well, im back and ive got the easist way possible - if yuo thought everything youve read is hard, just wait till you read this- its actually easier then baking a cake and the only actual pieces of equipment you need is a spore syringe and a microwave.
here is a list of ingredients
honey, bottled water(unopened) brown rice powber, vermiculite,and some mycellium.Just as a note- i never really measured any of this stuff, i just aproximated )
well there are a couple of ways you can do this. now take some a big heaping tablespoon of brown rice powder and mix it with a big heaping scoop of vermiculite. place this mixture and about 3 -4 table spoons of water in a tupperware container. if you are worried about eating or ingesting vermiculite, use plain brown rice( note make sure rice or rice powder is organic as non organic might have chemicals that will kill the fungus)and no vermiculite. i have not tried it with rice, but im sure it will work out fine. you could even just take brown rice powder and water. now put a lid on the container, makingsure everything is mixed( note you could double, tripple, ect.. this recipe , depending upon how many containers are being used. more containers= more product. i would do maybe 10, for 4 to five doses of shroom material.) now microwave the micture with the top on for 5 to 6 minutes. take it out and let it cool but make sure not to remove the lid. when it has cooled to room temperature, remove the lid slightly and spray the spore syringe all over the material. let sit for 4 to 5 days in a warm place. the white stuff is mycellium. this is what will be added to the bottles to to make the fungus grow.Once the mycellium appears, take a fresh unopened bottled water, open it up and pour a little out. now take some honey and put it in the bottle till it takes on a yellow or golden tint. next take some brown rice powder and mix it in with water- what i did was take a coffee mug fill it with water and added about a tablespoon of brown rice powder. mix it in and then microwave the mixture for about 3 to 4 minutes. when it comes out, take the empty spore syringe from a couple of days earlier, ans fill it with the hot water from the mug- the honey provides sugars and the water with the rice starch provides well, more nutrition. now squirt about 1/4 of a syringe in a 20 oz water bottle, you may need to adjust for different size water bottles. now open the tupperwear container and take out some mycellium. use a pair of tweezers that have been cleaned in alcohol. put a dime sived chunk in each bottle(note- dont use pieces that hyave been contaminated. now put the lid on and shake- skae once a day for between 12 and 18 days store in a warm place- and when the container is thick with mycellium floating around, strain it out using a cloth or clean nylon, dry and measure out the right amout and enjoy. the other way which is easier, but takes a little longer is this way-
take a bottle of water, squirt in about 2 cc's of spore syringe, add honey till the water seems kind gold, then do the coffe mug and brown rice powder thing i mentioned earlier. recap, and shake one a day and store in a warm place this method requires more time, but is possibly the easiest way ever- honey, spore syringe, brown rice powder starch and wait- then just strain and dry- bon appetite