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old hand
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Should vendors send you threatening pm's?
#536050 - 01/30/02 02:45 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
I've received several threatening pm's referring to me as a "faggot" and "gay" (this vendor seems to have a preoccupation with homosexuality)...
Just wondering what all of you think about this. Is this good business practice? I have received quite a number of pm's from the same vendor under his original nick and others (you can tell it's him with the same spelling mistakes and preoccupation with homosexuals).
Now I'm gonna leave the floor open to all you fine folks...
Is this an activity that a "reputable" vendor should partake in?
I'll give you a hint who it was:
This vendor ALSO posted a customer's home address on a public bulletin board for all to see when he got pissed off at them.
have fun
be well
-------------------- Don't do drugs.
Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: camel]
#536054 - 01/30/02 02:51 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Thats pretty fucked, What did you do to him?
old hand
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Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: Anonymous]
#536059 - 01/30/02 02:56 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
I pointed out that it was morally wrong for him to boldly state that the people at FF are "idiots" in the disclaimer on his site(when obviously it is the other way around). I also told him it's not cool to publicly post peoples' home addresses. Apparently he thinks such behavior is "ok" because the threatening pm's keep rolling in.
This fellow im speaking of is even worse than the blackmailing McMan!
Obviously this isn't that bright of a fellow we're talking about here...
i guess that's why we just don't order from companies like that But i'd figure you all would like to know what your "vendors" are up to "behind the scenes".
be well
-------------------- Don't do drugs.
Just a Punk
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Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: camel]
#536062 - 01/30/02 02:58 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Vendors should definately not send you threatening PM's. That's a very bad business practice.
I would suggest posting a web page detailing the messages, theirs and yours.
-------------------- -------------------------------------------------
old hand
Registered: 04/02/99
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Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: Just a Punk]
#536065 - 01/30/02 03:04 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Maybe dimitri should confront his problems instead of blowing a cloud of smoke everytime he fucks up (which seems to be very often, my pm box is full)
Is this behavior really necessary, dimitri? I'm a simple person and dont like to get dragged into this BS, but after so many pm's even the coolest cats get irritated.
be well
-------------------- Don't do drugs.
Retired Shroomery Mod
Registered: 12/11/01
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Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: camel]
#536080 - 01/30/02 03:34 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
No Vendors shouldn't send people threatening or degrading im's.
No one should.....period.
He probably shouldn't have his statement up on his web site saying that the Forrest Floor is full of idiots that snub newbies.
I was a newbie and the people at the FF were very nice to me.
But....its not nice to keep attacking each other......back and forth.
Here a dig there a dig.....everywhere a dig.
Seems like alot of the same people are making the digs.
I use both forums.....have friends in both.
If you can't stand someone in one forum......use the other one.
Or if you must .....just ignore the persons posts that you don't like.
If you can't be civil......keep your fricken pie hole shut.
I'm not dirrecting this at anyone in general....so please don't take offense.
It just gets real old seeing flame wars that have been going on for so long.
Not everyone is going to get along.....that is why there are REAL WARS.
Get back to the basics.....grow and eat some shrooms and chill.
-------------------- Laterz, Road
Who the hell you callin crazy?
You wouldn't know what crazy was if Charles Manson was eating froot loops on your front porch!
Brainiac said:
PM the names with on there names, that means they have mushrooms for sale.
Captain Jack
i [heart] you
Registered: 01/23/00
Posts: 4,113
Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: camel]
#536162 - 01/30/02 05:03 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Until the board is someday upgraded to allow blocking of PMs from certain users.....just don't open them.
Communication requires a sender and a receiver. If you do not become a receiver, there is no communication. In other words, he doesn't call you names if you don't open them.
Thanks for not posting the PMs, but I'm still not sure this is a conversation we want on this board. After all, private messages are just that, private messages.
-------------------- -
Captain Jack has been hailed as a brilliant scholar, discredited as a brilliant fraud, and mistaken for a much taller man on several occasions.
Zen Peddler
Registered: 06/18/01
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Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: camel]
#536165 - 01/30/02 05:06 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
The whole point of Private Messages are that they ARE private - Im not sure why you cant stop beating a very dead horse
Registered: 12/27/01
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Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: Zen Peddler]
#536201 - 01/30/02 05:46 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Speaking of PM's and dimitri mabey you should tell them about the message that I sent to your friend BrownPastures (I am sure he told you). I apologized for mine and dimitri's behavior because I thought it would help smooth things out. I also stated in the last post that dimitri WAS out of line for putting that message on the opening page and I am going to talk to him about it. What are you always stirring stuff up man.
I have a proposition, you and dimitri shake hands and quit this flaming bullshit. I am sure you both would be much better off without all of this nonsense. I will keep dimitri in line if you TRY to stay out of his hair. I realize you have your differences but bet dimitri would do it if you do.
Good day
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 1,331
Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: Kronos]
#536213 - 01/30/02 05:57 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Sounds to me like he's got a legitimate gripe to me Kronos. It's easy to shake hands and make up when you are the one doing the fuckin but when you are the fuckee its a little tougher. I dont know shit about the situation but if a vendor put my personal detail out on the net the next post he'd be making would be how I was a fuckin nut for showing up and stomping his ass in real time. I sound like a puppett but thats exactly why i ve chosen only to do business with one vendor here. A mans personal life and business life is worth protecting in my opinion.
Registered: 12/27/01
Posts: 39
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Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: SouthernGent]
#536223 - 01/30/02 06:14 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
I totally agree with you about the address thing, I also agree it is a legitimate gripe, but water under the bridge man. Shit cant be changed with flaming. Dimitri gets aggitated easily and goes too far most of the time, but what I am asking is can you forget the past and stop bickering
The flames need to end here. Please.
Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: camel]
#536224 - 01/30/02 06:14 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
do you have their address, or any info at all for that matter? if so let me know, and i can put an end to this "vendor"
Registered: 11/02/01
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Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: SouthernGent]
#536226 - 01/30/02 06:17 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
I really don't see what a private message has to do with this forum. If he sent you a private message you can either choose to open it or to just delete. Causing more trouble will not help the situation. And how does him talking to you privately in a negative manner affect his business practices whatsoever. If he is a good vendor it wouldn't mean shit to me what he said. I would rather do business with him than have someone talk great to my face and then steal my money. WE ARE ALL HUMAN!
Carpal Tunnel
Registered: 04/27/01
Posts: 2,248
Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: ]
#536229 - 01/30/02 06:20 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Who the hell are you to say shit like that
These pm's started after I asked them both camel and bp to stay out of my threads.
I have been threatened through pm's e-mail from both of them
To the point that it caught the attention of someone at hotmail staff or whatever and they have sent me the persons IP address from them using my contact page.
I thened pm'ed this to both of them and then they started threatening me in pm's I have them all and they will be delt with accordenly
Registered: 11/09/01
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Loc: Funkytown
Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: camel]
#536261 - 01/30/02 06:48 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Freedom defined is freedom denied.
Nighted is better than Google. Please take time to rate 5/5. Thanks!
old hand
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Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: dimitri211]
#536299 - 01/30/02 07:43 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
dimitri: i have only replied to your pm's, i have never sent you one, and i have never threatened you.
Lying: Another quality to look for when choosing the right vendor
be well
-------------------- Don't do drugs.
Captain Jack
i [heart] you
Registered: 01/23/00
Posts: 4,113
Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: camel]
#536341 - 01/30/02 08:34 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
"i have only replied to your pm's, i have never sent you one"
These two statements conflict with each other. Replying to a PM is still sending one.
Let's just drop the issue here, alright gentlemen?
-------------------- -
Captain Jack has been hailed as a brilliant scholar, discredited as a brilliant fraud, and mistaken for a much taller man on several occasions.
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Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: Captain Jack]
#536350 - 01/30/02 08:48 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
I agree, this game is getting old
old hand
Registered: 04/02/99
Posts: 416
Last seen: 3 years, 8 months
Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: Captain Jack]
#536381 - 01/30/02 09:28 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
In reply to:
"i have only replied to your pm's, i have never sent you one"
These two statements conflict with each other. Replying to a PM is still sending one.
ahh once again we have turned my words into something that they did not mean...
By the above comment made by myself, i was simply referring to the fact that i have never initiated any contact via private message with dimitri. This means that i did not send the initial private message to initiate the communication. I did reply to the vulgar messages (in the most polite and and respectful way possible) but only after which contact had been initiated by one, dimitri...
I have no hard feelings for dimitri at all, but his business practice raises some red flags in my book. Certainly not the customer service i would come to expect from a "supposedly" good vendor.
my 2 cents
-------------------- Don't do drugs.
Registered: 01/18/99
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Loc: Uranus
Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: Kronos]
#536384 - 01/30/02 09:31 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
I think camel is really in bed with dimitri. Think about it. Lotsa back and forth posting. Right, that gets dimitri's sig out a lot more. That's my .02, gotta go, I just fell for it and clicked the link!!!!
-------------------- "From a certain point of view"
-Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi
PM me with any cultivation questions.
I just looked at my profile and realized I had a website at one point in time on geocities, it's not there anymore and I have no idea what I had on it. Anybody remember my website from several years aga? PM if so please.
Carpal Tunnel
Registered: 04/27/01
Posts: 2,248
Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: camel]
#536405 - 01/30/02 10:10 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
camel this is directed at all if you don't like it don't go to it.
I do not do this for a living nor do I do it for added income.
All extra money made goes into adding more products etc...
If people have a problem with the way I feel don't stop by.
I hold no hard feelings towards camel and ask that if you don't like it tell me via pm or e-mail.
It's my site and because it is like my "ball and I am going to take my ball and go home"it is mine and I can and will post or advertise what I want.
This has nothing to do with the shroomery vs anyone I pay host fees and they host my site.
this is not directed to any one person.
Registered: 10/31/01
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Loc: up your ass
Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: Kronos]
#536415 - 01/30/02 10:25 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
In reply to:
I will keep dimitri in line if you TRY to stay out of his hair.
What a strange statement. What is your relation to this "vendor"? Are you his dad? His mom?
I am sure he has sent many members here strange and even threatening private messages. I have recieved over a dozen such messages from him in the past myself.
This "vendor" is just full of class and professionalism. His actions here do not go without notice.
-------------------- BULLSHIT
Carpal Tunnel
Registered: 04/27/01
Posts: 2,248
Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: dimitri211]
#536416 - 01/30/02 10:27 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
I have come to an agreement w/ camel to remove my comments on my site about the FF. I will however point out something that sparked this paragrph on my site.
BP came here and posted 10 reason shroomery still sucks and named to many brf questions newbies etc...
Well this told me that if a newbie went to the forest floor and asked a question and BP saw it he would attack the newbie right??
Now since everyone had to start somewhere (even BP) and for most it is with brf and verm. I decided to point this out so a newbie would not get attacked by this asshole if it does happen and a newbie get's attacked without provocation for asking common question I will add this back to my site in greater detail.
I like to help out and don't mind newbies asking questions and I refuse to see them get attacked for asking questions that a veteran seems to deem as to common or asked to many times.
Carpal Tunnel
Registered: 04/27/01
Posts: 2,248
Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: JackMehoff]
#536418 - 01/30/02 10:30 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
You keep noticing and I will continue with business as usual.
Registered: 10/31/01
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Loc: up your ass
Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: dimitri211]
#536422 - 01/30/02 10:42 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
While noticeing, I have noticed that you have attacked newbies here yourself. All along pretending you are not a newbie yourself.
Then their is the issues of your being not mentally stable, the bigotry, the homophobia, the lack of professionalism etc. etc.
Business as usual.
-------------------- BULLSHIT
old hand
Registered: 04/02/99
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Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: dimitri211]
#536423 - 01/30/02 10:44 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
There are quite a few pf-tek questiions in the Cultivation forum at FF, and quite a few newbies as well. Yes, many of the folks at FF are on to advanced techniques but we see no reason to bash a newbie just cause they're new. We help them like any other.
There are however a couple bad apples that still feel the need to bitch and complain, which upsets me because it gives all of us a bad name.
I'm glad we're done with this tho i must say
be well
-------------------- Don't do drugs.
Registered: 12/27/01
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Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: JackMehoff]
#536424 - 01/30/02 10:45 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
In reply to:
What a strange statement. What is your relation to this "vendor"? Are you his dad? His mom?
I am his mom
Edited by Kronos (01/30/02 10:48 PM)
Carpal Tunnel
Registered: 04/27/01
Posts: 2,248
Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: JackMehoff]
#536426 - 01/30/02 10:48 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
In the words of people before you DOWN with your sock pSubject Should vendors send you threatening pm's? Reply
Posted by camel (the man from the mountain)
Posted on 01/30/02 03:45 PM
I've received several threatening pm's referring to me as a "faggot" and "gay" (this vendor seems to have a preoccupation with homosexuality)...
Just wondering what all of you think about this. Is this good business practice? I have received quite a number of pm's from the same vendor under his original nick and others (you can tell it's him with the same spelling mistakes and preoccupation with homosexuals).
Now I'm gonna leave the floor open to all you fine folks...
Is this an activity that a "reputable" vendor should partake in?
I'll give you a hint who it was:
This vendor ALSO posted a customer's home address on a public bulletin board for all to see when he got pissed off at them.
have fun
be well
Post Extras:
Subject Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [re: camel] Reply
Posted by psyko78626 (people are strange when your a stranger)
Posted on 01/30/02 03:51 PM
Thats pretty fucked, What did you do to him?
Post Extras:
Subject Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [re: psyko78626] Reply
Posted by camel (the man from the mountain)
Posted on 01/30/02 03:56 PM
I pointed out that it was morally wrong for him to boldly state that the people at FF are "idiots" in the disclaimer on his site(when obviously it is the other way around). I also told him it's not cool to publicly post peoples' home addresses. Apparently he thinks such behavior is "ok" because the threatening pm's keep rolling in.
This fellow im speaking of is even worse than the blackmailing McMan!
Obviously this isn't that bright of a fellow we're talking about here...
i guess that's why we just don't order from companies like that But i'd figure you all would like to know what your "vendors" are up to "behind the scenes".
be well
Post Extras:
Subject Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [re: camel] Reply
Posted by Just a Punk (Masturbatory Device)
Posted on 01/30/02 03:58 PM
Vendors should definately not send you threatening PM's. That's a very bad business practice.
I would suggest posting a web page detailing the messages, theirs and yours.
Your ballroom days are over, baby.
Post Extras:
Subject Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [re: Just a Punk] Reply
Posted by camel (the man from the mountain)
Posted on 01/30/02 04:04 PM
Maybe dimitri should confront his problems instead of blowing a cloud of smoke everytime he fucks up (which seems to be very often, my pm box is full)
Is this behavior really necessary, dimitri? I'm a simple person and dont like to get dragged into this BS, but after so many pm's even the coolest cats get irritated.
be well
Post Extras:
Subject Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [re: camel] Reply
Posted by Roadkill (dead guy)
Posted on 01/30/02 04:34 PM
No Vendors shouldn't send people threatening or degrading im's.
No one should.....period.
He probably shouldn't have his statement up on his web site saying that the Forrest Floor is full of idiots that snub newbies.
I was a newbie and the people at the FF were very nice to me.
But....its not nice to keep attacking each other......back and forth.
Here a dig there a dig.....everywhere a dig.
Seems like alot of the same people are making the digs.
I use both forums.....have friends in both.
If you can't stand someone in one forum......use the other one.
Or if you must .....just ignore the persons posts that you don't like.
If you can't be civil......keep your fricken pie hole shut.
I'm not dirrecting this at anyone in general....so please don't take offense.
It just gets real old seeing flame wars that have been going on for so long.
Not everyone is going to get along.....that is why there are REAL WARS.
Get back to the basics.....grow and eat some shrooms and chill.
Laterz, Road
"It's dignified, humane and painless, and they can do it at home." Dr. Jack Kavorkian
Please Support the FSR
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Subject Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [re: camel] Reply
Posted by Captain Jack (mung me)
Posted on 01/30/02 06:03 PM
Until the board is someday upgraded to allow blocking of PMs from certain users.....just don't open them.
Communication requires a sender and a receiver. If you do not become a receiver, there is no communication. In other words, he doesn't call you names if you don't open them.
Thanks for not posting the PMs, but I'm still not sure this is a conversation we want on this board. After all, private messages are just that, private messages.
Post Extras:
Subject Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [re: camel] Reply
Posted by bluemeanie (Counter Culture Crusader)
Posted on 01/30/02 06:06 PM
The whole point of Private Messages are that they ARE private - Im not sure why you cant stop beating a very dead horse
Tricky is weirder than you! /blue]
Post Extras:
Subject Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [re: bluemeanie] Reply
Posted by Kronos (Where are my keys?)
Posted on 01/30/02 06:46 PM
Speaking of PM's and dimitri mabey you should tell them about the message that I sent to your friend BrownPastures (I am sure he told you). I apologized for mine and dimitri's behavior because I thought it would help smooth things out. I also stated in the last post that dimitri WAS out of line for putting that message on the opening page and I am going to talk to him about it. What are you always stirring stuff up man.
I have a proposition, you and dimitri shake hands and quit this flaming bullshit. I am sure you both would be much better off without all of this nonsense. I will keep dimitri in line if you TRY to stay out of his hair. I realize you have your differences but bet dimitri would do it if you do.
Good day
Dr.Bluethumbs Old School Toad Stools
Post Extras:
Subject Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [re: Kronos] Reply
Posted by SouthernGent (rookieshroomer)
Posted on 01/30/02 06:57 PM
Sounds to me like he's got a legitimate gripe to me Kronos. It's easy to shake hands and make up when you are the one doing the fuckin but when you are the fuckee its a little tougher. I dont know shit about the situation but if a vendor put my personal detail out on the net the next post he'd be making would be how I was a fuckin nut for showing up and stomping his ass in real time. I sound like a puppett but thats exactly why i ve chosen only to do business with one vendor here. A mans personal life and business life is worth protecting in my opinion.
If Ralphster deserves fellatio then Workman and Psilocyber deserve to give anal to the lady of they're choice.
Post Extras:
Subject Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [re: SouthernGent] Reply
Posted by Kronos (Where are my keys?)
Posted on 01/30/02 07:14 PM
I totally agree with you about the address thing, I also agree it is a legitimate gripe, but water under the bridge man. Shit cant be changed with flaming. Dimitri gets aggitated easily and goes too far most of the time, but what I am asking is can you forget the past and stop bickering
The flames need to end here. Please.
Dr.Bluethumbs Old School Toad Stools
Post Extras:
Subject Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [re: camel] Reply
Posted by mushroomer (newbie)
Posted on 01/30/02 07:14 PM
do you have their address, or any info at all for that matter? if so let me know, and i can put an end to this "vendor"
Post Extras:
Subject Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [re: SouthernGent] Reply
Posted by Supershrooomer (shroomer)
Posted on 01/30/02 07:17 PM
I really don't see what a private message has to do with this forum. If he sent you a private message you can either choose to open it or to just delete. Causing more trouble will not help the situation. And how does him talking to you privately in a negative manner affect his business practices whatsoever. If he is a good vendor it wouldn't mean shit to me what he said. I would rather do business with him than have someone talk great to my face and then steal my money. WE ARE ALL HUMAN!
Post Extras:
Subject Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [re: mushroomer] Edit Reply
Posted by dimitri211 (Dr. Bluethumbs)
Posted on 01/30/02 07:20 PM
Who the hell are you to say shit like that
These pm's started after I asked them both camel and bp to stay out of my threads.
I have been threatened through pm's e-mail from both of them
To the point that it caught the attention of someone at hotmail staff or whatever and they have sent me the persons IP address from them using my contact page.
I thened pm'ed this to both of them and then they started threatening me in pm's I have them all and they will be delt with accordenly
Dr Bluethumbs
Post Extras:
Subject Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [re: camel] Reply
Posted by Nighted (Ghost)
Posted on 01/30/02 07:48 PM
Anti-Theist OVERLORD
Registered: 08/12/98
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Loc: Iceland
Re: Should vendors send you threatening pm's? [Re: camel]
#536458 - 01/30/02 11:39 PM (22 years, 11 months ago) |
Are we children? What the hell is with this childish PMing, and sending email bombs?? BrownPastures, Camel, dimitri, stop sending each other shit..
I do not give a flying fuck who started it, this isn't a god damn daycare.. All of you behave or its good bye.
Actually its good bye for a few of you already tonight... See how everyone feels after 2 weeks away.