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help w/ liquid myc
#433028 - 10/22/01 04:13 AM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
My lil sister innoculated a honey wtr jar w/ T.C. sprores. After about a week it was fairly cloudy and there were clear mycelium balls floating around. She shook it up a good bit to disperse the mycelium. She then transfered about 5ml into each millet jar w/ MMFD. Its been about 5 days and a couple shakes and she can still see no growth anywhere. Meanwhile the myc in the orgianal honey jar has grown into big chuncky ballz. So Basically..........
Shes worried she innoculated the wtr too soon. If no growth is seen soon could she simply reinnoc the jars with some fresh honey wtr ? or should she renuke the jars, let cool, then innoc?

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Re: help w/ liquid myc [Re: fecality]
#433040 - 10/22/01 05:42 AM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
mmm, it takes a few days for the mycelium to get going when the medium is changed (avoid shaking for a few days!). The fungus needs to adapt new metabolic pathways to deal with the new nutrients, and it can take a few days to reorganise stuff like that.
If its warm and moist there should be some growth within a week if starting with myc water. Are you sure she sucked up mycelium and not just 'filtered' mycelium water? Im not sure what MMFD is so I'll leave that. MonkEy suggests always starting again and re assess the entire process, leave the jars for as long as possible, it can take a while
but what would i know
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average fool
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Re: help w/ liquid myc [Re: fecality]
#433735 - 10/22/01 09:33 PM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
MMFD = micron magic filter disk. what do you mean
by 'filtered water?'
old hand

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Re: help w/ liquid myc [Re: fecality]
#434125 - 10/23/01 11:36 AM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
lately i have been advising my microwave tek to many people for sterilization, and by 'nuke' i assume you mean microwaving the jars. it has proved to me that this is not a very effective form of sterilization, it will cook out all the moistiure from your jars and the extreme heat will make the substrate expand and when it cools will shrink and condense, giving less room in the substrate. ive had various lipas and puertos going in miced jars innoced on diff days in the range of 10-23 days ago and dont see to much going on, maybe a lil growth in the lipas. i boiled my newest batches of jars and did pr's, cubensis, and pans. the cubes were from myc water in a 1/2 pint jar that had mostly 1 big myc cloud floating in there (looks really cool) which has been growing in that jar for almost 2 months now and this is my first use of it. anyway, my new jars that i boiled in a large covered pot 1 hr 15 min with MMFD and a wet verm layer on top of the substrate ALL showed mycellium growth this morning. teh PR's were done sunday night and the pans and cubes were done yesterday during the day (all germinated within 48 hours) i will never microwave my substrate for sterilization again. I will however mic my substarte mixtures before they go in2 the jars to cook them (rice/thistle/finch seed) and soak up moisture faster rather than lettin it all soak overnight.
average fool
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Re: help w/ liquid myc [Re: fecality]
#434375 - 10/23/01 04:22 PM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
So how come nuking doesn't work? Someone must've had success with it at some point. So i should just scrap this batch and start another?
I used Penningtons Bird Seed for this but i also added some Brown Rice in and it gummed up the sides. Imma not do this again. So do I have to cook the birdseed? It really stinks up place.
I was thinking of using whole grain rye for that reason. Im assuming it doesn't smell as bad. Are there any disadvantages to this?
old hand

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Re: help w/ liquid myc [Re: fecality]
#434403 - 10/23/01 05:07 PM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
yeah it does work for some, i think i just might do mine overkill and dry it up but ive found boiling to work much better. I would put the birdseed or substrate mix in a microwavable bowl and add water till its just about floating and nuke it for 5 min or something and let it cool. nuke it again and cool. each time it will cook water into the seeds until theyre done. i do this a few times but i didnt soak it overnight at all. birdseed works good. mine doesnt smell at all when i microwave it, i wouldnt think it would when you boil it.
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Re: help w/ liquid myc [Re: BeppoMarx]
#435790 - 10/24/01 07:04 PM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
i boiled millet this morning. it stink a little, but nothing i cant deal with. turn on the friggin stove exhaust fan!! wheee!!
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average fool
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Re: help w/ liquid myc [Re: fecality]
#435861 - 10/24/01 07:54 PM (23 years, 3 months ago) |
yah i washed my birdseed alot better this time. i think some of the stench may have been from the bird-kote seed additive, it think it kinda makes me nauseous when it gets in the air. i just added water and heated in the mic, then drained the water and repeated the process until the water looked reasonable clear. then i added it to the jars and pced.
i think i will steep my seed next time though. my seed looks really dry to me. how can i tell if it has enough moisture?
in the pc lots of the shells on the seeds broke, this is good right?
i innoculated with good honey thick honey water today and will post my results. how soon should i expect growth?
and also one of my jars bottoms cracked off. does this happen often? i cooled my jars quickly by dunking them in water soon after the pc was finished. did i put too much stress on the glass or what? -thanks people
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