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Post deleted by Anno [Re: HisStudent]
#574404 - 03/09/02 04:57 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Registered: 01/08/02
Posts: 22
Re: Hydroponic Mushrooms [Re: HumboldtHort]
#574497 - 03/09/02 07:25 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Since these are relatively pure compounds working in a sterile environment with autoclaved water should be sufficient. Autoclaving the solution causes a discoloration from golden yellow to dark green; this discoloration seems to subside after cooling. I would assume there's some change in the composition to cause the discoloration, although this has not been fully analyzed. Autoclaved solutions can successfully incubate mycelia; effects on optimal nutrient balance are unknown at this time.
Maximum yields of both psilocybin and mycelium occurred in the acid pH range (4.0-4.6). This may be caused by a greater permeability factor. However, this tends to cause instability in the cellular membranes and leads to cellular rupture by agitation caused during aeration.
Ref: Catalfomo, P. and V.E. Tyler, Jr. "The Production of psilocybin in submerged culture of Psilocybe cubensis" LLoydia 27:53-63, 1964

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Re: Hydroponic Mushrooms [Re: Anonymous]
#575042 - 03/10/02 01:27 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
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I think that it is important to point out that supplying nutrients to the cake after colonization is completed is not really ideal and the results will be far less than if you were to feed the nutrients to the fungus while in it's vegetation phase
I'm sure you?re probably right about that. I assumed that the mycelium used nutrients in the substrate to produce fruiting bodies similar to the way a plants root system acts but apparently this is not the case. I have so much to learn.
It would seem that not using nutrient solution would surely simplify things a great deal. I think that a jar full of nutrient could be a breading ground for cantams
anyway so maybe it is best left out of the equation.
I guess you would only need one jar instead of two if you were just using water. One could use the jar the cake colonized in as the reservoir jar.
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Re: Hydroponic Mushrooms [Re: MicronMagick]
#575969 - 03/11/02 03:11 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
This should be my last comment here, and is directed mostly at micron.
In reply to:
I mean really Mycofile what do you share? Replace the Vermiculite with Coir? That's been done along time ago at least a year or so.
What are you babling about? I havn't said there was anything new about replacing verm with coir. Unless you are talking about something I said about two years ago.
And what do I share? Are you trying to imply that I'm no help to the community? Look, I've walked more people through this hobby than you've even dreamed of selling shit to. How dare you accuse me of not sharing. Perhaps you feel that selling crap makes you an assett to the community? And guess what, all of my posts have been to try and help as much as I could, not to get a free plug to push my business some more.
I don't care about you guys business. I don't care about your profit/loss. I don't care about your patents. I'm here to help people grow shrooms. What pisses me off is to see somebody give some bullshit, just to plug their business. Mycotek said that he wouldn't divulge the recipe cuz it was useless to anyone else, not because he wanted a patent or anything. Bullshit. Now I don't think I deserve the recipe, I don't even want it. I simply call bullshit when I see it.
I'm not out to hurt anyone's business, cuz I don't give a shit about anyone's business. This board is for experimentation and advanced cultivation, not business.
In reply to:
It's really sad that a few ungreatful, trouble making mambers, like yourself ruin things for the other.
Ungrateful? What exactly should I be grateful for? And what exactly have I ruined for others? You think that if it weren't for people like me, that there would be more information on these boards? Considering all the posts I've made over the years, never once trying to keep a secret to make a buck, I think that's a little ridiculous. In fact, I'd say that it's the people that are trying to make a buck instead of teaching people how to do things better and cheaper themselves who are the troublemakers ruining things for everyone else.
-------------------- "From a certain point of view"
-Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi
PM me with any cultivation questions.
I just looked at my profile and realized I had a website at one point in time on geocities, it's not there anymore and I have no idea what I had on it. Anybody remember my website from several years aga? PM if so please.

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Re: Hydroponic Mushrooms [Re: mycofile]
#576019 - 03/11/02 04:20 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
You talk all this bullshit toward MicronMagik, you say that you don't care about anyone's business. Then why are you trying to win a contest (from a business that also SELLS stuff) by putting some garbage at the bottom of every post of yours? You are bullshit, and a hypocrite too. I personally don't want to build my own shit, my time is actually worth something. That is why I pay someone like Mycotek service and MicronMagik, because this is their job (or one of them). Do you have a job? Or are you a simple drug dealer who is setting up a bunch of cronies to grow shrooms for you? That is kinda what it sounds like. Like you're helping neighborhood kids get into this. Do things better and cheaper myself? No thanks, I'd rather just buy the best. And that obviously is not what you use you cheap bastard!!!

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Re: Hydroponic Mushrooms [Re: Kindnug]
#576076 - 03/11/02 05:30 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
-------------------- BULLSHIT
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Re: Hydroponic Mushrooms [Re: JackMehoff]
#576128 - 03/11/02 06:26 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Once again Jack you are very perceptive. And as a side note anyone who reads posts here knows Mycofile knows his shit and knows it well. I for one am thankful for members like him. If it wasnt for that type of member then really what you d have here is a bunch of guys trying to sell pipe dreams to newbies. It would be another STP type deal in my not so humble opinion.

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Re: Hydroponic Mushrooms [Re: JackMehoff]
#576135 - 03/11/02 06:41 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Jackme off, that is so nice. If I was 16 or 17 I might feel offended. Why don't you say something constructive like your buddy, or are you too ignorant for that? Judging by your nic, you might be
Edited by Kindnug (03/11/02 06:52 PM)

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Re: Hydroponic Mushrooms [Re: SouthernGent]
#576161 - 03/11/02 07:13 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Pipe dreams? Man you couldn't be more far off. The pod works exceptionally, and MicronMagik's shit works very well too!!!! What the hell has Mycofile done, besides help some newbies? Answer a question here or there? I'm glad that he has been able to help you, that is one way a forum can be useful. It can also be used to spread information, say about new technology (like in Advanced Cultivation). It shouldn't matter that you might have to buy the product, that is how progress and technology is fueled. With all of this negativism toward progress and new technology (yes you might have to buy it), It's no wonder that the majority of you are still using cardboard boxes and Rubbermaid containers as your growspace. Believe me, if this guy could have kept something a secret to make some money he would have, hell everyone would have. I never said that he didn't know how to grow shrooms well, I was simply saying that the guy is a hypocrite and he seems to have no idea of the concept of a "business" or "capitalism". But believe me if he has helped you out a lot than I give him kudos for that, I'm just trying to get through some of these people's skulls that businesses need to make money selling things to keep the innovation going. It is not wrong for them to tell us what they are working on without giving a complete recipe, because they are the ones who are driving the innovation. It's not Mycofile or all of the countless others who have mastered the old ways to grow. I mean, people think they are so smart because they have the knowledge to grow mushrooms. It's not that hard guys, and you aren't as smart as you think. Innovation, Mycotek service and MicronMagik have been at the forefront recently with real tangible products, these guys are the ones who know a lot about shrooms. They are the one's who innovate. Without them the last major breakthrough would still be the PF Tek, and isn't that going on a decade or so old?
old hand

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Post deleted by users_request [Re: mycofile]
#576188 - 03/11/02 07:40 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Post deleted by administrator.

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Re: Hydroponic Mushrooms [Re: MicronMagick]
#576798 - 03/12/02 11:16 AM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
-------------------- "From a certain point of view"
-Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi
PM me with any cultivation questions.
I just looked at my profile and realized I had a website at one point in time on geocities, it's not there anymore and I have no idea what I had on it. Anybody remember my website from several years aga? PM if so please.

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Re: Hydroponic Mushrooms [Re: JackMehoff]
#577208 - 03/12/02 05:58 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
I've followed Kindnug's post's closely, both here and at the Hydra-pod message boards, and believe me when I say he's not a puppet, of McMan (myco-tek) or anyone else... Just look over some of his posts on the hydra-pod boards if you're uncertain.... I don't want to get into this little war, but thought I'd clear that issue up-
peace out-
-------------------- "You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline- It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nunclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer." -Frank Zappa
Post deleted by Anno [Re: roykinn]
#577279 - 03/12/02 07:15 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
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Re: Hydroponic Mushrooms
#577284 - 03/12/02 07:20 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
LISTEN UP EVERYONE, i have an idea on the hydro pod etc. So someone who in more educated on this field please see if this will work. I have two ideas. 1,First, the hydro pod is a great product, now using can you extend the life of the cake by maybe putting say 5 little pipe spikes in the platform. You would have the nutrients shrooms want or need in a resivoir right, then when u have your cakes you press them onto the spike so the spike goes in the middle of the cake. then all you do is find a way to regulate the flow or supply of nutes to the cake. but it will be a cake that refills with nutes and /or water from the inside out! now thats not a bad idea right? please help. i maybe want to see if i can create it. ok number 2.. the hydro pod is great and all but it is for cakes only right? so is there maybe a HYDRO CASER POD. which would be the same thing basically yet it would have say a rectangular surface. so the casing and the enviroment would be perfect. you can have a sweet air supply going into it so you wouldnt need to fan it. OK ARE THESE LOGICAL OR I AM I wrong.? please help..

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Re: Hydroponic Mushrooms [Re: Anonymous]
#577292 - 03/12/02 07:30 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Thank you jebus
-------------------- BULLSHIT
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Re: Hydroponic Mushrooms [Re: shroomwant]
#577301 - 03/12/02 07:45 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Why not make the cake with a couple of dripline veins embedded in it? Some small diameter tubing with some kind of drip setup inside the cake might do the trick. When it's fully colonized, hook it to something to deliver water. Maybe something like a water pick without the high velocity water. I haven't done any experimenting though.
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Re: Hydroponic Mushrooms [Re: Vandenberg]
#577304 - 03/12/02 07:47 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
It is nice to see that intelligent, thought out discussion of mushrooms and new ideas does in fact occur once in a while here at the Shroomery.
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Re: Hydroponic Mushrooms [Re: Ped]
#581562 - 03/17/02 05:15 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
Mycotek Service: In my opinion you aren't open enough to business opportunity as far as your revolutionary new super nutrient solution goes. First off, you do not consider the hundreds of people out there that already have a customary system set up and have been using that succesfully for a long time. These are potential customers of yours after all. But no, you have to go the whole nine yards and sell your pod with it, I simply believe that people won't give a shit for that elaborate and expensive setup, not to mention the guerrilla growers among us that simply can't store a hydropod in their house.
I urge you to think the promoting part of your new venture over and consider simply selling the nutrient by itself, no matter how expensive. After all Bluethumb offers a nice alternative parallel to your product. They sell an additive based on protein as well and did this before you came out with yours. Let us know, I am sure everybody digs your scientific efforts and you project a messiah of the new hydro era. Don't be afraid to run a trial on the distribution of the sole product. Please.
Lets voice ourselfs in the Poll forum. Perhaps this may aid as a sort of Market analysis...
Edited by maxo (03/17/02 05:25 PM)

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Re: Hydroponic Mushrooms [Re: maxo]
#581715 - 03/17/02 08:46 PM (22 years, 10 months ago) |
I agree completely maxo, there are simply not enough pod owners out there to warrant only selling it as a system only if you have a pod. To sell it as a sterilized compete substrate for use with the pod only for a year or so just to make sure all is well and that it truly is an improvement is one thing; but it makes no sense business wise to keep that your long term goal. It is a typical practice though to do small scale (sometimes consumers, sometimes somewhere in between) testing though highly limited channels of distribution and by controlled means (why you probably won't see the nutrient by itself for quite a while), and is a good one because he can get very good fast feedback through the private forum he runs (I guess he has given away some pods on here to key people and gotten back only "It works" as feedback). The other reason why he'll eventually start selling the nutrient alone besides to make a bunch of money? Because it may be the only way to get a patent, I'm really not an expert but I think he will have much more success in getting a patent for a specific nutrient chain rather than for a substrate (which has been used before, at least the base material coco has). And it will be much easier for him to turn out a bunch of that too, if the stuff eventually catches on he could be easily overwhelmed in making the substrate by hand. Not so with the nutrient. But I must say it would also be quite stupid for him to sell the nutrient by itself too soon and to anyone who wants it. It needs to be controlled now, I think he would definitely agree that it is custom designed for practically only 1 enviornment (the pod), and only 1 medium for cake material. I don't care if you all know that it could probably work somewhere else and in someone elses system, because most of the rest of us know that too. If it consistently works as good as is seen in this post and fruits better than BRF cakes too then it is just a matter of time before he wants to increase that market size (would probably double) and sell it as a nutrient to everyone. Everyone here should understand though that if he did sell it in nutrient form right now (especially with the patent still pending) people would be fucking with it and using it for things it was never designed for, probably giving it a bad name in the process. Anyways I expressed these same opinions to him personally (as well as an idea to give away 2 or 4 jar sterilized samples in bags to people on here who could come up with a use, hell you could even just give away 2 or 4 every now and then in contests), so I hope that he may by summer get some to people other than pod users. Hopefully my opinions are not taken offensively mycotek service; I hope this coconut strate is the shit and catches on quickly so that you can get back to researching other projects. Just trying to help, it's all I can do as a lowly business and economics TA. Peace out and happy shroomin!