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Anti-Theist OVERLORD

Registered: 08/12/98
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Thor a vendor?!?? Check this out....
#591247 - 03/27/02 06:45 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
I'm just curious, if I got involved with a vendor here at the shroomery to make money for myself, how would you all feel about that?
If I did, should I step down from the website? Should I let Anno/3dshroom run the BB without me and continue to do behind the scenes stuff for the main site?
I'm just a poor boy and I've been given so many offers in the past to do something, and its honestly something I'd enjoy doing since I could work from home...
I understand the conflict of interest, but what are your thoughts on me getting into a vendor business?
Your responses will definately have an affect on my decision, I hope we can keep this civil and respectfull... Please no flames, I know some will want to flip out over this

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Re: Thor a vendor?!?? Check this out.... [Re: Thor]
#591250 - 03/27/02 06:49 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
-------------------- ***The Real Shroomery nigger
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Re: Thor a vendor?!?? Check this out.... [Re: Thor]
#591258 - 03/27/02 07:00 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
Thor a vender?
...so confoozed

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Re: Thor a vendor?!?? Check this out.... [Re: PGF]
#591259 - 03/27/02 07:00 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
i say go for it:)
-------------------- addicted to reason
a hollow understanding trapped me
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Re: Thor a vendor?!?? Check this out.... [Re: Thor]
#591261 - 03/27/02 07:01 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
if you want the shroomery to remain "pure" in principle, then you would have to step down. it would be like if the president of the usa was an OIL dealer. oh wait, the prez is an oil dealer.
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Re: Thor a vendor?!?? Check this out.... [Re: Thor]
#591265 - 03/27/02 07:07 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
go for it thor.....you receiving this transmission...........you got it!!!!!.................peace
-------------------- "3 o'Clock Road Block,hey mister Cop, I ain't got no,Ber-surfer-ticket"(rfic). (Bob Marley)
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Re: Thor a vendor?!?? Check this out.... [Re: Incognito]
#591267 - 03/27/02 07:11 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
Just my 2cents Thor babe..... You may not be able to be objective in your duties on the board, however, if one has to make a living than I say first things first. Priorites babe. Maybe its time to take a smaller role on the board, so that you may have more time for biznes ventures. I dont post much, but I do read. Have a nice day.

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Re: Thor a vendor?!?? Check this out.... [Re: Thor]
#591285 - 03/27/02 07:32 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
Go for it Thor!
I am sure you would enjoy the opportunity and the personal financial gain.
No need to step down as admin of the Shroomery.
The present behind the scenes vendor influence here can not be seen by many.
An admin/vendor of the Shroomery would be a public service in a way.
It would make the not so obvious to some obvious to all.
It would also remove some of the pretence that the vendors do not influence what goes on here. You could put money in your pocket and at the same time enjoy the joys of vending in the omc while being an admin at the grand old Shroomery.
The Shroomery has become a bastion for vendor profiteering off the members here.
Some people do not realize the large sums of money that this market generates.
You may as well cash in on the market yourself.
-------------------- BULLSHIT
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Re: Thor a vendor?!?? Check this out.... [Re: Thor]
#591290 - 03/27/02 07:40 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
I think that you have always seemed pretty objective, except for your obvious appeal to mushmush. But then again, vendors like mushmush have contributed alot to this site through sponsorship. So the fact that this site does tend to favor some vendors over others makes sense. I mean this site has always been a little anti-PF, but I don't see PF threads, my own included, being deleted. I understand that PF would not be a favored vendor here because they do not sponsor. I think it is the crackheads like PGF and Smack and Joshua and the mods who really constitute the shroomery and you thor merely make sure it works in the morning. I personally would have no problem with you being involved with a vendor. I think that it might even contribute something more to this site as long as you can remain impartial. And by the way, thanks for picking up where Ythan left off, you have done a great job.
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Re: Thor a vendor?!?? Check this out.... [Re: Thor]
#591294 - 03/27/02 07:43 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
The simple fact that you would even bother to ask our collective opinion says something about you Thor... I say do it! I've only enjoyed this hobby for a little while, but if I could work from home doing something I loved and have that as my livlihood, I would do it FOR SURE!
Peas & Good Luck, whatever your choice...
Edited by sloluva (03/27/02 07:53 PM)
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Re: Thor a vendor?!?? Check this out.... [Re: Thor]
#591303 - 03/27/02 08:00 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
Hi Thor,
I have been visiting this web site for a couple of years now and I recently became a registered member but I still haven't posted anything yet...
I think you should do whatever is best for you and if you need the money then who gives a f*** if anybody else flips out. (Other jealous vendors probably)
You should not let somebody elses opinion stop you from making a living, we all need money to survive.
It's your decision and it's nobody elses buisness right? Plus if it's something you would enjoy doing go for it. I wish I could work from home you lucky basterd !!!
You sound like an honest person to me and thats important when you're a vendor. Whoever you're thinking of getting involved with would receive a very good advantage.
Perhaps it would be a good idea to step down and let someone else who is equally qualified as you are run the Shroomery someone we can all trust as much as you.
This is only my opinion and I hope others respect it and I'm not trying to kiss anybodys ass.
I'm sorry for my spelling mistakes I'm french...
Take care.
-------------------- ''Guns don't kill people the goverment does.''
''You actually believe they landed on the moon...''
Registered: 01/12/02
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Re: Thor a vendor?!?? Check this out.... [Re: Thor]
#591306 - 03/27/02 08:01 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
Thor this board is fun and enjoyable but lets face it.. it didnt buy my Lexus sitting in the driveway. I love the site, but if you have a chance to go into business and you trust the partner then I say go for it. Make some money and have fun.
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Re: Thor a vendor?!?? Check this out.... [Re: Thor]
#591331 - 03/27/02 08:31 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
As long as you tell us who the vendor is it shouldn't be a problem. At least that way people will know if you're playing favorites or not. If you just say, "I'm working with a vendor who shall remain unnamed," I don't think it'll fly.
Re: Thor a vendor?!?? Check this out.... [Re: EchoVortex]
#591334 - 03/27/02 08:35 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
I have a pretty good idea who the vendor is.
Retired Shroomery Mod

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Re: Thor a vendor?!?? Check this out.... [Re: EchoVortex]
#591341 - 03/27/02 08:39 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
My guess would be Dimitri.....since he is opening a Canadian side to his business.
Good luck Thor.....everyone has to do something for a living...why not something that you enjoy.....plus you have to put food on the table.
Am I correct with my guess ?
Just don't play sides in Wars and you should be fine.... I think you do a wonderful job here as an Admin..... I'd hate to see you go.
-------------------- Laterz, Road
Who the hell you callin crazy?
You wouldn't know what crazy was if Charles Manson was eating froot loops on your front porch!
Brainiac said:
PM the names with on there names, that means they have mushrooms for sale.

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Re: Thor a vendor?!?? Check this out.... [Re: Thor]
#591358 - 03/27/02 08:59 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
Administrating the Shroomery must be difficult as it is, if it weren't for you and 3DShroom, it would not likely even be here. Not having Vendors as Moderators is one thing, but your responsibilities go far beyonf that.
You are the only one that can decide if you can remain impartial to the other Vendors and still Admin the board.
Personally, I believe you could. You must do what is best for you in the long run. I do know your dedication and efforts to the Shroomery will be missed if you do decide to step down.
Good luck and all the best in whatever you decide.
Re: Thor a vendor?!?? Check this out.... [Re: Thor]
#591373 - 03/27/02 09:17 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
Well at least you have earned some credibility, unlike some other vendors who just pop up like mushrooms with a cheap webpage and price list.
I trust you won't slander the competition, fill the site with cheap spam and little contests or post under puppet names!
As for remaining as admin of the shroomery, that might be a little tough to juggle as it is a conflict of interest.
Will you be helping dimitri in his flame wars?
good luck!
Good luck!
Anti-Theist OVERLORD

Registered: 08/12/98
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Loc: Iceland
Re: Thor a vendor?!?? Check this out.... [Re: Shdwstr]
#591389 - 03/27/02 09:36 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
Firstly let me say how much I appreciate all the positive feedback! I was very worried about the impact something like this could have on my reputation... You people kick ass and I so much appreciate the support, it means a great deal to me
Its now reaching 1 year since me and 3D took over from Aphex. I think that for those of you who've gotten to know me, that the Shroomery is #1 to me in my life, I love this place and I have made many friends through this site.
I feel strongly that I could remain impartial, I consider all the vendors here my friends and I would not ever do anything shady or dishonest against them. So for the conflict of interest, I personally believe that I can stay 100% true to the Shroomery always. Even if I strayed at all there is always my trusted side kicks anno and 3dshroom to stop me from abusing my power.
I'm honestly shocked at the response, I posted this just before I went out with some friends, and even they noticed I was quite stressed out tonight.. When I got home they all stood around me as I opened the thread and we all rejoiced at the obvious positive response here.. I feared the worst and you all proved me dead wrong...
My sincerest thanks, you all rock
PS... Yes Dr. Bluethumbs Canada is opening soon.
phrozendata: I would never grow in my own home, I will get the spores elsewhere
Re: Thor a vendor?!?? Check this out.... [Re: Thor]
#591398 - 03/27/02 09:46 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
Can we say goodbye to 'santa'?
Edited by CaptainMaxMushroom (03/27/02 09:50 PM)

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Re: Thor a vendor?!?? Check this out.... [Re: Thor]
#591535 - 03/28/02 12:22 AM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
I say if you wanna be a vendor, then go for it......
However I don't think you should be playing such a big part in the shroomery's life if you do decide to go through with it. The conflict of interest is too great in my opinion. Your influence as a leader of the biggest mushroom based web site, is a little too easy to abuse when you become a vendor. I just have fears that the shroomery will become center for your business. My .02 cents.
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