daughter of theyew- tree

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#497141 - 12/20/01 04:52 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Many people I know, "shroomers" and others share a very sentimental "love" for planet Earth. They call her mother and cannot stop to praise her.
I have allredy spent many, many hours sitting on bare ground under my beloved beech-tree. tripping or sober. Sometimes I sit there, I feel like listening to the Earth's speeches. The older I get, I am more and more convicted that Earth is not our unconditional loving mother. She doesn' t give us anything we need for free. Sometimes she treats us with earthquakes, hurricans, blizzards and things like this. I think, humans are a kind of parasites on Earth.
I think, if humanity wants to survive on Earth, we must learn to be "good" parasites which dont hurt their host more than necessary. The next thing we can aspire is a symbiosis but we are still fare away from this. If we want to help ourselfs and all other beeings on this beautiful planet we must change from deathly morbific agents into good parasites.
Sentimental statements wont help to save nature.
my eyes are as my heart is
tonite I will stay awake
inebriate me good
child of the stars
-------------------- Remain in Light
Greez Ini
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Re: Earth=Mother? [Re: Ini]
#497154 - 12/20/01 05:08 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
I don't think the Earth really cares one way or another. Its not that she's indifferent to her children, but I don't think the fact that we burn fossil fuels really phases her that much. She'd have earthquakes and volcanos anyway. I think man overexaggerates his importance to her.
Power of Lard

Registered: 10/06/01
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hehe, I think that man exagerates his importance to her too, considering she's an inanimate object...
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Re: Earth=Mother? [Re: Ulysees]
#497219 - 12/20/01 06:35 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
In reply to:
hehe, I think that man exagerates his importance to her too, considering she's an inanimate object...
oh, the earth is very much animated... and it's very aware of our presence too ;)
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Re: Earth=Mother? [Re: Ulysees]
#497221 - 12/20/01 06:37 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
In reply to:
hehe, I think that man exagerates his importance to her too, considering she's an inanimate object...
Oh, the Earth is very much animated... and it's definately aware of our presence too :)
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Power of Lard

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Re: Earth=Mother? [Re: Adamist]
#497224 - 12/20/01 06:40 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Alright, why not. I would be inclined to call that nature, or the life matrix or something though... the inhabitants of the earth may be very much alive, but I don't know about "earth" itself. Have you been watching Final Fantasy?
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Re: Earth=Mother? [Re: Ulysees]
#497263 - 12/20/01 07:24 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
In my experience mushrooms have heightened my awareness towards our planet Earth, allowing me to see it breathe and move, allowing me to sense it's spirit. Communication in a sober state is what im working on now...
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Re: Earth=Mother? [Re: Adamist]
#497364 - 12/20/01 09:32 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
I think we form a sybiotic relationship.
In the last few centuries it has been more for our benifit(sp?), so shes getting pissed. Like we were talking about in my thread says, were a plague. It wasnt intended that way but we humans are selfish bastards.
-------------------- " I have decided to become an example for others, although I have never been one for moderation. I have decided never to eat LSD while asleep, never to refrain while awake, and to never eat less than 10 hits at a time."
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Re: Earth=Mother? [Re: ArchDruid]
#497457 - 12/20/01 11:15 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
I dont think a plague best describes the human race... I think it's more of a fire. The fire can destroy and it can provide warmth. Humans can cause destruction and cause creation.
It's good to recognize the negative aspects of our race, but pessimism gets us nowhere. Let us embrace the positive aspects, and enjoy this experience while we're here.
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Re: Earth=Mother? [Re: Ini]
#497485 - 12/21/01 12:01 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
I think the Earth is well aware of our negative impact on her, the damage we cause to the life, directly and indirectly. I think it makes her cry. Tears of love and confusion. She feels it.... the oil sucked from inside her, spilled into the oceans and burned into the atmosphere. She feels it when we destroy 1000 acres of trees to make a parking lot. She feels the hate, the anger, the prejudice that is projected through thousands and thousands of people. It effects her. She feels these things going on and wishes we would just stop... the love she feels for us is unconditional, but she holds that same love for all living things on Earth.
"I must cleanse myself" she thinks
Here we have the human contribution to natural disasters.
We project an image of cataclysms, and that is what we get.
Volcanos will bury cities.
Earthquakes will wipe out towns.
Tidal Waves will level coasts.
The animals will go crazy, plagues and famine ensue.
This is her way of saying "No more, it ends now"
Which is why we must leave behind the outdated concept of man vs nature. We must embrace the idea of Man and Nature, together. Living in harmony and cocreation with all things. It is our duty and obligation as residents of this planet.
Power of Lard

Registered: 10/06/01
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Re: Earth=Mother? [Re: ]
#497492 - 12/21/01 12:14 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Shroomism, volcanos have always erupted, the tectonic plates have always shifted, and the weather has gone through vast shifts already... before humanity, before anything. As long as there has been earth, there have been all those things and more.
Even something that we play a part in, like the breakdown of the ozone layer, global warming, etc. are things beyond any conscious, or unconscious reasoning other than the reasoning we give to it.
If you put your hand through a window, and got cut, would you say that it was the will of the glass to punish you for breaking it?
Re: Earth=Mother? [Re: Ulysees]
#497504 - 12/21/01 12:32 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
No, I'm not saying we are the cause of all natural disasters, I'm saying we make them more intense and more frequent.
If you put your hand through a window, and got cut, would you say that it was the will of the glass to punish you for breaking it?
No... I would say the glass didn't want to cut you, but you forced it to.
Power of Lard

Registered: 10/06/01
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Re: Earth=Mother? [Re: ]
#497512 - 12/21/01 12:43 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
You're crazier than I am Shroomism, though in a different way I think.
But really, how do you figure we make natural disasters more intense and frequent? I think this comes down to the ol "If a tree falls in the woods..." thing.
I don't think there's any sense in personifying something without a personality, at least when integrating it into your day to day life. Glass cuts regardless of will or motive. Fire burns and water suffocates for the same, non-existant reasons. They just do. It takes a conscious mind to assign credit for these things, though the credit is usually whatever the mind comes up with...
I hope you're putting your delusions to good use. (seriously)
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Re: Earth=Mother? [Re: Ulysees]
#497513 - 12/21/01 12:44 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
In reply to:
Shroomism, volcanos have always erupted, the tectonic plates have always shifted, and the weather has gone through vast shifts already...
"Nearly 9,000 people died worldwide in earthquakes
during 1998, triple the number that died the
year before and a twenty-fold increase from 1996."
-U.S. Geological Survey
Im sure you can find similar more up-to-date information at your local Earthquake-moniter.
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Power of Lard

Registered: 10/06/01
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Re: Earth=Mother? [Re: Adamist]
#497516 - 12/21/01 12:48 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Of course there are fluctuations year by year. The shifting of the tectonic plates doesn't follow an annual pattern... think about this a little.
Re: Earth=Mother? [Re: Ulysees]
#497521 - 12/21/01 01:19 AM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Of course scientists have been predicting for years that the San Andreas fault is very unstable and is long overdue for a massive fracture, but us people keep building more and more buildings, more and more people. When it goes...and it will go... California will afterwards be known as the "Isles of California".. I'm sure it will be a nice place, like Hawaii.
Oh here's something I stumbled onto.. straight from the horse's mouth..or something. http://www.usatoday.com/weather/wsuperd.htm
Power of Lard

Registered: 10/06/01
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Re: Earth=Mother? [Re: ]
#497997 - 12/21/01 03:59 PM (23 years, 1 month ago) |
Yes, it's perhaps unwise to continue developing areas like California, because things will change. But those things have been changing for millions of years. The Isles of California will be a relatively small change compared to some, like the fact that all the continents were once connected.