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Registered: 01/21/02
Posts: 1,996
Loc: A little North of Paradis...
Re: Super Spawn? Maybe. [Re: altarego] 2
#535588 - 01/30/02 02:21 AM (23 years, 20 days ago) |
Yo, altarego;
Re: your above post.
Not to get technical, but your sort of WRONG and so is the Patent you refer to.
Here is why.
Calcined Earth is an VERY ambigious term.
Calcined = heat treated. For instance, calcined gypsum means - - gypsum dehydrated by heat.
Earth = any dirt, soil, sand, gravel or rock substance.
So, Calcined Earth means = heat treated earth.
The above patent ambigiously refers to "Calcined Earth", and goes on to describe it as " clay based material subjected to a calcination process".
Then, the patent refers to products such as "Turface" & "Oil Dri" as being "calcined earth".
Oil Dri is a liquid spill absorbent. (Psst, on the side they also sell Kitty Litter)
I happen to know -- LOL-- a guy who's girlfreinds brothers uncles next door neighbor's raccoon --LOL-- knows the owner of one of those products & has stood on his property, watched it mined & inside his plant while it was being processed, bagged & shipped.
What he mines with road graders from a dry lake bottom deposit is a combination of low grade absorbent clay & diatomacous earth mix, then heat treats it to remove any moisture content. That makes for lower shipping costs & more effective product.
Diatiomacious earth is low grade Diatomite (DE).
Actual pure Diatomite is a light colored soft friable rock composed of Diatoms.
Check below -- if you doubt that.
I happen to know a -- LOL -- guy -- who knows a guy -- who's mother's brother's racoon --LOL -- owns a Diatomite deposit of 30 million tons of demonstrated reserves. I have seen mountains of it & pieces as big as cars bulldozed out of that mountain. Which is a little bigger than fine white powder, don't you think? It comes in all sizes. Whatever you want. The DE sold in garden stores is ground to powder.
The best & cheapest source of Calcined Earth (CE) is actualy the cheapest CAT LITTER you can buy. Sort of looks like gray dusty small sand & pea gravel sized pieces of funky clay.
Of course, you can pay a much higher price & buy it under a differing name, if you want. Up to you? After all, it's just clay based Kitty Litter.
Pure Calcined Diatomite used in water and/or food grade liquid filtation -- is much better than CE. It is sterile, lighter, more absorbent, hollow & inert. Once it has absorbed it's capacity of water, it holds it better & releases it slower. It also serves as an INERT nontoxic insecticide. It works, mark my words.
Mycelium love 1.5 to 2 percent DE in substrate & casing. It acts like tiny micron sized self contained drinking fountains for it. Once the DE is empty of water, the mycelium inhabit it. So, it serves as protective housing for the little white goodies.
.5 to 1% DE in inoculated grain jars used to start other jars with, spread much faster than without it.
Try DE. It's better -- for all the reasons stated above. Of course, clay can serve as a binder in substrate or casing. However, if you mix clay with DE, it defeats 50% of the effectiveness of DE. Because it clogs the pores in DE.
Do a search on Diatoms. That will explain what DE consists of & their individual tiny micron size equal to a hollow spore.
FYI, you eat DE every day. It is in all US grains & cerial products. It is placed there when harvested to stop infestations & kill larva or insects in grain storage & shipment. It doesnt get removed in the milling. If you doubt that? Check with USDA.
The big chemical companies that manufactor chemical insecticides, would patent DE & sell it as an insecticide. Except you can't patent a rock substance from nature.
The big chemical boys usualy buy up any little guy patent that contains DE as an insecticide. They want to keep it's insecticide properties under their thumb & sell their toxic poisions instead, because of the huge profit margins involved. They do however use it to hold some liquid chemical insecticides, because it releases that liquid very slowly. Then, the DE hangs around after the liquid is gone, killing insects all the while.
Okay, I'm done jabbering.
-------------------- ~whiskey river rafting, hot tubbing, dirty dancing & spending money on - wild women - having fun & just gonna waste the rest~
Edited by SixTango (01/30/02 03:37 AM)
Registered: 10/25/01
Posts: 130
Re: Super Spawn? Maybe. [Re: SixTango]
#535648 - 01/30/02 05:38 AM (23 years, 20 days ago) |
Six -
Thanks for the lesson on calcined earth. You obviously have much experience with it.
But not to get technical, but it is not WRONG per se to use a general (yet appropriate) term in the way that I and the patent have.
As you yourself state, the term "calcined earth" itself is ambiguous, and therefore it can refer to any number of different products or forms, and the FORM of CE I have found most useful (and the FORM suggested by the patent) is called "turface", and it is still the kind I recommend.
I bought kitty litter, knowing it was CE, and it absorbed water very well, and then formed a gooey sticky mush that made the substrate impossible to shake (ie, useless.)
DE itself is fine, but I find turface to have a granule size better for MY purposes, more course and heavier, again facilitating shaking.
You may use whatever form of CE you want. I was merely recommending one form, and will continue to do so.
And if you read the posts and patent closely you will find that CE is hardly the most important ingredient (hint: corn gluten), and common vermiculite will substitute for it just fine.
Later -

Registered: 01/21/02
Posts: 1,996
Loc: A little North of Paradis...
Re: Super Spawn? Maybe. [Re: altarego]
#535657 - 01/30/02 06:29 AM (23 years, 20 days ago) |
My buddy doesnt use the cat litter either. To many clay fines. Besides that, the racoon would take a dump in it. Check your EM here. SixTango -- out.
-------------------- ~whiskey river rafting, hot tubbing, dirty dancing & spending money on - wild women - having fun & just gonna waste the rest~
Registered: 07/27/06
Posts: 65
Last seen: 10 years, 7 months
Re: Super Spawn? Maybe. [Re: aka] 1
#16203272 - 05/09/12 02:28 AM (12 years, 9 months ago) |
It can be very interesting & valuable to go back to old threads (like this one)
I arrived here because I wanted to learn more about vermiculite broth spawn (page 141 GGMM). It appears that Amycel uses it to inoculate grain (millet) spawn. I guess it is a refinement of the classic grain to grain tek.
Things I have learned:
formula 80 of this patent looks very similar to pf substrate. I can imagine a veriety pf substrate which is very high in water an low in flour, which breaks up very easy, and which then is a better inoculum for millet or rye than grains because of the high number of mycelial fragments. Kind of liquid inoculation without the liquid.
(perhaps more important to know) the production process of agaricus mushrooms (white button, crimini, portabella) may not be a vegetarian process. Not because of the horse manure compost (which makes agaricus mushrooms unsuitable for vegans), but because of the blood- and feather meal in the vermiculite broth spawn which industry leader amycel uses to inoculate the grain spawn.
vegetarians should grow their own mushrooms.

Registered: 09/28/08
Posts: 276
Re: Super Spawn? Maybe. [Re: ranonar]
#16222640 - 05/13/12 12:52 AM (12 years, 9 months ago) |
Hi ranonar; it is refreshing to know that you have taken the time to look in the archives to read old post. There is a wealth of useful information in it, like the early Spawn Mate patent from Pen State among others.
Next time would you please start a new post and link to it instead of bumping an eleven year old post! I am going to give you five stars for doing your home work and study. It is just a pain to have to read page after page to get to your post/point; I want to know what your point is first (your view point has just as much validity as any ones) then do the entire supporting reading when needed.