Individuals... i also see it this way "Classical Liberalism defended the individual against the enveloping, undifferentiated collectivity -- a weapon of the state -- in the name of individualism, for the benefit of free-enterprise capitalism, where man is wolf to man, and all will turn out for the best in the best of all possible worlds. In individualism, freedom is conceived as a right of man not founded upon the relations between man and man, but rather upon the separation of man from man. It is the right of such separation. The right of the circumscribed individual, withdrawn into himself. It leads every man to see in other men the impediment, not the realization, of his own freedom. Murder is always incorporated. The moment the individual, whose consciousness has become conscious existence, gives up his rebellion for the sake of organizational cohesiveness, nurses an unresolved opposition between members, he ceases to be an individual and is recuperated by the wiles of the old world. At root, we wish to break with these men who have forgotten their childhood, as the defenders of the old world have forgotten theirs. Who remember of it only the images that broke it, dominated it -- who remember only the history of their adjustment to the enveloping and sterilized adult world. There is no pleasure without pain. The old banalities return to us, but washed of their inversions. For when the world as it is now organized uses the line, it has in mind the permanence of pain, the endurance of this suffering. The old man, leaning at the bridge, puffing eternally at his pipe, while the armies march forever by, the old man is patience, the only consolation. Pleasure appears as a streak, a break, a momentary usurpation that relieves and makes permanent the other. It gives birth to the sustaining visions of paradises lost. But the paradises are all and always of the mind. The lot of man, as you know, is to suffer. To repent. He killed his father, primal though he was. He murdered God. He cut off the king's head. Visions and acts of liberation become domination. Life is this. People who do not laugh, for they are pensive, distant, contemplating with immeasurable sadness the laughter of their masks. Death, that comes to put an end to a long and productive life becomes the ultimate injustice, the last straw. A definition of production could be, that which has no beginning, knows no rest and has no end. For labor to be labor, it must be sustained: when labor retires, it is to die. Yet, man is joy. A joy lost now between the hours when sleep is no longer sleep and not quite waking, it is the imaginings of childhood, the fantasies of man awake. It is imagination constructing and dissolving secret worlds, creativity sealed in characters in a book, stone on churchwall, area between the ears. Man as joy is man at play. And yet play, colonized in that it comes out in manners selected, allowed by the world, feeds the continuation of the world as it is. Play is creativity that knows rest, that knows silence and ends -- that experiences time as something other than that true image of the assembly line: the endless circularity of the swiss clock, the non-ending line in the perverted image of a cycle. What we aim at, beyond want and external compulsion, is the play of life itself, the manifestation of freedom. The problem is individual as consciousness of its need, it is collective for its resolution: the one passes through the other, and lies already imbedded in the other. The aim is also the weapon. The collectivity -- be it now community or nation -- as suppression of the individual is ideology (mystification) at the service of the prevailing organization of life." From your link at The Power of Negative Thinking, or Robin Hood Rides Again By Robert Chasse Published by The Council for the Liberation of Daily Life April 1968 What make us humans is also the barden to deal with our negative side, what make us better humans is also the ability to understand it, take advantage of it and gatter any positive aspect it may teach us. I would feel handicaped if i couldn't be able to analize myself and conclude i have no negative side, that would make me a god and i don't see any arround, meaning you're a god, means you're a perfect human being , wich you know it's unrealistic and impossible in our state of mind.... Sri Auronbindo [allmost] did it. Peace, MAIA
-------------------- Spiritual being, living a human experience ... The Shroomery Mandala Use, do not abuse; neither abstinence nor excess ever renders man happy. Voltaire