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DNA Timebomb

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Re: God Exists [Re: Sclorch]
    #583247 - 03/19/02 10:43 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

People should stop talking about thier imaginary friends and trying to convince others that they are real.

I'm sick of the G-O-D word, we are not God, nothing is God, noone is God.

We are animals. We want to feel like more than animals.

I remember, the first time, I... smoked DMT.

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Eggshell Walker

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Re: God Exists [Re: vkk_]
    #583302 - 03/19/02 11:34 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

I hate that when my skigg regigs. How can one prevent that annoyance from occuring?


The proof is in the pudding.

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DNA Timebomb

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Re: God Exists [Re: Swami]
    #583577 - 03/19/02 05:18 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

By visiting this link----------->#

I remember, the first time, I... smoked DMT.

Edited by vkk_ (03/19/02 05:19 PM)

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Re: God Exists [Re: vkk_]
    #584115 - 03/20/02 09:52 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

"People should stop talking about thier imaginary friends and trying to convince others that they are real.

I'm sick of the G-O-D word, we are not God, nothing is God, noone is God.

We are animals. We want to feel like more than animals.

K- vkk"

But, if we are animals (and we are) then we also should not say we are anything because then you would also be catagorising. Same as some people call something unexplainable, god. Then we are not human, and animals are not animals. People (like me) say we are god, because we mean the unknown/known mind powers are what makes as in catagory way god. You could say we are all shit, because shit is the unexplainable word. Relax GOD is just a word that catagorisis various meanings. Stop the catagorising and start excepting the unexplainable.

:dancing: My latest music! :yesnod:

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DNA Timebomb

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Re: God Exists [Re: Fliquid]
    #584144 - 03/20/02 10:27 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

"People (like me) say we are god, because we mean the unknown/known mind powers are what makes as in catagory way god. You could say we are all shit, because shit is the unexplainable word. Relax GOD is just a word that catagorisis various meanings. "

Please elaborate so I can understand what you mean.

I remember, the first time, I... smoked DMT.

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Re: God Exists [Re: Zahid]
    #584481 - 03/20/02 05:19 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

There is an Almighty, All knowing, Merciful God, like it or not, believe it or not. Most atheists will never change their beliefs. Anyone should be able to use reason in such an introverted way that they see and realize the truth of things. Atheists believe in what can be proven. Obviously, there is no scientific proof that there is a God, or that there isn?t a God. If there was proof, this life wouldn?t be much of a test to earn Paradise. Why does God exist?

- The existence of the three abrahamic faiths: Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. All share very similar characteristics and teachings because the prophecies came from the same God. The births of these religions occurred centuries apart.

God exist because of the *books*. We can go back and erased or rewrite such histories, and we wouldn't be having this conversation, hypothetically speaking. An existence of GOD means little if you haven't heard of it before. And Your brand of "free choice" morality is quite creepy. Since there many passed-on cultures that are non-God based religions, your morality doesn't fit the criteria.

And so what if the "three" existed? It has no correlation to the all Eastern systems. Some of the kabbalah systems do have relevancy. If you're going to assert the "Totality", you should try to explain the similarities with the East. Or else you have no grounding to stand on.

- Try to think of every aspect of today?s world: the human race on planet earth. What humans are, how we are, our self-awareness, and our ability to do either right or wrong. The circumstances of life are 100% perfect how an All Knowing God would test you, to see if you?ll believe or not. If (non-existing) technology recorded the creation of earth and mankind, and displayed throughout history for man to view, there would be less of a test to submit to the Creator. If God directly spoke to mankind, there would be less of a test. In fact, for a long time there would be no test: everyone would know there is a God that simply longs for your love and praise for He created you.

Nah.. A child can be trained to do wrong but to see it as normal. PERFECT?!! *LMAO Why don't you STAND in front of a starving Ethiopian child and say that.. And the next.. And the next and the next...

- For a moment, free your mind of any anti religious feelings you have developed as a result of your environment upbringing (religion is for the weak, religion was created by man for control, religion blocks reason, etc.) for these feelings lead to disillusionment from your God, your Lord. Now, pretend you?re living during the time of one of the prophets: Moses, Jesus, Abraham, Muhammad, or whoever. You?re witnessing Jesus do miracles, the honest man from Mecca you knew all your life is shouting things about the one and only true God worthy of worship. Many atheists will argue that organized religion is simply a ?successful? cult because thousands of years ago people easily bought it. Why are there billions of Muslims and Christians today then?

And what does numbers prove? Zip. No, wait a sec.. A couple of billions, non-Godbased fundamentalists are going into Limbo, hell, or whatever. I'd say the certain faiths are very ethnic-based. You won't find too many Asians in the abrahamic faiths.

If I were to imaginge it, I'd give them all hell for the stupidity of all abrahamic cultures caused to humanity. I'll still consider them great teachers with good intentions but unaware of the implications.

- Most people do believe in God, but deceive themselves in order to do what they want guilt free. I have two non religious friends who also like to trip. I asked them if they would ever watch a movie about the life and times of Jesus Christ. They said they wouldn?t want that ?make believe? stuff setting into their head. Truth is, and according to the Qur?an, those who truly do not believe in their hearts that God is real has a spiritual sickness brought on by free will- The hard core atheists of today will never find salvation, despite how easily it is to obtain it. If a true kufr took LSD and watched the 1965 movie ?The Greatest Story Ever Told?, he would still stand in his beliefs, and not feel uneasy about the movie. If the person denounced previous belief in nothing, and converted to Christianity as a result of this experience, he in fact did believe in God all his life, only deceived himself from seeing it in striking clarity.

Do you know how insulting it is to use the word "kuhr", atheist or not? So much for humility.

Cite the Qur'an passages for these:

Humans originated in the Middle East, and began to spread out over time, creating different races from environmental factors, and different cultures and languages. This is how Muhammad explained it too.

- Space is constantly expanding. Supported in Islam. Think of the universe as being a balloon. The edge of the balloon being the edge of space. What?s at the other end of the balloon? We can?t comprehend it, because we can hardly comprehend God. All we know is that he loves us more than we can even know. We know he loves to forgive sinners in this life.

- Physics and science. Supported in Islam.

- Many who chose not to believe in God do it out of disagreement with some of it. They do not agree with the idea of eternal torment for not believing, or that they cannot have sex with members of the same gender, so they refuse to open their hearts to the truth.

In conclusion, if you don?t believe in your heart after reading this, you probably never will and it?s your own fault for creating that burden. Remember these two things: If you don?t believe in the big picture, it?s because you don?t agree with it. It?s your duty to put your Creator in front of everything else, including yourself. The highway to Hell is wide and fast, the stairway to Heaven is steep and narrow.

In conclusion, it'sq uite self-righteous and contradicting of your GOD (the ALL Merciful) and you to judge people's disagreements. I suppose my parents, Amidists, are going the "wide and fast." You said this in front of me, you'll kiss the cement, immediately. NOt because I'm violent, because your enculterated ignorance and little understanding in the ramifications of your views. I doubt I hit you, but I'll give a serious lipping on your preaching.

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Re: God Exists [Re: vkk_]
    #584487 - 03/20/02 05:24 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

Expression of self-empowerment and self-realization. That answer your question? it's like gnosis.

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Re: God Exists [Re: ArCh_TemPlaR]
    #584570 - 03/20/02 07:10 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

I cant believe we are having this discussion again.


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Re: God Exists [Re: Zahid]
    #584575 - 03/20/02 07:17 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)


Zahid, do you go to christian rock concerts? isyour favorite band Creed? or are they not underground enough for you. Hav you ever seen Bible man?

I can't believe how primitve you are! You believe in the Sky god, peeing down at us from atop,...you beleive in inveted concepts like good and evil, you are an absoulute GEM! sooo cute, your like a monkey!
so you believe in the Devil too? and angels? dones't beleiving in more tha one Deity make you a pagen? Oh, I won't get too into the paradoxes of your imposed belief sytem
hahahahaahah your fantastic! your rock!

Growing anything is good for the soul

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Re: God Exists [Re: Zahid]
    #584576 - 03/20/02 07:19 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

i'm sorry, lol, Gods holding us in a balloon, lol,

Growing anything is good for the soul

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Re: God Exists [Re: Zahid]
    #584581 - 03/20/02 07:22 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)


i'm sorry everthing you say is just soo stupi i can't stop commenting...

THis is WRONG, humans came from africa, nt the middle east. Religion came from the middle east, humans came fro africa, and Jesus was BLACK!!!

Growing anything is good for the soul

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People of the sun.
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Re: God Exists [Re: MeltingPenguin]
    #584607 - 03/20/02 07:59 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

so you?ve seen dogma, too. eh?


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Re: God Exists [Re: MeltingPenguin]
    #584657 - 03/20/02 09:11 PM (22 years, 10 months ago)

"Religion came from the middle east"

How's that?

"Jesus was BLACK!!! "

Jesus was a Jew, Jews are Semitic.

Come on, if you're going to pick on somebody for being stupid check your
own facts.

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Re: God Exists [Re: ]
    #584955 - 03/21/02 03:52 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

I am black and I am a jew.... Not really but you get my point... or maybe not.... does it matter?...

Everything dies

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omnicyclion.org admin
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Re: God Exists [Re: Zahid]
    #584976 - 03/21/02 04:47 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

Hi everybody!

"God exists". Well, in order for you to even think of that, you should have some definitions straight for yourself. A major question should be: "What's MY Definition of God???" You an only ask yourself this if you've spent lotsa hours thinking about stuff in general, should you want to include rationality in your beliefs as well. (This is NOT a personal attack to anyone/any religion!)

My definition of God is centered around His/Her/It's oldest name. Way older than Christianity, way before Islam, going back into "Dreamtime" as the Aboriginals would call it, over 10.000 years ago. This Oldest name of the Divine is:

"The All-Encompassing One"

Does Older mean "Better"? Ofcourse not!!! The hemorrhoid predates the ointment, and I wouldn't call THOSE better! Every religion is equally valuable in my views.

Should you believe that everything is a Whole, and that the total sum of EVERYTHING is God, you've got the same definition as me. The All-Encompassing One. There is only God and there is nothing BUT God. Should this be your definition, there's no going around the thought that GOD IN FACT DOES EXIST. (I've got a whole truckload more, but I'll spare you guys the trouble of zapping over my post) God is everything that ever Was, Is or Shall be & and anything remotely possible too.

How do I view other religions: I try to see their Deities as faces of One & the Same, and yes: that includes Devils & Demons & Kali and all those less-nice ones too. Everything that goes down happens because it's God's Will. So how about that starving African child then? I believe that all "souls" are just One Soul, this being Gods own. Since i also believe in finite possibilities taken into the Infinite, every life that exists is yours & you'll live through it for all eternity. Out of this (and some other Good Shit) follows that you'll be the starving child as well as the Happiest person in the Universe, again & again, into the Infinite and not only that: You are a piece of God that is essential & equally valuable as anything, holding a piece of The Soul.

Now you all know where I'm coming from, you'll understand that I'm opposed to the Idea of "Sin" if that applies to everyone equally the same. Since God is "The All-Encompassing One" in my view, nothing that DOES happen is against His/Her/It's Will. Every life has it's purpose. That may include a judge parking your ass on Death Row if the purpose includes stuff that society at large doesn't condone, but it'll be God's Will nontheless. There is a "General Message" that applies to most people, and you can find it in any one of the Holy Books & if you're into Organized Religion you should shop around until you find the Face of God that fits your life best. For some this may mean withdrawing from everything to find Total Peace with the All to arrive on Krishna's Planet & do away with reincarnation forever, for others it might mean trying to follow the Teachings of Mohammed or Jesus as perfectly as you an achieve.

I'm a Wiccan, as some might have guessed, this being a Pagan Religion. In Wicca there is NO SUCH THING as a Holybook. There are a few basic rules to it. One of the things True Wicca advocates is that you try & find your Own Way: This means you don't get a readymade Holybook: You should write a B.O.S (Book of Shadows), this being your own personal Holybook. Wicca doesn't have "followers" but only "Priests & Priestesses". It ain't centralized too: through lore it's decided that if groups should be formed (called "Covens") it would be best if there would be less than 13 members, none being "followers only". Does this sound like total Anarchy? Hmm... kinda, yeah; but should all noses be pointed in the same direction on ANYTHING?????
True Wicca is far removed from TV stuff like that series "Charmed" & such and I won't even go into stuff like that (good) movie "Rosemary's Baby" !!! Do I think Wicca is the Very Best Religion? For me personally: Yes, but if it really were THE religion (don't believe in that) twig brooms would be a multi-billion dollar industry.

Does God exist? In life one can never be sure of anything, but I'd say: YES. I BELIEVE.

higher knowledge starts here

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Re: God Exists [Re: vkk_]
    #584985 - 03/21/02 05:16 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

People say there is a god because they have to find satisfaction in something that can explain the unknown. There is no god, never was, never will be. It is just a fairytail made up to fill in the empty space of why we are alive.

We are alive because chance made it so. Not because something or someone, made us to check out what would happen. Like, make a man and a woman place them on a circle of life and let them go and see what happens.

And why is that not so? Because that would meant there is a crazy experimenter out there waiting for us to come and tell him/her we hate what he did. Because he/she left us here without a clear explanation on why the hell we are here and with what reason.

That is completely not logical and since most things are logical. It again explains that there is no god.

Life is so easy, people just tend to make an issue out of every single thing they can't explain. Or say "its gods will". Think about it, i hope you get the picture.

I can go on but i hope you understand now.

:dancing: My latest music! :yesnod:

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People of the sun.
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Re: God Exists [Re: Fliquid]
    #584991 - 03/21/02 05:27 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

"we are the universe, not just a part of it"

true, very true... and the universe is god... therefore we ARE god, not just a part of it...

and believe me, he put ourselves (we did, for that matter) here WITH a clear explanation... we only chose to forget that explanation, in order to experience the so called "dark side"... we are here to create and experience the greatest version of the most divine vision we ever held about ourselves... everyday, every second recreating ourselves anew...


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Re: God Exists [Re: In(di)go]
    #584994 - 03/21/02 05:37 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

Lozt soul,

I am glad for you that find satisfaction in a replacement truth.
I hope it gives you joy and pleasure in life.

But i on the other hand don't agree, and say everyone is entitled to his own ideas. The mind is free, unless if you degrade yourself with other peoples lies.

:dancing: My latest music! :yesnod:

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DNA Timebomb

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Re: God Exists [Re: Fliquid]
    #585029 - 03/21/02 07:36 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

"he put ourselves (we did, for that matter) here WITH a clear explanation... we only chose to forget that explanation"

this is pure speculation. as is most of this discussion.
the psychological need to feel important is evident behind the belief that we were put here. i think it's more likely that life is created by chance (lightning striking the ocean creating basic amino acids which evolved into primitive life, blah blah blah)

I remember, the first time, I... smoked DMT.

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Re: God Exists [Re: vkk_]
    #585075 - 03/21/02 08:49 AM (22 years, 10 months ago)

"the psychological need to feel important is evident behind the belief that we were put here."

It all ends up in self sustaining. And reproducing.

Thats the basis for all life, including us. Humans tend to overdue things and make things lager then real.

:dancing: My latest music! :yesnod:

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