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Reptillian beings...
    #587482 - 03/23/02 04:43 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

I was reading some trip reports and I noticed that several different people described similar experiences with these "reptillian beings". Is this just a coincidence, or did anyone else have contact with these beings while on shrooms?

"Is that the CN Tower in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?"

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Re: Reptillian beings... [Re: chodamunky]
    #587496 - 03/23/02 05:06 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

Yo peep dis.

They live under the earth man.

The Lacerta File
Lacerta File 2


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Re: Reptillian beings... [Re: chodamunky]
    #587498 - 03/23/02 05:08 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

But to answer your question, no.. I haven't.


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Re: Reptillian beings... [Re: chodamunky]
    #587656 - 03/23/02 09:14 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

I'm praying for infinite lapdances in heaven and an infinite supply of cocaine to snort out of Angelina Jolie's ass crack.

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Re: Reptillian beings... [Re: chodamunky]
    #587772 - 03/24/02 12:39 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

Yep, every trip i have i communicate with reptilian beings.

Interesting that the human brain has a core we share with reptiles.

Don't worry, B. Caapi

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geo's henchman
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Re: Reptillian beings... [Re: Xlea321]
    #588107 - 03/24/02 12:39 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

I went to the sandiego zoo the other day and saw a bunch of reptiles. !!! And today someone ran over my foot with thier car. It hurts :[

The DJ's took pills to stay awake and play for seven days.

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Re: Reptillian beings... [Re: Xlea321]
    #589396 - 03/25/02 08:14 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

I dont really think its interesting how we "share" reptillian brains. The reptile brain in humans is what we got out of evolution. The evolutionary process was so fast that the brain couldnt change in time so it merely added onto it. The reptile brain serves as our natural instinct to survival in a dangerous situation. Like if you're being held up by someone with a knife, the choice you make is done by the reptile brain.

They chopped her goddam head off right there in the parking lot. Then they cut all kinds of holes in her head and sucked the blood out. I think they were after the pineal gland.

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Registered: 02/25/01
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Re: Reptillian beings... [Re: optikal_trip]
    #589564 - 03/26/02 12:16 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

No, the reptilian brain isn't involved in anything like decisons on that level. It works at lower levels than that.

It's interesting that you encounter reptiles when part of your brain is reptile. That's what's interesting (to me anyway) Have you ever met any reptiles on mushrooms?

Don't worry, B. Caapi

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Re: Reptillian beings... [Re: Xlea321]
    #589804 - 03/26/02 09:08 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

Reptiles are my favourite animals - always have been .

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p_g monocle
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Re: Reptillian beings... [Re: Xlea321]
    #589819 - 03/26/02 09:23 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

scientific american volume 14, number 1

my tax dollars going to more hits of acid for charles manson

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Re: Reptillian beings... [Re: Lallafa]
    #589824 - 03/26/02 09:30 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

Correctomundo Lallafa

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Re: Reptillian beings... [Re: Lallafa]
    #589827 - 03/26/02 09:33 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

Think we have a good idea how the brain works, it's consciousness we arn't too clued up on.

Don't worry, B. Caapi

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Re: Reptillian beings... [Re: Xlea321]
    #590200 - 03/26/02 04:35 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

reptiles seem to occur a lot on ayahuasca too. try to get a copy of Jeremy Narby's 'The cosmic serpent'. I'm reading through it right now. he has a theory that shamans unconsciously see on a macroscopic level, like looking through a microscope. his assumption is that the snakes are in fact dna (that's why in visions, snakes tend to be twisted and colorful). you can find a lot of references to snakes being the source of life in many ancient cultures. could write a lot about it, but i just don't feel like it right now. try to get hold of the book, extremely interesting.

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Registered: 02/25/01
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Re: Reptillian beings... [Re: Aldous]
    #590577 - 03/26/02 11:28 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

Read the book Aldous. I've never seen any snakes with mushrooms tho - they seem to be kinda reptilian in nature but nothing like any reptiles on earth.

Don't worry, B. Caapi

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Re: Reptillian beings... [Re: Xlea321]
    #590986 - 03/27/02 11:56 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

Alex, dude, all we know about the brain are things like: hmm this part of the brain seems to be more"active" when the subject is doing this, this part seems to interact somehow with this part, and electrical activity seems to be assosiated with nueronal communication - but to say we know how it works is certainly not true .
As far as I know the brain is too inattely linked with consciousness for us to say we understand one and not the other .

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Re: Reptillian beings... [Re: Food]
    #590994 - 03/27/02 12:09 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

Not really true. There are thousands of brain operations being performed every day. I think we've learned something about the structure and physical nature of the brain otherwise we wouldn't be operating on it.

We know many things about the physical structure of the brain. What we don't know is how consciousness comes into play.

Don't worry, B. Caapi

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Re: Reptillian beings... [Re: chodamunky]
    #668684 - 06/08/02 09:13 AM (22 years, 8 months ago)

If you want a really paranoid explanation for the reptiles you encounter read "Children of the Matrix:The Reptilian Agenda" by David Icke

"Being crazier than a shithouse rat is not sufficient grounds for banishment"

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Re: Reptillian beings... [Re: chodamunky]
    #672381 - 06/10/02 08:26 PM (22 years, 8 months ago)

Children of the Matrix is definately a good book. Its given me new insights of what is really going on, on this planet. Truly fucked up if you ask me.

I do not regret the things ive done, but those i did not do

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the dancer

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Re: Reptillian beings... [Re: bloo_sunshine]
    #672489 - 06/11/02 12:32 AM (22 years, 8 months ago)

bearing in mind that dna is not really colorful, it just looks like that in drawings to help you understand that it is made up of four different amino acids, but you knew that..

These reptiles, could be a valid entity for perception, images and behaviour hidden deep down in the depths of consciousness (these images would more than likely be a combination of attributes most likely to be favored in an ancient reptilian mate... i cant see any other reason for their storage), but on this note we should also see fish or at least amphibious creatures, as this is what we were before reptiles..
although maybe our brains changed markedly... much like a childs brain into an adult (which is why we cannot remember early childhood events)
more likely on this level, we should see little hamsters and wide-eyed tamarins during subconscious exploration, as this is what we were most recently... before graduating into bonobo like hominids..

hmm reptiles, havent seen them yet, only talking trees
maybe next time ;]

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Invisiblemr crisper

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Re: Reptillian beings... [Re: chodamunky]
    #672548 - 06/11/02 02:37 AM (22 years, 8 months ago)

hi chodamunky
ive been waiting for adamist to post on this thread, but i guess he's busy so i will cough up.
about 2 years ago i did a series of monthly trips, 3g of syrian rue with 3-5g shrooms. mostly i tripped alone and sat in the dark for most of the trip.
i had a series of encounters with a large female reptile, but not in the physical plane.
i don't believe in claims of lizards living inside mountains and wanting to enslave humanity, the explanations for what i experienced i found in the the book of genesis and the tarot card - the lovers
my mind dressed this energy/being/whatever in reptilian form in an attempt to create understanding of the situation. it is an embedded archetype.
anyway, just as in the bible and the lovers, the serpent uses trickery to lure one into initiation......but it's all for your own good.

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Re: Reptillian beings... [Re: mr crisper]
    #672697 - 06/11/02 05:18 AM (22 years, 8 months ago)

..more info please..
Did she help to awaken any Kundalini?

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Invisiblemr crisper

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Re: Reptillian beings... [Re: ]
    #673471 - 06/11/02 03:33 PM (22 years, 8 months ago)

i don't see much purpose in writing trip reports about this. more important is the process. how i experienced and perceived this was unique for me and will be unique for everybody.
but no matter how our minds dress up the experience the underlying process is basically the same. you are initiated, by initiated i mean given some form of knowledge. it is all very nice but the next step is more difficult - transforming that knowledge into wisdom.
the information you recieve is suited for you, its unlikely one is supposed to go on tv, write a book or shove it down people's throats. let it form into a pearl first, then share it. you can be the nurturing oyster .
as i said before, the story of adam, eve and the serpent plus tarot card 6, the lovers, more than adequately depict the process. read it literally.
another thought - in hebrew gematria, nachash (serpent) and messiah both add up to 358, the meaning is they are essentially the same. 2 extremes of the same energy - think about good and evil, where does good finish and evil begin?
from jason lotterhand - "adam didn't have a fall. he had an uplifting experience that introduced him into the spiritual world through the agency of his feminine aspect. this is a far cry from the ordinary myth with which we are so familiar. the apples were delicious and enjoyed by all. and, far from being a dreadful creature who was the embodiment of satan, the serpent represents the power in ourselves that is our very salvation ".

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Re: Reptillian beings... [Re: mr crisper]
    #683561 - 06/17/02 09:11 AM (22 years, 7 months ago)

In reply to:

by initiated i mean given some form of knowledge. it is all very nice but the next step is more difficult - transforming that knowledge into wisdom.

I really like how you put that... I have had several visions in which a DNA helix(my own I suppose) was actually two serpents intertwined...
also experiences in which I was shown the shape of the universe, how it is two cosmic serpents joined as one continuous spiral, how the polarities united creates the oppurtunity for experience and growth. How the love that drew these forces together is the only true balanced force, anything less is eventually doomed.

The "initiation" provided me with much knowledge, but only hints as to how it all fit in with myself. I am slowly putting these pieces together to solve the puzzle.

:heartpump: { { { ṧ◎ηḯ¢ αʟ¢ℌ℮мƴ } } } :heartpump:

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