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EnLigHTenD MiNDRancHeR
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should i waste my money?
#578869 - 03/14/02 03:08 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
hello, i am very new to growing shrooms, and i am very interested in the whole art. i went to a site (www.mushroommagic.com) and looked at the "soul food machine 2". i was wondering if this would be a good machine to get for someone new such as my self. it claims to make many pounds (over a period of 5-7 weeks or so) and it says that contamination is slim to non. i was wondering if anyone could point me in a direction to go before i do something stupid! thanks for your help! also, how easy is it to do the regular pf-tek method? and what about contamination!?
thanks for your help
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Re: should i waste my money? [Re: rain_angel]
#578887 - 03/14/02 03:40 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
you could save a lot of cash making one yourself for under $50.
i dunno what they are saying about no contamination, if you arent very clean about your whole process you could get em no matter what type of fruting chamber you use. and for the many pounds of shroomies thing, it all depends on how many cakes/casings you do.
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Re: should i waste my money? [Re: rain_angel]
#578888 - 03/14/02 03:40 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
I just went to check "www.magicmushrooms.com" and got nothing. Specified server could not be found. I'd say that's a bad thing. Why waste money when you could just get a syringe and buy all the other stuff for next to nothing. I think you should try the poor mans way first to get the feel for it. Stick around here for a bit and you'll soon see what works and what doesn't.
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Post deleted by users_request [Re: MushyMay]
#578891 - 03/14/02 03:48 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
Post deleted by administrator.
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Re: should i waste my money? [Re: MicronMagick]
#578932 - 03/14/02 04:54 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
err, thanks Micron.
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Re: should i waste my money? [Re: MushyMay]
#578935 - 03/14/02 04:56 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
... specified server still not found at "www.mushroommagic.com."
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Re: should i waste my money? [Re: rain_angel]
#578992 - 03/14/02 05:54 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
Keep your money my friend. No need to buy that shit. All of us on here use homemade shit. I've been around for 4 years and never bought a kit or anything like that, and belive me.....I can produce the same if not better shrooms then a $50.00 or a $200. clunker. Don't fall victum(spelling) to these asses that say all their trying to do is help out the community by getting people started, and all that shit.
Thats the only reason why I come around now....to help people get started. I was given a gift from SHROOMMAGE so now I pass it on :^)
All of these little set-up's that people are trying to sell you are going to work on the same princables(spelling) that a rubbermaid, fishtank, ect.. are going to operate.
-------------------- I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me, and I in him, he will bare much fruit.
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EnLigHTenD MiNDRancHeR
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Re: should i waste my money? [Re: fiddler4u]
#579003 - 03/14/02 06:04 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
awesome, im thinking of using a fishtank aquarium to make some cakes. im gonna buy a syringe of something easy. my only problem, is i am scared of contamination, because im afraid i wont reconize it! ive been looking on this webpage on alot of the forums (great page with pictures, but i still am worried it will sneak past me, i dont wanna mess up there! as for sterileness, do i have to be so clean, that one mistake will mess it up, or can little things slide??
thanks to everyone thats helped me, i really appreciate it.
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Re: should i waste my money? [Re: rain_angel]
#579073 - 03/14/02 07:13 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
Well some things can slide. For instance....I couldn't tell you when the last time I measured my substrate. There really is no need for measuring when you've been in it this long. Now I just grab a handfull of shit and a handfull of seed and throw the whole shi-bang together :^)
As for being sterile...well if you think about it everything is going to be pressure cooked either way. So their are afew minor things that can slide.
However I arge(spelling) you not to skip anything....don't miss a beat till you get enough experaince behind you.
You said you wanted to know more about the art of cultivating mushrooms, so go for the gold my friend :^)
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Re: should i waste my money? [Re: rain_angel]
#579128 - 03/14/02 08:34 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
mushroommagic sucks i bought that load a crap befor i read the pf. tek.....and lost out 80 bucks, they suck...save your self some money and aggervation...................later
-------------------- "3 o'Clock Road Block,hey mister Cop, I ain't got no,Ber-surfer-ticket"(rfic). (Bob Marley)
"Here's an idea,lets make the Constitution legal". (Ron Paul)
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oakridge gang, beotch

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Re: should i waste my money? [Re: midnitesun]
#579304 - 03/15/02 12:32 AM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
heres a super easy and cheap way to get you started...i read it off theforestfloor.org
(I don't recon this is nothin new mmm
I'm sure I read about it somers before.
I really like it for small projects and fer useing extre grain
so I thought I would make a post about it.
Ya getcha some of them there empty 2 liter pop bottles.
Cut em in half.
Clean em real good.{with isopropyl alch}
Add ya about a half pint of crumbled colonized grain {learn about colonizing grain at www.lilshopofspores.com or your favorite mushy site}to the bottom half of each pop bottle.
You can use up to a pint. I like usein a half pint.
Case with yer favorite caseing. {you can learn about casing here at the shroomery}
Give it a mistin with some water.
Crimp the base just enough to slide the top half of the pop bottle back on to the base.
Put your hillbilly terrariums in a dark place for a few days.
Then give em light and air like you would any other caseing. Mist when needed.
There ya go.
Them there pop bottles make real good hillbilly terrariums mmmhmmm
You can slide the top up and down over the base to fan. {if your worried about contams cover the top with filter dics for www.micronmagick.com}
You don't even have to remove the top.
After you harvested a couple of flushes
you can add ya some water to the base.
Let it stand overnight to give the grain a drink a water
then poor the extre water out.
More flushes will follow mmmhmm.
When the grain is used up throw the whole thing away.)
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Edited by BIGSWANG (03/15/02 12:45 AM)
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Re: should i waste my money? [Re: rain_angel]
#579305 - 03/15/02 12:36 AM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
every thing you buy from them is magic this and magic that they are a rip off ,i bought straw off of them for 16$suposed to be chopped straw with lime but it was neither i no somebody who tried their pasturization tek in a bathtub it takes over 24hrs with a lot of work and it didnt work plus the soulfood machine they sell is just a critter cage or somthing like that you can get that same thing at a well known pet store but you probaby are better off with some other type terrium
mushroom magic sucks
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Re: should i waste my money? [Re: rain_angel]
#579375 - 03/15/02 03:12 AM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
We are first timers using the pf-tek, and it's really been pretty easy. Our jars have been in the fruiting chamber for a few days, and we're anxiously awaiting pins. We have followed MMGG directions faithfully. From reading posts, I think most newbies fail because of improvising or not providing the right conditions. As far as contams, we've seen none, and we don't even have a pc yet. But I did have a large stock pot, and I also sterilized the verm and brf in the oven before mixing. Read and read some more and follow directions.shrewman1
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Re: should i waste my money? [Re: 2shrewmen]
#579471 - 03/15/02 08:11 AM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
I actually bought that kit your speaking of. I put it up for sale in the Vendors section. It does work well actually, but no 5-7 pounds. I have built a larger cool mist humidifier terrarium since that works well also.
The "Soul Food Machine 2" does work well as a terrarium, especially if you get the air exchange system with it. I just recommend growing your mycelia on your own in jars and using the terrarium to case them with. Trying to grow the mycelia in the terrarium the way they suggest is a pain.
There are some pics in the pictures forum of it with some shoomies growing in it if you want to take a look. But ultimately Pf-Tek is the place to start.
EnLigHTenD MiNDRancHeR
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Re: should i waste my money? [Re: Under_net]
#579722 - 03/15/02 01:39 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
awesome, i really appreciate everyone jumping on my question! ive learnt alot of stuff just from this forum, and looking around! i have concluded NOT to waste my money on the magic mushroom kits! i have decided to use the fishtank terranium idea! i have a decently cleaned fishtank, that i plan on cleaning a bit more, i dont really have anything else i need though! (yet ) does anyone know like a really good subtrate to use to get started? i have many diff teks and methods all printed out, but i am still unclear on the whole thing! im really scared that i might have some contamination slide by and kill some ppl (like my pals!) also i found at the pf-tek for dummies site, a inculation chamber, is that something that is worth making? im sorry for being annoying ! thanks everyone for there help, and i look forward to one day helping newbies (such as myself) out!
keep the peace
oakridge gang, beotch

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Re: should i waste my money? [Re: rain_angel]
#579733 - 03/15/02 01:50 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
naw...not needed...use the oven tek...itll keep contams away from your jars while your inoculating
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Re: should i waste my money? [Re: rain_angel]
#579840 - 03/15/02 03:46 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
>>>inculation chamber
an INCUBATION chamber is necessary to some extent; you need to keep your jars at 85 degrees or so. if you can do this somehow without a chamber; like if your room is 85 all day you dont need one.
if you mean INOCCULATOIN chamber or a glovebox; then bigswang wascorrect in that the oven tek will suffice. glovebox's will be more reliable; thats if you have a cardboard box; saran wrap; tape and scissors to spare. just cut holes in the box for your hands/arms a hole in the top covered w/ saran wrap to see thru and a bottle of isopropyl alcol and some napkins on the inside to work with. very easy. i use plexiglass vs saran wrap but if its closed off thats all you need.
Re: should i waste my money? [Re: rain_angel]
#579907 - 03/15/02 05:17 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
Rain Angel,
My advice to you is to learn as much as you can about mushroom cultivation in general. Do yourself a favor and buy these two books: The Mushroom Cultivator and Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms. They can both be found at fungi.com. Once you understand all of the principals involved, you will have a much better grasp of the cultivation of fungi. There are no "magic" tricks to growing mushrooms, just a knowledge of the growth parameters. Educate yourself to your benefit. Who knows? You just might become one of us gourmet/medicinal growers. Have a good one or maybe two. G
EnLigHTenD MiNDRancHeR
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Re: should i waste my money? [Re: BeppoMarx]
#579938 - 03/15/02 05:42 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
can someone please explain to me about INOCCULATION, i did mean Incubator in my last forum! also i want to personally thank everyone for helping me, ive learnt a TON of stuff in just this last few days. and a special thanks to BEPPOMARX, and PAVLOVS DOG, for thier pm loaded with information. the only thing i want to know now is *sign another question* if i use the fishtank method, does my tank have to be spotless? im using a bunch of hand-me-downs (im poor ) and its kinda got some stuff caked on the sides, ive washed it and sparyed it down with lysol and all that fun stuff a few times, think that should do the trick?? also, when sterlizing, do i have to go as far as clean the whole kitchen, wear all white, mask, and all that you would imagine a supieror (spelling) sterlie kitchen to be? does anyone have any good advice for sterlizing?? ok thanks again.
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Re: should i waste my money? [Re: rain_angel]
#579998 - 03/15/02 07:05 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
The sterilization question is really a tough question to answer. Personally I have a really good set of 3M dust maks that I re-use all of the time. and I wear a shower cap and latex gloves.
Then I keep the room generally clean. I have one dedicated room in my house that I use, so that probably helps because the only time I go in there is when I'm working.
The only time I wipe things down with clorox/water really good is when I am making spore prints.
Pf-tek by nature allows some error, because in theory the only place for contaminants to enter the substrate are via the holes in the jar lid. And those are protected by 1/2" to 3/4" of dry vermiculite.
What I usually suggest is this. Get your spores and your jars, and what you need to make your substrate. Clean your work table well and take reasonable precautions when it comes time to inoculate the jars.
Then you have 30 days to build and configure your terrarium.