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interesting things you have tried to comprehend
#552723 - 02/15/02 02:45 PM (23 years, 8 days ago) |
while tripping.
me: carbonation. tried to calculate the volume of bubbles that are released from a freshly poured beer and the number of carbondioxide molecules in the average bubble. damn you avagadro's number, damn you!
Carpal Tunnel
Registered: 07/21/00
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Re: interesting things you have tried to comprehend [Re: gray1]
#552735 - 02/15/02 03:15 PM (23 years, 8 days ago) |
Interesting idea. You'd probably do best if you had distilled carbonated water and used a pH meter.

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Re: interesting things you have tried to comprehend [Re: Kid]
#552758 - 02/15/02 03:37 PM (23 years, 8 days ago) |
lots of things concerning rhythms..
i cant really put into words to easily..
trying to keep crazy numbers of beats on different limbs... and trying to comprehend the math equations going on inside my head.. like playing on different limbs in fuckin 2/4 through 13/8 and shit at different times and speeds and shit.. gets pretty fucked up, especially when you start to understand what you are actually playing and it starts to form these weird vibrations youve never experienced before... crazy...
omnicyclion.org admin

Registered: 02/06/02
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Re: interesting things you have tried to comprehend [Re: gray1]
#554078 - 02/17/02 12:09 AM (23 years, 7 days ago) |
So: I'm not the only science nerd around here!!!
As for those bubbles: Did you take the slight overpressure of the gasbubbles & the degree of saturation of CO2 in the aq. alc. into the equasion?
On a Trip I tried to look at the Universe as my "discoveries" dictated it should look like. I got the picture.
"look into the nights sky, at the stars. Take a distance. You'll see the galaxies like they were stars. Back off. See the Whole of this Universe fusing into this one lonely star. Now back off some more & look trough the eyes of Gravity: You'll see ever increasing numbers of Universes, distanced incredibly. Further away, you see all those Universes forming a certain pattern. If you back off the ultimate distance you'll see this pattern of Universes stretching out into Infinity..."
Now you might call it weird but it was fun & interesting for me!!!
-------------------- Omnicyclion.org
higher knowledge starts here
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Re: interesting things you have tried to comprehend [Re: gray1]
#555518 - 02/18/02 04:07 PM (23 years, 5 days ago) |
2 words: Divine Dichotomy
You know that theory that, in order for something to exist, the opposite has to exist? Try thinking of that while tripping. That has been my primary focus on my last few trips.
If you don't understand, try this: A piece of green is born, living in a green house with only green things around him. There are no other colours but green. The piece of green will therefore never ever know that he is green, nor that the color green even exists. And therefore, to him, green does not exist. Now if he were to go somewhere and see, for example, orange, green would suddenly exist.
Try applying this to everything, and see where you end up. I get closer and closer to understanding it, and sometimes I get a "divine moment of truth" (to quote shpongle, again) where I completely understand it, and my mind is filled with the bliss of knowledge. It really is a bitchin thing to trip to.
"In order for me to exist, I cannot exist..."
i like ham

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Re: interesting things you have tried to comprehend [Re: gray1]
#555572 - 02/18/02 05:17 PM (23 years, 5 days ago) |
Once tried to figure out what the symbols on my tv remote control meant while tripping. Wanted to watch a movie but just couldn't figure out how to set it to the video channel.
Oh and I often wonder where the atoms I'm made of are from. Or where the water in the radiator originally came from before it was captured, and pumped around again and again, forced to move in that circle for countless times.
Olive grower

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Re: interesting things you have tried to comprehend [Re: gray1]
#555589 - 02/18/02 05:53 PM (23 years, 5 days ago) |
My body, in all its complexity. Its rather mind blowing, all the things that are going on, constantly, and automatically, and why we have no real control over it, and also, why we only have control over certain aspects of our physical being. I mean, why cant you just decide that you dont want your hair to grow anymore? The idea that we are also free individuals, in the sense that we are just one object, we dont really need anything other than ourselves to do things, except for energy, ie food. That idea is really weird, when tripping.
Some thoughts....
-------------------- I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than have a frontal lobotomy
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Re: interesting things you have tried to comprehen [Re: Chonger]
#555596 - 02/18/02 06:02 PM (23 years, 5 days ago) |
once i tried focusing just on my sitting. and another time i realized that when you sit down, you are much shorter and closer to the ground. it is all really mind boggling. but the best thing of all time, for those who dare to look into the mirror, line up two so they are parallel and look into one. it goes on forever and is the trippiest thing on earth. infinite regression is the name i think.
-------------------- Darlene: "Ted, I got you this new nose plug to stop you from snoring at night."
Ted: "Uh yeah, and I got you this paper bag to stop you from looking like James Brown in the Morning."
Darlene: "Oh come now, I don't look anything like James Brown."
Ted: "Hey kids, who does your mom look like in the morning?"
Kids... in unison: "James Brown!"
Darlene, "All right, thats enough... It's poison spaghetti for dinner tonight."

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Re: interesting things you have tried to comprehend [Re: gray1]
#555844 - 02/18/02 11:35 PM (23 years, 5 days ago) |
It blows my mind, the idea that when I am high, that is how things are and are supposed to be. Anybody who has never tried shrooms is left behind, left in the fake world. All thier laws of physics and reality are flawed. Shrooms provide a gateway INTO the real world, not a gateway out. People try to classify things in order to make them make sense. The truth is things just dont make sense! When people say they gain insight while high, that's absolutely correct. People are made to understand how things work, usually resulting in making themselves better. Before I started munching mush I was left behind, I didn't know it at the time but I was. Everything makes more sense. Now everything is real and how it is supposed to be.
-------------------- Go through the orange yesterday
I watched intently for a while to both sides, infront of me and behind me.
I was impressed to learn there was another way to look... UP!
More impressive still was the fact that there were beautiful stars in this direction
Most amazing fact of all was the prospect of another direction when I was done with up. DOWN! Which, based on the feel through my toes would be a fine sandy beach!

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Re: interesting things you have tried to comprehend [Re: superfine]
#556117 - 02/19/02 09:49 AM (23 years, 5 days ago) |
I've started to see the patterns behind most everyday things i do.. and how it all has a hidden structure to it.. really weird..
ive also had that inkling that when you are getting high and tripping, you actually ARE being enlightened.. and "you know how things are supposed to be", and that everything around you is just a desperate attempt to work a system out that is just impossible to make..
Ive always had this vision of a view of the planet Earth from an outerspace view, and these little red pinpoint lights would flash up whereverr someone was dosing on psychedelics, as if it was a 'Trip-Detector' or something and told you which parts of the Earth was expelling more mental energy...
e l e m e n t al i t y

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Re: interesting things you have tried to comprehend [Re: Grav]
#556257 - 02/19/02 12:52 PM (23 years, 5 days ago) |
trip-detector... that's fuckin awesome. sounds like something that would run through my head too.
For Me: time no longer linear. in a CEV i zoomed out to see time as a conventional time line, a line through space. then it exploded to... something i cannot describe. i just became immersed in time all around me, no longer a straight line with definite past, present, future.
Also: everytime i come down i always try to remember how I SHOULD be... how i should act and what i should normally be saying. this always sends me down a confused path, thinking that i've been acting so differently from how i have been. I even once had flashes that i did these outrageous things while on my trip that i don't remember, but in fact never happened (running down the street naked... etc.) but then i realize i'm being dumb. so yeah.
-------------------- Blas'?trid (bl?s tr?d)
n. 3rd generation derivitave of a combination of 'bastard' and 'blasted'. Used as both an insult or an expletive.
ex. Blastrid!
Stereopattern <--My music.

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Re: interesting things you have tried to comprehend [Re: Blastrid]
#556327 - 02/19/02 02:05 PM (23 years, 4 days ago) |
I like to contemplate what exactly reality is. I can just marvel over the fact that every human being is so reliant on said "reality" yet they have never really experienced it in it's true form. Think about it, things are only as "real" as our minds tell us. There is no absolute reality that we can experience. If we look at a color and it's red, how can we really be sure that it's red? Just because our mind registers it as being the color red, it could be a completely different color, or maybe even a pattern so complex, our mind freezes and just registers it as red.
It's also interesting thinking about time and our current state. I mean every moment except for the EXACT one that you are living doesn't exist. It's all a story..a memory, or a prediction.
I was also reading about how we are all one and how we are all connected, and that we're all just "sub" versions of the "creator" trying to experience life in as many ways as possible, so if that's indeed a fact then life and death is extremely trivial.
-------------------- W A R N I N G
This signature message for YOU is formulated to GRAB your ATTENTION and.. allow your mind to sink deeper and deeper within itself.. right now.. as your eyes ROOOOOLL over this text you may even notice.. your breathing starts slow down.. and you.. allow yourself to.. become calm and relaxed.. and you'll.. feel drenched in a warm and fuzzy energy.. and every time you read this message, you might.. feel that same warm and buzzing energy getting stronger and thicker..
"I had a friend once who told me that the worst mistake that you can make is to think that you are alive, when really you're asleep in life's waiting room." -waking life

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Re: interesting things you have tried to comprehend [Re: gray1]
#556391 - 02/19/02 03:11 PM (23 years, 4 days ago) |
I once tried to experience and comprehend the unimaginable and incomprehensible, during my trip. This, as you may expect, totally fucked me up. I was actually experiencing it, at least, I thought I was.
Also, at the same trip, I analized and dissected, literaly, the moment of excistence, and finally came down to what we experience as reality (cant really explain this).
Something I always got into in my first few trips, was trying to understand what time was, which also fucked me up...
Ive also tried to find out how a cd player worked, and how a doorknob worked. I failed with both.
Also, I have tried to find out the working and meaning of serotin and psylocibine during an xtc/mushroom combi. My conclusion was that serotin is responsible for our perception of reality (nothing new really).
Also, I found out the sun is a globe circling (from our point of view) around earth, which also would be a globe. Then I realized this was a stupid idea .
And figuring out which idea can not end with "or maybe not" or a varitation of that. Evantually, I figured out it was the answer to everything
-------------------- its all placebo