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Re: Astral Projection [Re: MentalHygene]
    #563957 - 02/26/02 04:03 PM (22 years, 11 months ago)

Good tip for any dream. I don't remember where i heard this but if your dreaming and you want a change of senery for whatever reason just roll over. thats right just imagine your physical body rolling over or turn around really fast. Im not sure if you really roll over but i imagine you do. Works great for me.

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Re: Astral Projection [Re: Anonymous]
    #564149 - 02/26/02 08:04 PM (22 years, 11 months ago)

I have heard the same thing about rolling over. I thought that that was a technique for astral projection though, but I guess it would work in a lucid dream as well. The theory goes something like this:

In the astral realm we don't have eyes in the physical sense. We can literaly see 360 degrees. When first in the astral world your instinct tell you to see with your "physical Eyes". When in actuality all you have to do is focus in the direction you want to see. This ecxercise (flipping) simply teaches you how to shift points of view. (you do not actually roll over in real life) I hope this was clear enough.


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Re: Astral Projection [Re: MentalHygene]
    #565717 - 02/28/02 10:44 AM (22 years, 11 months ago)

Last night I tried to project using Robert Bruce's "Rope" method. Within a couple of minutes I had very strange sensation and felt dizzy. I got excited and my breathing became irregular and my eyes started to flutter. I tried to keep my mind focused on climbing the rope as best I could. This dizzy state continued for a couple seconds before my eyes eventually opened and I lost my mindstate. I felt like I was very close to projecting but unfortuneately got too excited. Has anyone else had a similar experience? I will try to relax more next time and maybe try using a blindfold to help stop my eyes from fluttering. I really want to project.


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Eggshell Walker

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Re: Astral Projection [Re: SoulTech]
    #565730 - 02/28/02 10:56 AM (22 years, 11 months ago)

You were mentally projecting about astral projection. Of course you got all fluttery and excited, but nothing happened because there is no such thing. Good luck trying to convince yourself though...


The proof is in the pudding.

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Re: Astral Projection [Re: SoulTech]
    #565761 - 02/28/02 11:37 AM (22 years, 11 months ago)

Dont mind swami, he's always like that! Actually, I use the rope method almost exclusively. You had a bit to go untill a projection. You need to reach the trance stage first. You will lose all sense of gravity, and you will more than likely not be able to open your eyes. Also a extensive amount of chakra work has to preceed the trance state. But quite obviously you are on the right path! I'm not sure how much of Bruce's methor you read, but I believe the rope is part 5 in a 7 part exercise. Iwould suggest going all the way to page 1 and read the whole thing.


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Re: Astral Projection [Re: ]
    #565769 - 02/28/02 11:43 AM (22 years, 11 months ago)

I'm familiar with both astral projection, and lucid dreaming... more so with lucid dreaming, as it is one of my natural capabilities.... however, I'm not entirely sure I understand the connection between the two? Am i overlooking the obvious here?

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Re: Astral Projection [Re: DigitalAngyl]
    #565774 - 02/28/02 11:46 AM (22 years, 11 months ago)

The connection between the two is that neither of them happens in the material world with the physical body.

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Re: Astral Projection [Re: ]
    #565813 - 02/28/02 12:35 PM (22 years, 11 months ago)

i have never had an astral projection. but when i was younger i was able to control my dreams fairly easy. it all started with an episode of the Smurfs i saw when the evil wizard was trying to kill them in their dreams, but they said how they had the power to control their own dreams. once in a while im still able to control my dreams, but not so often.

through our senses the world appears. through our reactions we create delusions. without reactions the world becomes clear.

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Re: Astral Projection [Re: DigitalAngyl]
    #565941 - 02/28/02 02:25 PM (22 years, 11 months ago)

The connection between the two differs from person to person. To alot of folks a projection is a sort of self induced lucid dream while in the waking state. The function of the brain in both is essentially the same.


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Re: Astral Projection [Re: MentalHygene]
    #566200 - 02/28/02 07:13 PM (22 years, 11 months ago)

when i was in jr. high i tried to astral project... i bought a tape that talks you through it. i was in the middle of it and had to stop very abruptly b/c my piano teacher had arrived. i started to feel really sick, and nauseous. we had to cancel the lesson cuz i was so sick and pale. i don't know what happened but i'm guessing my autonomic nervous system had been jolted a bit too much for my liking. i never tried it again after that.

Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot. - Niel Gaiman

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Re: Astral Projection [Re: mariasabina]
    #567556 - 03/02/02 06:25 AM (22 years, 11 months ago)

isnt Calea zacatechichi  (dream herb) suppose to make you have lucid dreams any of you ever tried it thank's im about to order like 100 grams or so Does anybody have see'd that i can trade buy pzlzlzl pm me :smile:

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Re: Astral Projection [Re: Anonymous]
    #579759 - 03/15/02 02:20 PM (22 years, 11 months ago)

hey man if it works for me, then why shouldn't it work for you, right? try this, as you begin to feel your body become heavy and heavier always try to picture what your surrounding would look like through imagery, not just your immediate surroundings bu event as far as inner stellar space, there really is no limit. remember the key is concentration on alertness, also try to heighten your senses by not just picturing what it would look like but smelling, hearing, feeling these surroundings.

<+> wOrLd PhIlOsOpHy CaN OnLy bE UnDeRsToOd ThRoUgH aStRaL aWaKeNiNg<+>

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Re: Astral Projection [Re: tak]
    #579769 - 03/15/02 02:38 PM (22 years, 11 months ago)

a major problem that i had was jumping ahead to quickly before reaching sleep paralysis, I started trying to visualize all these beautiful places but i would just snap back right a way, I know this is very, very frustrating. sometimes at first you will not even realize you are in sleep paralsysis . you can still move at will in the first stages of it so a lot of people will think they have gotten it down, but then realized they could still move and just gave up. do not give up, you are about to enter a higher state of consciousness similar to the mush experience if you do it right. you must clear your mind of daily distractions, but at the same time visualize, visualize, visualize. what you visualize is important. at this stage you can start the dissasosciation process by picturing your body flying through landscapes, tunnels, through the sky. you will be seeing bright , brilliant colours by now in all sort of forms. don't just picture it, feel it to through your senses all over your body, can't stress this enough. try to turn the colors into portals, tunnels, landscapes and such dissasociating imagery. this is very brief however, definately read more info on the subject. search ( experiences in the estheric and astral body ). all sorts of other scary phenominon can occur during these stages, this is your warning!!!!

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Re: Astral Projection [Re: Anonymous]
    #579770 - 03/15/02 02:42 PM (22 years, 11 months ago)

projection within a lucid dream is nothing more than a hallucination.

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Re: Astral Projection [Re: SoulTech]
    #579810 - 03/15/02 03:18 PM (22 years, 11 months ago)

to stop your eyes from fluttering relax your cheeks, this is a sign of your body tensing up and you will obviously loose your projection.

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Re: Astral Projection [Re: MentalHygene]
    #579819 - 03/15/02 03:25 PM (22 years, 11 months ago)

to attain true astral projection, not a body hallucination, you must arrest your thoughts completely, however this technique sounds cool. Try this also, while in fairly deep trance picture your body as a fluctuating sound wave with only 2 demensions ( side to side ). Now imagine you, the sound wave drifting from side to side, further and further in each direction each time. this is extremely euphoric!!!!!

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Re: Astral Projection [Re: DigitalAngyl]
    #579825 - 03/15/02 03:27 PM (22 years, 11 months ago)

there is no connection, lucid dreaming is a hallucination while true astral projection involves actually penetrating the 4th dimension ( spiritual world ).

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Re: Astral Projection [Re: cHeMiCaLoRaNgE]
    #579835 - 03/15/02 03:43 PM (22 years, 11 months ago)

and how exactly do you know that astral projection isn't also a "hallucination"?
after all, it does involve deep meditation- which means it is very likely your brain is doing the same thing it does when lucid dreaming.

house is a spiritual thing

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Re: Astral Projection [Re: MentalHygene]
    #12861793 - 07/07/10 12:45 PM (14 years, 7 months ago)

I see very little difference between astral projection and lucid dreaming.

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The Minstrel in the Gallery

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Re: Astral Projection [Re: mushroomexplorer]
    #12861852 - 07/07/10 12:59 PM (14 years, 7 months ago)


"Don't believe everything you think". -Anom.

" All that lives was born to die"-Anom.

With much wisdom comes much sorrow,
The more knowledge, the more grief.
Ecclesiastes circa 350 BC

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