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Registered: 08/30/01
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#382469 - 08/30/01 10:40 PM (23 years, 5 months ago) |
hey...im thinking about doing shrooms and i wanted to know like wht i should do to pepare an like how much i should take..cause i dont want to have a bad trip..this is ong to be my first so i ont really know anything...i'll b hankfull for all of the advise that you all give
synthtek aa
Registered: 07/21/01
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trip with friends who have tripped before. don't be a hero and trip too hard, you'll regret it.
as for the fun stuff? get out your favorite music, some good movies (something silly and happy is good), and open your mind to the universe :) if you smoke herbs.... chill out on the herbs before the trip, and make sure you have a bunch for when you come down ;) you probably won't need any herb while you're really trippin'.
-=/ "what is this electrofunk that's drivin' y'all crazy?" \=-
[paranoia disclaimer: a science-fiction post for a science-fiction world, this post is not intended to be true.]
-------------------- -=/ "what is this electrofunk that's drivin' y'all crazy?" \=-
[disclaimer: a science-fiction post for a science-fiction world, this post is not intended to be true.]
Causal Observer

Registered: 02/26/01
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Re: Advice [Re: ]
#383511 - 09/01/01 07:40 PM (23 years, 5 months ago) |
NDK wrote all this.
Here is a little (long!) email I wrote to my friend who was about to take some. Kind covers my angle on it:
"Having a good trip is likely to just happen. The mushroom causes your brain to produce a shit-load of serotonin - the neurotransmitter that E produces. This causes, amongst other effects, euphoria and happiness.
Some trippers never give their attitude or mindset a second thought and this is fine. Many other trippers find it is useful to go into the trip with an attitude - a positive viewpoint.
People have many reasons why they want to take shrooms. I have my own. I think that shrooms amplify your natural emotions and give you immediate and powerful feedback of your conscious and unconscious mind. This is a very useful tool in finding out more about yourself and discovering the way your mind works. More to the point it is a way of discovering how to work your mind to bring you more happiness and fulfilment in your life in general. You can have a thought and immediately see the benefits or foibles of it. In the rest of your life things are no so clear and easy. After a great trip you will find you feel positive about life and more connected with people in a very real and natural way. This has nothing to do with chemical after-effects but everything to do with discovering new ways of looking at the world.
The world's religions all talk about "being at one with god/yourself/the world" and being nice and open to other humans as a route to heaven. They teach opening your heart to God. Personally I don't believe in God but the lessons of the shroom are very similar. You can learn to open yourself to the universe, to submit to the trip and gain greater understanding of yourself and your fellow trippers. There is a natural tendency for the novice tripper to "hold back from the brink" to avoid really "submitting to the universe" because of the fear of what will happen - the fear that you will "lose it". What will happen if you do submit? The answer is total relaxation, happiness and realisation that the world is indeed a positive place. So give it a shot!
Depending on your personality and life up to this point. This process may be easy or more difficult. You will have to learn your own specific attitudes but there are positive thoughts which seem to be common amongst many trippers. Some of these ideas are listed at the bottom of the page. They are not rules but ideas to experiment with. They all essentially point to the same idea but appear to be many. When you experience the great trips you realise they are all one and the same: relax-don't hold back-be happy-talk-listen-experience-don't judge-accept-be fascinated-focus-relax.
"Bad Trips"
Everyone has heard the stories of "bad trips". It is more realistic to view these as "negative experiences". Why? - because a trip going bad can be turned into one that is unimaginable good. To frame it as a "bad trip" is to pointlessly assume that once you "lose it" you just have to ride it out. It is useful to consider why these negative experiences happen at all. They can of course be caused by being unhappy before you take the trip or maybe a sudden armed police-raid on your house during the tip - that sort of thing! Whatever the apparent outside causes are, the way you approach the trip is by far the biggest factor in your enjoyment.
Negative feelings on trips are usually a result of a circular series of thoughts and attitudes. It often starts with mild concern or "fear" - often fear about having negative feelings during the trip. Unchallenged & hidden away these build physical tension. Tension itself is experienced as a negative feeling. This can cause fear and so on. This circle can be broken easily by realising this and physically relaxing, not hiding the fear but saying "big deal - everyone has some negative feelings everyday of their lives - they pass" and accepting the negative feelings for what they are - fear of fear, concern about being concerned, worrying about worrying. Seek out these bogus and pointless worries and boot them out! As the song goes "Don't worry - Be happy!" ??
Reading this mail and cheerfully facing the negative side of things is part of the philosophy.
Some thoughts abouu tripping
1. Practice total acceptance without judgement.
2. Talk about the negatives - don't hide or pretend.
3. Make a pact of open communication between all parties before the trip.
4. Tell the other trippers how much you like them.
5. Forget about the time.
6. Take the shrooms in a tasty fashion like a smoothie.
7. Have absolutely nothing to do the next day. Do it before you trip.
8. Be in a nice, clean environment. Clear up - pay your dues to yourself before you trip - feel virtuous.
9. Avoid authority figures (police/parents etc)
10. Listen as well as talk
11. Don't rely on music etc to alter your mood - use your mood to alter the music. Be happy with your environment - don't keep trying to change it. Change your mind not the room.
12. Relax into the trip - give yourself to the partial chaos. The next level isn't much different but you'll learn something new - don't be afraid that you'll "lose it" and never come back. If anything, that reticence, that block, that fear is the thing to be overcome NOT the giving in. Anyway, there is quite literally no point in taking drugs and then trying to stay normal!
13. Relax. Be happy. Tripping is a great opportunity to explore the meaning of real relaxation, focus and acceptance. In fact, that is a good reason to trip.
14. Remember the coming-up stage is a bit weird and doesn't relate to the trip itself.
15. Take smallish doses. You can always take more after a couple of hours if it's not strong enough!
16. Decide WHY you want to do it before you take it and make it a worthwhile reason. To experience what mushrooms can do to open your mind is a good reason. To connect with a close friend or loved one is a good reason. To "get fucked" may not be.
17. Discuss these attitudes/aims with your fellow trippers and see if you all agree.
18. Don't smoke weed or drink a lot before the trip. Save them for the come-down. A clear mind is one of the big gifts of the trip. A cloudy mind is more open to circular thinking.
19. Take the shrooms in a stomach friendly way & consider using antacids.
20. Keep things slow, smooth, relaxed and focussed."