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Re: Israel [Re: mm.]
#489850 - 12/13/01 12:57 PM (23 years, 2 months ago) |
****You completely misread what I said. ***
Then explain dipshit..it's what you wrote
****Yes the settlements are illegal, they break article 49 of the Geneva convention, and have been confirmed as illegal by the US and UK in the past***
Article 49: Definition of Attacks and Scope of Application
1. "Attacks" means acts of violence against the adversary, whether in offense or in defense.
2. The provisions of this Protocol with respect to attacks apply to all attacks in whatever territory
conducted, including the national territory belonging to a Party to the conflict but under the control
of an adverse Party.
3. The provisions of this Section apply to any land, air or sea warfare which may affect the
civilian population, individual civilians or civilian objects on land. They further apply to all
attacks from the sea or from the air against objectives on land but do not otherwise affect
the rules of international law applicable in armed conflict at sea or in the air.
4.The provisions of this Section are additional to the rules concerning humanitarian protection
contained in the Fourth Convention, particularly in Part II thereof, and in other international
agreements binding upon the High Contracting Parties, as well as to other rules of
international law relating to the protection of civilians and civilian objects on land, at sea or
in the air against the effects of hostilities.
Explain to me where the settlements are illegal...as far as i'm concerned article 49 refers to attacking "settlements" within an occupied area...nowhere does it say that a settlement can not happen..maybe i'm wrong...but where?
***This just confirms you are an ignorant racist moron. ***
I'm not the anti semetic...you are..Any person who attacks innocent people with cowardly bombs are worthless. The only people on the palastinian side that i feel for are the trully down trodden who "really" want peace. groups like Hamas(sp) need to be eliminated...you however, may disagree
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Article 49 also states "The occupying power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own population into the territories it occupies."
I also refer you to this resolution of the UN general assembly.
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*** I'm not the anti semetic...you are ***
No, I am anti-Zionist if anything. I have nothing against a people in general, only the violent ones on both sides. You are the truly racist one who said:
"The only way to stop this is to totally annialate the palastinians because they will not be happy with any sort of peace deal. They are born with hatred and despise for the jews and will not be happy until they are pushed into the sea."
-------------------- MAPS.org: supporting psychedelic and medical marijuana research since 1986
World-BridgerKartikeya (DftS)

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Hey Innvertigo, looks like you have a very distorted vision of facts. Your arguments are a mixed collection of hate, anger and a short vision in support to the Israeli side.
Every human being has the right to live, palestinians or israelis, now if you have this in mind how the hell can you justify one side ?
You would say "If Israelis don't kill palestinians, israelis will be killed by palestinians", well it's true but is also true the opposite "If palestinians don't kill israelis, palestinians will be killed by israelis", but that is not the fucking point you see, now pay attention, the so called democratic ideology created the western world and culture as we know it, as westerns you and me are, we are used to be shocked by walking bombs and handed gun children, you disaprove those methods because they look primitive and disgusting, but palestinian culture is not based on western parameters and will resist to incorporate any of our culture, it's their decision not ours and what we are doing is trying to impose our parameters. Isralis have a culture with much more western values than palestinians and that's one of the reasons the americans supports them, "convert to western values or suffer the consequences" simple as that. At the end all it counts is the number of deaths not how they're done, in my eyes there's no difference between a palestinian killing 15 innocents by blowing up him self with bombs than a israeli american choper or american F-16 killing the same amount of innocents, the eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth idea you try to defend leads me to one conclusion, at the end everybody will be blind and everybody will have to go to the dentist.
Put this in your fucking mind, force and war are not the means to resolve a conflict, the REAL FUCKING PROBLEM is that noboby gives a fuck about peace, both palestinian and israeli minds and culture are based on religious disputes, the "my god is better than yours, so i have the right to erradicate you" is one of the oldest cheap arguments to run a war, both parts do it, they hate each other because of religion and they kill each other to obtain the so fucking wanted holly land, the only way to stop all this nonsense would be the god himself coming to earth, is it possible ? Would it be Ala or Jeova ? Or both ? Put the cristian god as a moderator and present a debate on CNN news.
As you see, only such a small brain as yours will take one side. I cried when i saw a palestinian father protecting his son from crossfire between both parts and then his son was killed, wich bullet killed him ? Palestinian or israeli ?. I was revolted when i saw many israeli children killed in a bus by a palestinian bombist attack, all those kids had dreams waiting to come true, they were raged , killed, murdered.
How can you easilly justify killing by just being a fact of war ? It is a fact i know, but it only prooves how small hearted the human race can be and how wrong war is. Nobody will win this war without the total anihilation of the other side, you contribute with your ideals to the israeli side, i contribute to none and i think it's the better contribution i can give to our race.
"The only way to stop this is to totally annialate the palastinians because they will not be happy with any sort of peace deal. They are born with hatred and despise for the jews and will not be happy until they are pushed into the sea. Therefore it is the only solution..one side has to defeat the other..the palastinians are worthless so the jews need to flex their musscles and the United states needs to NOT get in their way."
This sentence really reflects the darkness inside your soul, you should eat a few shrooms and try to have a clear thinking about all this , your "solution" is the effortless solution, the one human kind has to dispose as bag of trash if we want to go into the next step in our evolution.
"Where do you come up with this "illegally" occupied stuff from? Did or did not Isreal defeat it's enemies to take over these zones?...how do you think we got the united states? "
You are joking, aren't you ? Guess who were its enemies ? Palestinians and surrounding arab countries. Jungle law!!! Who ever wins the war gets the land!!! Sure!!! And that's the same fucking stupid reasoning both parts use and that's why they are still fighting asshole, can't you fucking see ???
"What do you mean IF you knew?..they're the ones in the uniforms..i know these people are dumb but come on."
You such an hassole man!! They don't have anything else to fight with, israeli government take their guns away, all its left are rocks to throw, the war is not fair to the palestinian side, they don't have tanks, chopers, air fighters, they just have some guns, some bazookas, rocks and bombs OVER, can you guess now why they make such many bombist attacks ? Palestinians are ready to die for their believes, they're not dumb, they sacrifice them selfs for the their cause, they were raised that way, can you see my explanation above on different cultures fitting in ?
"correction 15 jews killed.......by cowards "
You don't know the statistics about deaths on both sides for sure, do you know how many palestinians are killed when one jew is killed ? About the cowards stuff, i'm not going to explain all this "means of war" again.
"maybe if the palastinians backed off they won't get killed "
Yeah! let them go away, like lambs in straight line to the sea isn't it ?
"Yeah it usually follows a car bomb that a palastinian set off"- i will continue the sentence this way-"after the isrealis had killed 20 palestinians yesterday". Of course, isralis have more class, they don't use bombs, they use beautifull m-16 , galils, gorgeous tanks and air fighters shooting from the blue sky, aaahhhh! what a nice vision of warfare !!! ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!
"all wars have innocent victims"
"it's a war..accidents happen"
Yeah, fuck them, you didn't know the little guys anyway.
"You seem to forget about the innocent people that were killed by the cowardly palastinian suicide bombers....or doesn't that matter?"
Yes, it matters.
"Which one is it..they can or they cannot? They don't need to take back land..thier the ones who have it..you are very confusing "
Yeah! If i rob a car, it's mine because i have it. Then you call other people confusing ?
Do you know something about middle east history ?
"****To see is something justified or not, I use parallels: what would Us goverment do if indians wanted their land back? I know they would not get it back, because it has no sense. ****
If they wanted their land back they would have to kick our ass to get it...and there is no countrey as of today that can do it. your parallels are comparing apples to oranges. "
Kicking ass is the way to go people!!!
"We never attacked Afganistan...we retaliated. We are peaceful until people fuck with us"
Vietnam, Korea, Irak fucked with you, didn't they ?
i remember some bombing from them, don't you guys remember this countries bombing the US ? C'mon think real hard!!!!
"After we destroyed them then we would determine whether or not it was right or not. "
The american way! You have style afterall.
"Isreal got their land by kicking the shit out of their opponants. The US got it's land by kicking the crap out of Britain, Spain, Mexico, etc. Most if not ALL countries got their land that way"
And today, after some hundred of years of evolution some still have the same fucking ideas.
"Peace and prosperity will never exist as long as both sides are still around. The only way to have peace and prosperity is when one side destroys the other militarily. Isreal could kick the bajesus out of any of them countries in the middle east if we'd just let them. "
Peace and prosperity will never exist as long there's people thinking like you in this world.
"now you're starting to see how i feel. i've had numerous debates with people on this board and their arguments are all over the map...welcome to my world my friend.....it's a bumpy ride "
Last but not least, i think you should have some respect for other people inteligence, arguments are to be debated and should be all over the map, hope you learned something today!
-------------------- Spiritual being, living a human experience ... The Shroomery Mandala

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Re: Israel [Re: Crobih]
#490780 - 12/14/01 04:45 AM (23 years, 2 months ago) |
Crobih. At best, the arabs could possibly create a dirty nuclear weapon that would not detonate as a real nuke would. Instead, it would be some plutonium attached to a large bomb detonated to scatter the radioactive material around a large area. Not quite as effective as a real nuke, but it would kill lots of folks and render the land unusuable.
Anyway, you keep saying these arabs can make a nuke, but they can not. In fact, the papers found in one of their camps on how to make a nuke, was a paper that has been circulating on the net forever. The only way that they could actually build a nuke is if they recruited german and russian physicists. You see, the arabs are lacking in nuclear phycicists these days. That's one reason they throw rocks and use arms mleft over from the 70's and 80's. They can not make a gun, much less a nuke.
But, they could possibly purchase one.
As far as Israel and the Palestinians are concerned, they are both primitive tribes; the same primitive tribes that have been there forever and have been fighting forever. Neither side is any more right than the other. They both are comitting heinous acts and it's pretty clear that neither wants any sort of peace.
Yes, there needs to be dialogue, but this country needs to back the fuck off and let nature take it's course. We've tried to get them to resolve their differences peacefully and neither side is capable. They lack the common sense and rational in their decision making. They are both too radical for any peaceful resolve and we do not belong in the equation. Fuck the jews, fuck the arabs, let them waste eachother and then maybe later we can go clean house and make create some working power structure.
-------------------- ***The Real Shroomery nigger
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Re: Israel [Re: MAIA]
#491094 - 12/14/01 01:49 PM (23 years, 2 months ago) |
could you keep your posts down to 5 chapters..shheesh
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(well not what all of what he said was relevent - i juts dont like the way you ignored some of his good points)
this makes me angry
how do you feel about that issue innvert? id like to know
-foghorn aka chuwie
Edited by foghorn (12/15/01 12:26 AM)
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Re: Israel [Re: foghorn]
#491860 - 12/15/01 08:25 AM (23 years, 2 months ago) |
****well not what all of what he said was relevent - i juts dont like the way you ignored some of his good points****
Well when i have time i'll read it in the mean time what are his main points?..since you're his moderator and all.. :)
****this makes me angry
how do you feel about that issue innvert? id like to know ****
I'll read both that article and MAIA's ungodly long partialy irrelavent post tonight..i'll have time then..
till then ta ta
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Here is an interesting view. There are many Jews out there who are strongly opposed to the very idea of Israels existence, only the mainstream media tends to ignore them.
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Edited by mm. (12/15/01 10:31 AM)
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Re: Israel [Re: MAIA]
#492102 - 12/15/01 02:19 PM (23 years, 2 months ago) |
***Hey Innvertigo, looks like you have a very distorted vision of facts. Your arguments are a mixed collection of hate, anger and a short vision in support to the Israeli side****
No they're based on my views of cowardly acts...as far as i see it those palastinian terrorists are the only one's i hate.
****Every human being has the right to live, palestinians or israelis, now if you have this in mind how the hell can you justify one side ? *****
You're right...when i talk of annialation i mean one side defeating the other at war....not genocide.
****You would say "If Israelis don't kill palestinians, israelis will be killed by palestinians", ***
Unfortunatly it's the truth..however i believe it to be the palastinians who start most of the trouble in the middle east.
****well it's true but is also true the opposite "If palestinians don't kill israelis, palestinians will be killed by israelis", ***
I disagree...Isreal usually attacks after being attacked
****the so called democratic ideology created the western world and culture as we know it, as westerns you and me are, we are used to be shocked by walking bombs and handed gun children, you disaprove those methods because they look primitive and disgusting****
I find them acts to be of cowards because we are all human and have the ability to choose our actions.
****, but palestinian culture is not based on western parameters and will resist to incorporate any of our culture****
Then how can you pretend to know what you are talking about?
****it's their decision not ours and what we are doing is trying to impose our parameters***
So you agree with suicide bombers killing innocent people? Typical...but isn't murder wrong?
****Isralis have a culture with much more western values than palestinians and that's one of the reasons the americans supports them, "convert to western values or suffer the consequences" ****
No isreal chooses this way because it is successful...the middle eastern ways are just inferior..sorry
****At the end all it counts is the number of deaths not how they're done, in my eyes there's no difference between a palestinian killing 15 innocents by blowing up him self with bombs than a israeli american choper or american F-16 killing the same amount of innocents, the eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth idea you try to defend leads me to one conclusion, at the end everybody will be blind and everybody will have to go to the dentist. ***
Great analogy..wrong but great...i will not argue that i share the 'ol eye for an eye philosophy however you do not see isreal targeting "innocent" (truly innocent), people the palastinians do.
****Put this in your fucking mind***
WHOA now i really take you seriously...i bet you thought i would be scared and show you respect now eh? ha ha
****force and war are not the means to resolve a conflict****
Tell that to those who fought for our country...next question
****the REAL FUCKING PROBLEM is that noboby gives a fuck about peace, both palestinian and israeli minds and culture are based on religious disputes****
I agree
****As you see, only such a small brain as yours will take one side****
Oh ya got me there..i'm bleeding now..
****I cried when i saw a palestinian father protecting his son from crossfire between both parts and then his son was killed, wich bullet killed him ? ****
HA HA HA...sure ya did
****I was revolted when i saw many israeli children killed in a bus by a palestinian bombist attack****
But you just got done saying that since it's their way it's perfectly justified...Contradict much?
****but it only prooves how small hearted the human race can be and how wrong war is****
That's why they say war is hell...but are you that naive to think that they could ever broker a peace deal?
**** Nobody will win this war without the total anihilation of the other side, you contribute with your ideals to the israeli side, i contribute to none and i think it's the better contribution i can give to our race. ****
I think they call that being a fence rider...but you have every right to do so...i like to look at the big picture and make my decision..
***The only way to stop this is to totally annialate the palastinians .........****
I was refering to those that seek the death of the jewish people...not the innocents
****You are joking, aren't you ? Guess who were its enemies ? Palestinians and surrounding arab countries. Jungle law!!! Who ever wins the war gets the land!!! Sure!!! ****
Nope, i'm serious..how do you think we became a country?...should we give land back to mexico and england?
***And that's the same fucking stupid reasoning both parts use and that's why they are still fighting asshole, can't you fucking see ??? ****
blah, blah, blah, blah...relax my man your making yourself sound a tad winey..
****You such an hassole man!! They don't have anything else to fight with, israeli government take their guns away****
You missed my point. MM made the suggestion that the palastinians didn't know that they were throwing rocks at the military...no take a breath
****the war is not fair to the palestinian side, they don't have tanks, chopers, air fighters, they just have some guns, some bazookas, rocks and bombs OVER, can you guess now why they make such many bombist attacks ? ***
So then you favor suicide attacks..ah now the real you comes out..man that took a while..
****Palestinians are ready to die for their believes, they're not dumb, they sacrifice them selfs for the their cause, they were raised that way, can you see my explanation above on different cultures fitting in ?****
oh sure killing innocent people equals "fitting in"...maybe if they stopped bombing people would want them to fit in.
****About the cowards stuff, i'm not going to explain all this "means of war" again***
You don't have to..they are cowards. But since you brought up this being a war then i feel even less declined to feel sorry for the numb nuts throwing rocks at a tank.
****Yeah! let them go away, like lambs in straight line to the sea isn't it ? ****
****they use beautifull m-16 , galils, gorgeous tanks and air fighters shooting from the blue sky, aaahhhh! what a nice vision of warfare !!! ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!! ****
Ah..the 'ol m-16 ..such a nice weapon..beats a rock any day...man i must have you jumping of the fucking walls..ha ha ha ha...you aren't palastinian are you?
****Yeah, fuck them, you didn't know the little guys anyway****
****Yeah! If i rob a car, it's mine because i have it. Then you call other people confusing ? Do you know something about middle east history ? ****
Yeah i know about the history...there was a war isreal won it and the palastinians are getting their asses handed to them..the end.
****Kicking ass is the way to go people!!! ****
****Vietnam, Korea, Irak fucked with you, didn't they ? *****
****The american way! You have style afterall. ****
****Last but not least, i think you should have some respect for other people inteligence****
All irrelavent to the conversation..all over the map
I hope i really pissed you off as i think i did that was my intention. To sum up my beliefs on this matter i will say that i hope isreal kicks the crap out of the palastinian (soldiers) and brings them to their knees..the innocents i would like to be left alone if possible but in war that is never guarenteed. No w if it were even possible that the 2 sides could make peace i'd be for it but i'm not as naive as you are to believe this.
Have a nice day,
Your best friend,
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Re: Israel [Re: PGF]
#492661 - 12/16/01 06:08 AM (23 years, 2 months ago) |
Agreed. The only reason I stay on the arabs side on this dialog is becasue US citizens such as invertiggo live in the realisation that Jews are right. And arabs are dirty. Becaause of US propaganda wich he is not aware of, off course .
If I visitted arab channel, I would shit over them much more than over jews.
Kill them all...long live woody alen and his wife-daugther.
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Re: Israel [Re: Crobih]
#492716 - 12/16/01 08:53 AM (23 years, 2 months ago) |
***The only reason I stay on the arabs side on this dialog is becasue US citizens such as invertiggo live in the realisation that Jews are right***
that's a pretty weak belief base you have if you base your beliefs on how i percieve mine to be. I like chocolate ice cream...is your favorite ice cream vanilla now?
***And arabs are dirty. Becaause of US propaganda wich he is not aware of, off course . ****
You said it..not me.....and as for us propaganda, are there black helicopters flying in your town right now?
America....FUCK YEAH!!!
Words of Wisdom: Individual Rights BEFORE Collective Rights
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World-BridgerKartikeya (DftS)

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Nope, i'm not palestinian, i'd kill myself if i was one.
I came from planet niburu 3600 years ago and reincarnated 26 years ago after a short 500 years sleep. As my ancesters, i believe in evolution as primary engine of the universe expansion, politicaly you can consider me anarchist because of some of its uniques caracteristics, it will be the next "political" system after some genetical imperfections (wich alters Man behaviour) are corrected in the human race.
Now, i'm sure that's confusing to you.
-------------------- Spiritual being, living a human experience ... The Shroomery Mandala

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Re: Israel [Re: MAIA]
#492870 - 12/16/01 12:58 PM (23 years, 2 months ago) |
****Now, i'm sure that's confusing to you. ****
What's confusing to me is how anyone can take you seriously
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Re: Israel [Re: Crobih]
#493473 - 12/17/01 01:18 AM (23 years, 2 months ago) |
agreed comrade.
there is no right side in the palestinian/israeli issue.
saying that there is is an oversimplification and and error
-------------------- ***The Real Shroomery nigger
World-BridgerKartikeya (DftS)

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"What's confusing to me is how anyone can take you seriously"
Really ? I just concluded there's no point on trying to make you see how things should be. Your arguments worth nothing and your reply is empty, that's why i was playing a bit, it's the same thing you see, you're inflexible and closed inside that little world of yours, you will not learn nothing untill you can open you mind and reach the conclusion that there's no absolute truth and thus there's no right side.
What's confusing me is how people still have the patience to debate with deaf minded people, normaly i can get good points and learn from others opinion, still learnning nothing with you, sorry.
I hope i can comunicate with you with music,
Holy Wars...
Brother will kill brother
Spilling blood across the land
Killing for religion
Something I don't understand
Fools like me, who cross the sea
And come to foreign lands
Ask the sheep, for their beliefs
Do you kill on God's command?
A country that's divided
Surely will not stand
My past erased, no more disgrace
No foolish naive stand
The end is near, it's crystal clear
Part of the master plan
Don't look now to Israel
It might be your homelands
Holy wars
Upon my podium, as the
Know it all scholar
Down in my seat of judgement
Gavel's bang, uphold the law
Up on my soapbox, a leader
Out to change the world
Down in my pulpit as the holier
Than-thou-could-be-messenger of God
-------------------- Spiritual being, living a human experience ... The Shroomery Mandala

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Re: Israel [Re: MAIA]
#493575 - 12/17/01 05:56 AM (23 years, 2 months ago) |
i just saw a tourist company offering round trip tickets to israel for pretty cheap. who would like to go.................................me niether
-------------------- Real botanists laugh at HPS systems, we do however use high pressure sodium in the parking lot. - artthug
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Re: Israel [Re: MAIA]
#493589 - 12/17/01 06:12 AM (23 years, 2 months ago) |
****Really ? I just concluded there's no point on trying to make you see how things should be. Your arguments worth nothing and your reply is empty****
Maybe if i started attacking you personally as opposed to ideologically (sp) you'd see my point. You had nothing to say but blah, blah, blah...and and an occational profanity..which is fine by me because i would expect nothing less from someone like you.
****you're inflexible and closed inside that little world of yours, you will not learn nothing untill you can open you mind and reach the conclusion that there's no absolute truth and thus there's no right side. ****
"untill you can open you mind " translation, until you agree with me.
****What's confusing me is how people still have the patience to debate with deaf minded people***
What's amazing is how someone could write so much and say so little
****normaly i can get good points and learn from others opinion, still learnning nothing with you, sorry. ****
Normally you can if you debate those that agree with you.. I on the other hand think your full of shit...sorry.
***I hope i can comunicate with you with music***
No..didn't work
America....FUCK YEAH!!!
Words of Wisdom: Individual Rights BEFORE Collective Rights
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." -- Thomas Jefferson
World-BridgerKartikeya (DftS)

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"Maybe if i started attacking you personally as opposed to ideologically (sp) you'd see my point. You had nothing to say but blah, blah, blah...and and an occational profanity..which is fine by me because i would expect nothing less from someone like you"
Rhetorical speech, if you know what that means.
""untill you can open you mind " translation, until you agree with me. "
Interpretation, if i agree with you i'm half minded, as you are only open to one side.
"What's amazing is how someone could write so much and say so little "
Correction, you only understand half of it. If you understood the entire scene you wouldn't take any side.
"Normally you can if you debate those that agree with you"
A debate is a conversation between two or more people where diferent ideas are discused. I can not debate with people that agree with me, it would be a simple conversation :)
" I on the other hand think your full of shit...sorry."
It's amazing how someone could write so little and say nothing.
"No..didn't work"
I can try math, is even more universal you know.
-------------------- Spiritual being, living a human experience ... The Shroomery Mandala

Use, do not abuse; neither abstinence nor excess ever renders man happy.