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Why cant this country legalize anything?
#401614 - 09/23/01 12:28 PM (23 years, 4 months ago) |
Seems there are too many lazy ass mofo's who are too lazy to vote. Will somebody get off that couch for about 5min and Vote!
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Re: Why cant this country legalize anything? [Re: durban_poison]
#401721 - 09/23/01 02:41 PM (23 years, 4 months ago) |
Problem is that when people do vote they, so often, vote for the wrong person! And, after what the USA is going thru now-a-days, I just cant see legalization being the issue that people vote on,
-------------------- >>Jammer>>
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Re: Why cant this country legalize anything? [Re: Jammer]
#401998 - 09/23/01 07:23 PM (23 years, 4 months ago) |
Mendocino county already decriminalized herb for recreational use.
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Re: Why cant this country legalize anything? [Re: durban_poison]
#402086 - 09/23/01 09:18 PM (23 years, 4 months ago) |
well, the only party for legalization is the green party... and i don't see how anyone can vote for those dumbass hippies (well, i can see how someone can vote for them, but i sure as hell wouldn't). Also, the majority of the population is against legalization, hell, just talk to just about anyone and they will say drugs are bad.
Re: Why cant this country legalize anything? [Re: MrKurtz]
#402330 - 09/24/01 05:28 AM (23 years, 4 months ago) |
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Re: Why cant this country legalize anything? [Re: ]
#403292 - 09/25/01 02:54 AM (23 years, 4 months ago) |
I think Alaska will soon legalize. We had a ridiculous law proposed last year, that somehow got 1/3 vote. The law called for all people convicted to be released and restitution to be considered for their time in jail. I think most people thought the law went way too far. So the new law proposed only decriminalizes it. Also dumb Alaskans think that we have so much money from oil, that it doesn't matter if we loose out on federal funds. BTW I mean the original law was ridiculous in that there was no chance it would pass.
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Re: Why cant this country legalize anything? [Re: Jammer]
#403537 - 09/25/01 11:16 AM (23 years, 4 months ago) |
Why wouldn't it be the perfect time? Afghanistan has long been know for it's poppy fields and the Al Queda network is suspected of drug smuggling for profit. If it's really that much of a concern that their making money off selling the stuff, why not legalize everything? This would cause the market to drop and the value to drop. And if herion were administered by a doctor, it'd make it safer. Plus I mean the government already allows the dangers associated with a known cancer causing agent and an addictive liquid. So long as you don't drive and take a drug I personally don't have any problem with legalizing everything... one of my few liberal stances.
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Re: Why cant this country legalize anything? [Re: makedrugsfree]
#403990 - 09/25/01 07:36 PM (23 years, 4 months ago) |
eh, wasnt there also a vote to decriminilzed marijuana and only got 20% vote?
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Re: Why cant this country legalize anything? [Re: MrKurtz]
#404033 - 09/25/01 08:07 PM (23 years, 4 months ago) |
I believe there were some others between '90 and '98 that may have been the one you are thinking of.
The 2000 ballot measure 5 decriminilized marijuana, released all inmates who were in jail on mj convictions, and called for restitution for those imprisoned. I couln't find the exact results, but CNN exit polls had it losing 58 percent to 42 percent. I think it came out to more like 65/35.
1990- Personal marijuana use is criminalized by 54% to 46%
1998- Ballot measure 8 passes, by 59% to 41%, decriminalizing medical marijuana
2000- Ballot measure 5 looses
Evil will always provail, because good is dumb.Edited by makedrugsfree on 09/25/01 09:11 PM.
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Re: Why cant this country legalize anything? [Re: makedrugsfree]
#404080 - 09/25/01 08:47 PM (23 years, 4 months ago) |
I get really discouraged sometimes. Where I work at they are fireing people like crazy, sudenly on the spot, with no warning for mearly being on a list or rumored to smoke weed. They have recently fired 3 upper level managers and suspended many more employees pending a hair test. They were all very hard workers. There only crime was smokeing weed at partys with other coworkers. I feel like Im in Natzi Germany liveing here in America. The economy goes to shit and the opertunitists decide that it's time to clean house. For the people that get caught comming in to work totaly shit-faced drunk on hard booze they get REHAB and there jobs back. For the ones that smoke pot on non working hours at a party.. well they are getting fired faster than I can count. I'm starting to hate the people that support the drug laws, especially the anti-pot ones... they just aint got a clue as to where to focus there hate. I have rarely been so discouraged in the American people.
The only way of saveing our friends that are being sacarfised by anti-druged crazed business idiots is to LEGALIZE!!!
Oh well....at least "venting" allows me to feel a bit better.
-------------------- >>Jammer>>
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Re: Why cant this country legalize anything? [Re: makedrugsfree]
#404142 - 09/25/01 09:16 PM (23 years, 4 months ago) |
yeah, the 2000 ballot was the one i was thinking of... thought it was 80/20, ah well. There isn't really anyone stopping you from smoking up in Alaska anyways... one of my co-workers recently moved from Alaska and she was telling me how they have a bunch of theaters and such where like 95% of there customers are potheads looking for a nice indoor place to smoke. You know people are toking in them, the second you walk into them the smell of marijuana smoke hits you. Not many cops up there either, and the ones there probably don't care. But, even if marijuana is decriminilized in Alaska, can't the federal government step in?
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Re: Why cant this country legalize anything? [Re: MrKurtz]
#404392 - 09/25/01 11:56 PM (23 years, 4 months ago) |
>There isn't really anyone stopping you from smoking up in
>Alaska anyways...
The cops will try hard, just like in anyplace. Alaska may have a great abundance of people smoking mj, but the cops will still lock you up if they have the chance. And Anchorage has plenty of cops.
>they have a bunch of theaters and such where like 95% of
>there customers are potheads looking for a nice indoor
>place to smoke.
This is just not true. We have maybe 1 theatre where potheads hangout and I still have never smelled mj while in there cause it is also a popular family place. MJ is not openly smoked in any public place, except concerts and maybe dark movies, though mj use is rampant in Alaska. Go anywhere there aren't cops and people will be smoking. Alaska is a little more conservative overall. So untill the law changes, people will have to smoke in the privacy of their homes.
If mj is decriminilized the government can take away road funding and other money that goes to the state. It is still illegal under federal law, but the feds don't really go after the users so public use would skyrocket.
The exact numbers from the 2000 vote was 40.88% to 59.12%
Evil will always provail, because good is dumb.Edited by makedrugsfree on 09/26/01 01:08 AM.
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Re: Why cant this country legalize anything? [Re: makedrugsfree]
#404806 - 09/26/01 12:25 PM (23 years, 4 months ago) |
well, i got this from someone who lived there for 6 years, they of course may have embellished it a bit, but maybe it was just a less densely populated area then where you live?
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Re: Why cant this country legalize anything? [Re: MrKurtz]
#404858 - 09/26/01 01:06 PM (23 years, 4 months ago) |
I thought of that, but the fact is anchorage is the only city, and a small one at that. Go anywhere else and there aren't theaters, there is one single theater. I've lived here most all my life, and smoked for a good portion of it. MJ is very popular here, and many people smoke it. I just wanted to point out that people shouldn't expect to come up here and smoke out in the open without getting busted.
Evil will always provail, because good is dumb.
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Re: Why cant this country legalize anything? [Re: makedrugsfree]
#405167 - 09/26/01 05:19 PM (23 years, 4 months ago) |
well, i dont even think there was a police station within like 5 miles of the place, so no one really worries that much about it i suppose.
But on the point of legalization... i think the first thing that should be legalized is prostitution!

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Re: Why cant this country legalize anything? [Re: MrKurtz]
#494462 - 12/18/01 02:04 AM (23 years, 2 months ago) |
is the ONLY party for ending the drug war
They are the only party that call for the legalization of all controlled substances
The Green Party only wants drug reform...Simply not enough
If you love liberty and love what this country used to be
The only political party that knows how to party!
I hate to keep plugging the party like this, but I can't help myself
-------------------- Okoy Ho...Oh Yoko
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Re: Why cant this country legalize anything? *DELETED* [Re: Sweat_Pants]
#495067 - 12/18/01 04:53 PM (23 years, 2 months ago) |
Post deleted by dk138
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Re: Why cant this country legalize anything? [Re: dk138]
#495125 - 12/18/01 06:02 PM (23 years, 2 months ago) |
I like this idea, but without major funding, how would we ever organize?
-------------------- Okoy Ho...Oh Yoko

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Re: Why cant this country legalize anything? [Re: durban_poison]
#495149 - 12/18/01 06:24 PM (23 years, 2 months ago) |
its because in the U.S. we dont have the right to vote for federal legislation... no matter what gets voted in as local law it still is illigal because of federal law. All medical marijuana laws are frauds, the federal government still has the right to prosicute you if they want. They have the right to raid any grow/distribution operation and can imprission anyone caught for life..
The only people who can get things changed are the lobyists and their money.. Pharmacutical lobyists can buy a federal vote sith a few hundred thousand dollars wirth of dinners and golf trips.. this is the reason drugs are illigal in the U.S.
-------------------- GabbaDj

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Re: Why cant this country legalize anything? [Re: makedrugsfree]
#495155 - 12/18/01 06:31 PM (23 years, 2 months ago) |
I remember reading the bill for Alaska... It was written in a way that it was suposed to make Alaska exempt from federal rule on the matter. Meaning that the federal government wouldnt have any say over local government in dealing with marijuana..
Had the bill actualy passed it would only take a quick pen stroke from the president to nullify it.. No local or state government can supersede the federal government and if anything challenging is passed by the citizens it is up to the president to make a final ruleing.. Thats how parlimentry procedure works..
Read up on Roberts Rules of Order to see just what it will take to get drugs legalized in the U.S. and you will see that it will never happen. Not in my life time N E way..
-------------------- GabbaDj