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Out of body experiences
    #416926 - 10/07/01 01:25 PM (23 years, 3 months ago)

I read a website about a guy who had practiced detaching his astral(sp?) body from his physical, and could fly around his town and see and do things.

Is there anyone out there that has achieved this?

I'm curious as to what people do when they are out of their body. Where do you people go or what do you do?

"Where do you draw the line?"


Mp3 of the month: Teddy And His Patches - Suzy Creamcheese

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Re: Out of body experiences [Re: Learyfan]
    #416948 - 10/07/01 01:42 PM (23 years, 3 months ago)

I explore, and interact.

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Re: Out of body experiences [Re: Learyfan]
    #416950 - 10/07/01 01:43 PM (23 years, 3 months ago)

Note... Out of Body experiences and Astral Projection are the same thing.

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Re: Out of body experiences [Re: Learyfan]
    #417826 - 10/08/01 08:44 AM (23 years, 3 months ago)

Iv'e only done remote viewing, and it's never been particularly remote. I did this excercise I read about. you start out when going to sleep, and visualize what you would see if you were standing up and walking around in you home. After a little while my visualization faded into a dream-like experience where I foated around in my house. Might have been completely normal dreams though, I don't know. Although nothing dream-like happened.

shroomism, where does remote viewing fit in in regard to astral projection / OBE?).

Perhaps you trust your eyes,
but can you trust what you lie your eyes upon?

Eternally boggled, flummoxed, bewildered and surprised.

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Re: Out of body experiences [Re: Timeleech]
    #417854 - 10/08/01 09:05 AM (23 years, 3 months ago)

Remote viewing and OBE's differ in the fact that while out of body, "you" have actually left your body. The soul (consciousness) leaves the body yet remains attached to it via a tube of some kind which protects it from getting lost.
In Remote viewing (Clairvoyency) you are not going anywhere. You stay where you are and you are able to perceive what is happening somewhere else as if you were actually there.

What you experienced sounds much more like an OBE than anything else. Especially that excercise...that's a common one for inducing OBEs....laying in bed and visualizing standing up and walking around. Though it could have been a dream..you tell me? Was it very vivid? WAS it a dream?

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Re: Out of body experiences [Re: ]
    #417880 - 10/08/01 09:20 AM (23 years, 3 months ago)

I'm aware of the leaving your body vs. not leaving it thing.

I din't visualize standing up though, neither having a body, just floating around with no body/mass attached. Iv'e had this experience a few times, and am still unsure as to wether it is a dream or not. I feels a bit like dreaming, but I am more aware than while dreaming, if I become too aware of the fact I "wake up" though.

Perhaps you trust your eyes,
but can you trust what you lie your eyes upon?

Eternally boggled, flummoxed, bewildered and surprised.

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Re: Out of body experiences [Re: Timeleech]
    #418082 - 10/08/01 11:12 AM (23 years, 3 months ago)

In an out of body experience...you have no mass, you leave the physical body behind. You are only your consciousness.
Also, most people report to feel "aware" while out of body...but if they get frightened, or the smallest thing happens that startles you, you get pulled back into the body immediately.

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Re: Out of body experiences [Re: Learyfan]
    #418298 - 10/08/01 01:39 PM (23 years, 3 months ago)

Okay this may sound a little crazy, but I want to relate my experiance with out OBE's. Almost all have been drug induced. The fist occured while after eating shrooms about 5 years ago. Me and a friend ate some (probably alot) and chilled and were puffing on nugs sitting on a deck in a wooded back yard. I knew I was tripping balls when I started getting distinct auditory hallucinations. The visuals were very strong and my vision began to get warped. It seemed to expand and kinda get like a fisheye lense effect. After a while I became aware of a strange familar looking hippie pretty much all around me. I can't explain it but it was if I was looking into one of those mirror balls somebody has in their back yard, looking at my self. The momoent I realised it was me I snapped back in my body, man that was crazy. At that point in time I was like 18-19 and only smoked kind, and ate the occasional dime of mushrooms. No squares, no liq, I was a hardcore vegan who didn't put anything fucked up in my body. It was a mind-opening experiance, one I will not soon forget.
Anyway, all my friends went away to college and I stayed in my small mid-west town and made new friends, botht chemically and socially. I fell in with a group of candy-kids (96-97) and would occasionally go to Chicago for raves. Mainly just to sling hits, i really wasn't about the music. However, I was introduced to Special K, and that changed my life. Seriously, if you want the out of body experiance, look no further. You do like a key or 2 you are faded, that's how potent this stuff is. I would do a lot, and get really fucked up, floating out of my body and looking down at everydoy dancing, rolling spinnin'g breaking, whatever. I couldn't believe it. A whole new crazy drug I'de never heard of, wow. I asked the people where they got it and they answered "We steal it from vets." It was on.
From there on the next 2 years get blurly. I was an animal rights activist and karma believeing person, did a 180 and started robbing vets, for animal tranqulizer, cooking it up, getting fucking STUCK, bagging up like not even a 1/8 of what we had, going to parties, and making LOOT. Being scandalous, ripping fool's off. You could get anything for K, rolls, hits, herb, nitrous, coke, crack, CD"s clothes, sex with skanks, pretty much anything. I don't know how many times I drove to Chicago with nothing in my pockets but drugs and coming back with nothing but lots of loot. Kinda lost touch with reality, if your whole goal in life is to illictly obtain drugs and sell them at 100 percent profit, whoa! However, it all came to an end. Everybody got caught up, and a good friend of mine took the blame for all the robberies. I still see him, but didn't for a long time cause he got locked up. Anyway, the whole out of body thing is hard to describe, sometimes I would litterally float up through the ceiling and look down at my self, it was crazy. I probably had 1t least 2or 3 OBE"s a week for like a year.
I myself am on probation now, and eat mushrooms maybe like twice a year. I get incrediably faded. I haven't smoked weed, in over 15 months. Right before I went to court on possenion charges I ate about 10 hits of good paper, over 15grams of wet B+, smoked some Kush, and when I thought I couldn't get anymore faded did like 6 20 bag's of k. I had gotten the out of body before, but it had never been so colorful. I can't describe what happend, but it was something akin to waht D.M.Turner says in his book. However, I will say that i experianced ego loss, and came out of it a much more enlighted person. I know who I am now, and really don't have to do any type of substance to be happy : )
Since that experiance I have been happy with getting faded, except for the occasionaly mushroom trup, and a glowing experiance with 2ct7 that happened 6 months ago. I have a fulltime job, go to school part time, have a car payment, credit card bills and rent to worry about evey month. I think all the OBE's off the were kinda a waste of time. It was a stupid thing to do, all my friends and I gotten paid back in bad karma for what we did. It just makes me laugh when I go to parties and see people pretty much like my old-self, working parties, ruining the scene for people who actually go to dance and listen to music. I grow a small amount of shrooms, just for personal use there days, and go out to nature when I deciede to trip. I would love to smoke herb, which I think is mother earth's other gift to us, but Judicial system has decieded I won't for another 10 months, oh well, at least I am am alive have a few real friends, and know what life is all about:)
Sorry if I went off on a rant, but before I every did any drugs I was interested in the whole enlightenment, nirvana, satori enlightenement, transadental meditation thing. When I found out you could do the same thing with drugs, I was like "no way!" and then went on a 2-3 year bender. I would advise others not to do the same thing.
Although I wll say it was fun while it lasted.

stuck to yo ass like a Victoria Secert wedgie!!

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Re: Out of body experiences [Re: bobbydigital]
    #419301 - 10/09/01 08:20 AM (23 years, 3 months ago)

bobbydigital... that was very interesting story, but kind of off topic.

This is my little story...I was practicing astral projection and lucid dreaming for 1 year... I was not a wonder boy for that stuff but had some cool effects...such as obee that lasted a few mnutes and several not t controlable lucid dreams.
I can say that it is interesting thing to look on it, bt shroomism, you are way to muchn this That much that you really think you leave your body. I mean there is an easy test we can do to test who is right and who is wrog....if you want to do it, I will be soo happy to make that test with you.

If you think that Ralph is a cool guy, or even worse, that you support him, than you are an idiot. But from another point of view you are all good people sometimes

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Re: Out of body experiences [Re: Learyfan]
    #419332 - 10/09/01 09:08 AM (23 years, 3 months ago)

my experiance was this. One night I went to sleep and woke up to an old man sitting in a rocking chair in my daughters room. I sat up and becan to talk with him, noting that everything in the room was as it should be in the middle of the night. I looked over my shoulder and seen my body laying on the bed sleeping. which shocked me to no end... then suddenly as if a part of me called my astrial body back, I seen a very intence bright light, nothing like I have every seen and I heard a hum and then it felt like I was falling. When that part of me connected back into my physical body I jumped. When I tried to move I could not, my whole body trembled and after what seemed like a very long time I was able to move and I quickly got out of bed, looking in my daughters crib and around the house, out the window... I had no idea what had just happened. It really scared the living shit out of me, but it was the coolest thing looking back and reflecting on it. If it where to ever happen again, I would most definatly try and go with it.

dare to be different, prepare to walk alone

The next time you want pussy, go look in the mirror baby...here kitty kitty kitty.....

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Re: Out of body experiences [Re: ]
    #419380 - 10/09/01 09:48 AM (23 years, 3 months ago)

You remain connected to your physical self via a silver chord which limits how far you can go, you may or may not notice it while you are out of body, this chord is only cut when you die.

Control is strain. And every strain creates tension, and tension creates necessity, a need to release...
Loose Control!

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Re: Out of body experiences [Re: Crobih]
    #419391 - 10/09/01 10:00 AM (23 years, 3 months ago)

Your little test would prove nothing, the Soul has no reason to prove itself to science, I say your not to bright if your coming in here telling us we are wrong when you've obviously read to many books with out seeking knowledge on your own. You've never even made it to the Astral so how could you judge that its all in your head?
I say its not all in our head, or a figment of our imagination the Astral is a REAL place, proven to anyone who takes the time to get there, it is the first of two planes of the fifth dimension, a place that exsist.

Control is strain. And every strain creates tension, and tension creates necessity, a need to release...
Loose Control!

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Re: Out of body experiences [Re: Adom]
    #419400 - 10/09/01 10:14 AM (23 years, 3 months ago)

Adom ,Adom... but in your haed exists a real place... the one you cal astral plane... and there is even more planes such as mental or budhic....and it is all in your head. I mean, the concept of brain explans all that shit pretty fine.
Second thing...i never said that tellepatty is immposible,. So ifthere is telephaty..your astral plane could communicate with other plane.. And that is much closer to the facts, than idea of other world.

Adam, why the experiment could shw,that astral plane has no touch with physical plane....and that would back my theory again.
But if shroomism could flz trough this plane in his astral body, thatwold show I am wrog.
Dig it?

If you think that Ralph is a cool guy, or even worse, that you support him, than you are an idiot. But from another point of view you are all good people sometimes

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Totally Nude
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Re: Out of body experiences [Re: Crobih]
    #419416 - 10/09/01 10:26 AM (23 years, 3 months ago)

Okay with your theory then the 3rd dimension where we currently reside is all in our heads also?

Control is strain. And every strain creates tension, and tension creates necessity, a need to release...
Lose Control!

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Totally Nude
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Re: Out of body experiences [Re: Crobih]
    #419419 - 10/09/01 10:31 AM (23 years, 3 months ago)

<Adam, why the experiment could shw,that astral plane has no touch with physical plane....and that would back my theory again.
But if shroomism could flz trough this plane in his astral body, thatwold show I am wrog.

No offence here but your going to have to type clearer for me to understand I had one to many spliffs last night.

Control is strain. And every strain creates tension, and tension creates necessity, a need to release...
Lose Control!

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Re: Out of body experiences [Re: Adom]
    #419427 - 10/09/01 10:38 AM (23 years, 3 months ago)

LOL... if you're going to talk to Crobih, your going to have to get used to that.

Time is not the killer... we are the killers of time.

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Totally Nude
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Re: Out of body experiences [Re: Anonymous]
    #419435 - 10/09/01 10:41 AM (23 years, 3 months ago)

I was thinking I was wasting my time after reviewing a few of his post. Is english his first language?

Control is strain. And every strain creates tension, and tension creates necessity, a need to release...
Lose Control!

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Re: Out of body experiences [Re: Adom]
    #419445 - 10/09/01 10:49 AM (23 years, 3 months ago)

I think it's a modified form of english... I'm not sure what region it's from.

Time is not the killer... we are the killers of time.

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Totally Nude
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Re: Out of body experiences [Re: Anonymous]
    #419460 - 10/09/01 11:03 AM (23 years, 3 months ago)

Crohib seems to be a highly evolved being. He can sit on his keyboard and make shift sentances appear.

Control is strain. And every strain creates tension, and tension creates necessity, a need to release...
Lose Control!

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Re: Out of body experiences [Re: Adom]
    #419463 - 10/09/01 11:09 AM (23 years, 3 months ago)

Be nice to Crobih, have you seen what he's done to Ralph...

We are getting WAY off the topic here, and I like this thread.

Time is not the killer... we are the killers of time.

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