geo's henchman

Registered: 11/20/00
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Why do we not care?
#438987 - 10/28/01 12:51 AM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
=[ If we die...what happens to earth others whatever is the futures problem not ours...I also thorugh that if we lived forever people would start doing bad shit and it would become complete chaos, and then go to a simple form of oding nothing just kinda crashing...not eating, sleeping just existing...that would suck. But people could make it better, enjoy eternity make it fresh every day. I want to do that. I will do that. Sorry about my posts. I usually hit post and start on 1 htought and see what comes out...i didnt even mean to post any of this but hey... we can make it work. If you fuck up dont sweat it too bad, you can rebuild. Its ok. And hi shroomism i finally read your alian relations post...it was always too long and until a few months ago and the idea of aliens realy existing did i not ind it interesting -==]]]]]]]
-------------------- The DJ's took pills to stay awake and play for seven days.
Re: Why do we not care? [Re: tak]
#439087 - 10/28/01 03:32 AM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
That mentality of ~what we do to the Earth is not our problem let the future worry about it~ is a negative one, since we are the future. Whatever reality we create for our environment will create that same reality within us, and vice versa.
We cannot make a mess and say someone else will clean it up. We must take responsibility for our actions 100% in order to move to the next step.
If we lived forever (which we do) then we must respect everyone and everything as all being a part of Creation.
Then we could all enjoy eternity with creativity and knowledge, making intricate patterns while floating through the universe and such.
Registered: 04/01/99
Posts: 1,700
Loc: NY
Re: Why do we not care? [Re: ]
#439582 - 10/28/01 06:35 PM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
Then we could all enjoy eternity with creativity and knowledge, making intricate patterns while floating through the universe and such.
that remind me of an IMAX 3d show i saw tripping on acid. For those of you who dont know what the IMAX is its a HUGE screen and plus this show was in 3d. Anyway, there was a point in the movie where it was just these faces floating around with brilliant color flying off of them and mingling with each other. there was the most pleasan t music playing in the backround. It was one of those times where your just like, WOW! it really blew my mind watching this. It was such an incredible experience watching this. now that i write this, i wanna go back really bad but its probably not playing anymore (i tinhk it was like "3D Advernture" or some shit and it had the Simpsons episode where homer gets trapped in the 3d world.) Root, you always have really interesting concepts and ideas. I too plan to read the alien relations post one day. Well, enough talk, more Thee Ach see