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Quieting the mind...
#526149 - 01/20/02 12:28 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Hello everyone, I was just sittin here thinking about how I didin't want to be thinking and then thinking about how I didin't want to be thinking about how I didin't want to be thinking and... well you know. So anyways, I was just wonderin if any of you have any advice you might care to share with a guy who is at his wits end. ALL I NEED IS PEACE!!!. If you would be so kind as to show me some tricks to trick the trickster? Or maybe just some ways I might go about quieting these maniacs living in my head, I would be greatfull beyond belief.
Power of Lard

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Re: Quieting the mind... [Re: emptyvessel]
#526161 - 01/20/02 12:43 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Give in and do what they want. Not until then will they leave your head.
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Re: Quieting the mind... [Re: Ulysees]
#526186 - 01/20/02 01:05 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Thanks, thats the kind of advice I was hoping for. =D
Re: Quieting the mind... [Re: emptyvessel]
#526197 - 01/20/02 01:18 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
just breathe... and focus on your breath. all will disappear...

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Re: Quieting the mind... [Re: Anonymous]
#526230 - 01/20/02 01:55 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Just get really drunk and pass out..
-------------------- IM A DRUG NERD
that made sence... right?

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He is correct folks.
-------------------- Vote Jonnyshaggs in the next election for GOD...Its the responsible choice
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Re: Quieting the mind... [Re: emptyvessel]
#526480 - 01/20/02 10:58 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Who is the trickster you want to trick? Who are those maniacs in your head? If the mirror image is rude and obnoxious, do you try to punch it in the face, or will that fail entirely?
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Re: Quieting the mind... [Re: emptyvessel]
#526530 - 01/20/02 12:11 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Dude, .......meditate.
Peace of mind is the immediate reward reaped by meditation.
Quieting the mind, quieting these thoughts that tire us so...
Gives your brain quite a rest.
-------------------- I'm praying for infinite lapdances in heaven and an infinite supply of cocaine to snort out of Angelina Jolie's ass crack.
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This may not work for you, but meditating outdoors at night or in the morning works wonders for me. The sound of nature soothes my mind and allows me to let go the monkeys of thought alot easier than when I attempt it in my house.
{ { { ṧ◎ηḯ¢ αʟ¢ℌ℮мƴ } } }
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Re: Quieting the mind... [Re: emptyvessel]
#526563 - 01/20/02 12:56 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Listen to the silence behind the noise...
Re: Quieting the mind... [Re: emptyvessel]
#526843 - 01/20/02 07:12 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Go within
Thoughts disappear
Transcend TIme
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Re: Quieting the mind... [Re: gribochek]
#526898 - 01/20/02 09:10 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Who is the trickster you want to trick? Who are those maniacs in your head? If the mirror image is rude and obnoxious, do you try to punch it in the face, or will that fail entirely?
Gribo, you are indeed the Zen master, please give me a koan.
What I do to quiet the noise in my head, is to take in a deep lungful of air and shout at top volume "SHUT UP!". It doesn't work, but it feels good.
The proof is in the pudding.
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Re: Quieting the mind... [Re: ]
#526928 - 01/20/02 09:54 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Thanks for the input everyone. I have tried different kinds of meditation in the past but had no success, so I gave it up only to give up my freedom. I guess my motivation to do things isin't what it used to be, Thanks to modern technology. I've had those moments though when my mind stops chattering just for a second, and at that moment, all judgements fall away, it's as if a veil had been lifted from my eyes, and I can see clearly for once.
What brought about this inabillity to control ones mind? I feel this to be an inballance of mind and body and a sickness of modern man. I feel this sickness to be the cause of all the destruction we've inflicted on this planet and the reason why we can't live peacefully with each other and the world around us.
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Re: Quieting the mind... [Re: emptyvessel]
#526934 - 01/20/02 10:02 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
"Who is the trickster you want to trick? Who are those maniacs in your head? If the mirror image is rude and obnoxious, do you try to punch it in the face, or will that fail entirely?"
=) I hear you. Maybe that didin't come out right.
But I can taste my own tounge.
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Re: Quieting the mind... [Re: Swami]
#527198 - 01/21/02 08:49 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
A koan? Ok.
Two friends, Swami and Snami on separate occasions have been examining a well from which local peasants routinely take water. When they met the next time they started a conversation thus:
Swami: What a useful thing that well is. It provides large amounts of H2O for local human sapienses. I couldn't help but notice, however, a troll-like person looking up at me from the water, he looked strangely like me.
Snami: What you say is strange indeed, my friend. I noticed a similar thing too, but it was a person strangely reminiscent of myself, not you, who was looking up. You are either mistaken or lying.
Thus they argue until they deside to go to a local Zen master for fair judgement. They ask him: "Who is the man looking up at you from the well?" Zen master laughed and responded thus: "Do not preoccupy yourself, friends, for that man, whoever that was, is not there at the moment".
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Re: Quieting the mind... [Re: gribochek]
#527871 - 01/22/02 01:19 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
I ask myself this alot too...usually in bed before i go to sleep...i thinka bout hwta im thinkign about, and theni relize that is hwat im thinking about htenit hink about stopping...I just let it go with the flow. However sometimes it seems as though it NEEDS something to think about, like it cant flow, so i need ot feed it...thats when I get involved, and i hate doing work. I have never meditated, im too lazy. lol. I know im weak, but i think maybe someday, or i dont have time now, or i need to do something better, or this or that...i really should try.
-------------------- The DJ's took pills to stay awake and play for seven days.
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Re: Quieting the mind... [Re: emptyvessel]
#529068 - 01/23/02 12:21 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
All it takes is 5 minutes to let go. Right before you sleep. Right after you wake up. Walking, sitting, shitting .. it doesn't matter. Anytime.
When these thoughts come to the forefront of your mind the hardest thing to do is to ignore them. So do not ignore them. But Acknowledge the thoughts whatever they may be and then let them go and just pay attetnion to the way your breath enters your body and then leaves.
It sounds hokey but the whole "take 10 breaths when you get excited" concept is basically the same. When we allow ourselves to focus on our breathing and let our bodies relax into the moment the mind finds it easier to relax into this state.
It takes practice but starting small is the best way. ( at least it was for me)
If you try to meditate for too long ( before you are ready for extended periods) you get tired, discouraged, and eventually fed up with it and most give up on it. So take it slow and maybe smoke some herb.
And then smoke more bud ..
and more .....
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Re: Quieting the mind... [Re: Sombra]
#529193 - 01/23/02 02:53 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Thanks Sombra, thats exactly what's happened everytime I try and meditate, I end up getting all drowsey and less aware then when I started. I've recently read the book 'The power of now' and I gotta say it really makes sense, it's just kinda hard to start being conscious all the time when you've been unconscious for most of your life. But ya, it makes sense to start out slow to bring your consciousness to higher degrees of awareness.
" Carrying body and soul and embracing the one,
Can you avoid separation?
Attending fully and becoming supple,
Can you be as a newborn babe?
Washing and cleansing the primal vision,
Can you be without cleverness?
Opening and closing the gates of heaven,
Can you play the role of women?
Understanding and being open to all things,
Are you able to do nothing?
Giving birth and nourishing,
Bearing yet not possessing,Working yet not taking credit,
Leading yet not dominating,
This is the primal Virtue." --Lao Tsu.
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Re: Quieting the mind... [Re: emptyvessel]
#530831 - 01/25/02 06:43 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
"I never thought I'd say this, but you smoke entirely too much chronic"
- That Guy From Half-Baked
-------------------- [pot]Think left and think right[pot]
[pot]and think low and think high[pot]
[pot]Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try[pot]
-Dr. Seuss

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Re: Quieting the mind... [Re: emptyvessel]
#530859 - 01/25/02 08:24 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
read The Upanishads....its great
-------------------- through our senses the world appears. through our reactions we create delusions. without reactions the world becomes clear.
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Re: Quieting the mind... [Re: emptyvessel]
#531589 - 01/26/02 12:29 AM (23 years, 30 days ago) |
1. music soft flowing and quiet if you can get some like:
Graeme Revell -Pain and retribution / believe in angels / Rain forever
Gladiator - elysium
Martin Eyerer - Euphoria (extended mix)
2. exercise. do yoga, run, dance. Move to build up serotonin. Got to move.
3. Are you ready for this one? hehe.. Write with your non-dominant hand first from left to right, than right to left (mirrorwriting). why? I haven't formed a solid hypothesis yet. I thought it might be a good release valve to try to release your tensions. It might be fairly difficult for you depending on how agile you are. I have some global exerciess but I don't have a scanner so I cannot post any at the moment.
4. Scream like a mutha...! I do when I get too euphoric too fast all of sudden
5. Try melatonin?
Got questions, ask me..