.

Do your homework or don't do it at all.

Obviously this person visited the SporeLab to check our prices and obiosuly they left out 3 of our products delibertly.

I wonder who is behind this? Who around here goes to great lengths almost every week to discredit the SporeLab? Hmmm...could it be that competitor vendor with a history of stooping to anything to make others look bad in an effort to make himself look good?

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Re: Are you paying to much for spore prints or syr [Re: Budman9685]
    #600038 - 04/05/02 08:36 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

In reply to:

Im not trying to pedal water in a syringe for $10.00 you are.

QUICK! TURN OFF YOUR COMPUTER!!! The electric company is charging you for ELECTRONS!! Electrons are free and all around us! They'te one of the fundamental particles of matter! You're getting SCREWED!!

Morality is just aesthetics, meatbags.

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Registered: 11/11/01
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Re: Are you paying to much for spore prints or syr [Re: Thor]
    #600262 - 04/06/02 12:42 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

In reply to:

Asshumper, are you and JackMeoff twins?

Twins no but definitely cut from the same cloth.

Asses Humped for a reasonable price. Ask about our financing program!
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Registered: 01/12/02
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Re: Are you paying to much for spore prints or syringe [Re: ]
    #600348 - 04/06/02 04:53 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

Survey says: Possibly


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Registered: 09/25/01
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Re: Are you paying to much for spore prints or syr [Re: Budman9685]
    #600355 - 04/06/02 05:19 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

well i like the site no offence to anybody :smile: 

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